"Call me brother."

Even in the state of Chu, it was heard that the Marquis of Jingnan attached great importance to Uncle Hirano, and there were rumors that Uncle Hirano was a direct disciple of Marquis Jingnan, who taught him how to fight;

There are even rumors that the reason why the Marquis of Jingnan ordered the massacre of 40,000 Qingluan troops who surrendered in Yupan City in the past was only to help Uncle Hirano break his heart barrier and help him advance in martial arts.

The former can still be said to have traces to follow;

The latter is a bit too ridiculous.

It's just that the person who said these words was a member of the mission that accompanied Jingyang on his mission to the country of Yan in the past;

He said that on that day, tens of thousands of Qingluan soldiers blood-stained Wangjiang, floating corpses, when he was terrified, he saw Uncle Hirano walking upstream along the bank of Wangjiang with a dazed expression, as if he was "enlightenment" " state, and behind him, Jingnan Hou followed step by step, clearly protecting the Dharma.

As soon as this statement came out, it was considered that the member of the Chu State Mission had lost his mind that day, because no matter how much he valued, appreciated, and regarded as his own, it was impossible to really do this so-so.

The member of the mission was refrigerated after returning to China, and even his family members regarded him as crazy.

But right now,

Say "Brother"

The princess suddenly thought of that unrealistic rumor,


She suddenly wanted to believe it.

This is the camp tent,

But Jingnan Hou directly asked himself to change his name to this, which meant that he had already broken away from the "confidentiality" of the superior to his subordinates, and also exceeded the cognition of "confidant direct line".

Xiong Liqing put her hands in front of her body,

bowed down,

He yelled crisply:

"elder brother."

Facing the pressure from the Marquis of Jingnan, Xiong Liqing felt that her tone of voice trembled a little when she said "Brother".

Tian Wujing retracted his hand and untied a jade pendant around his waist.

Although he is in the army, Tian Wujing is still wearing casual clothes today, and the set of gilt armor is hung on the side of the commander's tent.

The majestic dragon is embroidered on the white robe on his body. It stands to reason that Tian Wujing is still a marquis, not a king. Wearing this is beyond the norm, but no one will care about it.

"It's not a good thing, put it away first."

The jade pendant was thrown in front of the princess by Tian Wujing. The princess blinked and turned her head to look at her "husband".

"Take it." Uncle Zheng replied calmly.

On weekdays, Uncle Zheng is used to collecting money for milk powder from Lord Hou.


After calling out "Brother", it is only natural for an elder to give a greeting gift.

"Thank you bro."

The princess accepted the jade pendant.

Jade pendant is indeed not a good jade, at least, for Princess Da Chu, there are not many jades in this world that she can consider precious;

This jade is nothing more than the hem of Jingnanhou's clothes, purely for decoration, although Jingnanhou himself was born in a powerful Tian family, he has never paid much attention to these.


The value measurement of jade is different from that of gold and silver.

As the saying goes, jade can support people, but in fact, people are also raising jade;

Gold and silver utensils still have their own value after being melted, but jade is different.

Jade, firstly depends on the color of the material, secondly, and most importantly, depends on who has worn it.


The Marquis of Jingnan stayed for dinner.

Jiang Hu and Gongsun Ling were not qualified to eat in the commander's tent, they were taken down by the guards to make arrangements.

There are three dishes on the small table, one is pickled vegetables, one is broth, and one is a large steamer of steamed buns.

The steamed buns produced by Xueguan are dishes.

The three of them sat on the blankets, Hou Ye and Zheng Fan sat very casually, and the horses were golden swords;

The princess is sitting on her knees.

When Lord Hou picked up a piece of meat, Uncle Zheng and the princess also started.

The two took the steamed buns together, Uncle Zheng took a bite, tsk tsk, finally tasted like home, comfortable.

The princess also took a bite, but was surprised that there was stuffing in the steamed bun, stuffed with shredded radish and meat, it didn't feel greasy at all.

This steamed bun is already a rare delicacy for the two who came out of the mountains to eat barbecue all the way.

Lord Hou said:

"It's also a coincidence, the supplies just arrived from Xueguan a while ago."

Snow Customs naturally does not need to bear the military resources of the army here, but according to the tradition of Snow Customs, it is impossible to lose the human relations and etiquette of some big figures who have a good relationship with their masters during the festivals.

Zheng Fan nodded, picked up the pickles, and continued eating with the steamed buns.

Hou Ye and Zheng Boye ate very quickly, and the princess looked more refined. After the two men finished eating, the princess also put down her chopsticks.

Hou Ye looked at the princess and said, "You can continue to eat, don't be restrained."


The princess picked up another steamed bun obediently.

Hou Ye looked at Zheng Fan and said, "Tell me."

The princess was slightly taken aback, talking about these topics in front of her really surprised her, but it also proved from the side that Jingnan Hou regarded her as one of his own.

Uncle Zheng told Jingnanhou all his experiences since he entered Chu.

After listening,

Lord Hou said:

"You read that poem to Ben Hou as well."


Laughing and talking about drinking the blood of Yan slaves, the Yan slaves here have been changed to "barbaric slaves".

After hearing the words, Lord Hou nodded, pointed at Zheng Fan and cursed with a smile:

"Poetry has become boring when you come to it. Since ancient times, there have been poets who looked at the mountains from the heights and expressed their inner gully;

The way of poetry is nothing more than expressing one's feelings with the help of objects, observing the poems and appreciating the words, so as to ignore the feelings touched by the scenery that the person saw that day;

Coming to you, it is nothing more than the way of writing at your fingertips, a neat and elegant thing, but here you are full of craftsmanship. "

Although the Marquis of Jingnan is famous for his personal force and the use of soldiers like a god, his cultural accomplishment is not low. After all, he was born as the son of the Tian family.

The song "Manjianghong" is indeed extremely heroic, but Lord Hou knows that this is not Zheng Fan's direct expression of his heart.

Master Hou knew what kind of character Zheng Fan was, so he said that he was forcing him to enter Chu this time.

Therefore, without this feeling, without this scene, but can write such a good word, it can only be said that this is to forge poems in batches as weapons in the foundry.

Uncle Zheng smiled sarcastically.

"It's your uncle who is very satisfied with this poem?"

The princess said at this moment; "Yes, Brother Huang has always thought that Mr. Su is Mr. Su, and almost regarded him as a confidant of Wen Dao."

Hou Ye nodded and said, "Who knows it's wolf ambition."

The princess smiled shyly, and said: "I don't know what to think, but I think I should go with him. Brother, do you think I am possessed?"

Xiong Liqing obviously let go,

In the Jingnan Hou asked her to call her brother,

This smart woman began to show her expertise.

Sometimes, there will inevitably be some gaps between men and men, because in terms of emotional expression, both parties will be more restrained and restrained, but women can make up for this shortcoming.

Furthermore, she is a princess of the Chu Kingdom, not a woman from an ordinary family, and she is more adaptable in front of some big scenes and big figures.

Tian Wujing said:

"It's good to be possessed, this kid has thousands of problems, but there is only one thing, whoever treats him with sincerity, he will treat others with sincerity, no matter how much you give up on him, don't be reluctant, because It has already been given up, and there is nothing to ask for.”

"Yes, brother."

"In the evening, the Marquis will give His Majesty a report that the Great Chu Princess enters Yan and is very happy with my Great Yan Ping Yebo. Your Majesty and the princes of the court must also be very happy.

But don't worry, His Majesty is not a stingy person, and will not confer titles like Princess Guiyi on you.

Now that you have entered Yan, and you have chosen a person, you should focus on your husband's family. "


The princess stood up slowly and said, "Master Hou, Mr. Xianggong, I'll make tea for you."

This is when I feel that it is almost time for me to sit, and it is time to leave room for the two men to talk.

When the princess walked out of the handsome tent,

Tian Wujing tapped lightly on the small table with his fingers,



"Returning to Lord Hou, the interior of Chu State is scattered but not chaotic, and there is a regent."

Tian Wujing nodded and said: "The annexation of the Jin land is because the three families have been divided into the Jin land for a long time. The ruler is not the king, and the minister is not the minister; it is not the case for Qianchu. If you want to take Qianchu, you should use stronger methods than annexing the Jin land.

Soft knives are not enough to cut meat, what we cut is our own flesh. "

"Yes, the last general also thinks that it should be taken with the force of thunder, and it doesn't need to be annexed directly. But for example, if you don't fight or fight, you will completely destroy its three important towns. The same is true for Chu. If If you really make up your mind to fight, you must fight down the town of Nanguan, and your troops will be scattered in Shanggu County of Chu."

This is like a wolf hunting, or it has been dealing with the prey all the time, and once it sees an opportunity, as long as it makes a move, it must ruthlessly bite off a piece of meat from the prey.

Protracted grinding, stalemate or consumption will be detrimental to the country of Yan.

Tian Wujing stood up and said: "Help Ben Hou put on the armor, let's go for a stroll."

"Yes, my lord."

Zheng Fan helped Jingnanhou put on the armor. Afterwards, Jingnanhou rode his own Pixiu in front, and Zheng Boye followed behind on a horse.

Originally, two cavalry were planning to follow up, but Jingnan Hou signaled them to stop.

"A few days ago, the Marquis took advantage of the rebellion of one of Xue Rang's subordinates to deal a blow to the defenders of Zhennan Pass, but the Chu general named Nian Yao reacted quickly, and the Chu army immediately took over Zhennan Pass. I didn't give the Marquis a chance to take advantage of the situation and enter the customs."

When saying these words, Tian Wujing's face was very calm. On the battlefield, one side is looking for loopholes and waiting for an opportunity, and the other side is waiting to make up for loopholes.

If you didn't seize the opportunity last time, just wait for the next time.

"It is said that Nian Yao was born as a servant of the regent king. Lord Hou, there are many great nobles in Chu, which are actually very similar to my Dayan back then."

Tian Wujing raised his hand,


"It's too early to say these things. First, the current situation of Chu State is indeed the same as that of my Great Yan back then. It is not aggressive enough to open up to the outside world, but if it is on the defensive, it will be more tenacious. After the elites, once they enter Chu, they will not be allowed to continue such a good life.

Second, if you want to implement a strategy of division and disintegration, the Zhennan Pass must be opened first. If Chengguo was undefeated at the beginning, Zhennan Pass will not fall into the hands of Chu people now. "

"But if Cheng Guo is undefeated, it will be difficult for the last general and Lord Hou to appear here."

"It's different. Situ Lei still has great ambitions. If he doesn't die early, everything is possible."


In fact, Situ Lei and Dayan already had a tacit understanding, that is, Cheng Guo became a subsidiary state of Dayan, and Situ Lei was downgraded from emperor to lord.

If it does happen, then the Yan army will join forces with Cheng Guo and enter Chu from Zhennan Pass all the way.

"That girl is quite smart."

Whatever Jingnanhou wanted to say, Uncle Zheng naturally had to say something with him.

"Yes, it is also because she is smart that I dared to catch her and then let her go back."

"It won't be long before your feat, Uncle Hirano, will spread throughout the world. You can always surprise me."

"It's all Hou Ye who taught you well."

"Let's strike while the iron is hot, and I will spend another year with you to help Ben Hou gnaw down this town of Nanguan."

"Master Hou, it will take two years."

Last year, it was survival, and the goal was accomplished.

This year, the theme of Snow Customs will be development. With the opening of various workshops, the roads for merchants must be smooth and busy, and the population, military strength, and self-sufficiency must all be developed to a certain level.

The next year is the real process of quantitative change to qualitative change.

"Two years."

Tian Wujing was noncommittal about this time.

As the two marched, they were already far away from the camp, and they began to meet the sentry cavalry teams on the outside.

During the day, the Chu Army seemed to be planning to expand its sphere of influence and extend its tentacles to the outside world, but was forcibly restrained by the Jingnan Army.

It's not that the people of Chu suddenly couldn't think about it and wanted to find some excitement, but that on the battlefield, even if it was defense, there was no reason to stick to the city wall completely, and the Chu army's strength was sufficient, so they didn't want Zhennan Guan has completely become an "isolated city".

Once it is completely compressed back, the Yan army can send a small-scale cavalry directly from Zhennanguan into Chu to Shanggu County to fight Caogu.

A Zhennan Pass is just across the junction of the most smooth plains and mountains in the Jin and Chu regions. It does not mean that the Zhennan Pass will defend the Chu region as airtight.

Otherwise, how did Uncle Zheng come back this time?

Of course, the road that Uncle Zheng took is not suitable for the army to move forward, but if it is a little further to the east, the road will be much easier, and the Chu people must also control that area.

Therefore, it is necessary to send troops deep, maybe a few thousand riders, ten thousand is the most, because it is impossible for the main force to advance in when the Zhennan Pass has not been conquered, otherwise it is very likely that they will not be able to get out. Strategically, it fell directly into passiveness.

Of course, Nian Yao, the general of the Chu people at Zhennanguan, would not want this to happen, because it would make him and the court politically passive.

Therefore, even though Nian Yao knew that he was defeated by the Jingnan Army in the field, he still had to seize every opportunity to expand and try.

Going forward, you will encounter scouts from the Chu people.

But Zheng Fan did not remind Lord Hou, but silently unloaded the bow and arrow, ready to be on guard.

"Your Majesty's idea is also in two years' time, Ganchu must be broken first."

Emperor Yan was in a hurry, and Zheng Fan had known this for a long time.

This is a talented and generous monarch. He is eager to push forward the situation of Dayan's dominance of the world while he is alive.

In two years, destroy a country.

"What the imperial court is weighing now is whether they want to attack Chu or attack Qian first. Your Majesty, they want to attack Qian first."

The wealth of the Qian Kingdom can be said to be the most among the four countries.

Annexing the Qian Kingdom is also the long-cherished wish of Emperor Yan's life.

"I still think it is most appropriate to attack Chu first," Zheng Fan said.


"Gonggan, maybe I won't be needed."

This is blatantly selfish.

Once the imperial court intends to attack the Qian State with all its strength, Zheng Fan, as an earl guarding the northeast corner of Dayan, can do very little, and there is a high probability that he will help the western front to keep an eye on the movement of Chu State.

If there is a problem in the battle situation, I may even be led by an imperial decree to lead the army thousands of miles to the battlefield of Qianguo. It can't be taken, and the looted proceeds have to be transported back thousands of miles.

As for feats and fame, Uncle Zheng no longer lacked after taking back the princess. What he lacks now is strength.

"This Marquis also thinks that it is most appropriate to attack Chu first. The three sides of Qianguo will reach Yinlang County of my Great Yan. The wealth of Qianguo will make my Great Yan like a thorn in my throat. After destroying Chu, even if I am unable to continue to attack for a while, my Great Yan will come down." One generation will not slack off.

In war, one has to pick the soft persimmons first, but to destroy a country, one has to choose the hard ones to destroy first. "

"Yes, my lord."

In front of them, the sentry cavalry of Chu Kingdom had already appeared, but the other party was just watching from a distance, because the two cavalry came over with a too relaxed posture.

Tian Wujing continued to move forward, and Uncle Zheng still followed closely.

Nearby, sentry cavalry began to appear more and more frequently, and there were even 50-man sentry cavalry.

gilt armor,

crotch Pixiu,

Who is coming,

Already very clear.

Yanren Nanhou!

King Jingnan!

The Marquis of Jingnan is here!

One after another, the messages were sent back non-stop.

"This matter is here, and Benhou is planning to withdraw his troops. Chu people should not dare to go north to make trouble for a while. At that time, Benhou will lend you 50,000 Jingnan troops to help you deal with the matter of Xueyuan again."

Last time, after defeating the main force of the Savage King, because the army was exhausted at that time, and because there were still tens of thousands of Qingluan troops in Yupan City, Marquis Jingnan did not order the Yan army to take advantage of the trend to go northward to the snowfield to avenge the people of Chengguo.

But now a year has passed, and when the confrontation at Zhennanguan is over, the Yan army will be more calm than last year, and the snowy field will still have to be cleared up.

"Thank you, Lord Hou."

With 50,000 Jingnan troops and Xuehai iron cavalry, Uncle Zheng is confident that those savage tribes on the snowfield will completely kneel down and sing conquest for him.

The people they plundered, their cattle and sheep, no, even themselves, will all become the wealth of Snow Customs.

One Naiman tribe has allowed Xueguan to pass a sufficient year. There are many tribes similar to or even larger than the Naiman tribe on the snowfield!

The sentry cavalry of the Chu people kept passing by from a distance,

And at this time,

chatting and talking,


Zheng Fan and the Marquis of Jingnan had reached a very deep position in the "solitary army", and they could already see the camp in front of the Chu people.

This is the area that Chu people have expanded outwards in the past few days, and it is also a camp that has just been built.

The next scene,

Uncle Zheng will remember it for a long time;

Tian Wujing didn't speak any more,

Just sit quietly on Pixiu,

under the moonlight,

One person and one Pixiu, like a sculpture stained with a halo of the moon, exudes a cool and inviolable atmosphere.


The Chu army camp in front began to stir,

The Chu army did not rush out in an attempt to encircle this place,

On the contrary,

they started

withdraw troops.

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