Devil’s Advent

Chapter 763 Surprise!

The army marched at a relatively fast and constant speed, and the peripheral servant army could ascertain most of the situation in advance. In addition, they were savages, so there was no problem at all galloping on the snowy field.

And the ones responsible for the safety of Zheng Fan's army camp have always been his own people.

This is actually a very self-castrating way of deploying combat power. It seems stable, but this kind of stability is internal, and when it resists external shocks, it will appear relatively fragile.

In short, the ability to fight tough battles is worrying;

But this time, they are not rushing to fight a tough battle. At least for now, it is unlikely that a savage tribal alliance will appear overnight on the snowy field and will not hesitate to mobilize the young and strong in the clan to fight against Lord Zheng.

On the contrary, what the army needs to march all the way, it asks the nearby tribes to provide them.

No tribe is willing to contribute the precious food and grass stored by their own tribe after the winter, but no one dares not to obey the power of the Pingxihou Mansion.

Back then, Lord Zheng followed Lao Tian with 30,000 cavalry and almost swept across the western part of the snowfield. After that, the wild man king who once set off such a big battle was smothered to death in Jin by the Yan people. Then, before the attack on Chu In addition, Zheng Houye and Li Fusheng even played a game of trapping wild men in the city to practice siege. As for the destruction of the Naiman tribe, it was just a small episode.

There are too many lessons learned from the past, and the leaders of each tribe know that those who dare to disobey will mean the extermination of the tribe.

The current strength of the Marquis of Pingxi is not enough to fight against the entire snowfield, even if the soldiers are strong and strong, but they have a numerical advantage here, but the snowfield is scattered, and the Marquis can really destroy whichever they want;

The most ridiculous thing is that the leader of the tribe knows better. When the blade of the Pingxihou Mansion is on his neck, if you shout hard, you can indeed call to many nearby tribes, but they don't want to come to share the same hatred with you, but Waiting for you to be wiped out to carve up your remaining population and the pastures you own.

The price of the wildling king's failure back then was the dissipation of the essence of a generation of visionary and ambitious wildlings.

However, the army does not collect food and grass for free, but will give rewards. Those who provide tribal warriors and those who provide food and grass will receive corresponding discounts and priority when going to Snow Customs to do business in the coming year.

Religious means are the long-term solution, while economic restraint is the main means now. The complete pacification of Xueyuan will come after Qianchu.

The farther the army went north, the weather and natural conditions began to become worse and worse, and the density of the surrounding tribes became less and less. At the same time, the degree of radiation from Xueguan Pingxihou Mansion became weaker and weaker.

Finally, a tribe appeared who dared to refuse the army to borrow food, and even killed two Hailan tribe warriors who went to urge the food.

This made Lord Pingxi very happy, and immediately ordered the army to station temporarily. At the same time, Liang Cheng led the servant army to crusade against the unsightly tribe.


"Father, that tribe rejected us, why is father so happy?"

There was a fire inside the handsome tent, driving away the chill outside.

Sitting next to Zheng Fan every day, he asked his own questions very seriously.

This is Zheng Fan's permission, marching all the way, regardless of astronomy and geography, regardless of customs, you can ask whatever you want.

At the same time, Liu Dahu often listened along with him.

The Juggernaut is quite happy about this, his stepson's ambition is in the army, and since Tian Wujing went to the west, the whole Yan, in terms of being the most capable of fighting, probably has not surpassed the Marquis in front of him.

Marching all the way, and teaching popular science all the way, Juggernaut felt that this was very meaningful to Liu Dahu.

He himself did not dare to teach anyway, and he tried it before, but the result was very tragic.

"The army has been marching for a long time, and the Chinese army you see is okay because it is my army, but in fact, I have already become anxious in my heart;

This is even more so for the savage soldiers and horses on the periphery. They have not been purged, and their endurance is actually worse.

The march was boring and hard, and we were about to enter the range of the extreme north. We had to take advantage of this opportunity to let the army be active, let the horses run, and let the knives swing.

Take this opportunity to boost morale. "

Tian Tian nodded, and Liu Dahu on the side was also thoughtful.

At this time, Zheng Fan reached out and grabbed Tiantian's hand, stroked the bandaged place on the back of his hand, and sighed helplessly.

"Father, it's okay, it doesn't hurt."

The back of the child's hand was scalded. In order to serve himself broth, he fell in the snow, and the magic pill only burned the back of his hand a little.

However, Zheng Fan did not ask his children not to do such things again. He watched Liu Dahu busy every day, serving Zheng Fan's daily life as a personal soldier. He also regarded himself as a "personal soldier", so he naturally had to help Do together.

Regarding this, the Juggernaut is not jealous. It is reasonable to learn from a master and serve his master.

At this time, Si Niang came in with the food and said;

"Come on, let's eat."

Liu Dahu got up and stood in the corner of the handsome tent;

Among the pack of wolves, when the wolf king was eating, he was the least guarded. The wolves around him would help him keep an eye on his surroundings, as would a qualified personal guard.

Tiantian also got up and stood there with Liu Dahu, obviously, this was not the first time.

Liu Dahu had a knife on his waist. The young man could already wield a real knife, but Tian Tian was still young. Zheng Fan gave him a dagger, which could also be worn on his waist.

Of course this dagger was not made by Xue San, it is poisonous, so I dare not let children play with it.

The Juggernaut can sit down and eat together. He is not a member of the army, but just the personal bodyguard of Lord Zhenghou.

The meals are very simple. In winter, nothing can make people feel more comfortable than a pot of hot pot maocai.

Master Zheng Hou asked while eating:

"Is there any news from San'er?"


"Where is Ah Cheng?"

"No, but it should go well. A Ming took Cahill to the front line."

The two vampires were obviously crazy about human blood.

Here, Zheng Fan and others finished eating, and Liu Dahu and Tiantian came over to eat.

Although it was the bottom of the pot left over, adults deliberately left more meat in it.

Lord Zheng Hou got up and walked out of the handsome tent. When the cold wind blew outside, he felt much refreshed.

Lord Zheng Hou found a place at the entrance of the tent and sat down. The distance from that place was getting closer and closer. In his heart, he had nothing to fear or worry about. After all, he did not come alone;

On the contrary, I am still a little curious, curious about what is waiting for me in front of me.

Master Zheng Hou reached out, took out the big iron box, and took out a cigarette from it.

At this time, a burning wooden stick was moved in front of him, which was held up every day.

As his little personal guard, Tian Tian was also responsible for lighting cigarettes every day.

"Have you eaten?" Zheng Fan asked.

"Have a good meal, baby."

"Don't eat so fast next time. Gobbling it up is bad for your stomach. You are still young and growing up. Dad brought you out to see the world, not to ruin your body."

"Yes, the child understands."

"You have to protect your body well. If you become sick and consumptive, you won't be able to lead the army like your father."


In fact, what Zheng Fan said was bullshit, the baby's body is solid, and Master Zheng Hou's face was blue from the cold wind during the march, and he even put some wax on it to prevent the cold;

But Tian Tian's little face has always been flushed, not the frozen red, but a healthy red with blood.

Otherwise, why is it called a soul boy, and why the sword master can't help but want to accept him as a disciple?

After lighting a cigarette, Zheng Fan sat outside and smoked slowly.

At this time, someone came back, it was Liang Cheng.

"My lord."

"How's the war going?" Zheng Fan asked casually.

It's just a small tribe that doesn't know the heights of the sky and the depths of the earth, and Liang Cheng personally leads the army, so how could there be any trouble.

"It has been breached, and the subordinates found a person and brought them here."

"Oh, which one?"

"Bring it up."


Soon, an extremely sloppy person was brought up.

At first, Zheng Fan didn't recognize it, but after a closer look, he found that it was Monk Kong Yuan.

Monk Kongyuan stood there in a daze, his eyes blank.

"How could it be such a coincidence?"

"Returning to the Lord is not because of a coincidence, but because that tribe has accepted hundreds of such muddle-headed people since last month.

They do what they are told to do, work when they are told to work, gnaw mud when told to eat mud, stab them with knives, burn them with fire, they don’t know pain, let alone dodge.

Therefore, the patriarch of this tribe thought that he had accepted the fearless warriors sent by the stars and believed that he was sheltered by the stars, so he dared to disobey our orders and kill our people. "

"Master Kongyuan?"

Zheng Fan yelled a few times, but Monk Kongyuan didn't seem to hear him at all.

"Sit down." Liang Cheng said.

Monk Kongyuan sat down.

Only then did Zheng Fan discover that there were several terrifying scars on his back, which should have been caused by extremely serious injuries.

"Does this look like a walking corpse?" Zheng Fan asked Liang Cheng.

In this regard, Liang Cheng is an expert.

"No, he is still a living person, and some people like him have been arrested. His subordinates have checked them, and they are indeed alive.

The subordinates felt that they should have been heavily hypnotized, or that their self-awareness had been wiped out, leaving only the instinct to obey. "

"They, are they coming from the north?"

"Yes, my lord."

Zheng Fan immediately straightened up and said:

"The hell is that the MLM team has disbanded and is about to run away."

Little monk Liaofan broke free from the shackles and fled back because of his firm Buddha's heart. Monk Kongyuan and the group of "similar" were completely dismissed.

It was a place similar to a religious altar. They also needed offerings and supplies from believers. Now, they dismissed these "believers", which meant transfer.

"Ah Cheng, you are in charge of the delay, and I will lead a thousand riders to go ahead."

"Master, is it too dangerous for you to go in person?" Liang Cheng worried.

He knew clearly that the lord was obviously a bit too cumbersome with a large army, and wanted to ride lightly and quickly.

"So I asked you to respond from behind. If I encounter any danger, at least I have to have hope. I hope that the reinforcements will arrive at the last moment. I only have this hope when you lead the rear army.

Besides, since he is about to run away, there is nothing to be afraid of. I think why San'er hasn't sent a message back until now. I guess it has already been attached, and I have to meet him.

Maybe, San'er is now also waiting eagerly for me to lead the army to go there.

This thing is very evil, whether it is prophesied or not, it cannot make him grow up. "

"My lord, my subordinates still don't agree with you. You are the commander of the first army, so you can't be so radical. Besides, the road ahead is vast, and Liaofan's map is also a large area. You just take these people there, what should you do?" Looking for luck?"

When Zheng Fan heard this, he smiled, pointed at Monk Kongyuan, and said:

"Do you know why I sent someone to send a message to this pair of master and apprentice on the snow field to help me find the location of the prophecy?"

Zheng Houye asked himself and answered:

"Because this pair of master and apprentice have a very good fate, the kind that can be seen. You see, the master is stupid, and the apprentice is schizophrenic, but none of them died, right?"

Lord Zheng Hou pointed at himself again,


"My life on the battlefield, sometimes, is particularly bad, and this can be regarded as my self-confidence.

In addition, if you tell me a few more times, I will definitely not be able to find that thing. I think the probability of me encountering that thing will suddenly become very high. "

"..." Liang Cheng.

Zheng Fan no longer hesitated, and ordered Liang Cheng: "Give me a thousand rides."

"Yes, my lord." Liang Cheng could only agree.


Zheng Fan walked into the commander's tent and said to Si Niang: "The incident is urgent, we have to pursue first, I will personally lead a team of soldiers and horses forward to meet San'er, Si Niang, you stay in the commander's tent of the Chinese army, protect..."

Protecting Tiantian, Zheng Fan still didn't say this.

Because Tiantian was standing beside Liu Dahu, holding a dagger and straightening his small chest.

"day by day."

"The baby is here!"

"Father is going to chase the enemy, you stay in the camp of the Chinese army and protect your aunt."

"The child takes orders!"

Zheng Fan's eyes and Siniang's looked at each other, and they both understood.

Immediately afterwards, Zheng Fan looked at the Juggernaut:

"Old Yu."

The Juggernaut nodded and walked out holding the sword.

When Zheng Fan was about to leave the account, he saw Tian Tian trotting out, took off the purse wrapped in red stones from himself, and handed it to Zheng Fan:

"Sister, protect father."

Zheng Fan hesitated for a moment, perhaps because his previous words of persuasion to Liang Cheng left some psychological shadows on himself, but he hesitated when he looked at Tian Tian.

at this time,

The red stone flew up by itself,

Familiar with the way, he flew into the hidden compartment inside Zheng Fan's armor.

That being the case, Lord Zheng Hou is not hypocritical.

With a flick of the cloak,

Walking out, Juggernaut followed.

"Fan Li, A Ming, set off with Benhou."

"Yes, my lord."

"My lord, I'm coming."


A group of more than a thousand cavalry broke away from the central army and galloped northward.


at the same time,

On a snowfield in the north,

A dwarf poked his head out of the snow.

Beside him, there are still a group of heads poking out slowly.

In the distance of the line of sight of the two, there is a team marching westward.

Some of them were on horseback and some were on foot.

The most conspicuous thing in the team is that there is something like a large sled, which is pulled by three snow wolves with unshakable horses.

The sled carried a large square piece of ice, and there was obviously something inside the ice, and under the sunlight, it showed a shadow.

"Third Master, don't we send someone back to inform Lord Hou?" Dai Li, Xue San's confidant, asked.

"What the fuck, we've deviated from the established route a long time ago, and we don't know where the Lord's army is now, how to notify them, light a beacon?"

The snowfield is vast and boundless, but there are not many places suitable for people to live in, so the land is really sparsely populated, which makes it too difficult to convey the news.

Zheng Houye's army is large and powerful, but here, unless you have a large number of scouts scattered out to search, there is a high probability that the two armies will pass by.

So, if you let one or two people go back, whether you can spread the news or not really depends on luck, if you let too many people go back, it will waste the existing manpower on hand.

Xue San licked his lips,

His attention was always on that piece of ice.

Not surprisingly, the goal of my trip is that.


Is the real devil king?

beautiful you

Still lying in the ice,



I will deal with you directly before you wake up, but don't blame the third master for my lack of martial arts.

"Move ahead of time and prepare to ambush the other side. Everyone, I chose you for this mission, because I know that you all have wives and children."

"Yes, third master."

"Yes, third master."

Xue San nodded,


"Okay, for this mission, most of you probably won't be able to go back alive, and you won't even be able to take your body back, but don't worry, the Hou Mansion will take care of your children until they grow up, and even take care of the dowry.


Those who are willing to remarry their daughters-in-law, please raise your hand and let me see. For the rest, I will acquiesce that your mother-in-law is not allowed to remarry, and the Hou Mansion will provide money and food every month. "

Everyone looked at me, and I looked at you. In the end, only two people raised their hands.

Xue San looked at it twice, and said;

"Understood, now according to my instructions, divide into two teams, I will lead a team to continue to watch here, Dai Li, you take people to the front to set traps and ambushes, when they come in, just..."

Xue San lowered his palm,



Suddenly, a group of people flew out of the snow on both sides of where the team was passing by in the distance, and rushed straight to the team.

There are many masters here, otherwise it would be impossible to make such a big noise.

"..." Xue San.

The two groups of people killed immediately.

At this time,

Dai Li asked, "Third Master, should we kill him too?"

Xue San scolded angrily:

"Are you so impatient to let your daughter-in-law be your widow?"

"Er..." Dai Li.

Xue San silently took out fried noodles from his pocket, stuffed them into his mouth,


"Eat, watch a play."


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