Dimensional Eroders

Chapter 158 Salted Fish Turns Small, Big Turns Loading

Chapter 158 Salted Fish Turns Small, Big Turns Loading...

In the early morning of the next day, Bailang woke up early, washed up hastily, and was ready to continue the rescue work.

It took only one day for the 'medical title' to be piled up abruptly by his exaggerated 'number of treatments'. However, because his rank is too low, most of his contacts are patients with minor injuries, and the content is mainly about disinfection, application of medicine, sutures, and bandages. It is purely a volume, and the gold content is not high, so it is only a "white basic title".

Even so, it is a miracle to get a 'title' in one day and put it among ordinary contractors.

He had already heard from the boss that the "personal title" can be transformed artificially, or even actively created, but only if you have achieved relevant unique achievements in the mission world and be widely recognized. Like his "title" at this time, it belongs to the standard title provided by the park in batches, and it is not something to be proud of.

"I can do more!" Bailang warned himself humbly.

On the way to the first-aid area, he exchanged all the 'badges' in hand, raised the faction contribution to the early four hundred, and the ranking was stuck at 63 and it was difficult to advance. According to today's work progress, even if they don't take the missions from the faction, and just rely on saving people in the camp, they can complete the 'ring 1' in a low-key manner.

The countdown to the 'exclusive mission', with 27 hours left, became more and more urgent, and he felt great pressure in his heart. But he also conceived an outline of the plan in his mind, and he needed the cooperation of the 'medical title'.

Then show some talent today and strengthen the 'title' again, so that it will be easier to complete that plan.

Thinking in his mind, Bailang walked to the area where the contractors gathered, found a place to have breakfast, and at the same time silently listened to other people's chats, learning about the progress of this mission, and also collecting information.

Yesterday afternoon and even late at night, he was not the only one working hard. The contractor team also accepts various attacks and interception missions, and is frequently active on the battlefield. Not only does the contribution list change from time to time, but even the main missions are greatly advanced.

Although no information about the "Werewolf" has been heard yet, Bailang found that more people opened the "Hidden Faction Store" and several items were exchanged. Obviously, more than one team killed the werewolf warrior.

While he was eating breakfast and listening to collect information, he also became one of the hot topics discussed by the contractors.

There were quite a few people who tried to sneak into the medical area yesterday to earn their 'title', and he forced them away by himself, but there were still a few people who stayed behind and acted as helpers for miscellaneous work, and have not yet obtained information about the 'title' But spread the murderous deeds of Bailang.

A field medical staff who has just been working for seven hours without rest, is favored by experts, and is also a contractor. If you say that this kind of person is not from the medical department, who will believe it?

And even if it's not a medical department, this life-saving skill alone is enough to serve as a temporary medical ninja to provide medical assistance for the team.

talent! A fish that slipped through the net that was not caught by the big team is worth wooing.

Therefore, when Bailang was having dinner, people constantly took the initiative to chat with him, and frequently threw olive branches at him, inviting him to join the team and complete the mission together.

The 'old witch doctor' who was worthless and underestimated yesterday morning, through unremitting efforts, has transformed into a popular candidate for invitations from all walks of life.

Bailang sneered at this with disdain, what a bunch of short-sighted people. Now, do you understand my worth? However, my worth can be even higher!

Compared with those false medical departments: only take a staff to read two spells, brush a "Holy Light Healing" blue bar priest who sits on the wax; the real medical department should be like Brother Lang, who dares to fight against blood and gunpowder smoke Wielding the scalpel, he cut open and sewed up the patient amidst screams!

Even if I don't use the 'healing ability', I can bring the dead back to life with my strength. And when I cast 'ripple + blood therapy', I became a real 'hardcore battlefield angel'! No one knows how to save lives and heal the wounded better than me!

Compared with the small gang eager to show favor and attract people, there are a few capable teams who don't care about Bailang who is just showing his strength, and are still watching with cold eyes. After a mere day, I still can't see the depth, I can only say that it has a little potential.

"Deputy team, how's it going? Let me say that guy is not bad! He became a celebrity in just one day, so be careful to start slowly, and you won't be able to grab it again." Huzi sat in the corner with a cigarette in his mouth and said proudly.

Their newly recruited 'Little Druid of the Art Department' was transferred from 'Field Doctor' to 'Field Nurse' after being mixed into the first-aid camp yesterday because of poor business skills and running out of blue bars. work in a tent.

Brother Lang didn't know her existence because he was too focused and had no time to look after her; but this poor little druid knew of Bailang's great reputation. Working all day without using any special abilities, she became the newcomer king in the nurse industry by virtue of her strength.

"It's only been a day, and I can't see anything. What's more, the 'first aid technique' he is good at is only applicable to mortals on the battlefield. I admit that he does know medical skills, but he doesn't have much contact with our contractors. No matter how strong the medical skills in this world are, after all It can't compare to Paradise's ability to solidify." The deputy team retorted.

Huzi laughed when he heard the words: "Who said he has no 'healing ability'? He is a blue-quality healing department, a professional healing talent."

"This..." The deputy team hesitated, and originally treated Bailang as a "salted fish gang" who robbed welfare, and thought that blood therapy was the witchcraft of a "witch doctor". However, now that Brother Lang has a solid medical foundation, then 'blood therapy' can no longer be treated as pure 'witchcraft': "Send someone to chat with him and see how long it takes for him to get the title? Three days later. If not, invite him to join the team."

A few minutes later, Bailang finished his meal, pushed the plate aside, bid farewell to the guys around him who were tentatively inviting him, and walked towards the first aid tent to continue his new day's work.

"Set a small goal first, and the 'title' must be strengthened once before dark! Break through the standard and mutate into a special title." Lang muttered to himself.

In the gathering place on the other side, the deputy team and Beard showed uneasy expressions at the same time.

"What? He has already created the 'Title'? How could it be so fast?!"

The person in charge of testing Brother Lang said indifferently, "It's just a white basic title."

"Are you an idiot? Don't you look at how long it took him? From yesterday afternoon to now, can you do it?" Hu Zi cursed, and then asked, "Did he accept the invitation?"

The person who was questioned shook his head: "Refused, he didn't join either party, saying that the quality of the 'basic title' is too poor, and he will continue to save lives and heal the wounded, and put the title up."

At this time, the deputy team looked at Hu Zi: "At noon, if he still comes to eat, you personally go out and pull him into the team, remember to be more sincere."

"It's up to you to say? Who drove them away?"

"I lost my eyes this time. But how can a professional medical department solidify such an unusual ability?"

Huzi replied: "Maybe I'm tired of studying medicine and want to break through in new fields. In the paradise, aren't there several necromancers who studied medicine? He is studying blood therapy, maybe he is laying the foundation for 'hatred' ah."

Seeming to have thought of something, the deputy team shuddered and said in a low voice, "All medical students are perverts!"

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