Devil’s Advent

Chapter 593 Get Rich

Autumn, in fact, has gone, and the tail can no longer be held;

In fact, winter has come, but almost everyone in this land agrees that it is still autumn. As long as it hasn't snowed or covered in snow, they feel that it's not winter yet.

Because people can no longer bear the fact that winter has already entered under the current situation.

Winter is a hurdle for everything.

Overwinter, also known as boil winter;

If you survive it, it will be another year. If you can’t survive it, you don’t have to survive it anymore.

Uncle Zheng rode on his horse and looked at the long escort team in front of him. Most of them were Chu people.

It is really hard for you to imagine how terrifying the accumulation of those great nobles must be.

To put it bluntly, it is extremely rare for a family of rich and powerful to have an inheritance of more than a hundred years. In fact, most of them cannot escape the law of being rich within three generations.

Starting a family, making a fortune, guarding a family, and then breaking a family is a cycle that repeats itself. Wealth accumulates and then dissipates.

But these are almost the great nobles who lived with the country,

They are like blood leeches parasitizing on the country of Da Chu,

Moreover, like Pixiu, it can only enter and exit.

For hundreds of years, the wealth it has accumulated is really amazing.

Compared with them, the treasury of the imperial court is simply not on the table.

Because the money of the court is not for saving, but for spending. Although generations of scholars in this world like to write poems to exhort the king to be sympathetic to the power of the people and not to be extravagant, it seems that as long as the king lives as an ascetic monk, the world will be peaceful. , but the officials who are really in charge of the Ministry of Households actually know in their hearts that if money is not in circulation, it will cause bad consequences.

The defense force of these nobles' fiefs is naturally impossible to stop the wolf-like Dayan iron cavalry. In fact, most of their private soldiers have long contributed to Zhennanguan.

Right now, they are extremely weak.

And after a search, Uncle Zheng found that the place with the most real wealth is not in the treasure house of these nobles. On the list given to him by the regent, many places listed point directly to these nobles... ...ancestral graves.


The real wealth lies underground.

Because these great Chu nobles are the emperor's crops that are so hardcore that they can no longer be hardcore. Moreover, the fiefdoms are passed down from generation to generation, and the ancestral graves are in their own fiefdoms, so there is no need to worry too much about things like tomb robbery.

Because of this, the difficulty of excavating the tomb was not too great, and there were no miraculous anti-theft mechanisms, nor did anyone below report that they had seen Liang Cheng's relatives.

Uncle Zheng's soldiers in Mali immediately launched a tomb robbery campaign in full swing. In order to better stimulate the enthusiasm of the soldiers to dig the tombs, the army also started a competition.

Whoever dug the most, who dug the fastest, and who dug the most accurately will be recorded, and then awarded by Uncle Zheng himself.

As for what is taboo or not,

That's just kidding.

Which of these big soldiers has never seen blood or killed anyone on or off the battlefield?

This kind of person doesn't care about taboo or not.


To dig graves for military pay,

Borrow money from Tiandi Bank,

This is the rule of warlords in troubled times since ancient times.

Most of these Chu nobles who had their ancestral graves dug up chose to dare not speak out, and just gathered together like this, watching their ancestral graves being dug up, and watching their ancestors' bones being thrown on the ground at will. exposed to the sun on the ground.

There were a few families with kindness who dared to resist, but they were wiped out in an instant.

Uncle Zheng remembered that when he was in Hutou City, he encouraged soldiers to rush to a local family. After nightfall, he went to the ruins and thought for a long time.


Really no matter what you do,

Do it more times,

Also numb.

As for those Chu nobles who chose to compromise and swallow their anger, Uncle Zheng was merciful, neither killing them nor arresting them.

to be honest,

It is true that I and my uncle are using each other,

Uncle Zheng also knew that his brother-in-law was using his brother-in-law as a knife to clear away obstacles for him to govern Chu in the future.


My own knife is thoughtful.

I only cut the meat I want, the remaining skin and the spoiled piece inside will not be scraped for you.

These nobles whose fiefdoms have been squandered, their wealth plundered, and their ancestral graves have been dug up, the only thing they can do next is to find their emperor and cry on their knees.

Of course, Zheng Fan also knew that his big brother-in-law would never allow these nobles to recuperate.

Si Niang is very busy these days,

She wants to count the loot,

Because of the huge number and most importantly the variety, it is really difficult to count.

Uncle Zheng also deliberately took the time to ask the next approximate number,

Let Si Niang be converted into silver and gold,


It made Uncle Zheng keep his mouth wide open for a long time.

However, when I think about the hundreds of thousands of points for the Chu army, so many points for the total army, in fact, the number is acceptable.

At this time, it is necessary to sacrifice the glorious tradition of the Zheng family's army when they were in Green Willow Fort earlier, then in Shengle City, and finally in Xuehaiguan --- pocketing their own pockets.

Those who have worked in logistics or distribution, in fact, know that it is difficult not to be greedy;

People outside also know that it is impossible for you not to be greedy.

A smart person can do it, he knows that you are probably greedy, but on the books it looks pretty clean;

In this way, outsiders will not think that you are not greedy, but you must be greedy very little.

In terms of Uncle Zheng's current status, no one would be unconvinced if he had a little more share;

As soon as he thought of this, Uncle Zheng couldn't help but tell Si Niang to make this account more ruthless.

In the future, the development of people's livelihood in eastern Shanxi will depend entirely on it.

Of course, the influx of too much gold and silver goods at once will inevitably lead to a decline in purchasing power, but this kind of financial problem is not something that needs to be considered in Eastern Shanxi now and in the next few years, and the more the better;

If it doesn't work, Uncle Zheng will feel wronged and go back to repair a few more golden toilets in the mansion.

The capacity of the people is a big problem, and the soldiers can bring some by themselves. Uncle Zheng also turned a blind eye to this point.

The military discipline officer will only catch those who are too entrained, two horses, good guy, the hooves of the horses are struggling, what are you doing?

You must know that you are still in Chu, and the peace is negotiated, but who knows if the Chu people will turn their faces at any time?

Why didn't we have any idea about the people of Chu at the beginning?

If a war broke out suddenly, would your war horse still be able to charge?

Sergeants must participate in the escort, but the number should not be large, so try to catch some Chu people as civilian husbands, that is, slaves, and transport them back to Shanggu County or Jindi. These Chu people are actually "population wealth" ", will definitely be left behind.

Uncle Zheng wanted to imitate how the first Marquis of Zhenbei had plundered the three sides of the Qian Kingdom a hundred years ago, but Nian Yao's army immediately set up camp after crossing the Weihe River.

It was no longer a needle, but a huge iron pestle, standing there.

It made it impossible for the Yan army to let go of its hands and feet to mess around, and it was necessary to maintain the greatest combat readiness and vigilance against it.


In fact, it is enough.

The retreat of the army was orderly. Uncle Zheng looked at the list and searched for about 75% of the targets. Some were too far away, so they didn't go, some were too far away, and they didn't go, and some were too lucky. , who happened to be stuck by Nian Yao's army, so naturally he didn't go.

Everything is safety first, and the Chu army is not given any chance to launch a military operation.

The army returned with a full load, crossed the Wei River in batches, and returned to Shanggu County.

On the day when Uncle Zheng crossed the Weihe River and returned to the boundary of Jingcheng, there was heavy snow falling from the sky.

The two armies of Yan and Chu, with the Weihe River as the boundary, both sides settled down in villages and started a new round of confrontation.

Yan Jun pulled out,

The Chu people were able to tighten their gates again,

Although the grand pass of Zhennan Pass was gone, the soldiers of the Chu army still breathed a sigh of relief when the navy of Great Chu stood horizontally on the Weihe River.

Whether they will fight in the future, no one can say for sure, but at least for now, it won't happen in a short time.

A Yan-Chu war that lasted for a year,

Finally the curtain came down.

When the curtain fell, there was another episode.

Uncle Zheng wrote to Nian Yao,

Said that he wanted to be on the Wangjiang boat with him for a while, each with a guard.

Nian Yao refused.


"Come and eat."

Guo Dong handed a piece of jerky to Xu An.

Xu An is now Jin Shuke's personal soldier, and he is always with Jin Shuke. It can be said that the future is boundless.

Guo Dong is not bad either.

Now he has changed into a new suit of armor, and the saber around his waist has also become a standard one. It is obvious that he looks like a school captain.


He also brought jerky and handed it to his good brother to eat.

Xu An was not polite, took the jerky and started to chew on it.

In fact, he was convinced to follow Jin Shuke to do things, because Xu An could feel the spirit hidden in this barbarian general.

He is the one who does things, the one who knows how to do things, and the one who can do things.

It's just that this barbarian general is very harsh on himself in life, and he is determined not to treat him differently. Therefore, as his personal soldier, his daily food is actually similar to that of the chief soldier.

"Now, that girl Ah Shui from your hometown can't escape, she's the captain."

The school lieutenant has already entered the ranks of officers.

"It doesn't matter whether I become an official or not. The key is that my uncle personally registered me as an official, hehehe."

Guo Dong smiled while stroking the captain's badge on his body.

He still remembered the scene when his uncle let them go on stage to receive awards the day before yesterday, and his uncle even patted him on the shoulder himself.

Although separated by a layer of armor, he could still feel the uncle's palm, which was generous and warm.

"What brand is your lieutenant?"

The military system at the bottom of Dayan is actually very chaotic. The rank of captain is not bad in the regular army, but in the local area, it is actually like a panacea.

I think when I was in Beifeng County, most of the families of Wubao masters were hereditary school captains. The "Hushang Xiaowei" that Uncle Zheng first made was also a brand name that the princess himself made up, and he took it temporarily. , on the contrary, the grades of Shoucheng Xiaowei and Xuncheng Xiaowei are relatively formal.

"Here, look at Sarah."

Guo Dong proudly took off his waist badge and handed it to Xu An with both hands.

Xu An bit the jerky in his mouth,

After taking the waist card and looking at it,

I saw two large characters engraved on it:

touch gold!

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