Dimensional Eroders

Chapter 245 Poison Cooking and Golden Bell Cover

Ever since Bailang gave up the "prescription" certified by the paradise and began to enjoy the "Sinking Demon and Poison Meal Set" specially prepared by Yuan Xin, his appetite has whetted his appetite, and he finally truly appreciates the power of the "food paradise" and experienced the "poisonous poison". The essence of cooking'.

This is by no means a derogatory term like "Killing Cuisine", but a completely unfamiliar new food field!

Leaving aside whether 'poison cooking' will cause harm to the body? The most basic idea of ​​this "poison genre" food alone has exploded more than 90% of the food on the earth in previous lives. If food can also be divided into "ordinary" and "extraordinary", then Poison Cuisine is the "superpower" in gourmet food.

During the cooking process, Yuan Xin uses different ratios of toxins to stimulate the taste buds, and even the cells of the senses of smell and touch, so that the five senses can have controllable "benign lesions" to a certain extent.

To put it simply, it is to taste delicious food, even the first time you smell the fragrance, you are already 'poisoned'. But the 'poison' did not lead to death, but instead gained a brand new feeling that he had never experienced before.

This point is actually very easy to understand: when a person is sick and weak, he will become sensitive and fragile, and he can gain enjoyment that he had never noticed before just by basking in the sun every day.

In addition, when a person is in a state of extreme fear and tension, the flow of time will slow down, and various experiences and perceptions will be more vivid. What if you switch this feeling to taste delicious?

Or the sense of smell of cats and dogs surpasses that of human beings. However, when you taste poisonous food, the disease will be affected instantly after being invaded by toxins, stimulating and amplifying the ability of smell. Humans can also temporarily obtain super smell and even super taste comparable to cats and dogs in a short period of time ...

Moreover, certain toxins are invading the body, like secreting adrenaline, squeezing physical energy, stimulating hormone secretion, and obtaining an alternative wonderful experience.

A perfect poisonous dish can pass through the "poisoning state", allowing the taster to enter the above-mentioned "morbid super-sensory mode", and enjoy a richer, three-dimensional, fresh and vivid delicious experience.

If an ordinary person in an ideal state tastes a mortal ultimate delicacy, he can get 100 points of pleasure; then in the state of 'poisoning', taste the incomparable poisonous cuisine, the pleasure index is at least 500+ to start, in addition to the bonus A variety of incredible and wonderful experiences.

However, such 'poisonous cooking' is only the beginning!

Just like stupid mortals always can't understand and fear that Cthulhu believers will gain a new experience beyond the limits of human perception when they accept the call of a great indescribable existence.

The development of poisonous cuisine to a deep level can also make mortals temporarily become a sacrificial existence, gain the "spiritual vision" ability at the "taste" level, and enjoy the unknown, mysterious, and indescribable higher-level "delicious world".

The wonderful feeling that goes straight to the soul is like an epiphany, one who is in tune with the Tao, and understands the mystery of the universe's operation in the endless deliciousness... And this is the so-called "food resonance" in the culinary world, the hidden advanced mode of the food paradise.

It is also a practice system that is recognized by the multiverse and directly points to the Dao!

Bailang is already physically strong, but has great potential but has never fully tapped it. Under the stimulation of the 'poisonous food', his body is always in peak condition, and the endless supply of 'mixed poisonous food' stimulates the stomach to speed up digestion, and provides abundant nutrients to nourish himself, forming a perfect virtuous circle.

Therefore, when practicing the 'golden bell cover', the body's functions can be excavated beyond the level. Originally a 'White Horizontal Exercise' that did not involve any extraordinary ability, but with the assistance of the 'Sinking Demon Poison Meal', it achieved the effect of '0.5 blue quality'.

Now, stimulated by Yuan Xin, Bailang's appetite keeps increasing, and he has reached the point of "eating a fallen demon every day"!

Not only has his appetite increased, but his strength has not stopped. Although the basic attributes have not changed, he has slowly integrated the strength of 7.8, and he can achieve an effect of 8 points by concentrating, but this is still not in the state of "horizontal training".

In just three days, Bai Lang, who had eaten the Three Demons, was full of energy. He entered the camp with his bare hands and was informed by the "Church of Healing" who had been informed by the "Sinking Demon" informant. A burly warlord, use them to practice "Golden Bell Jars of Demonic Dao".

"Come on, hit me! Hit me hard!" Bailang, who was besieged by a group of warlords, uttered nonsense and went on a rampage.

The practice of horizontal training is similar, it needs to endure continuous 'external stimuli', and then use special means to stimulate the potential of the physical body by applying liquid medicine and taking medicine internally.

In addition, his 'Grandmaster of Henglian' has reached the end, and if he wants to rebuild the "Golden Bell Cover" to make up for the vacancy, he needs a stronger stimulus, so only the warlord's beating can have an effect.

At this moment, Bailang gave up Ripple Qigong, no longer used thorns to fight back injuries, and only relied on his physical strength to practice martial arts, seeking to be touched by being hit a little bit, but he choked back his anger.

In a rage, he backhanded a warlord who had beaten him until he collapsed and beat him to the ground together violently: "Hit me! Hit me hard, haven't you eaten at noon? Kill me!"

"Is the captain crazy?" Duke couldn't help shivering when he saw the scene of Bailang bleeding from all seven orifices and beating a warlord to tears.

Satellite loli shrugged: "I guess it's a side effect of the poisonous cooking. He was very angry and his eyes were bleeding! I secretly flipped through the booklet in his hand yesterday. This guy wanted to try 'Budo Baodan', but he was simply beaten. We can only optimize and fill his 'horizontal training', so that the passive data will continue to improve. It is a pipe dream to try to understand something from it and increase the success rate of 'Baodan'."

"Huh? Damn girl, what are you talking about?"

Bailang has eaten too well recently, and his five sense organs have also remained at their peak under the 'venomous' stimulation. During daily beatings, he can more clearly capture the operation of joints, bones, muscles, and fascia, and has been optimizing his own 'hand-to-hand combat system' database'.

At this moment, he heard the comments of the small satellite clearly. He doesn't care about other people's blind BB, but Feng Ying is different. Although she loves to pretend to be B, she always has something to say and was deceived by him to get a lot of information about the paradise.

"Hmph, two papers!"

"Sure." Bailang nodded.

"Your 'Baodan' state is the precondition of the purest body-refining and melee-style 'Qi-Blood Martial Arts System'. If you want to cultivate it, you need to go through the triple transformation of 'light and dark'. Your 'Steel Fist' is no worse than Ming Jin , even far beyond; but you are not proficient in 'soft boxing', although you can control the changes in the muscles of the whole body, and exceed the upper limit of 'dark energy', but you are tricky. Your control is all active and deliberate, and cannot be turned into instinct. The power of one thought reaches the whole body. Moreover, your physical quality is continuously accumulated under the stimulation of 'poisonous cooking', and the basic improvement, before you fully understand the 'dark energy', your control power will continue to decline."

Bai Lang compared his own situation and nodded seriously: "Then how to solve it?"

"It's too slow to be beaten passively. The horizontal training system is the way of 'foreigner', and you can get 'passive attribute enhancement' after you achieve it. It's a kind of you have already done it, but you don't know how to control it, but you can maintain it all the time. But if you want to hold the pill, you must actively control the changes in your body's strength. Once you understand it and reach that level, you can 'permeate it at one point', just like riding a bicycle. No matter how long it takes, you can never forget it. If you want to use it, you can do it "Satellite Lolita explained with great effort, Bailang nodded to express her understanding.

"So what you have to do is to brush people's piles... practice listening, and perceive the changes in the active hanging. Instead of gaining insights from being beaten."

"Brushing people's piles" is a shortcut to practice, and progress is slow behind closed doors. When fighting against people, especially against fleshy piles that have the power to resist but are slightly inferior, if you beat them over and over again, you can often experience that in repeated practice. This kind of artistic conception that can only be understood but cannot be expressed in words, and finally listening to it is very successful, just like learning to ride a bicycle.

However, this kind of behavior hurts nature and is criticized by others. Often at the cost of serious injuries, internal injuries, hidden injuries, loss of life, or even death from internal bleeding, dozens or hundreds of people achieve one person. Few would try, and would be condemned by moral opinion.

However, the Rogge camp is obviously different. Bailang Dadu's army is doing a good job for the heavens, making countless meritorious deeds. And the resistance and counterattack of the warlords has become a necessary part of the "golden bell".

So he accepted Little Lolita's suggestion to improve while being beaten and become stronger while being beaten.

Every morning, a girl accompanied me to dissect and cultivate my sentiments, to eat a perverted demon every day at noon, to fight passionately in the afternoon, to accumulate anger while being beaten, and to gain insight while being beaten... This kind of life is simply perfect!

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