Destroying the World Starts From Marvel

Chapter 368 The Clown Escapes

"Master, you need to take care of your injuries first." Alfred had almost foreseen the sight of Batman flying in Gotham City with serious injuries. His master might really do such a thing, even if it was at his expense. Life, this person will also choose to guard Gotham without hesitation.

"Tell me what's going on with the gas bomb." As Alfred expected, Batman demanded him forcefully, his eyes full of fighting spirit.

Alfred sighed heavily and said: "Twelve large laughing gas bombs have been found, and there are only two hours left for the scheduled detonation. No manual detonation device has been found. It is unknown how many bombs the clown has deployed. number."

"What about the Joker? Did he ask anything?" Batman asked casually. He knew that even if he was tortured, he couldn't reveal any useful information. He just asked as usual.

But Alfred's face suddenly changed, which gave Batman an extremely bad premonition, and after Batman's repeated questioning, Alfred told the truth: "Master, the Joker was twenty minutes ago. They were robbed!"

"What? Why didn't you tell me!" Batman got up and attacked when he was excited, but Alfred rushed up and held him down.

"Master, you must heal your wounds first. If you go to the clown in this state, you are going to die!"

Alfred is used to Batman returning with bruises every time he fights the Joker, every time he is on the brink of death, but every time he is lucky enough to escape from danger, but this time he himself is close to a complete collapse , wouldn't it be a dead end to go looking for that plague-like enemy?

But Batman doesn't care so much. He pushed Alfred away forcefully, and after giving himself an analgesic, he tore off all the medical equipment on his body and stumbled to the computer in the Batcave. , tapping the keyboard like a conditioned reflex to call the surveillance video of the former clown being kidnapped.

"Master, let's leave this matter to the Justice League. You can't hold on any longer, your body is not made of iron."

Alfred on the side was still enticing, but Batman vetoed his proposal without looking back: "You can't let other people deal with the Joker, it'll just torture them, you never know what he can do to something."

Batman's concerns are not without reason. In the comic "Batman: Endgame", there was a situation where the Joker controlled the entire Justice League, and finally only relied on Batman to clean up the mess. In another work "Injustice", the Joker used a trick to drive Superman crazy and pushed the whole world into a crazy situation of superhero dictatorship.

Let the Justice League deal with the clown. If you are not careful, someone will be caught by the clown and will be driven crazy.

The result finally evolved into a situation where Batman saved the game. It's not that superheroes such as Superman are not as powerful as the clown, but that those who are full of idealism are brilliant, and it is too easy for the clown to defeat the psychological defense line after they are caught by the weakness, and then their strong strength will help. busy.

In fact, in most cases, it is normal for the clown to be subdued by those powerful superhumans. It is only a small probability event that the above-mentioned rebellion is reversed, but this small probability cannot be ignored, so Batman does not Don't dare to take risks.

Any one of the Justice League who is forced to be blackened by the clown will have unimaginable serious consequences. Superman's Injustice League, Green Lantern's incarnation as a parallax demon, Flash's flashpoint paradox, and casually can trigger a cosmic crisis. , so Batman will always adhere to a principle - that is, do not let anyone other than himself face the Joker.

No one can guess whether those bright and great superheroes can stand up to the Joker, except Batman himself.

Alfred also remembered those painful experiences and stopped talking. Soon, Batman pulled up a video of the Joker being kidnapped from his computer.

Surveillance footage installed on the Batmobile showed the Joker being securely locked in the Batmobile's seat until an RPG blasted off the side of the car, causing violent vibrations inside the car.

I saw a woman dressed as a traditional clown with a pair of different-colored double ponytails standing at the top of a nearby building, with a group of burly men pouring anti-tank rockets madly towards this side, even if it was The deafening explosion could not conceal her passionate, frantic cry:

"Mr. J, we're here to pick you up!"

"Harry, you should have started the party for me earlier." The Joker in the Batmobile also responded with a laugh. The woman he dressed as a pair was the Joker's long-term partner, Harley Quinn. Well, considering that most of the people who work with the Joker are one-offs, it's a miracle that Harley Quinn is still alive.

This group of clown party thugs led by Harley seems to have no regard for the life and death of the clown in the car, and frantically launches a rain of rockets at Batman. The billion-dollar Batman built by the Wayne Group is not a box to be slaughtered even if it is in autopilot mode. It shows a heavy machine gun from the roof, with the help of a supercomputer like the Aegis anti-missile system. Almost intercepted all the RPGs that came in, even if there were occasional rockets that could break through the defense line, they could only be detonated next to Batman, and did not cause much damage to it.

After most of the RPGs had been launched, the thugs were caught in a short firepower vacuum, and they were busy reloading and had no time to continue their offensive against Batman. So the Batmobile withdrew its heavy machine gun, switched to a shock gun and started strafing the enemy on the roof. This non-lethal weapon doesn't kill people, but it still looks deterrent enough to knock a person out for a few seconds.

After a while, this group of temporary rabble was beaten by the Batmobile, and the only result of their RPG salvo was a little damage to Batman's tires. This level of damage doesn't even require a factory repair, just a replacement with the spare parts that came with the car.

But then the Joker's real killer came quietly, an armored car painted a pale white appearance with a big grinning mouth painted on the front of the car crashed into the Batmobile from behind. Aside from this nasty paint, the overall appearance and structure are very similar to the Batmobile. It's just that there is no such benevolent weapon as a blaster on it, and the barrel of a 155mm cannon can't help but stand up.


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