Dimensional Eroders

Chapter 211 Harvesting Faith

After successfully occupying the blood clan stronghold, Bailang completely changed his mind, decided to abandon the main line and branch tasks, and devoted himself to expanding the scale of the "Healing Church". Before the return, collect as many beliefs as possible, and cultivate the sleeping 'totem spirit'.

Armed with faith is precious, but it is equally demanding to use and maintain. It is necessary to continue 'blood sacrifice + faith' in order to maintain operation, warm up, and become stronger.

Simple blood sacrifice is an evil way, it can only maintain its basic activity and activate the most basic functions, and it cannot last long; only when a large number of believers worship the sacrifice and obtain enough "power of faith" can the "totem spirit" continue to grow and become stronger, It is benevolent.

'Believers' and 'worship' are the core.

Moreover, once the totem pole breaks through a certain level, a 'god (totem spirit)' will be born. It is necessary to maintain the base of believers for a long time and provide a stable source of "faith", otherwise there is a risk of falling.

Therefore, the contractors who can afford 'faith' are all big shots, local tyrants, strong people, and high-ranking people. There must be a stable 'source of faith output', either the backbone of a large sect, or the head of a small church.

But Bailang is a newcomer with no fixed place to live in, and has been living in the kitten's house for a long time for food; he has no assets in Somogo, and has just completed the household registration; he wanders in different mission worlds, licking blood with the knife head; because The existence of the eight-year-old woman's blood is destined to be impossible to join any church to pollute the soul; if you rashly preach in the main world and set up Amway black dens, will you be beaten to death by Uncle Police?

So where does he have a stable source of 'power of faith'? without!

(The eight-year-old bloodline rejects Bailang's belief in the gods, which will pollute his soul purity. But the eight-year-old bloodline is very happy to actively pollute other 'young god embryos' to expand its own business scope. The thorn is that she snatched from the 'Paladin belief system' over here.)

Now, an opportunity lies ahead. After controlling this group of blood clans, it would be logical to accept the "Faith Parish" developed by the Blood Snail Church in a nearby village. This place has been well-developed, you can occupy the magpie's nest, directly harvest the beliefs of the common people, and run away if you earn a lot of money. It is absolutely super exciting, and it will be difficult to have similar opportunities in the future.

Now the blood race is busy fighting with the werewolf, the main force retreats, leaving many villages beyond reach. Many of Bailang's vampires are familiar with related businesses, so they can completely pretend to be the "Blood Snail Branch" and accumulate a fortune of faith.

At that time, whether it is used as the ration of the 'totem spirit' or used to drive the basic energy of the 'totem pole', it will be better than keeping a 'cross' empty and difficult to use.

So he did what he said, and appointed 'Seven Daime Fugui Wan' as the first archbishop of the Healing Church, and a group of blood clans with the highest piety were the backbone, and launched a vigorous 'missionary activity'.

Bai Lang also personally devoted himself to the front line, went deep into the grassroots, learned, absorbed, and accumulated relevant experience, and accumulated for his future "faith totem training".

During this period, he contacted Old Man Qiu again, reduced the 3300 paddling fee to 2000 embers, and attached a 'Super Soldier Program Application (Third Research Institute)' of unknown value, in exchange for the 'Minimum Customs Clearance Guarantee', Survive this mission.

On the other side of the barracks, the once-flash-in-the-pan rookie 'Outlander' also quietly retired. It is said that he was hit in the knee by a flying shrapnel, knelt on the spot, and was quickly arranged for amputation.

Coupled with his status as a rare and protected talent, he was sent back to the rear to recuperate, and he was awarded third-class merit for this. It made countless little nurses who were obsessed with his pectoralis major sigh.

This story tells us a principle of life: the amputee will always have it amputated. Therefore, stay a line in life, so that we can meet each other in the future.

After Autlan left the stage, Bailang annexed Blood Snail's "resources of believers" under the guidance of "Fu Gui Pill". These war-torn villagers, who were terrified and insecure, immediately threw themselves into the embrace of the "Healing Church".

Compared with the messy evil god worship content of the "Blood Snail Church", the "Healing Church" led by Goddess Jidu is more popular among the common people. Get merits and virtues to cleanse sins, help each other save the dying and heal the wounded, save the lives of others, get blessings, the pious will ascend to the kingdom of God, and the innocent soul will be reincarnated. ’ is full of humanitarian spirit and humanistic care.

The "Hematopoietic Stem Cell Gospel" written by Bailang himself contains various medical knowledge and first aid knowledge. Read frequently, stay away from serious diseases, stay healthy, have a happy family, prolong life... wash your hands before meals and rinse your mouth after using the toilet, please drink more hot water for aunts, bloodletting therapy to prolong life and other truths.

Compared with the chicken soup for the soul of those fooling people, this is the real talent and learning, which improves the quality of life of the villagers.

Not only that, but Bailang often goes out in person, visits experts, goes to the countryside for blood therapy, goes deep into the grassroots, and speaks out from his own experience... he performs the "blood therapy magic" to save people on the spot, shows miracles, and attracts fans for "Jidu".

Compared with the vampires who generally don't trust and respect the gods, the farmers on the border are more devout. After witnessing Bailang's "bone setting with a wrench, brain piercing with a screwdriver to save people, bloodletting therapy to bring the dead back to life..." many times, they defected and joined the "Church of Healing".

As for a small number of old and stubborn loyalists of the Blood Conch Sect, after Bailang brought out the big killer of "distributing eggs for free", they also knelt down one after another, shouting: "Free blood donation is everyone's responsibility." How can I relieve my worries? There is only blood therapy!" Everyone lined up to receive the award.

Fear of death is the nature of all living things. And the 'Church of Healing' can eliminate serious illnesses, bring the dead back to life, and prolong life with blood therapy...just grasping the weaknesses of all living things.

In the process of preaching, the only thing Bailang regrets is that he was young and frivolous and didn't know the importance of learning, and he didn't know the brainwashing routines of preaching. After returning to Somogo after this mission, he must enroll in a related training class, sneak into the den, and learn advanced missionary knowledge.

I don't know if there are any black dens of the northern faction in 'Suomoge Star'? Based on the nature of the contractor's work, he deduced that each mission world might not last long. So subtly and quietly, but the Southern School, which takes time, is obviously not suitable for me; the simple, rough, fast and efficient 'Northern School' is undoubtedly the best choice!

As batches of beliefs were harvested, the "Cross of Destiny" stored the "Power of Faith" and displayed various functions. The sleeping 'spirit' also reacted after absorbing the faith.

Every day, he would sacrifice a few 'Black Thorn Girls' to feed 'Ling', intending to cultivate 'Ling' into 'Ji Du'. Not only did the eighth-wife blood not warn, but they were happy to see it happen.

To be precise, Bailang suspects that the sub-human blood is constantly using the information of the 'black ghost' to cover this pure 'spirit' time and time again, and carry out a different kind of seizure.

Since joining the 'Ability Bar', Ba Po has extended her claws to his high-end equipment, and the 'IBM Particle' derived from the Bloodline Bar has taken over the 'Power of Faith'. At the same time, under the prayers of many believers, his nonsensical doctrine of "donating blood without compensation" formed a force of rules and was taken over by the "blood healing ability bar".

All the 'blood' donated by followers of the 'Healing Church' will be transferred to the 'totem pole', and it will be judged as a spell-casting resource approved by Bailang's 'blood healing ability'.

These 'blood resources' could not replenish his blood bars, but they could replace his blood bars and provide 'blood therapy' for other people, which freed Lang from the embarrassing situation of cutting his wrists and sacrificing Fugui pills. Become a real bulk sex nurse. (Able to fight, able to resist, able to withstand, able to release magic spells...)

But the cross also has shortcomings. Its essence is a 'totem pole'. Although it breeds a 'spirit', it is limited by the entity. Staying at the original level of "tribal worship" is a congenital defect, and it is also the upper limit of the pattern of "shaman tribal old witch doctor".

In his previous life, Bailang had seen various sects such as "Buddhism, Taoism and Green Foundation" when he lived on the earth. He had a large number of chain stores around the world, and he knew their mode of operation, but he couldn't do it himself.

He can only establish a line of faith if he accepts worship from a "totem pole-faith base station" and within the coverage area of ​​the faith WiFi. It is unacceptable to go outside the range of the totem pole signal. The totem mode greatly limits the output of the "willing power of faith".

It is not wrong to insist that the "totem pole" is a god, but it can only stay at the level of "the god of the land, the evil temple, the neon eight million gods". It is possible to establish a "shrine" in a local area, but it is impossible to open a "chain store" covering the whole world.

Talking about these is too far away, a little unrealistic. Bailang, who didn't even activate the 'totem spirit', wandered between villages with a group of blood clan boys every day.

He stored the "cross" in his private space, insisted on blood therapy to go to the countryside, toured, distributed eggs, and harvested faith in every village. Patiently spread the "Hematopoietic Stem Cell Gospel" and explain to the villagers who is hematopoietic? Who is the cell? Easy to understand, simple and interesting, entertaining and entertaining, happy to hear and see.

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