Dimensional Eroders

Chapter 153 Returning to the camp, the main line opens (for subscription)

Bailang traveled at high speed in the wilderness according to a map. He took the initiative to avoid the battlefield area. When he was about to arrive at the camp, he abandoned the little sheep and went on foot. He arrived at the outskirts of the camp after a long journey.

Perhaps it was because of the interference of the paradise, the guards did not have any doubts about his sudden appearance, but let him in after a few simple interrogations. So far, he has been late for half an hour.

On his mission panel, it also displays [Exclusive hidden mission: 1 ring, hide. Countdown to 47:30】.

The front-line barracks of Amistoris was transformed from a small town, and all kinds of war weapons were parked on the side of the road. The smell of blood, gunpowder smoke, and the smell of not taking a bath made the air cloudy and dull.

Along the way, he saw many soldiers and officers, some clutching their guns, trembling and weeping in despair and fear; some sat with numb expressions and empty eyes; In some temporary white medical tents, screams of pain came from time to time.

Now is the rest time at the end of the battle, and the management is relatively loose. Soldiers do not have the right to move freely, but low-level officers can hang out.

Bailang quickly found the area where the contractors were resting and entrenched. It was a small square occupied by a group of vicious guys. It was noisy and noisy at the moment, which was in stark contrast to the heavy atmosphere outside, but there were not too many people. Pay attention here.

When Bailang stepped into this open space, he received this main task:

[You trigger the main mission: Ring 1, investigation. 】

[You have inherited a certain identity and successfully joined the Amistoris military camp, but you are still an insignificant pawn. You need more faction contributions to stand out and gain high-level trust to dig out the secrets behind this war. Behind this sudden battle, there is still an unknown inside story, please investigate and find out the truth as soon as possible. 】

After receiving this task, Bailang was taken aback for a moment, feeling that there was nothing wrong. But after tasting it, it doesn't feel right. This is a unified task for all contractors, so he tentatively replied: "Blood and werewolf?

[Contractor No. 1449032 has access to the second-stage information in advance and holds core items. Judging... You have completed part of the content of the 1st ring, and it has been entered into the general evaluation of the task. Please increase the 'Faction Contribution' to 500+ as soon as possible to complete the first ring. 】

[Reminder: Before the end of the first ring task, you are not allowed to disclose relevant information to others through any means. 】

Looking at the main task that was suddenly marked as 'Completed', Bailang couldn't laugh or cry, and thought to himself: 'Is this the difficulty that the first stage should have? Am I strong enough? '

Breaking free from the shadow of being beaten and beaten in the second stage, Bailang realized that he wasn't that bad after all.

There is really a kind of serving tea and water in a key high school, assisting famous teachers to write final exam questions, and secretly remembering them in my heart. It turned out that when the final exam was held the next day, it happened to be the ignorant B feeling of this paper.

I have the ultimate 'mission item' you want to investigate in my pocket, and now you ask me what is the truth? How should I answer? Am I the truth?

The public area is quite noisy at the moment. Some people are yelling to form a team and recruit contractors with different abilities; some people sell hoarded materials, ammunition, and medicine; some people sell information at a high price to show that they know the inside story of this world; , Trading props, selling treasure chest keys... It was very lively.

The Paradise airdrops a large number of contractors to the battlefield irregularly, and then ignores it, and confirms the camp affiliation by its own choice. Then use the specific 'nameplate' to obtain the corresponding identity and status, and give full play to one's own strengths.

For example, Bailang got the nameplates of sniper, engineer, etc., which obviously didn't fit his position in the ability column, so he finally chose a cheating 'field nurse' status.

And other contractors who don't have a 'bronze vehicle', are not qualified to run halfway, and jump directly into the second-stage area, have enough time and opportunity to change their identities to collect more triggers and make the best choice.

By listening to the chats of these contractors, he also learned about the main task of the first stage, except for him, who picked up the reference answer in advance. The correct way to open it is that the more efficient the action is, the sooner the person who locks the nameplate and confirms the camp can evacuate from the front line and return to the camp as long as they complete the rated kill on the battlefield.

The person who arrives first is not only strong and experienced, but also can get a higher evaluation and calculate bonuses with the camp. For example, Bailang was half an hour late, and he was undoubtedly the group with the worst grades. There was no additional increase in his own 'Faction Contribution', but there was no reduction in punishment either.

But he will face another dilemma:

People who arrive at different times have roughly the same strength. If it is a small team that has been broken up, rejoin directly and add some temporary newcomers appropriately. And those retail investors who travel alone will also choose each other with similar strengths, and form a team to complete the task.

As for brother lang, he was half an hour late and had no potential at all. Although the appearance is not bad for a tall man, but is the paradise a place to look at the appearance? Therefore, he was regarded as the scum of the weak and the weak, and no one wanted to talk to him.

What is waiting for him now is a group of young and weak chickens who have also been eliminated, excluded, and disgusted. Either the strength is too low, or people hate ghosts, or there is a serious problem with the ratio of ability columns, in short, they are not welcome.

Faced with this situation, Bailang didn't care. My heart is weighed down by a heavy "difficulty 2 - 48 hours", and the mere stage 1 bench is a fart!

With the reference answer, I wish I could be as low-key as possible... I am such a humble and simple person.

Bailang pretended to be an ignorant and cute newcomer, actively chatted everywhere, and even sold a few 'low-level nameplates' at a low price, and finally consulted a lot of common sense.

It is true that Paradise tempered the contractors, but they did not force people to die insanely, let alone obliterate them. At most, they gave away a permanent residence right.

Within the same camp, internal vendettas are not encouraged. The camp mission is also a public open competition type, which can be promoted by multiple teams. No matter which side makes progress, it will be included in the overall progress of the camp mission and shared with each other.

Therefore, the theory of lying and winning with salted fish is allowed. It's just that the strong are always strong, if you don't desperately get rewards and evaluations in the mission, even if you survive, the salted fish will only be saltier... After understanding this, Bailang immediately strengthened his belief in "lying down and winning" the salted fish!

The faction has opened the leaderboard, and the 'base salary' after the task is completed is determined by the 'ranking + contribution'. In addition, everyone can also receive branch tasks, which can be exclusive or shared by the team, which is an additional 'performance commission'.

Bailang's strategy for himself is to lie down and win the 'basic salted fish guaranteed salary', and work hard to earn 'exclusive hidden task performance'. The final ranking is not impressive, but the actual gains may not be worse than the first three!

However, 'salted fish' is not so easy to make! Salted fish need big water fish to raise... How can you win if you don't have a father who is the patron? For the first ring of Bailang, you need to collect 500 faction contributions, and the current progress is only 20 contributions.

The best way is to join a team and paddle for experience in a 'parasitic' way. In this regard, he has been prepared for a long time, and he has shown his extraordinary medical skills as soon as he arrives. It is time to become a baby daddy and be admired + supported and loved by thousands of people!

After turning around the gathering place a few times, his eyes lit up, and he found the bearded man who could control the soil to build fortifications, and he took the initiative to meet him, hugging his calf first!

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