Devil’s Advent

Chapter 1012 Cut off the sacrificial flag!

Holding the nail clippers borrowed from A Ming in his hand, the prince is carefully trimming his nails;

After cutting, I reached out to borrow a small file and began to polish and modify the nails.

Polish one,

put it in front of you again,



The delicate nails look comfortable against the shining luster.

Not far to the north of this high-rise building is the North City Wall. At this moment, the most tragic fighting is erupting. At one point, the Gan army ants attached to the city, forming breakpoints one by one, but they were driven down by the Yan army.

The battle situation is already critical.

But the prince didn't have the slightest sense of urgency or panic, because the Jinyi Guards camp was still standing beside him, and since the city wall didn't ask him for help to send Jinyi Guards up, the situation was preventable and controllable.

As for the killing scene, Zheng Fan has long been used to it.

"A Ming, I found that the longer you are a coach, the more you will inevitably regard casualties as a number. After a quick glance, you will naturally jump to the result."

The prince stood up while speaking, and before A Ming could respond, he continued:

"If this is called maturity, it's actually quite boring."

A smile appeared on the corner of A Ming's mouth.

Zheng Fan turned his head, saw it, and said:

"What are you laughing at?"

A Ming replied: "My lord, you have started again."


"My lord hasn't fed the fish in the pond in the mansion for a long time."

"Let them eat so much food for so many days, do they still dare to ask me to deliver food to them every day?

No, you just said I started again, what do you mean? "

"Although the battle is fierce, in your heart, you have already made up your mind. Since you are sure that you will win, and since you are sure that you will be able to win the battle, you have to start acting hypocritically again."


Hearing this, Zheng Fan bent over with a smile,


"Is it so obvious and deliberate?"


"I'm afraid it's been a while since I haven't fought a war, so I'm a little rusty."


The prince put his hand on his face and rubbed it gently,


"It may also be that I have been in a high position for a long time, and I basically don't need to act anymore, which has caused my acting skills to regress."

"However, during the battle between Yan and Chu, the lord performed very well, and all the subordinates praised him in their hearts."

"Isn't that flattering?"


Zheng Fan nodded and said, "That means, this time, I'm really scared."

The lord suddenly spoke so sincerely, which made Ah Ming somewhat at a loss as to how to respond to the words.

Zheng Fan walked to the railing outside the building. This is one of the highest places in Jinghai City. From here, you can observe the situation of the entire northern city wall.

Outside, the Juggernaut and the Sword Maker sat on a small chair each.

Ever since the disgraced self saw the sword master "clothed in white like snow" last time,

The swordmaker soon became "passive and sabotage";

Of course, it's not like doing nothing, there is a piece of paper in front of him, and he is tracing the style of the new sword, which is to be made for the eldest son Zheng Lin.

Zheng Fan moved forward, glanced at it,


"It's too gorgeous, not restrained enough."

"My lord's words are wrong. Young people, no matter how calm they are, their hearts are still burning. Naturally, they need a gorgeous sword to match."

"But children will grow up eventually."

The sword maker took it for granted, "It's nothing to worry about. When Shi Zi grows up a bit and doesn't like this one, I'll make him a new one."

"That's a good idea."

As a father, Zheng Fan felt that he still underestimated the attractiveness of his son in front of these "grandmasters".

he looked up,

look ahead,

On the tower adjacent to the north city wall, a king's banner was erected, and his son was sitting there to "supervise the battle", and his mother was accompanying him.

"The offensive of this dry person is really fierce." The prince said with emotion.

"Yes." The swordmaker couldn't help agreeing, and it could be seen that Qian Ren really spent all his money on consuming the city.

But what Ganren didn't know was that in a normal sense, the Yan army was not good at siege and defense battles, and it wouldn't work for the Jindong army.

In recent years, although the Jindong Army still has heavy cavalry and is still dominated by cavalry, it has practiced infantry tactics a lot on weekdays, and its shortcomings in attacking and defending the city have long been made up for.

In addition, the king's flag is standing in the city, and the army's morale is solid, and they are determined to defend the prince, so after repeated attempts by the gangsters to try and play tricks to no avail, they can only bite the bullet and use the most stupid way to wear down the city wall with human flesh and life thickness of.

The prince put his hands on the railing,

close your eyes

take a deep breath;

When I slowly opened my eyes again,

In the distance of sight, there is a black spot, which is getting bigger and bigger. It is a stone thrown by the catapult outside the city.

"..." Zheng Fan.

The Juggernaut leapt up, and the Sword Maker put down the drawing directly, followed closely behind.

Two of the former four great swordsmen volleyed in front of Zheng Fan, each slashing out a tyrannical sword aura.


The boulder shattered in the air.

The swordmaker loosened his body, ready to fall down;

The Juggernaut tapped his shoulder with his toes, and floated back inside the railing.

The swordmaker raised his head, cursed a few words silently, and climbed up the stairs again after landing obediently.

Seeing that the Juggernaut has sat down again, there is no wave in Gujing.

He just shook his head and stared twice, then sat back and continued to pick up the pen and paper.

The prince turned around and leaned his back against the railing;

A Ming said:

"My lord, the position we are standing at now is, after all, leaning against the high point of the north city wall, so it is only natural that we were hit by it."

"Okay, God doesn't like to see me very much, and it's not the first day I know.


I'm used to it. "


This round of Qianren's offensive is finally over.

Xie Yu'an stumbled down the city ladder, his lips were a little chapped, he reached out to take the water bag from a guard next to him, took a big sip, and then sat down silently.

At this time, the official Zhao Yuannian also walked over with a tired face, his trouser legs were soaked by the water in the puddle. Fortunately, Xie Yu'an reached out to catch it, so the official did not fall to the ground with his head depressed.

After he sat down, Xie Yu'an discovered that there were bloodstains on Zhao Yuannian's back from being smashed. It should have been hit by the flying gravel after throwing the stone.

Seeing this, Xie Yu'an smiled and said, "Hey, you have to be careful, don't die right away."

Zhao Yuannian laughed twice, then coughed twice, and finally, wiped the corners of his mouth, took the water bag from Xie Yu'an, took two gulps to calm down.

"No way, no way."

The officials personally mobilized the people in Jinghai City to help defend the city. The villains in the early days were Chu people, and the image of the Yan people was not bad. A lot of people got up.

"What are you trying so hard for?" Xie Yu'an asked.

"Aren't you too?" Zhao Yuannian asked back.


Xie Yu'an raised his head and looked towards the towering attic not far to the south.

It stands to reason that what he can get, he has already got, and he shouldn't continue to be in such a "worry".

But for some reason, he just couldn't imitate the swordmaker and just let go of his pick and rest.

Only he himself knows in his heart that the reason why he has been working so hard is no longer simply for flattery.

Zhao Yuannian is actually the same, any thing, if you have been doing it for a long time and insist on doing it, you can already do it for a show or not.

"I think, try to mobilize as many people as possible so that the prince and the old man can see it, so that in the future, the people of Yan may be able to treat the people here better."

"Is it just this side?" Xie Yu'an asked.

"The other places are not mine. Besides, the people here are the first people to bow down to me when I patrol the streets after I ascended the throne."

"That's because I sent you the bounty in advance." Xie Yu'an smiled and invited the extras.

"It doesn't matter, I just knelt down anyway." Zhao Yuannian sighed, "When I was the eldest son of Prince Fu's Mansion, I saw with my own eyes how my father made himself fat on purpose, and how he lived in fear. How do you treat...many people in your family as Silver Armored Guards.

At that time, I felt angry in my heart, why are all the sons and grandsons of the dragon, and my family has to live like this? "

"What now?"

"Fame and wealth, glory and wealth, status and status, there was no time in the past, and the pursuit of life is now available, but it doesn't take it seriously. To tell you the truth, I really want to treat the people better."

"Want to leave a name in history?"

"No, it's not that much trouble. The world knows that I have made great efforts to make the south of the Yangtze River rich, but how many people know that the rebellion of peasants in the south of the Yangtze River is actually more frequent than the rebellion of the natives in the southwest.

Now I really want to let the common people live a good life like Jindong after the war. "

Xie Yu'an smiled "hehe" and said, "This is impossible."

Not to mention the unique geographical conditions of Eastern Jin, plus the ability to plunder everywhere to supplement its own environment, there is no way to solve the contradiction that Eastern Jin is still sparsely populated and Jiangnan has more people and less land.

The most important thing is...

If you, Zhao Yuannian, want to copy Jindong's set in Jiangnan, what do you want to do?

Rich country and strong army, what's the point of saving the curve?

Zhao Yuannian yawned. A military doctor had already come to help him deal with the wound on his back. He looked at Xie Yu'an and said:

"That's right now, I'm fighting, I'm injured, I'm very tired and I feel great at the same time, that's why I have these emotions, and I started to worry about the common people when I lay in bed after the Yunyu incident.

I reckon that when the battle is really over, 80% of the time I will be a drunken king or prince, and I can call it a self-protection and self-defilement.

but you

What is the picture? "

"Maybe, I just feel that I should do something as a matter of course, even if it's just picking up some leftovers from others, it's better than going through this world for nothing."

"I don't understand, but I admit, you can blow it better than me."

"That is."

Xie Yu'an took out a small box from his pocket, which contained mint leaves, handed a piece to Zhao Yuannian, and said:

"Bring a piece, dry king."

Zhao Yuannian reached out to take it, and replied:

"Thank you, King Yue."


Days of attacks failed to break through the city wall, but instead made him exhausted.

The morale in this dry barracks is not very high at the moment.

The same is true in the Chu army camp.

In fact, Meng Gong didn't let this Chu army go directly to attack the city. It's not that Meng Gong understood the righteousness and took care of the friendly troops who were returning to the battle, so he didn't want to use them as cannon fodder...

It was the low morale of the Chu army that made Meng Gong even more worried that forcing them to attack the city would not only have no effect, but would bring a joint decline in the morale of the army and at the same time strengthen the confidence of the Yan army defending the city.

The reason,

Because the Chu army was completely defeated by the Yan army in the national war in Shanggu County.

In the past few fights with the Yan Kingdom, although they were defeated and the capital was burned, it was really not like the last time when hundreds of thousands of people were hunted and killed by the Yan army like piglets.

Just because they were defeated, the morale of this Royal Imperial Army was good when they merged into the Yan Army system and went out together.

There are Yan people on the battlefield, but they are not afraid of others.

However, the inexplicable change of the wind direction, the returning former general Nian Yao became the former general again;

And Chu Jun, who had become friendly with Yan Jun, was pulled out by the deputy commander, and stood on the opposite side of Yan Jun again.

In the soldiers' hearts, they were really afraid, even if the superiors had been telling them how bad the situation of the Yan people was, the regent of the Yan people was now a turtle waiting to be caught in Jinghai City.

But the morale of the army was broken, how could it recover so quickly?

Besides, without a regent, don't the Yan people still have the main force of the army? After the fight here, won't they have to fight the main force of the Yan people again when they return to Chu?

The minds of ordinary soldiers are very simple, they can't think so far, they are just afraid of tearing up their faces with the Yan people, and now many people dream of being chased and killed by the Yan people in their dreams.

As the commander-in-chief of the first army, Zhao Han just came back from the military discussion with the commander-in-chief.

As soon as he entered his main tent, the noble general who was born in the Zhao family directly swept everything on the table to the ground, and cursed three times in a row: "It's unreasonable!"

Zhaohan took the initiative to ask Ying to be the main attacker of a part of the city wall at the Qianjun military meeting.

As a result, all the generals at the military meeting laughed out loud.

It really doesn't make sense,

He Zhaohan, he Chu Jun, was reduced to the point of being useless as a joke by Gan Jun one day! ! !

This is a humiliation, a huge humiliation.

Zhaohan, who had just vented his temper, suddenly heard the sound outside, and immediately said to the guard next to him:

"Look what's going on outside, there are no rules!"


Before the personal guard could get out, the curtain was lifted.

Several generals walked in, their armor was still stained with blood.

Immediately afterwards, a familiar figure also walked into the tent.


Nian Yao's gaze swept across the mess on the ground,


"Have you forgotten what I taught you back then?

For a handsome person, calm down and take a look at what you look like now. "

"Come on, come on!"

Zhaohan shouted.

Nian Yao looked at him with a smile;

At this time, a general beside him said: "Zhaohan, your people have been controlled by us, and now, the entire camp is in the hands of the general."

Zhaohan's eyes widened. He couldn't believe that all this happened like this. He was the commander of the first army, but he was taken away from the army so lightly. This is more humiliating than losing a battle.

"Nian Yao, what on earth are you going to do? Is it possible that you are going to take these Chu people and continue to work for the perishing King Yan?"

"You're right, I really intend to do this."

"You're crazy, you're crazy, you haven't seen that Jinghai City is already crumbling, and that Lord Yan is about to become a prisoner of the Gan army."

"I've seen it. I'm afraid this city can last for a while. It's crumbling, it's just your own imagination."

"Then you didn't see how many cadres are surrounding my Chu army's camp!"

"I also saw that there are many, vast and vast. For Ganren, this is already considered elite."

"and you……"

"I want to bet once. I bet that the prince in the city will have the last laugh this time."

"Nian Yao, this is my great Chu's chance, the only chance for my great Chu to revive again. Are you still my son of Chu, and you actually..."

"I'm an eunuch now."

"..." Zhaohan.

Nian Yao smacked his lips and said with a smile, "Actually, after not being a man, I feel more relaxed."


Zhaohan turned sideways, wanting to draw out his saber, but the people around Nian Yao were faster, stepped forward first, restrained Zhaohan directly, kicked his knees, and made him kneel down.

Nian Yao squatted down in front of Zhao Han, reached out and patted his face,


"Actually, it's hard for me to see how the prince in the city can make a comeback."

"and you……"

"But I just think, if you let Zheng Fan lose to you, to someone like you, I really don't believe it, it depends on you, you are my guiding light.

It's right to go against you. "

finished speaking,

Nian Yao stood up,


"In this General Order, the Forbidden Army is divided into three divisions, one as the main one and two as the auxiliary divisions.

The two harassed the surrounding barracks,

The main force follows this general to try to burn his dry food and grass camp! "



A group of generals immediately went down to carry out the military order, only Nian Yao and Zhaohan who were bound were left in the commander's tent.

"Your Majesty treats you well..."

"I am His Majesty's servant, serving His Majesty, it should be a matter of course, but Your Majesty shouldn't have let the Yan people's Secret Service take my family out of Chu State when I was defeated, captured and humiliated.

I do not believe,

I don't believe that the Phoenix Nest Internal Guard of Chu State can't take care of my little family in Yingdu!

Seeing that I was useless, he took the initiative to send my family members out to drive a wedge between the Emperor Yan and the Prince Regent.

He once asked me if I would like to be Tian Wujing of this great Chu. "

Nian Yao shook his head,

"Hehe, I don't want to."

As soon as the voice fell,

Suddenly there was a shout of killing outside, the movement was so loud that the two people in the handsome tent were momentarily stunned.

Zhaohan said: "It's the dry people who discovered the change of our army and started to suppress the rebellion in advance!!!"


Nian Yao slapped Zhao Han on the face,


"You're deaf. Didn't you hear the roar of the horse's hooves? He's doing it here. How can there be such cavalry available!"

Nian Yao anxiously drew out the knife immediately,

shouted angrily:

"Ha ha ha ha,

Straight girl thief,

I still want to gamble my life again,

As a result, I almost ate shit and couldn't catch up with the hot ones! "


In Jinghai City,

Just put down a rebellion.

Zhao Yuannian, whose back injury was still not healed, knelt down at the feet of the regent in some panic.

The prince is sitting on a chair on the city wall, and on his right hand is the crown prince.

And under the wall, there are many... peasants and soldiers who just abandoned their weapons and surrendered.

Although Zhao Yuannian suffered a lot of blood on the day he ascended the throne, after ascending the throne, Zhao Yuannian has spared no effort to win over and accept the dry people here, from the big family in the original place to the small ranger.

After the Qian army besieged the city, Zhao Yuannian continued to promise to continue to expand his strength to help defend the city in order to meet the needs of the war.

In fact, on this point, he did the right thing, because one of the most important elements of defending the city is to gather people.

Although the Yan army in the city is elite, its number is only more than 20,000, and there must be enough support from civilians and auxiliary soldiers to guard the city more steadily.

But who would have expected,

Tonight, a gan army auxiliary barracks with a size of about 400 people secretly mutinied, trying to steal the door to meet the cadres outside.

Fortunately, it was detected in advance, and this Qianren auxiliary barracks naturally failed to steal the city, and they didn't have time to make any noise in the city.

The soldiers of the Yan Army who had been prepared for a long time went down with a round of arrows and shot and killed hundreds of people, and the rest all surrendered.

Immediately afterwards, according to the confession of the leader, several groups of people were arrested and surrounded here together.

Surrounded by soldiers holding torches, the evening wind blows with a chilling aura.

Zhao Yuannian was flustered and frightened. Although he knew that with the sageness of the prince, he would definitely not think that Zhao Yuannian wanted to betray him, but this accident was all due to him.

Especially those who were the lead planners were basically his recent cronies, and even the left and right prime ministers of the new dynasty and several ministers.

Zheng Fan lowered his head and glanced at Zhao Yuannian, but he was not angry with Zhao Yuannian.

The population of Jinghai City was already quite large. The people of Chu plundered it and cleared it on the day they ascended the throne, but later, the population was deliberately moved in. In addition, there were still many former soldiers who surrendered.

It can be said that this place has long been infiltrated into a sieve by the Silver Armored Guards, and it is difficult for you to complete the real cleaning.

However, Zhao Yuannian's ability to choose dog legs... is also really blind;

How did he manage to elect a group of "righteous men" to his side?

Co-authoring your family's new court, you are the only emperor who is determined to be a traitor, and the people below are all in Cao Ying and in Han?

"My lord... my lord..."

"Get up."

"Yes, my lord, thank you, my lord."

Zhao Yuannian stood up tremblingly. At this moment, nearly a thousand related perpetrators have been arrested one after another.

Most of the backbone of the new dynasty are here.

Many people began to cry bitterly, begging for their lives to be spared.

Zheng Fan's eyes narrowed slightly, and his heart felt a little relieved. He might have thought wrong before, not to say that all the people below are righteous men, how can there be so many righteous men;

Fearing that Jinghai City was in danger and about to be destroyed, these guys who served as officials of the new dynasty were terrified. They were afraid that they would be liquidated after the city was destroyed, so they planned to defect in advance.

With that in mind,

Zheng Fan's gaze towards Zhao Yuannian became softer.

"In any case, defending the city is still the top priority. Zhao Yuannian, these people..."

It's all soft bones, it's enough to scare it, it can still be used, after all, it has to stick to it for a while, isn't it?

Although heavy codes are used in the army, there are also times to score points. The most important thing now is that even if you are a paper painter, you have to paste the rest of your life.

Therefore, Zheng Fan intends to let Zhao Yuannian be a good person again;

But the prince has not finished speaking,

Outside the city, there was a sudden scream of killing!

The surrounding soldiers of the Yan Army suddenly became nervous, and they subconsciously thought that the Qian Army had launched a night attack.

However, everyone soon realized that something was wrong, because the sound of fighting was not under the city wall, but at the positions of the various camps of the Qianjun in the distance. A fierce conflict erupted.


The prince laughed,

stand up,

Standing on the city wall, he turned his eyes to the distance, where the sound of killing was loud and the candles were burning like stars.


Here comes the wait.

Everything seemed to be a repeat of the time at Xuehaiguan.

Ah Cheng, after all, did not disappoint his master.

"Where is the messenger Sima!"

"The humble job is here!"

"Pass down the order of the king, gather the soldiers and horses in the city, open the gates in all directions, and follow the king out of the city to kill the enemy!"

"The general obeys orders!"

"Dahu, I'm alone with armor."


Liu Dahu immediately brought the armor and began to put on the armor for the prince.

"These days, the lonely king's flag stands there, eating a lot of ashes, and it's all dirty."

When wearing armor,

Zheng Fan glanced at the group of people surrounded below;

While silently opening the groove at the position of the heart guard, and putting a red stone in, he continued lightly:

"Chop it all up,

To Guji Jiji flag. "

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