The Yan army began to retreat,

yes, retreat;

The main reason is that the Yan army's defeat was too real, so real that it was difficult to see any traces of artificiality.

One is because in the overall plan, even the front-line soldiers are just pawns, and they have not been able to understand the true meaning of it, which directly leads to them acting in their true colors; After escorting the prince, he withdrew to Zhennan Pass for the future.

On the other hand, because of Zheng Fan's negligence in infrastructure construction, the Yan army's defense system seemed complete but missed the point. Under the Chu army's large-scale multi-pronged offensive, it could not defend... that is true. Can't keep it.

Even when the Yan army withdrew across the Weihe River and the Chu army followed up and broke through the previous camps of the Yan army,

Even Xie Yu'an felt a little dazed,

Everything is so coincidental and logical, so tightly stitched that people can't fault it;

Can such a coincidence really be designed?


Are you really thinking too much?

Did my father make the right bet with them?

"Report!!! Prince Ding sent a messenger to ask the governor whether to cross the river!"

The other three armies have all pushed to the side of the Wei River, and the next step is to cross the river and enter Shanggu County.

Of course, sending someone to question him is actually just a formality.

The key to the pattern of Yan and Chu lies in Zhennan Pass.

If Zhennanguan is not brought back for a day, the Yan people can continue to calmly descend from the north and use their horsewhip to whip the territory and people of Chu State.

In fact, I don't have time to hesitate and think at all. Once I go to the poker table, I will die.

"Pass down the order, all the ministries will cross the river and push into Shanggu County according to the established route!"

Xie Yu'an, who was the governor, finally issued this military order.

On the third day, the vanguard of the Dachu Middle Route Army had already crossed the river. With the cooperation of the other three routes, they began to go deep into Shanggu County, and the main force in the middle section had also crossed the river.

Xie Yu'an became more cautious and chose to cross the river last.

According to the established strategy, the vanguard armies from all walks of life will be unified and commanded by Prince Ding, and the central route army and follow-up soldiers and horses will be listed in order;

Xie Yu'an, the governor, will not continue to move forward, but will instead be responsible for setting up strongholds along the Weihe River, and transfer the food and grass transported from the rear to provide support for the army.

When it came time to do the real thing, his role would not be that great.

Another reason is that although the regent of Dayan and his palace are famous for being good at local governance, for a large area such as Shanggu County, all the population is moved inward, which is not at all. development policy;

Therefore, except for a few Wubao, Shanggu County is almost a piece of white land, and it is impossible for the Chu army in front to get food on the spot.

Because of this, food roads have become the most important thing at the moment. Once the front offensive is temporarily frustrated and the army has no food to continue, then the previous advances and efforts will be in vain.

Once the Yan people regained their composure and transferred their main force back, the Chu army had no choice but to retreat, withdraw from Shanggu County, withdraw from the Weihe River, and had to give up the defense line of the Weihe River again, and retreated to the three counties;

Right now, a large number of civilians are busy on both sides of the river. Fortunately, after the Chu army took control of both sides of the Weihe River, the navy of Chu State also came down from the Mijiang River, which played a great role in helping and greatly improving the efficiency of food transportation.

In the front, battle reports kept coming. Prince Ding was leading the army, and he was making great strides. He fought the Yan people several times in a row, and relied on his own superior force to repel the Yan people.

at the moment,

The Chu army has already touched Zhennan Pass.

Prince Ding decided to push all the remaining soldiers and horses of the Yan people through Zhennan Pass first, and most importantly, to force the Yan people's king flag back.

Afterwards, while cleaning up the forces of the Yan people on the outskirts of Zhennan Pass, let the siege equipment in the rear either be transported up or prepared from local materials, and finally, concentrate on the fastest speed, even if it is to use human life to fill the area. , but also to gnaw down Zhennan Pass!

In this regard, the governor Xie Yu'an, who was already sitting at the back, naturally had no objection;

Batches of siege equipment are already on the way, mainly including important parts;

During the war with the Yan people, it was not that the Chu people were not learning. For example, the classified and refined war preparations in Eastern Jin, the Chu people had already stolen their lessons.

This in itself is not difficult, as long as the court is willing to delegate power without restraint.

It was originally recognized by the Kingdom of Xia that the Yan people were not good at attacking cities. In terms of the use of equipment, except for armor and weapons, the Yan people were not good at other large-scale equipment;

It's just that all this has become history because of Jindong;

During the last battle between Yan and Chu, the people of Yan had shown a tendency to ponder and learn to attack the city, and the one who was pushed out as a model was the regent who was only Bo Hirano at that time.

In the years when the Regent ruled Eastern Jin, the design and manufacturing level of the war equipment of the Yan people has come from behind. Although Jindong is still famous for its cavalry, any of its opponents will not underestimate it. Now the ability to attack the city.

The original leader, Chu Jun, is now the chaser.


The winner or loser of a war is ultimately up to people.

This time, the superior force is reflected in the local battlefield, which is a rare and excellent opportunity, and we must and must make a difference.


"Commander, the shipment of the next batch of grain and grass may be delayed by three days. The reason is that after transporting a batch of ordnance, it occupied the space for transporting grain."

"Three days, it doesn't matter, the previous military rations have been sent up, enough for the army for ten days, you have worked hard."

"Not hard."

Xie Yu'an reached out and patted the back of the scribe next to him;

Chu people are not very impressed with the Jin style, but Chu people are inherently romantic, so that the aristocratic class is more accepting of a little intimacy between men.

"It's hard for you, as the grandson of Master Meng, I should have studied history and learned in Yingdu like Jing, but now I come here to share the worries of the army.

But I believe that Master Meng will be relieved by the spirit in the sky. "

Meng Shou, who once studied the history books of the Four Kingdoms and was the cultural and educational teacher of King Jingnan, died five years ago after witnessing the burning of Yingdu after returning to Chu.

"Grandpa's spirit in heaven may not be happy." Meng Qiling said.

"Oh, why? Isn't Master Meng also from Chu? Chu has won a big victory, and Master Meng knows it. How could he not like it?"

"Captain, grandpa once studied the history books of the Four Kingdoms. In fact, in grandpa's heart, he thinks he is from Xia more than from Chu."


Xie Yu'an was not angry because of this sentence, but laughed instead, saying:

"I can understand the meaning of this sentence."

"In the eyes of grandpa, the country of Yan is the country of the Marquis of Yan, the country of Jin is the country of the Marquis of Jin, my Great Chu is the country of the Marquis of Chu, and many other small countries, together with Nagan Country;

It is also the country of the princes of the Xia Dynasty.

Since the collapse of the Great Xia, the world has been in turmoil. The so-called war between countries is a battle between princes, and it is a civil war among the Xias;

And Yan against the barbarians, Jin against the barbarians, my great Chu against Shanyue, and even against the natives of the Southwest, these are all foreign wars.

In this life, Grandpa spent half his life trying to compile the history books of the Four Kingdoms. It seemed to be perfect, but it was actually a pity.

The highest wish of those who write history is not to compile the history books of the princes, but to compile the history of the world. "

"Master Meng told you these?"

"No, I read it from a book written by my grandfather after returning to Chu."

"Where are the books?"

"After Grandpa passed away, this book was submitted to His Majesty, and His Majesty issued an order to prohibit its publication and distribution."

Xie Yu'an nodded, and said, "Of course, Master Meng's book shouldn't appear in Da Chu at this time, but it is actually more suitable for appearing in Yan State on the opposite side.

If this battle goes smoothly, if my great Chu can break free from the pressure of the Yan people and stand up, and the fate of the country can win the general trend, then this book can be taken out of the royal family's seal and enshrined.

In Master Meng's eyes, maybe he is looking forward to this battle, I will lose a lot, and I will lose completely.

Master Meng didn't care who unified the Zhu Xia, what he cared about was when the Zhu Xia could be truly unified again. "

"It is precisely because I don't understand Grandpa's idea that I appear here. I feel that I am from Chu, and I should stand here and fight for Great Chu."

"We should do our duty."

Xie Yuan let out a breath slowly,

facing north,

Said with emotion:

"Back then, the Yan Kingdom did not hesitate to use its exhausted national strength, even to frame our Great Chu with the death of the prince, but also launched a national war against our Great Chu. The purpose was to defend this southern pass.

This pass, to us Chu people, is too important and too painful.

Only by regaining it can I, Da Chu, be qualified to stand up again. "

"The governor..."

"If you have anything to say, just ask. This is what Master Meng said when he taught me back then."

"Captain, what if this battle fails?"

"Unsuccessful, the better result is that our army will withdraw to the three counties again."

"Bad...what about the worse ones?"

Xie Yuan closed her eyes,


"Do you have rubbings at home?"



"No, but... I've memorized them all."

"Copy it out."


Xie Yu'an turned around and waved his hand,


"Dedicate it to the people of Yan."


"My lord, the servant has finished reading."

Eunuch Huang closed the scroll in his hand. What he read earlier was the call to action sent by Xiong Tingshan to Zhennan Pass.

"Warning Gu with the blood of Xiong's royal family? In the name of the spirit of the Great Chu Huofeng, to inform Gu? Hehehe."

Zheng Fan stood there with his arms raised, and Siniang was helping him put on his armor.

"Eunuch Huang, do you think this guy is using his background to oppress me?"

Everyone knows that the King Regent of Dayan was born in the head of Guizhou in Beifeng County, and he is a glory who rose from the grass.

Eunuch Huang laughed and said, "My lord, he can only talk quickly with this."

Zheng Fan nodded and said, "That's right, bloodline or something, in my opinion, it's for talking about animals."

Eunuch Huang looked a little embarrassed, and didn't know how to answer, because the Ji family was actually involved in this remark.

The prince can say whatever he wants, because he has personally seen the prince and His Majesty scolding each other as beasts;

But how dare he, a slave, go along with him?

But in the yard outside the house,

Pai Yao, who was lying there, heard this, raised his head, looked into the room, and snorted to express his dissatisfaction.

Afterwards, he crawled down again, and by the way, weighed the set of scale armor he had just replaced half a year ago.

"Besides, if you really want to talk about blood, what right does he have to talk about it with me?

He is from a collateral lineage, so he is no longer considered the main family of the Chu royal family. My family's eldest girl, her mother, is the younger sister of the same mother of the emperor of Chu;

On the spirit of fire and phoenix, hehehe,

This is even more ridiculous,

My big girl is born with a fire phoenix spirit body, does he match it?


If you really want to talk about blood phoenix or something,

It turns out that the orthodoxness of his Great Chu royal family is actually in my Dayan Prince Regent's Palace?

Ha ha ha ha. "

"Hahahaha, what the lord said is true, what the lord said is true." Eunuch Huang immediately followed up and cooperated.

"Write it like this, and write back to him."

"The slave obeys."

"Hurry up, send it over before tonight, this face, you have to return it in advance, otherwise he won't care, it doesn't matter if he doesn't care, Gu, it's very uncomfortable, I always feel that he owes Gu a slap."

"Your servant understands, I will write it now, and send it to someone immediately." Eunuch Huang went to work immediately.

Siniang said, "I never thought before that you would care about your background."

"It's purely because I was chased by that Prince Ding for so many days, and I got angry after being chased."

"My lord, it's done."

"Well, hard work."

"By the way, my lord, take this with you, it's just steamed."

"Oh, I almost forgot, Duhu carried it."

Si Niang smiled and said nothing.

Putting on the armor, Zheng Fan walked out of the house, turned on the Pixiu, came to the south wall, and climbed up the tower.

Standing here at this time, you can already see the dense camp of the Chu army in the distance. This is an attack scale that is enough to make any defender feel terrified.

"Dahu, do you know that before, I didn't even dare to think about it. He is from Chu, and he dared to put a large army in front of you, and the terrain is flat."

"My lord, do you need an order?" Liu Dahu asked.

Liu Dahu would go through the brochures received by Shuai Zhang every day, and since he withdrew into Zhennan Pass, Liu Dahu saw a batch of new brochures and was so excited that he couldn't restrain himself.

So much so that when he was looking at the Chu army camp in front of him like the prince, he had an excited smile on his face.

"Dahu, what do you think Chu Jun will do next?"

"If you go back to the prince, the subordinates feel that the Chu army will expel our army outside the city first, forming a complete encirclement of Zhennan Pass."

"Yes, so don't worry, the fish can't escape, so let it eat some more bait hooks by itself, and set it deeper."

"Yes, my lord is wise."

"Lonely and hungry."

Liu Dahu immediately opened the food box, took out a steamed bun from inside, and handed it to the prince.

"another one."

Liu Dahu took out another one and handed it over. The steamed bun was still hot and steaming.

I saw that the prince was holding one in his hand, and put the other on the battlement beside him.

The prince propped his elbows on the edge of the city wall, facing the Chu army camp in front, and ate the steamed buns bit by bit, following the cold wind blowing in front of him.

Liu Dahu, who has been with the prince for so many years, knows that the prince needs to be alone at this time, so he backed away silently with the food box.

when retreating,

I don't know who I heard the prince sighed with emotion:


this tone,

It's almost steaming. "


The foreshadowing content is considered good, and there will be a wave of high tide next.

Long go to sleep now, and resume writing when he wakes up.

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