Devil’s Advent

Chapter 967 National War (3)

The rain after winter has become extremely strange.

On the night of withdrawal, it rained heavily;

Seven or eight days later, another heavier rain fell, and this rain had soaked into the biting cold of winter, especially for those soldiers wearing armor, this period of time was the most difficult.


There is also the blood of the opponent, which can make oneself feel the real warmth.

The new round of offensive still failed to break through the blockade of the Chu army. The infantry formation that the Chu people are proud of has completely displayed its demeanor in the past few days.

The cavalry of the barbarian army used various methods to penetrate, dismount and fight on foot, but the Chu army's front was still as firm as a rock.

Gou Moli was sitting on a rock, drinking the water in the water bag. Many nearby tents were also burning water, but at this moment, most of the soldiers had ignored the military discipline of the Eastern Jin Army and started to fetch water at will. drink.

As for food, because the logistics were the first to be cut off, there was also a shortage;

It can be said,

The situation is extremely unfavorable now.

And according to the feedback from the sentry cavalry, on the east and west sides, the Imperial Guards of the Chu State, Zhao's Army, and other Chu armies are orderly squeezing towards this side, and that old man Xie Zhuyang is also slowly moving towards the south. advance.

The Savage Army is now a trapped beast.

Just after a very brief meeting, some generals proposed to break out to the east in order to get the support of the prince's main force.

But Gou Moli directly rejected the proposal.

"Our army came out from Fancheng, and it was close to the Qishan Mountains and headed south. According to the terrain, the road from the north to the south to Guyue City is easy to walk.

Of course, compared with the Qishan Mountains in the west, the terrain in the east is relatively flat, but it is still densely covered with water and valleys.

Our army maintains the organizational system now, and we can continue to try to open the way back to the north, but if we choose to go east, the cavalry will lose all advantages, and they will also face division and strangulation from the Royal Guards of Chu;

It's hard to say how much can be broken out by then, and this establishment will inevitably be broken up.

The most important thing is that the main force of my lord and Jindong is indeed in the east, but it is too far away to quench my thirst.

Fortunately, I really broke out, I'm afraid there are only some stragglers left to meet the prince, why bother? "

"Is this the reason why you rejected this proposal?" Asked the Juggernaut sitting next to Gou Moli.

"Yes." Gou Moli nodded, "It's really difficult."

"Where is the difficulty?"

"The day you first came, weren't those two brats rebelling against me? This is the hardest part.

I am afraid of the blind, and many systems in the palace and the army were also designed and implemented by him.

It is true that I built this army, and the prince has given me a lot of authority, but the big system and rules are there. Unless I am determined to prepare for the rebellion, it will be difficult to really make sense. Take full control of this army.

Perhaps this is also the reason why the prince asked you to come here. He also knows my difficulties. In the entire Eastern Jin Dynasty, and even the entire Great Yan Kingdom, in the army, only the prince can truly speak freely. Just one person. "

"So, are you complaining?"

"Yes, I can only complain to you." Gou Moli took another sip of water, looked up at the rain, God still didn't want to stop.

"I don't know about marching and fighting."

"You just need to know how to protect me." Gou Moli answered immediately.

"But I don't think you're in danger." The Juggernaut said, "You didn't hide anything from me."

"You can't say that. As for me, I have seen storms and waves, and I can keep the knife rest on my neck without blinking, but what if I am unlucky?"

"The most unlucky thing I've ever seen."


Gou Moli poured some fried noodles from the bag and started to eat, while eating, he said:

"Tell me, if the prince is here and changes places with me, what should the prince eat now?"

The Juggernaut replied: "Have a hot pot."

Gou Moli frowned, suddenly felt that the fried noodles in his hand were no longer fragrant.

The Juggernaut said: "It's fine for Tiantian and Xianba to imitate him, why do you feel a little bit about it?"

"Why, can't you? Do you think that I am a majestic savage king, and now I am trying my best to live like a prince, and my price has fallen a bit?"

"Is not it?"

"It's okay, it's okay, in fact, you are the same."

Gou Moli took another big mouthful of fried noodles, then drank the water from the bag, and continued:

"It was Tian Wujing who really defeated me back then, but I didn't feel aggrieved. After all, Tian Wujing was invincible in his victory. He really crushed me by relying on his strength and strength. What can I do?

This is different from your martial arts competition with Tian Wujing. You also know that personal force, in front of thousands of troops, can't make any waves. I heard that the prince's personal guards are now hunting the so-called strong. It's reached a level that's scary. "

"Yes." The Juggernaut nodded.

"But leading troops to fight is different. This is the blessing of the 'Regent's horse racing'. When the war falls into reality, it is actually constantly practicing this allusion.

Ask yourself, I just wanted to bow my head, and I was beaten to the ground. In order to save this dog's life, and for the chance of making a comeback, I knelt down and became a dog.

But then I found out,

Your lord and gentlemen,


Quite interesting.

I once heard that the literati in Qianguo like to compare a person's life to a game of chess to set off their freedom and ease.

But the real free and easy is not to play chess on the chessboard, but to put three dishes and one soup on the chessboard. While eating, blowing the evening breeze, but at the same time dislike that the height of the chessboard is not enough, and it is uncomfortable to bend down when eating.

You said, is this the feeling? "

"It makes sense."

"Just like you let go of your concerns about the Yu clan's royal family, in fact, I also let go of the matter on the snow field. Do you know the reason?

No, don't answer this first, I'll give my answer first.

You are a native of Jin, but you don't care about Jin people and Guozuo; I am a savage, and I don't care about snowfields and stars.

Why is this so?

Because I fucking found out,

The prince is a Yan man,

But you watched him do one pile after another,

How could there be any intention of treating himself as Yan Zhongliang!

Since ancient times,

Starting from a rebellion, there is no such professional, meticulous and well-organized prince!

After a long time following a prince who is a Yan person but does not regard himself as a Yan person at all, Jin people are not like Jin people, and savages... are not like savages. "

"Interesting." The Juggernaut thought for a moment and added, "I really didn't expect this one."

Gou Mo put his hands outside the tent, washed his hands in the rain,


"Perhaps, this is Zhu Xia."

The Juggernaut stared at Gou Moli seriously.

But he found that the savage king had put away all his previous cynical demeanor and became extremely serious.

Countless literati in Qian State spent a hundred years thinking, finalizing, and writing countless articles. In the name of canonical Zhu Xia, although there is a political purpose in it to regard Qian State as the orthodox place of Zhu Xia, it is indeed down-to-earth Numerous positive and negative arguments have been made on the definition of Zhu Xia;

In this regard, Juggernaut has also read and seen a lot.

But in the past hundred years, in the eyes of the sword master, the words written by many literati and great scholars are no match for Gou Moli's previous sigh.

Gou Moli seemed to have noticed the change in the Juggernaut's gaze, and just as he was about to change his tone before saying something, a general was carried by soldiers in front of him.

It was Chi Lin who was being carried. He was seriously injured. Although basic bandages had been done, the blood and rain still mixed together and flowed down continuously.

"Marshal...the last general is incompetent."

"Take it down for treatment." Gou Moli waved his hand instead of comforting him.

Chi Lin was carried down, which meant that the previous round of offensive, the Savage Army failed again.

The Chu army blocking the north was a bit too tough.

"The Qingluan Army led by Qu Tiannan back then was able to resist the cavalry of the Jingnan Army and Zhenbei Army in field battles.

Now the Chu army in the north of us has such a smell. "

"You said that before."

"Oh, I really have nothing to say, let me say it again.

I've seen the social dramas in Jindong. Sometimes the actors in the audience have not had time to put on their makeup, and the hot ones can only stand on the stage and repeat the prince's achievements that have just been said. "

The Juggernaut asked; "When can I put on my makeup?"

Immediately afterwards,

The Juggernaut pointed to the sky again,

"On rainy days, makeup is easy to apply."

"Ha ha ha ha."

Gou Moli laughed loudly:

"If it's raining, who the hell can see clearly whether you're wearing makeup or not!"


"Batta! Batta! Batta..."

The horseshoes of the cavalry stepped into the puddle, splashing layers of muddy water to both sides.

In fact, in this kind of terrain and weather, it is a very stupid choice to rush the horse, and it is easy to make the precious war horse sprain its legs.

But this group of knights in black armor couldn't care less. They were rushing towards the south at a very fast speed.

There are trees all over the mountain depressions, and under the heavy rain, everything is like ink dripped into the wet rice paper, and the ink spreads out, except that it is not real or real.

However, the leading lieutenant at the front suddenly raised his hand, and all the knights behind him reined in.

They stopped, but the sound of the horseshoes did not stop. Moreover, the sound of the horseshoes came from the south, the direction they were going.

Not long after, a figure appeared in front, a group of Chu cavalry was at the head, and there were many infantry in the rear, and they were also on their way.

Heavy rain, dense forests, and valleys make the eagle's vigilance become confused;

The two armies unexpectedly met face to face... in this way.

Both sides seemed to be a little unexpected at this beginning, and there was even a short-term calm.


The generals of both sides drew their weapons and pointed forward. Immediately afterwards, in the mud, the soldiers of the two sides charged together.

Similar scenes are being staged intensively in these tens of miles of mountain depressions.

Everyone has me in you, and you in me, intricately intertwined, and the only greetings are cordial greetings from the sharp end of the weapon.

Perhaps, it is because the beaded curtains all over the sky are too monotonous, so a layer of blood red has to be added to achieve the true artistic conception.

The sound of the horn began to rise and fall one after another, and the messenger soldiers on both sides were frantically delivering the news to their respective rears.

"Report!!! The vanguard of our army has contacted the Chu army!"

"Report!!! The Yan people's main force is here!"

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