Devil’s Advent

Chapter 1015 Gu, please go to heaven, everyone!

Most of the badges have been dug out, some Jinyi personal guards are still cleaning up, and the rest of the Jinyi personal guards are rearranging the waist badges that were previously piled up here.

Zheng Lin kept kneeling there, and he couldn't get up until his mother asked him to get up.

Because of this, Zheng Lin clearly saw Liu Dahu bringing more than a dozen brocade-clothed personal guards, holding booklets, and comparing them one by one.

The Jinyi guard next to him wrapped the matching waist cards in a small piece of silk cloth and neatly stacked them in large boxes one by one.

The preparations in advance can be described as extremely delicate. These things were all done in Jinghai City, and at that time... the city was still under siege.

So, at that time, my own father was still thinking about this while feeding the goldfish.

Under the high platform, the Juggernaut stood with folded arms, the wind blowing slowly through his clothes, as if sensing the gaze of his disciple, he turned his head to look this way.

Zheng Lin remembered that his master once told him that as a human being, you should keep your promises, but how many people can really do it in the world?

The master even said that his father is the most faithful person he has ever seen in his life.

Because of this, although he was a little convinced in his heart, His Royal Highness, who still habitually expressed a little rejection in his mouth and body movements, when his father said: He just followed the words of destroying the country,

Shizi really believed it.

It's really not that I deliberately want to reveal something or want to show something,

Everything is as it should be.

He wanted to dig out the Baqian Paoze who died for him and resettle him, but the road was not easy to walk, and there were checkpoints set up by the gangsters.


Since it is not convenient for him to do it, then he will make it completely convenient for him.

The Qianjun local army in two or three counties near Shangjing has been motivated to move closer to Shangjing. The various soldiers represented by Brother Tian and the three-sided battle have already burned the flames of war to Qianguo. "Hundreds of limbs".

On the contrary, the circle around the capital is extremely safe right now.

Zheng Lin supported the board under him with both hands,

he wondered,

Wondering why the godfathers always stay by their father's side,

Doubt that a person like Master would like to live next door to his house, and Master would follow his father when he went out;

Doubting about my own mother,

Why did she choose this man and gave birth to herself.

This doubt has been with him for a long time;

Accompanying his own father to work together this time, he actually still hasn't found the exact answer, because gradually, the answer doesn't seem to be that important anymore.

Liu Dahu stepped forward, knelt down and said:

"My lord, the badges have been counted and placed properly."

The prince nodded;

Liu Dahu got up, and silently retreated.

The prince's gaze first looked at the three large flags standing on both sides of the altar altar.

One side is the black dragon flag;

On one side is the flag of the Jingnan Army;

On one side is Zheng Fan's Wang Banner.

At that time, under these three military flags, tens of thousands of cavalry opened the way for themselves, and used the most direct, brutal and primitive way to blaze a trail of blood for themselves.

There are always some things, and there are always some people who can leave a different imprint deep in your memory.

before that day,

Zheng Fan actually didn't have much feeling for the so-called Black Dragon Flag. What's more, he just made a promise to Lao Tian about this flag.

But after that day,

Eight thousand Yan Dierlang, with their flesh and blood, soaked that black dragon flag into the heart of Dayan's contemporary military god.

Brother made me swear that I will not let go of this flag in this life.

'Cause when you've been holding this flag,

There will be countless Yan Dierlang, one after another, standing in front of you,

rush for you,

for you,

For you... to die!

The prince's eyes moved to the pothole in front of him.

He closed his eyes,

Opened the mouth and said:

"Gu, come back to pick you up.


Still here? "

The autumn wind kept blowing gently here, the guards in brocade clothes all around were extraordinarily quiet, and the dry peasants on the periphery also knelt and knelt down in a respectful manner, not daring to make a fuss.

But somewhere,

It is under this "quietness" that only hears the wind,

The prince who has finished asking this sentence,

by the ear,

It seemed that there was a monstrous voice shouting in unison:


The prince took a deep breath,

The corners of the eyes are soaked with crystals.

corner of mouth,

But it outlines a slight arc.


for you,

I chose a place with good geomantic omen. "


When the iron cavalry of the Yan people approached the land of Gyeonggi along the Wangjiang River, the entire Gyeonggi, including Shangjing City, immediately set off a huge wave of refugees.

In the past, people in Gyeonggi would probably habitually run to the capital. It doesn’t matter if it’s related, or to visit relatives and friends. Even if they sleep on the street, it’s like continuing to fall outside to face the Yan people saber.

After all, for a long time, in most perceptions, the towering city walls of Shangjing City, the officials and gentlemen in Shangjing City are their greatest security.

But all of this was changed because of the broken city that year.

The Yan people entered the capital of Shangjing.

The capital, which was originally in panic and majesty, fell into the turmoil of soldiers and turmoil for many days, which can be described as a purgatory on earth.

It is impossible to hide the news of the defeat in various places, or it can be said that the Qianguo court, which has already been shaken by thunder, has begun to have extremely serious problems in its operating system.

The window paper that has been pasted over and over again will still be punctured and dripped after encountering a real storm, revealing the shocking dense holes.

The dry people in the capital, the people in the capital, began to migrate out, as if they were fleeing.

That prince... is here again!

Li Fusheng has been dead for many years, so the people of the enemy country don't remember Li Fusheng for a long time. In fact, even if Li Fusheng is still alive, for the people of Qian country,

More than ten years ago, it was no longer him, Wilbur, who led the army across the Bian River to inquire about Shangjing, but the soldiers led by the Prince Regent!

Even in fact, the prince back then was just a small guard.

But what's more, the history books are the memories of the people of the world. Ten years is also a big round. Now the regent who has made great achievements in the sky is enough to become a big actor on the stage in all stages of his journey.

In the past ten years, I have heard the horseshoes of the Yan people twice in Shangjing, and they are all thanks to this prince.

But this time, when the prince's army reappeared, the common people really began with their feet.

What's even more embarrassing is that the officers and soldiers inside and outside the capital are still unable to prevent these people from "fleeing for refuge", because from a military point of view, the fewer people in the city, the less difficult it is to defend...

The city of Shangjing is really too big. Under normal circumstances, if there is any problem with the Qianjiang River Road and the grain fails to be transported to Shangjing in time, the price of grain in the capital will panic.

But the problem is... the emergence of this "fleeing" tide also drained the morale of Shangjing and even the entire Gyeonggi step by step.


"A lot of people came again."

"Yes, more and more people are coming."

On the second floor of the restaurant, two old men in white were drinking and playing chess face to face.

On the street, there are crowds of people.

Here is Houshan Town.

As the name suggests, this is a town adjacent to the back mountain.

The scale of the town is very large, but there is no city and no defenders;

There are magistrates, but magistrates are only a false title, and more of a symbolic title.

It is the "immortals" on Houshan who really manage Houshan Town.

Even if there are a few of the Qi refiners on the back mountain who can achieve bigu, most of them still haven't been able to practice enough to get rid of the mortal body;

And even if it is a real immortal, it cannot be said that it cannot be separated from the enjoyment of wine and meat in this world.

Therefore, this town was placed under the control of Houshan during Emperor Taizong's time.

There is no shortage of wealth in Houshan. Every year, people from all over the country and even from other countries rush here to offer incense and pray for wishes. The amount of incense and silver donated is the most in the world.

But after all, gold, silver and wealth cannot be eaten. Someone has to farm, someone has to weave, and someone has to sell goods...

Houshan Town and Houshan are in this interdependent relationship.

All kinds of industries in this town are filled with registered disciples from Houshan, which can also be called outer disciples.

Because of the entry of the Yan people, after the great defeat in the south of the Yangtze River, there were wars and emergencies everywhere in Dagan. Under the panic, many people who originally lived in the capital, no matter how rich or wealthy they were, all instinctively fled to Houshan Town.

The officers and soldiers are unreliable, the court is unreliable, the princes are unreliable, and the officials are unreliable...


We still have gods to rely on.

"The situation is very bad."

"That's right, back then when the uncle of the Taoist master came down the mountain, he thought it would be hopeful to help the country. A few years ago, he did indeed see the appearance of Zhongxing, but who knows, it collapsed like a thunder."

"Who says it's not? I don't know if Daqian can survive this catastrophe."

Li Xundao is Master Zang's closed disciple, and therefore, although his age is not considered very old in the back mountain, his seniority is extremely high. After all, Master Zang has lived for two years.

"Brother, you said that our back mountain..."

"Why, are you afraid too?"

"Junior brother, I can't cultivate well."

"Hehe, here is the back mountain."

"Yes Yes."

"The back mountain is a place outside Fang. If the first officials had not insisted on disbanding, they should have gone to the back mountain. If they went up the back mountain, they would enter Fangwai.

Outside the door is the great world,

Inside this door is the small world of our back mountain.

To put it bluntly, even if Dagan is gone, this back mountain will always be here.

From the emperors and generals to the common people, they all need our back mountain, and they cannot do without our back mountain. "

"Brother said it is extremely, it is extremely."

"Put your heart in your stomach, play this chess well, and take a look at the turbulent refugees outside.

take a sip of wine,

one move,

Outside the window is the sentiment of the people, inside the window is the dust,

One in and one out, another out and one in, there can be a breakthrough in the state of mind. "

"Thank you, brother, for teaching me!"

"You're welcome, Junior Brother, you and I are..."

"The swallow dog is here!!!"


"The Yan people are coming, the Yan people are coming, run!!!"

The wine glasses in the hands of the two alchemists fell down at the same time.

Together they looked out the window,

that outside,

Where is his mother's mortal world, it is clearly a black cloud formed by black armored knights, roaring towards this city without walls.

The knights of the Yan army showed no mercy,

After rushing in,

Seeing people raise their knives, they will chop, and they will shoot with their bows, starting the most tragic killing.

A series of shrill screams came continuously, and then gathered into the most terrifying rhythm, interweaving and whirling over the town.



dead body,

Start to fill this pure land that once claimed to be the closest to immortals in the whole world!


The Juggernaut was sitting on horseback, looking at the scene of Hell Shura in front of him.

Jindong cavalry are the first-class iron cavalry in the world. They have strict discipline, they are top-notch in riding and shooting, they cooperate with each other tacitly and are well-trained, but there is one skill that even Qiu Ba, who is new to the barracks, does not need to teach...

That is to point the blade at the people.

The Gan army has been staged countless times. After being defeated by the Yan army on the frontal battlefield, it turned into a defeated army and began to plunder the people it protected.

The reason why Chen Daxia came to Zheng Fan back then was also because of a misunderstanding caused by this reason.

It doesn't make sense, what the Qianjun knows, the Jindong Army doesn't know.

Especially...their lord personally gave the order.

The reputation of the Yan people is actually not good among other countries in Zhu Xia, or, not only in Zhu Xia, but outside of Zhu Xia, the reputation of Yan people is not good either.

They were extremely cruel to barbarians, savages, and killers.

Whether it was King Jingnan before,

He is still the regent who inherited the mantle and military banner of King Jingnan,

In their military career, there are many examples of massacres of cities and prisoners.

This time, Zheng Lin, who did not ride Pixiu with his own father, but rode alone, glanced curiously at the master beside him.

At such a young age, he didn't think there was anything wrong with this kind of massacre. In fact, he wished he could join in and enjoy it.

But mother is here too,

In front of the mother, if the clothes are stained with blood and dirty from playing... Then you have to face the thread in the hands of the loving mother again.

But from Zheng Lin's point of view, his master has always had a compassionate heart in his heart. Even if he didn't say anything to stop his father, who seemed to be completely in control, he shouldn't be so calm.

The Juggernaut also looked at Zheng Lin at this time, and then looked away.

With the surname Zheng, even the most compassionate Buddhist monk will be "transformed" into a Shura.

Now Yu Huaping,

Maybe the one in Xi's house who has been reluctant to eat the duck locked in the chicken coop,

I don't have much interest in going to the battlefield and caring about the people in other countries and places.

the most important is,

He respects Zheng Fan for keeping his promise,

And in front of this scene,

It was Zheng Fan who was fulfilling his himself.

The Juggernaut has never forgotten the assassination on the frozen Wangjiang River that day.

After a wave of ups and downs, Zheng Fan was "invited" up the mountain directly by the Qi refiners in the back mountain.

Although in the end Zheng Fan was able to return his mind and mind, but it can be said to be extremely dangerous, and if there is a slight mistake, the regent prince, who is now so powerful in the world, is afraid that he will become a fool and lunatic.

That is, on that day,

Zheng Fan swears,

"One day, I want you to go back to the mountain without leaving any chickens or dogs behind!"

These killings and screams, Juggernaut sounds, is actually not very comfortable, he likes to wear white clothes, which means that he likes to be clean, which is very different from Yan Jun who has always been black and this Yan prince.

But it's just like what the surname Zheng once said: the first to flirt is the cheapest.

There is no such thing as allowing you to plot and try to kill someone behind your back, but not allowing them to recover and destroy your whole family.

Revenge and family destruction are commonplace in Jianghu.

His Majesty's hand,

Gently stroke Pixiu's mane;

His eyes would look at the rows of large boxes placed behind him from time to time.

He once said that when he returns in the future, he will not take away their tablets and bring them home, but will turn the ground under his feet into the territory of Dayan.

Dayan's son, who was buried in his own territory, naturally does not count as a guest who died in a foreign land.

But even if it is buried at home, the specific place of burial is also particular.

Since this eight thousand sons died for Zheng Fan,

Then he Zheng Fan,

I personally chose a geomantic treasure for them as a real burial place.


where else,

Is Feng Shui better than here?



Still going on.

And at this time,

The people on the mountain finally couldn't sit still.

The "immortals" in the back mountain may not care about the life and death of the people down the mountain. After all, they often have a joking face called "ant" under the face of "compassion to help the world".

But they have to care about one thing,

That is the prince of Dayan, after Zongbing finished killing the mountain, will he not stop and take advantage of the situation to kill this mountain again!

Qi refiners are very mysterious and powerful. With the development of Houshan, their status is comparable to the ancestors of Qi refiners from all summers.

But no matter how high your ancestral family is,

In front of these tens of thousands of tiger and ben cavalry, it is not enough to see at all.

for a while,

One after another silhouettes flew down from the mountain, really feeling like a fairy.

some of,

What's more, the three highest-ranking third-rank Qi refiners headed by them propped up their dharma appearances, and like a mirage, three phantom figures of very tall figures appeared.

"Prince Regent, what do you mean, you can hear that the common people are crying!"

"My lord, stop it."

"My lord of Dayan, the back mountain is a quiet place in the immortal family, so don't be so profane!"

The prince sits on Pixiu's back,

With a whip in hand,

Pointing to the three phantoms ahead,

Loudly said:

"Only know,

real fairy,

It should live above the nine heavens, not be dusty in the world.

Since this back mountain is the land of immortals;

Those of you who live on the mountain are naturally the real immortal family, no doubt, well, alone.

alone this person,

I have always been willing to do good and do good, and I like to help others!



To all the immortals on the back mountain,

God! "



"Prince Regent, don't say that Dagan hasn't fallen yet, even if Dagan really falls, even if it is you Dayan, you really have unified the Xia.

Up to the emperor's sacrifice, the canonization of the mountains, rivers and earth gods, the definition of Yin and Yang, the good and bad of astronomical observation;

Down to the guidance of the common people, the tameness of the common people, and the comfort of all living beings;

Even if you, Big Yan, can really take over the world, but you want to secure this country,

I can't do without this Qi Refiner,


It is also inseparable from the back mountain! "

"Ha ha ha ha……"

hear this,

The prince laughed out loud,

Immediately shouted:

"Still doing this... Spring and Autumn Dream.

All the 'immortals', this era has changed.


From today,

this world,

will be made by solitary,

Educate yourself! "

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