Devil’s Advent

Chapter 449 Opening!

another sleep

Waking up early again

It's not a bad time to get out of bed when you wake up again,

Sitting at the desk again,

And wrote "Yun Xiang Clothes Hua Xiangrong\

,"I was thinking about what the next sentence would be.

Tomorrow is the princess's wedding. Uncle Zheng felt that he had to write another poem silently.

It is said that when you use the book, you will hate it less, and it is true.

Putting down the brush, Uncle Zheng went to fetch water to wash up.

When he went out with a washbasin, he saw the swordmaker sitting in the courtyard.

The swordmaker sat on the ground, carving a wooden sword in his hand.

Zheng Fan once saw the sword master carve wooden sword toys for children. When the swordsman carved, he used Longyuan. It can be said that he was doing a very childish thing with a very solemn posture.

The swordmaker used an ordinary carving knife, and his demeanor was relaxed, but it gave people the impression that he was doing a very solemn thing with an extremely childish posture.

Until now, Uncle Zheng was not sure whether the swordmaker would fight or not.

Last night, he also specifically asked the princess about this matter.

The princess's answer was straightforward, that is, they didn't know either.

Immediately afterwards, the princess also said that her imperial brother didn't know about it, because every time the imperial brother went out with the swordmaker, he never weakened the defense around him.

Therefore, whether swordsmiths can fight is a mystery that even the royal family of Chu State has not been able to figure out.

The swordmaker raised his head, noticed Uncle Zheng who was holding a basin over there, and said with a smile:

"Mr. Su got up quite early."

Zheng Fan nodded and said, "When I followed Master, I was used to going to bed early and getting up early."

"Oh? Hearing that Master Yao is good at poetry, wine and beautiful scenery, he can go to bed early and get up early?

the world,

There are roughly two types of people who go to bed early and get up early.

A kind of person, who works at sunrise and rests at sunset, bustles about for a bite to eat, without stopping;

There is a kind of people who, in their old age, can't do anything anymore and can only rest.

Master Yao does not belong to these two types of people. He has long been out of the level of being busy with eating, but he doesn't feel that he has reached the time when he can only rest, and it is most difficult for this kind of person to go to bed early and get up early. "

Zheng Fan responded:

"My tutor likes to get up early."


"My teacher said that now only the early rising sun can make him realize that the sky is one pillar."

The swordmaker smiled and said:

"It's really Master Yao's demeanor."

When people are old, they can't straighten their backs anytime and anywhere, so they can only use the power of the morning to reminisce about their youth.

Zheng Fan put down the washbasin and walked in front of the swordmaker.

The swordmaker put his hands by his side and said:

"What do you want to say and what do you want to ask, Mr. Su can speak up."

"The junior has always been confused."

"But it doesn't matter."

"There are rumors all over the world, saying whether you will fight or not."

"Want to ask me for an answer?"


"Want to know the answer?"


"Tell me, if a random person asks the brewery in Taohuawu for his brewing recipe, will he give it?"

"Of course I won't give it."

"Yeah, then I don't know how to answer. If I answer, how will I make a living in the future?"

Uncle Zheng asked again: "But if you use swords to force it, this junior thinks that the workshop owner will still know the current affairs."

The swordmaker pointed to Zheng Fan and said:

"Mr. Su has a knife on him?"

Zheng Fan shook his head.

"When Mr. Su comes next time with a knife and put it on my neck, I will tell Mr. the answer."

"What are you talking about?"

The Prince Regent came out.

"I have met the king." Zheng Fan saluted the regent.

"I'm talking about Uncle Chen."

The swordsmith replied.

The regent didn't understand for a while, and said, "Who is Uncle Chen?"

The sword maker said: "I heard Mr. Su said that Uncle Chen is a servant of Master Yao's family, and he makes good soup. Master Yao is very good at this. He wakes up early every day to wait for Uncle Chen."

"Master Yao's delicious food, since that's the case, then I will try it if I have the chance..."

The swordmaker immediately interrupted the conversation and said, "Oh, this morning, I want to eat noodles."

"Then go down by yourself."

"I think so too."


The swordmaker looked at Zheng Fan and said, "Mr. Su, let's eat noodles together later."

"Thank you sir."


The sword maker cooks green onion noodles.

The noodles are fragrant and the soup is fresh, the ingredients are simple, but very connotative.

After washing up, Zheng Fan sat down, and there were four bowls of noodles on the table, three big bowls and one small bowl.

The princess also got up, sat at the table, and ate a small bowl.

Three men, three big bowls.

The regent pointed to his own bowl and said, "Why do I have so few green onions?"

Among the four bowls, the bowl in front of the regent has the least chopped green onion.

The sword maker said: "You have to go to court, for fear of getting smoked."

"Today I will not go to court again."

"But you still have to meet people."

Hearing this, the regent nodded helplessly.

The swordmaker got up, took out a small pot, and using a small spoon, began to add lard to everyone's bowls.

Stir the white lard with the noodles, and the aroma will be fully stimulated.

Everyone started to eat,

This noodle is indeed delicious. In this world, if Uncle Zheng, a person who never tires of eating and eating, finds it delicious, it must be the top grade.

The princess bowl is small, so she ate the fastest. She put down her chopsticks, looked at the three men at the table who were still eating noodles, and said:

"I have liked to eat Brother Dugu's noodles since I was a child. After this, it will be difficult for me to eat."

The swordmaker said disapprovingly:

"It's not difficult, it's not difficult to make noodles, as long as you put your heart into it, if you want to eat it in the future, I will ask your son-in-law to eat it for you."


Uncle Zheng choked,

Immediately bowed his head, covered his face, and started coughing, because a noodle came out of his nostril.

After finally dealing with it, Uncle Zheng raised his head again, and said in embarrassment:

"It's delicious, it's delicious, it's too fast, hehe."

had breakfast,


Uncle Zheng thought it was another ordinary day like yesterday.

Everything is just for the arrangement of tomorrow's wedding.

Uncle Zheng believed that Siniang and Xue San, together with Fan Zhengwen, would come up with a better plan based on plan A.

This made Uncle Zheng himself look forward to it,

as the lead actor,

I was actually looking forward to the premiere.

However, Uncle Zheng was wrong. After breakfast, the regent got on his horse and asked Zheng Fan:

"Mr. Xiao Su, we are going to go hunting. The capital that Master Yao sent earlier produced hunting words, which won my heart. I wonder if Mr. Xiao Su is interested in going with me today?"

When a king asks you if you are willing or not, you actually have no second choice.

"Dare not to obey!"

According to legend, when Yao Zizhan first took office as the governor of the three sides and led his team to hunt, all the towns, armies, and villages, all the generals and soldiers came out, which can be said to be in the limelight for a while.

This is not purely for fun, but deliberately used this method to announce to the outside world the unity of the three sides of the Qian Kingdom, and coupled with the capital's supervision of hunting words, it can be said to have the highest effect.

And this time,

The hunting of the Regent of Great Chu made Zheng Fan feel that it was not a routine, but a trap.

Chen Daxia was also called in, so it was four people who rode out of the royal garden.

Uncle Zheng paid special attention to it, and found that the imperial guards did not follow, and the real thing was that four people went out.

It's just that, not long after they left the imperial courtyard, everyone got off their horses, and the old groom and carriage they had seen before stopped there.

Everyone got off their horses,

Everything is the same as when I came, and the sitting position is also the same.


Where has anyone gone hunting in a carriage?

The carriage swayed and walked on the road.


the road is gone,

started to get rough,

The carriage also bumped along with it.

The regent sitting in the carriage said, "Here, an extra road should be built."

The swordmaker leaning against the wall of the car with his eyes closed nodded.

Zheng Fan opened the curtains and looked out the window. Outside, there was solitude, and in front of him was a frozen river.


The carriage stopped,

The turbulence also ended.

The old coachman said:

"Your Majesty, we are here."

The regent got off the carriage first, then the swordmaker, then Chen Daxia, and finally, Zheng Fan.

After Uncle Zheng got down, he stretched subconsciously and squeezed his crotch.

The regent looked at Zheng Fan and said, "Thank you, Mr. Su, the road is really not easy."

Zheng Fan shook his head with a smile, and said: "Your Majesty, there is no need to be like this. There is no way in the world. If there are many people walking, there will be a way."

The swordmaker took a deep breath. These words were obviously in love.

The regent pointed to the front. There was a dilapidated inn by the frozen river, and there was a small ferry next to the inn.

"This sentence can also be served with wine. After I clear the inn, I will catch a fish and have a drink with Mr. Su."

The bewildered Uncle Zheng took a half step back silently, cupped his hands and said, "Thank you sir."


The regent turned to the old inn,

open the way;

"I'm here."


the inn door,

Open slowly.

From inside, came out a man in a black robe. The man's face was a little old, but there was a hint of frivolity in his gestures.

The man sat down on a stone pier at the entrance of the inn,


"Fourth brother, the last time I heard the word 'zhen', our father was still alive."

This man is obviously the Fifth Prince of Great Chu, Xiong Tingshan.

Why is the regent king still the regent king? Why has he defeated and captured most of his brothers and recruited most of the great Chu nobles, but he still has not ascended the throne.

After all, in this world, people who can sit in the position of regent generally don't like this position.

And the reason,

The reason is that he has not caught the Fifth Prince of Chu in front of him.

Ever since the Marquis of Chu led a group of relatives to enter Chu, the fighting between the Chu people and the Shanyue tribes has never stopped.

Perhaps, the Shanyue tribes are indeed incomparable with the barbarians, but the tenacity of the Shanyue people is still a headache. After the early victory, the Shanyue people can no longer compete with the Chu people on the frontal battlefield, and they begin to hide in the mountains and rivers. With the help of the environment, start to continue the resistance.

This makes the cost of exterminating them very high, and at the same time, it is easy to relapse.

But Chu people are indeed wise. To be precise, the three princes who were qualified to be ordered by the Great Xia to drive away the barbarians for the Great Xia, they themselves and their descendants did a good job.

In order to deal with this situation, a generation of Chu emperors disintegrated the settlement and tribal pattern of the Shanyue people. They first wooed the Shanyue tribe in a good way, and then changed the organizational model of those tribes, so as to infiltrate the superstructure to achieve a kind of self-government. The top-down reform is actually a kind of "reform the land and return it to the people" in this world.

At the same time, the cultural invasion is also gradually intensifying. Chu people's romance and Chu people's aesthetics are not really romantic for the sake of romance, but a shaping of cultural identity.

On the one hand, they continue to encircle and suppress the war, on the other hand, they reform the land and return it to the people, and on the other hand, they carry out cultural invasion on the obedient Shanyue tribe, and let their young patriarchs and nobles come to Yingdu, Chu State, to study and learn to read and live. With various combinations of punches, the Shanyue tribe can be described as declining. A hundred years later, apart from the instability in some areas, there are still a few hard bones that need to be gnawed and ground, the Shanyue people in Chu State can no longer make any noise, and even many Shanyue people now think that they are Chu people.

And Xiong Tingshan, the Fifth Prince of Chu, was sent out by the Chu Emperor fifteen years ago, when he was weak, to govern in Wutong County in the north of Dazexi.

What Wutong County corresponds to is one of the last hard bones of Shanyue in Chu State, and it can even be said to be the hardest bone.

But Xiong Tingshan is very resourceful and capable. He doesn't have the airs of a prince. On the one hand, he has a good relationship with the garrison in Wutong County. She married a Shanyue girl and was regarded as her main wife.

The hardest bone of Dachu has been softened by him. It will take three days and three nights to finish the details here. All in all, it took Xiong Tingshan fifteen years to integrate Wutong County and Wutong County. There are many Shanyue tribes around him, he transformed himself into a bond, bound them, and made a great contribution to the stability of Dachu.

If the emperor of Chu died normally, the position of the crown prince was clear, and there was no chaos erupting for the prince to seize the heir, if the great Chu continued to move forward steadily, maybe hundreds or even thousands of years later, in Wutong County, there would be a statue of Xiong Tingshan, and it was Known as the iconic figure of national harmony, he is much more powerful than Princess Wencheng.

But the problem is,

Because of the sudden death of the Chu Emperor,

Da Chu's carriage lost control after all.

The regent held the reins of the carriage again, but if his fifth younger brother didn't nod, the regent dared not ascend the throne.

We are all princes,

Who wouldn't want to sit in that seat?

Why are you sitting instead of me?

The rest of the brothers, the regent really didn't pay much attention to them. Some of them were manipulated and supported by the big nobles behind them to be puppets, and some of them thought in a whimsical way that they could follow the wind and cloud with a banner, and it was not difficult to deal with them.

But this fifth brother, he is different.

Not to mention that the 100,000 Wutong County soldiers obeyed him. If he wanted to, he could immediately summon dozens of Shanyue tribes to send young and strong men to help him fight for the world.

Taking this as a starting point may even lead to uprisings among the Shanyue people in many areas of Chu State.

The regent does not doubt that he does not have the strength to quell the rebellion. He has the support of the great nobles, the imperial court, and the Royal Guards. If he can't win in this way, then there is no need for him to sit on the throne. , and don't have that face to sit on.

But the problem is that once this situation arises, it will be a huge internal friction for Da Chu himself, and it is likely to be protracted.

In today's Great Chu, there are Yan people in the north staring at them, sharpening their knives, and there are Qian people in the west fighting hard to reorganize their armaments. Can the Great Chu still afford it?

"Fourth brother, we brothers, we haven't seen each other for some years, the last time we met was on the emperor's birthday, and I brought my daughter-in-law to Yingdu to celebrate the emperor's birthday."

The regent nodded and said, "It's been a long time."

"At that time, because I married a woman from Shanyue, my father didn't want to see me, and he didn't want to see my two children. It was the fourth brother who spoke and arranged, which made my father finally agree to meet our family. Let our family be able to enter the palace to have a look.

Fourth brother, you don’t know. I have told my wife for many years how beautiful the Dachu Palace is. My two children also grew up listening to it. If they didn’t get into the palace that time , How embarrassing for me to be a husband and a father, hahaha. "

Looking at this scene, Uncle Zheng finally came to his senses, and understood the situation at this time.

Co-authored, the regent came this time to "clean up the door".

But why bring yourself?

Xiong Tingshan sighed and continued:

"My concubine mother was born as a maidservant. Because my father was drunk and was lucky to be there, my status was low, so I was never seen by my father. I always felt that I had sullied the blood of the fire phoenix. Therefore, when I was just an adult At that time, my father sent me to Wutong County. The original intention was to let me fend for myself. If I were gone, my father would still use his son's death to set an example for the people of Chu.

Fortunately, my life was hard, I didn't die, the miasma and poisonous insects in Wutong County couldn't kill me.

Perhaps, this is what the old people often say, but a cheap life is easier to support. "

The regent looked at the fifth child and said:

"I don't actually regard those few as my brothers, but I have always regarded you as my brother, and as my brother, I don't care about my mother's family background, I should see my ability. Those trash are now arrested by me. In the dungeon."


Xiong Tingshan patted his thigh and smiled happily.

The two brothers, separated by a long distance, seem to be reminiscing about the past, but everyone knows that the meat scene is behind.

Xiong Tingshan's laughter gradually subsided. He looked at the regent and said:

"Yingdu, in the hands of fourth brother, the clan, in the hands of fourth brother, Wuzheng, all support you, and the great nobles in my big Chu basically agree with you.

Fourth brother, why don't you succeed? "

"Because there is still you."

"Fourth brother, is it so straightforward? It makes my brother and I very difficult to answer. I can't take a knife now and cut my neck in front of you, right?"

The regent shook his head, "If you die like this, your younger siblings will be angry, the soldiers in Wutong County will be angry, the Shanyue people there will be angry, and the Yan people will be very happy. In the end, I will also be angry."

Xiong Tingshan scratched his head and said: "That's right, it's not worth it if you die."


The Fifth Prince said again:

"It's just that fourth brother, you have so many things, you have to change your own way even when you die, it's really difficult for my younger brother, but I believe that fourth brother should have already planned the ending for my younger brother and me, right?

My fourth brother is the best at calculating, otherwise how could the boss, the second and the third have just started, and the position under the buttocks was overturned by you, the fourth brother, before it was hot.

It's a pity that our father left too early and too suddenly. You said that if father arranged everything after the death, it would be more worry-free. "

The regent nodded and said:

"Father, if he lasts another half a year, I will be able to arrange his affairs for him."

"Fourth brother, you should have said it earlier, hahaha, I am also very dissatisfied with our father. On the day I heard the news of his death, I was so happy that I drank three jars of wine."

"Tell me what you want," said the Regent.

"Wutong County, the separatist regime will become a feudal domain."

The regent spread his hands and said, "Now, what's the difference between Wutong County and the feudal town?"


The Regent shook his head,


"So there's nothing to talk about, fourth brother?"

"Emperor Yan is stepping on the door there, and I, Da Chu, have to set up a feudal vassal. This is too stupid. I won't do it."

"I also know that you will not agree, fourth brother, so let's hear what my brother thinks?"


"Didn't the imperial guards come?"

"With a radius of twenty miles, there is not a single soldier."

"Fourth brother really does everything in his work."

Xiong Tingshan clapped his hands,

In the inn, an old man wearing fish skin came out. The old man was holding a harpoon, and the soles of his feet were huge.

"Shanyue tribe, Meng Kui, met the regent of Dachu."

The old man greeted the regent.

next moment,

The previous coachman who was driving the carriage came down, stood in front of the regent, clasped his hands and said:

"Hong Menyang, I have met His Royal Highness Fifth."

"Master Hong drives the car, my fourth brother is really a big show."

Hong Menyang, a third-rank boxing master, with the Kungfu of Kaishan Boxing, once shocked the world, and later he was recruited by the imperial court, entered the palace, and became the prince's martial artist.

Xiong Tingshan stood up, clasped his fists at Hong Menyang and said:

"Little Wu, I have met Master Hong."

Hong Menyang stroked his beard and smiled, but his gaze soon fell on the old man of the Shanyue tribe.

And at this moment,

A middle-aged man with a knife came out of the inn. The man had a square face, without a hair on his face, and was much cleaner than a monk.

"Wu Junqing, I have met the Great Chu Regent."

Uncle Zheng, who was standing in the distance, looked at Daxia Chen who was standing beside him, and asked:

"Knife practice?"

Chen Daxia nodded, and said: "The sword sect in the world is divided into seven families, and Wu Junqing is the master of the sword sect."

"Sounds like a sophomore." Uncle Zheng commented, but because he is also a knife player, Uncle Zheng continued, "How good is it?"

"With all the weapons in the world, the swordsman is the most respected, but a truly powerful swordsman may not be inferior to a swordsman."


Uncle Zheng looked at the swordmaker sitting beside him.

The swordmaker was sitting there with his ears out, seeing Zheng Fan's gaze, he was a little puzzled and said:

"Why does Mr. Su look at me?"


Shouldn't you be the one going up?


A sound broke through the sky, and a girl in a flower skirt appeared. The girl was holding a handful of flowers, bright red, and she stood there with a smirk while eating the flowers.

"Who is this?" Zheng Fan asked.

Daxia Chen shook his head, "I don't know."

"Aren't you a gangster?"

The swordmaker said, "I miss Zhuang Qin Yueyue, and I like to eat flowers, flowers soaked in human blood."

That should have a lot of common topics with A Ming.


A man came out of the inn again. The man was not tall, but he was stocky. He was wearing leather armor and holding a pair of hammers.

After the man walked to the front, the double hammer struck,


"Mo Xilai, general of Wutong County, see your majesty, my king Fukang!"

Zheng Fan looked at the swordmaker again,


Is it your turn?

Unexpectedly, from the forest behind, a man with a gun came out, a very simple man, no matter his appearance or temperament, there was nothing special about him.

Xiong Tingshan directly pointed at the man with the gun and said, "Fourth brother, didn't you say that there is no soldier nearby? Why is Commander Liang here?"

Hearing this, the man with the gun cupped his hands and said:

"So that His Royal Highness the Fifth can know that the sinner who killed Dugu's family in the street last month has already been deprived of his official position by the king."

"That's okay too?" Xiong Tingshan was a little unconvinced.

Liang Yue nodded and said, "Of course you can."

"Mo Xilai, what do you think?" Xiong Tingshan asked the short one.

Mo Xilai licked his lips, and said, "I've heard about the reputation of the Liang family's guns, and they have inherited the position of the spear instructor of the Imperial Army for generations. Your Highness, I will take over!"

Only then did Xiong Tingshan nod his head, not intending to pursue further, but he still untied his robe silently, exposing the skin on his chest, and shouted:

"Fourth brother, younger brother, I also want to play around. I know that Mr. Dugu's family has come with you, let him come over to me, hahahaha, the whole world wants to know whether our Dachu swordmaker will Knowing how to fight, whether it is a waste of fame, you should also want to know, fourth brother, and today, brother, I will reveal the truth to you."

Zheng Fan looked at the swordmaker again,

The swordmaker got a little angry, and said to Zheng Fan, "Follow the booing?"

"The junior also wants to know."


The regent did not call the swordsmith to fight, but took the initiative to go forward, confronted his fifth younger brother, and said:

"Fifth brother, we brothers, we haven't sparred for a long time."

"Brother, do you know that when Master Hong taught us boxing techniques when we were young, every time I competed with my brothers, I didn't dare to use my full strength, because I was afraid of hurting you and making my mother and concubine's life in the palace more difficult. difficult.

Brother, you are a person who sits in the temple, even if your rank is high, but brother, I was born fighting in the water town of Wutong County. "

The regent shook his head and said:

"It's okay, this time, you don't have to keep your strength."

At this time, the old man of the Shanyue tribe said: "Your Highness Fifth, four couples, how do you count as winning or losing?"

Xiong Tingshan said: "My fourth brother and I don't count. Da Chu's throne doesn't need a warrior who can only fight."

The old man of the Shanyue tribe seemed a little dissatisfied when he heard the words, but finally nodded and agreed.

Seeing that the swordmaker took out two gourds and pulled out the corks, Uncle Zheng found that the contents were not wine, but pulp, that is, fruit juice. He immediately moved over and sat on the ground.

The swordmaker gave Zheng Fan an angry look, and threw a gourd to Zheng Fan.

Zheng Fan reached out to catch it, took a sip, and found that the taste was really good, unlike fruit juice, neither very sweet nor sour, but after taking a sip, he immediately wanted to take a second sip.

"What is this?" Zheng Fan asked.

"Is it good to drink?"

"It's delicious."

"As long as it tastes good, why ask so many questions? If you want to drink next time, you can exchange a pot for every word."

"That's fine." Uncle Zheng really didn't feel sorry for the copied poems, and it would not be a problem to find a blind man after he went back and write "Three Hundred Poems of Tang Dynasty" silently.

"But the signature must be mine."


The swordmaker took a sip of his own gourd and whispered:

"That's how I traded with Yu Huaping back then, but instead of using this gourd, I used a sword."

There are rumors in the rivers and lakes that because the swordmaker gave the Longyeon forged by himself to the Juggernaut, the Juggernaut helped him to make a name for himself in order to repay his favor.

Uncle Zheng pointed to the front and said, "Is this a martial arts competition?"

"It's so obvious, does Mr. Su still need to ask?"

"No, the junior just thinks that it seems a bit too childish."

"Oh? From Mr. Su's point of view, the two sides combined hundreds of thousands of troops to fight for two years to decide the outcome. Is this solemn?"

"Junior doesn't mean that."

"Almost that's what it means, they are all the princes of the Chu Kingdom, why bother to make a fuss.

Look, that old man from the Shanyue tribe represents the attitude of the Shanyue tribe in Wutong County. The Broken Knife Sect is a well-known local school in Wutong County. Wu Junqing represents the attitude of the local Wutong County; , what he represents is the attitude of the 100,000 soldiers in Wutong County.

The three major forces in Wutong County are all present. In this match, after winning or losing, they can be regarded as convinced. No matter what the result is, they can hold their noses and admit it.

Wouldn't it be much better than hundreds of thousands of troops fighting each other until the sky was dark and blood flowed into rivers? "




Hong Menyang cupped his fists and said, "Please!"

The old man of the Shanyue tribe nodded, stepped back half a step, raised the harpoon, and shouted: "Come on!"


Qin Yueyue stuffed a few more petals into her mouth, chewed and asked, "I heard that the flesh on your knives stinks, so does the blood stink too?"

Wu Junqing drew out the knife,


"Girl, you can come and have a taste."

All weapons are respected by the sword, and looking down on swordsmen is an unwritten chain of contempt in the world.

Therefore, when almost every swordsman walks on the road and sees swordsmen passing by him, he will first watch them pass by with disdainful eyes, and then spit at their backs.

Uncle Zheng also used a knife, so he was very upset with that Qin Yueyue.

The problem is, Qin Yueyue doesn't use a sword either!

Xi Nian Zhuang seems to be a Jianghu sect, but it is actually a department of Fengchao, where some prisoners with sensitive identities will be detained and interrogated by torture.

Qin Yueyue likes to eat petals soaked in human blood because there is no shortage of blood as a raw material there. Pick and choose after the war.

Liang Yue slashed his long spear, and Mo Xilai swung his hammer with one blow. Both of them were from the military, so they didn't have any martial arts habits, so they just came up and did it.



Uncle Zheng and the swordmaker sat side by side, watching the confrontation between the three pairs of strong men.

Hong Menyang's fist was strong, and the fist he released could suppress the old man's fine iron harpoon. From the very beginning, he had the upper hand, and the old man could only parry.

On the other side, Qin Yueyue's weapon is a wolf's leather whip. When it dances, it flies sand and rocks, forming a pattern of its own. Wu Junqing can only cruise around the periphery, looking for opportunities.

As for Liang Yue and Mo Xilai, they fell on one side, and Mo Xilai was beaten until he lost a sledgehammer.

Uncle Zheng is also a martial artist, so he understands why the gap between Liang Yue and Mo Xilai is so big. Maybe the gap between the two is not that big, but Liang Yue is a coach, and what he studies on a daily basis is marksmanship. Mo Xilai As a general, what he is good at should be fighting in battle.

On the battlefield, who will challenge you civilizedly? People in the battle formation are often accustomed to the simplest and most straightforward tactics. If there is a chance, they will kill the enemy with a single blow, and if there is no chance, they will quickly distance themselves to prevent the people next to them from hitting them.

Generally speaking, except for Qin Yueyue's side which is still considered evenly matched, the other two sides have already tilted their victories.

"It's not fair." Daxia Chen said.

He felt that this kind of confrontation was very unfair. Chen Daxia was an honest man, he thought so in his heart, but he actually said so in his mouth.

Zheng Fan said:

"Even in the battle, Wutong County competes against the entire Chu State with a single county, and this is the same situation."

Hearing the words, the swordmaker couldn't help but said, "Mr. Xiao Su has such an opinion, which surprises me."

Zheng Fan smiled.

The swordmaker took another sip of the fruit juice from the gourd, and said, "Actually, the situation has been settled, everyone, it's just a formality."

This was a lie, a lie to try to smooth things over for an outsider like himself, but Uncle Zheng didn't expose it.

The battle between Xiong Tingshan and the Prince Regent hasn't started yet, but the situation of the duel over there has already emerged.

The Fifth Prince smiled wryly and said:

"Fourth brother is worthy of being the regent of Great Chu, and there are many masters under his command."

"Compared to this, it's the fourth brother who took advantage of you."

As the current supreme ruler of the Chu State, there are naturally a lot of masters willing to work for him. In this regard, Xiong Tingshan, which only has Wutong County as its backing, is completely inferior.

Xiong Tingshan lowered his body and said, "Fourth Brother, shall we still do it?"

The regent spread his arms and pulled up the cuffs, revealing the mark of the fire and phoenix.

The imprint began to light up, and then, a phantom of a flame appeared from behind the Regent.

Uncle Zheng's eyes widened immediately, because this scene gave Uncle Zheng a very familiar feeling. This was also the first time in this world that he saw something other than himself that could mobilize the soul and body for his own use. exist.

The magic pill is the soul body, so the regent actually took the same path as himself.

After seeing this scene, Xiong Tingshan said:

"So, bloodlines are indeed divided into high and low."

The children of the royal family can get the blood of the fire phoenix into their bodies, and then attract monsters to follow them from the big lake. That's how Xiong Liqing's green python came from. It is already considered a monster of excellent quality. Since the opening of the border, not only the Shanyue people have been declining, but also the monsters in Daze.

This is the same reason that with the continuous expansion of human activities in later generations, the habitats of wild animals have continued to shrink.

However, what the regent attracted was not a monster, but a... spirit.

It is also the so-called soul of a monster. After a monster dies, its soul is immortal. It is a spirit. A monster that can give birth to a spirit is not simple at all. .

Uncle Zheng was already thinking in his heart, if the regent led the spirit into his body, would he be the same as himself, as if his body had been hollowed out and he could only lie on the bed to hold his corpse?

The regent shook his head and said, "It's just luck. By the way, I brought a disciple of Master Yao here today, just to let him be a witness."

"Fourth brother is indeed, the arrangement is extremely appropriate."

Only then did Uncle Zheng understand why the Prince Regent wanted to bring him along. Therefore, his current identity is like that of a reporter who was responsible for taking pictures and writing reports when the leader went out to sweep the snow.

So, it's all set up?

The sword maker seemed to have guessed what Zheng Fan was thinking, and said directly: "If there is a fight, it must have started long ago. Among the princes, those who raised troops raised troops, and those who ascended the throne have done what should be done.

Here, the king did not choose to ascend the throne, and there, His Highness the Fifth Highness did not choose to raise troops, in fact..."

"Is it to give both sides a step down?" Zheng Fan said.

The swordmaker nodded and said, "It's a good metaphor."

"Then don't worry." Uncle Zheng said.


Uncle Zheng said affirmatively: "As a dry person, I really don't want any accidents to happen to the Prince Regent."

The current situation is that the Qianchu Alliance is fighting against the Yan State. If there is any accident with the regent of the Chu State, causing the Chu State to fall apart again, it is definitely not what the Gan people want to see.

Don't look at Zhong Tianlang having a lot of fun on the border now, but that's because none of Yan's two elite cavalry is in Yinlang County.

If Dayan was like when he went south to Qianguo to borrow the way, the situation would be completely different if the two armies in the north and the south were assembled, even if Zhong Tianlang still had the courage, his father Zhong Wendao would not agree to let him go to the army All the cavalry teams that were easy to accumulate were lost.

Of course, from Uncle Zheng’s point of view, he wished that the Prince Regent would die here. He had been looking forward to it before, but now that there is still a tacit understanding between the Prince Regent and the Fifth Prince, he felt a little bit in his heart. disappointment.

But this is also very natural. They are all big countries in the east. It is impossible for Yan to have all the literati and generals, and other countries to have all the wine and food.

"I still need to worry about it." The swordmaker said, putting out a row of wooden swords he carved last night and this morning, "The throne is too attractive, and it is often easy to waver between people's thoughts.

The Prince Regent is actually gambling, for the fate of the Great Chu. In fact, the Prince Regent has won for sure. Even if he mobilizes a large army, Wutong County can still be pacified. "

The reason why they are willing to gamble is that they hope that Chu State can avoid this internal friction.

You know, for the sake of the throne, there are countless examples of brothers turning against each other and turning against each other. Who dares to be frank, and at the same time, who can guarantee that the other party will not change while he is frank?

Chen Daxia said: "So, why do you want to fight this game?"

Zheng Fan replied directly: "To explain."

In order to give an explanation to the Shanyue tribe, to give an explanation to the soldiers of Wutong County, and to give an explanation to the local forces of Wutong County.

Because in many cases, it is not just you who are in control of them, but they push you to the forefront;

Once you can't give them a good enough explanation, they will change to another person and push to the front.

The fifth prince is actually such a position.

The sword maker took Zheng Fan's eyes carefully. This disciple of Master Yao really gave people a different feeling, and he could say such words.


The fifth prince has come before the regent,

The flame phantom outside the regent's body was released suddenly at this time, forming an enchantment.

Uncle Zheng can clearly feel that the spirit of the regent king is much stronger than his current magic pill. Of course, the magic pill has not been upgraded yet, and the magic pill can continue to be upgraded in the future. The development potential of both parties ,completely different.

However, Xiong Tingshan completely froze his blood around himself, forcibly broke through the enchantment of the regent king, came to the regent king, and raised the knife in his hand.

Uncle Zheng's eyes also started to widen.

shouting in my heart,

cut it down,

cut it down,

Cut it down!

As long as it is cut down, he can go back to Xueguan to pack his things and prepare to enter Chu with Jingnanhou.

Xiong Tingshan's saber was indeed cut down, but after the outer barrier was broken through, it was withdrawn abruptly and hit him directly.


The tip of the knife pierced into the regent's chest, but before Xiong Tingshan could use all his strength to completely submerge the knife edge, the flames that formed the barrier earlier turned into tyrannical horses and lifted him up.

When the knife left the person, it fell down, while Xiong Tingshan was lifted up high, as if completely bound by a spider's web.

Red blood seeped from the regent's chest, but he still stood upright.

Zheng Fan pursed his lips, this is really a critical moment;

But Uncle Zheng thought of another possibility, that is, even this move and this scene were planned and arranged by the two brothers.

The regent deliberately let Xiong Tingshan penetrate his first barrier, and deliberately gave him the opportunity to send the knife to his chest, in order to pave the way for the next one.

As a veteran player of routines, if Uncle Zheng put himself in, he had already guessed the next development of the matter.

Just like before, Uncle Zheng gave Chen Daxia the answer without hesitation.

Some black-bellied means are actually an instinct, the regent is like this, and so is Uncle Zheng.

Xiong Tingshan was detained in the air, the regent clenched his fists and raised his arms high, as long as he let go of his fingers, Xiong Tingshan would be "divided into five horses" instantly by the power of the spirit.

This scene brought the other three battles to an immediate halt.

Hong Menyang withdrew his punches directly, and the old man of the Shanyue tribe who had been beaten to the point of parry held up his harpoon and did not dare to strike again.

Qin Yueyue put away the whip, and Wu Junqing also withdrew the knife. They fought evenly, but Wu Qing's army had strong stamina. It was time for him to counterattack after he figured out Qin Yueyue's whipping routine, but Wu Junqing still chose to withdraw the knife. Because for him, if the fifth prince died, the Broken Knife Sect and the native family of Wutong County would lose the motivation to continue to struggle.

After all, they can't completely mix up with the Shanyue people to make trouble.

Liang Yue retracted his gun,

Mo Xilai sat down on the ground, with several wounds on his body, he kept panting.

Next, everyone's eyes fell on the Prince Regent and Xiong Tingshan.

The regent exudes an extremely powerful aura, coupled with his identity, it makes people even more awe-inspiring.

But Uncle Zheng, as a person who has experienced it himself, naturally knows that the regent is strong, but he is definitely not so strong. He should not be a third-rank, but maybe a fourth-rank or even a fifth-rank.

But the bonus effect of the spirit is too obvious. This is equivalent to a secret method, forcibly crossing the border. When Uncle Zheng used magic pills, he often experienced a similar feeling. At the same time, because the spirit is the soul body Because of this, it can have a better bonus effect in terms of aura and momentum.

The same wind force, blowing in summer and blowing in winter, gives people a completely different feeling, but the wind force is actually the same.

Seeing this, Uncle Zheng was sure that this was a well-designed political show, and the only key point was the knife sent by Xiong Tingshan.

The regent's finger did not let go, but slowly lowered his arm. Xiong Tingshan fell to the ground, sweating profusely. He looked at the regent,

knelt down slowly,


"Fourth brother, younger brother, I am convinced."

The majestic gaze of the regent turned to the old man of the Shanyue tribe, and said:

"The tribes of the Shanyue tribe in Wutong County, everything is business as usual, and the imperial court will not interfere with the fief matters."

The old man of the Shanyue tribe put down his harpoon and knelt down to salute the regent, expressing his submission.

The regent glanced at Wu Junqing, and said: "The clans of Wutong County have all been promoted to one level."

Wu Junqing stuck the knife on the ground,

Kneeling before the Regent:

"Thank you Lord Ron."

at last,

The regent set his sights on Mo Xilai,

"The soldiers of Wutong County will choose 50,000 troops to join the Great Chu Royal Family's Forbidden Army."

Mo Xilai hurriedly put his forehead on the ground,

"Long live my emperor!"

Three people represent three forces.

After comforting him properly, the regent stretched out his hand and placed it on Xiong Tingshan's shoulder. He didn't shy away from outsiders, and said directly:

"I heard that the siblings are crazy about wanting to be queens?"

"Hahaha." Xiong Tingshan laughed, and said: "Isn't that right, my younger brother, I was just demoted to Wutong County by my father in the early years. If I hadn't met her, I might have died several times. I owe her. Whatever she wants, I, as a husband, should help her fight for it."

"Lin'er's concubine has not been selected yet, so the siblings should choose a woman from her clan."

Lin'er is the eldest son of the Prince Regent. He is the eldest son now, and there is a high probability that he will be the crown prince in the future.

You know, when Xiong Tingshan returned to Yingdu because he married a Shanyue woman, the former emperor didn't even want to see him, which is enough to see how big waves the Regent's decision will cause.

It is very likely that from then on, the blood of the Shanyue people will flow in the later emperors of Chu.

"Fourth brother, I am convinced of your courage, brother, and I believe her, so I have nothing to say."

"Family harmony can make everything prosper. In Wutong County, you have guarded it for fifteen years. I thank you on behalf of the court, but now you have to go back to Yingdu to help me and help me deal with Tian Wujing."

"Fourth brother, as long as you dare to use me, brother, I will do my best!"

"Mr. Su!"

"Foreign minister, here."

Uncle Zheng immediately stood up and responded.

"Can you write an article about what you saw today?"

"Fortunately, foreign ministers can witness this scene. Brothers and friends are respectful, serving the country and the people. The King and the Fifth Highness are really heroes in the world."

Xiong Tingshan glanced at Zheng Fan and said with a smile:

"After all, to be a scholar is to be able to speak."

The regent waved his hand and said: "Master Hong, send Mr. Xiao Su back to the other garden. I want to stay with my fifth brother for a while, and then talk about the old days."

that's all,

Uncle Zheng couldn't see how the next thing would develop.

He got into the carriage with Chen Daxia, and Hong Menyang drove them back to Bieyuan.

The sword maker didn't come back either.

Zheng Fan knew that the regent wanted him and Daxia Chen to come here to let Yao Zizhan know the situation of Chu State through his mouth, and also to let the officials of Qian State know the situation of Chu State.

This is the state of Chu telling its allies that the civil strife in Chu has been completely subsided. Next, the two states of Qian and Chu can work together to deal with the state of Yan.


The regent had calculated everything, but he couldn't figure out that Mr. Su Mingzhe Su he thought was actually a counterfeit.

Because Uncle Zheng didn't intend to pretend to be this person from the beginning, so the plan was out of the question, and it all originated from Chen Daxia's crime;

No matter how scheming the regent is, he can't count a change in Tie Hanhan's intentions, right?

Furthermore, the song Man Jianghong is enough to prove one's "identity" and talent, which is the toughest passport in this world, and both the regent king and the swordmaker have profound cultural attainments. I don't know Uncle Zheng can recite poems;

In their eyes, only Yao Zizhan's apprentice can write poems of this level.

So, in fact, it can be said that Uncle Zheng, the impostor, played Mr. Su Mingzhe, not only did not reveal his secrets, but also did a better job than the real deity himself.

At the same time, regardless of what the regent wants "Su Mingzhe" to see, Uncle Zheng himself saw what he wanted, something that made Uncle Zheng even more looking forward to the "big wedding" tomorrow.

That is, Uncle Zheng, who was often caught by Mowan, knew that there was another reason for the regent to send himself and Daxia Chen away, and that was that the regent should soon face the strong aftereffects from Lingshang.

The chest injury is actually a minor problem, the key is that he will be seriously overdrawn afterwards. That spirit is much stronger than the current magic pill, and the side effects will definitely be stronger!


The Prince Regent will not appear at the princess's wedding banquet tomorrow. For one thing, he may not be able to wake up at that time, and he is still in a coma. Even if he wakes up, he will be extremely depressed. As a king, he will not He showed his weak side in front of his courtiers; secondly, those experts around the regent should not appear at the wedding banquet tomorrow, because they want to personally protect the weak monarch.

This means,

Tomorrow's difficulty factor for robbing relatives has dropped too much all of a sudden.

Immediately afterwards,

Another good news came,

The carriage stopped,

Because I met a convoy from Fan Mansion delivering red candles for tomorrow's wedding banquet.

Hong Menyang hesitated,

But Zheng Fan immediately said considerately: "Master Hong, Daxia Chen and I can follow this convoy back to Bieyuan. You should go back and wait for the king. You can't let the king miss the auspicious wedding of the princess. Anyway, here we are." It’s not too far from Bieyuan.”

When Hong Menyang heard the words, he immediately said: "Then Mr. Su and Mr. Chen have been wronged."

"Where is the word, where is the word."

Of course Hong Menyang would not tell Zheng Fan that the Prince Regent would not come to attend tomorrow's wedding;

After watching Zheng Fan and Chen Daxia get into Fan's convoy, Hong Menyang drove back immediately;

He was going to protect the Prince Regent at close quarters. The Imperial Guards of Great Chu were not around now, and they were the real barriers to protect the King Regent's safety.

Uncle Zheng followed the convoy and entered the other garden directly.

After entering the Bieyuan, Zheng Fan didn't get out of the car in a hurry to leave, and Chen Daxia didn't move either.


Xue San, Siniang and A Ming all got into the carriage.

Tomorrow the princess will be robbed, and the three demon kings have already mixed in. However, Siniang and Xue San are doing things, and Ah Ming is really "mixing".

Chen Daxia was sitting next to him, Zheng Fan and the demon kings didn't shy away from this dry man, they were plotting in front of him, because Chen Daxia's character was too stable.

Zheng Fan quickly told what happened today,

at last,

The focus is on:

The regent probably has to rest until tomorrow, and he and the experts around him should not appear at tomorrow's wedding banquet.

Uncle Zheng even felt that the Prince Regent's visit to the princess might just be by chance, because the distance from Yingdu and Wutong County here is about the same distance, so it should be a negotiating place acceptable to both parties.

As a king, it is unlikely that he would deliberately leave a big deal in the court and make a special trip here entirely for the so-called personal feelings.

What's more, there is still Jingnanhou in Zhennanguan who is constantly exerting pressure.

In fact, the princess also expressed this meaning last night. She didn't think that her brother could stay here for so many days in order to attend her wedding and send her sister to marry.

Siniang and Xue San immediately began to think about it, because in the original plan, it was actually presupposed that the regent was present, and the masters around the regent were also present.

The difficulty has been reduced, but the plan has to be revised accordingly.

At this time, Si Niang suddenly said: "My lord, I have thought of a good way."


Si Niang's eyes lingered on all the people present, and said: "My lord, now only you know that the regent will definitely not appear at the wedding banquet tomorrow, but the people of the Qu family don't know, and neither do those who come to the wedding banquet." I know, even the imperial guards outside the other garden don't know.

They only knew that the Prince Regent came to attend the princess's wedding banquet in white dragon fish suit.


So tomorrow, the slave family can change Ah Ming into the appearance of the regent, and let the master directly hold the 'regent' as a threat. With this as a guarantee and premise, it will be much easier to kidnap the princess. Ours The degree of freedom is higher, and the effect will be better.

But it took a lot of work for the master to paint a portrait of the regent's face to the slave family, because the slave family had never seen the regent. "

Painting is Uncle Zheng's job, so there is no problem at all.

In the carriage, everyone else's eyes lit up after hearing this proposal.


Knowing that the regent will not appear tomorrow, only they themselves.

Even Chen Daxia, who was sitting by the side watching, couldn't help admiring:



A Ming raised his hand,


"Why did you choose me to change into the regent? You can choose someone else, right?"

Si Niang immediately replied: "No, it has to be you. Think about it. When the time comes, the master will hold the princess's hand and hold you hostage at the same time. You will be very close to the master, and you will be able to help the master block hidden weapons. What if the Chu people take the risk?"

A Ming opened his mouth, he felt very uncomfortable when he heard this, but he couldn't refute.

Xue San opened his mouth and said: "One more thing is, when the Lord is holding you hostage, if the Chu people don't retreat, when we scare them, the Lord can do this."

As he spoke, Xue San drew out a dagger, waved it around and said:

"Will you retreat, retreat or not?

At that time, the master can directly greet the hostages with knives and arrows, scare the Chu people to death, and don't have to worry about the hostages being killed.

Anyway, if A Ming has a few holes in his body, he won't lose his breath. Can you find a better and more practical hostage in this world?

hey-hey. "

"..." A Ming.

As he said that, Xue San also took the initiative to hand the dagger to Zheng Fan, and said, "My lord, why don't you stab A Ming a few times to practice first?"

A Ming pointed at Xue San.

Xue San straightened his neck and said, "What, what, I'm also doing rehearsals for tomorrow's performance!"

In my heart,


Since entering Chu, Lao Tzu has been busy,

As a result, you who have been eating and drinking all the time actually upgraded before me!

Is there any reason!

Uncle Zheng still didn't really rehearse a few knives with A Ming at this time,

After all, even if Ah Ming is injured, he will not die, but he will consume a lot of vitality when recovering from his injuries. Vampires are not immortal. As long as the brain is not damaged, advanced vampires just have a thicker blood tank than ordinary people.

Uncle Zheng cleared his throat,

Do the final mobilization:

"We have the right time, place and people, and we have it all.


Let's try to organize the wedding for him...

The wind and the scenery! "


It takes a lot of time to write the big chapter, and this is the point when it is finished and released, please forgive me.

Ask for a monthly ticket recommendation ticket!

at last,

Don't panic, tomorrow will continue to erupt.

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