Dimensional Eroders

Chapter 265: Ophelia's Gorgeous Transformation

After the success of the evil carp king's 'face-slapping upgrade experiment', Bailang was not immersed in arrogance and complacency, but started the second experiment immediately without stopping.

"Ophelia prepared the surgical tools for me, and then recorded: the second experiment, 'An attempt to artificially induce a dragon-veined sinking demon'!"


The half-elf nodded earnestly, and pushed back the drooping hair, revealing a beautiful side face, with reddish cheeks, which was particularly moving, like a picture scroll, and placed the sterilized utensils into the tray one by one.

Then, she selected one of the two bound thin and obsessed demons to put it on the operating table, skillfully tied the belts for the limbs, and then fixed the joints, waist... so that it could not struggle.

A girl who can do physical work quickly and well, it can be seen that her character is undergoing a benign transformation.

Today's Ophelia has grown a lot under Bailang's teaching. It's not the cowardly and weak autistic cute girl back then, but it's also not the bloodthirsty girl who was completely blackened after being over-stimulated mentally.

On the contrary, under his careful treatment and love, the half-elf has come out of the psychological haze again. Not only can he live bravely, but he is gradually returning to ordinary life.

Lang's 'Mission Completion (Ophelia)' has reached 94%, which is about to be perfect. Now in the last course of overload psychotherapy: back to basics!

This is equivalent to the last step in the process from digging the foundation to building a building, then to decoration and entering the house. Let the decorated room run away, and the indoor 'formaldehyde' escapes. And his method is to completely break Ophelia back through the final stage of spring wind and rain, and return you a sunny, cheerful, enthusiastic, confident, optimistic, cute and beautiful cute girl.

In the past half a month, Bailang frequently used strong stimuli, forced her to be his assistant, operated on the sinking demon, and often misled her to kill the demon by mistake, and even praised her in the opposite direction. of 'negative accumulation'.

Although these negative energies are made up for by the "positive energy" brought by his sacrifice of hue, Ophelia still has flaws in her heart.

Now that the girl's growth rate is appropriate, if she continues to be stimulated, she will only grow crooked, turning into a paranoid, sick and charming witch of the Demon Sect, and that would be an overkill. Today's Ophelia is completely capable of cutting open the fallen demon without blinking her eyelids, and then stitching it up gently. Face all kinds of zombies and skeletons without being afraid, but confront the enemy calmly and rationally.

The various "normal thinking modes" that Bailang built for her also integrated into her three views bit by bit. Not only brave, but also rational, able to discern malice, being alert and sincere in dealing with others, no longer a silly white sweet.

Killing decisively is enough, what needs to be done now is how to reawaken her "kind, innocent, gentle and virtuous" side on the basis of her current status, and restore to that lively and lovely half-elf, but she is no longer weak, but Brave, strong, decisive, wise.

Regarding this point, Bailang racked his brains and came up with a countermeasure, which he did perfectly.

Today's Ophelia can dissect a fallen demon alive without changing her face, but her spirit is not stained in the slightest. There is no malice in her heart, she is still pure and kind, and she is not hypocritical or a virgin. .

How to describe this state of mind?

Probably like a young girl whose fingers are not in the sun, after she just got married and entered a happy married life, she is full of enthusiasm and love every day, and takes the initiative to make various delicacies for her husband.

In this state of mind, all her cruel behaviors such as killing fish, killing chickens, and chopping meat cannot bring the slightest bit of guilt to her spiritual soul, because her mind is full of deep "love" and can no longer tolerate other things. .

This kind of act of being immersed in beautiful feelings in the name of love, without realizing that one is killing a life, not only will not be blackened, but even the readers and audience will only find it pleasing to the eye after seeing it. Immersed in words, plots, or pictures created by soft light lenses, can this be called "evil"?


This is simply a film about "love food"! Do you feel guilty when you watch Xiaodangjia or Spirit of Halberd Eater? Not at all, only wonderful spiritual enjoyment. At this moment, killing and slaughtering food is also an art.

In order to help this patient get out of the "dark side of the soul", the innocent doctor Xin Ruobing had to sacrifice himself again and use "love" to redeem the other party.

Ophelia is currently in a state of 'spiritual love'. Bailang has been observing her, and occasionally initiates a sneak attack without any malice, so that she can maintain a balance between the two extreme states of "sickness and blackening of madly slaughtering fallen demons" and "too shy, cowardly, and naive".

And Ophelia was panicked at the beginning under repeated sneak attacks, but now she remains rational, faces her feelings bravely and calmly, and then blushes but does not evade. From the body of the Sinking Demon, he took out one or two organs such as heart, liver, spleen, lung and kidney, bashfully threw them at Bailang, gave him a white look, and continued to work with his head bowed.

Although he didn't open his mouth, he could completely make up the sweet "What a nuisance!" ’, it was flirting and coquettish behavior at all... On the contrary, Bailang fell into confusion.

He believes that it is wrong to casually take patients' organs and throw them around. Wet waste should be properly sorted, otherwise it will pollute the environment! This is a knowledge point, please draw a horizontal line.

In short, recently, Ophelia, in this state of "secret joy, shyness, but not avoiding, still maintaining a sense of responsibility for work, bravely facing the painstaking efforts, and full of sweetness in her heart", has overcome the original He has a flawed personality and has become decisive in killing, but he is not obsessed with killing, nor is he infected with the slightest demon, and has even gradually forgotten that his hands are covered with blood.

As the doctor in charge, Lang has always maintained his rationality, never being too contemptuous of the other party, but sincerely helping Ophelia overcome her shortcomings and gain courage and assertiveness. He has no evil thoughts in his heart, is upright and reliable, and has a guaranteed character.

What a pair of model doctors and nurses!

After some preparations, Sinking Demon A was fixed on the operating table, and Bai Lang also took out a special dark red plasma test tube from the storage space.

"Record the first experiment, inject a 'dragon (fish) blood essence' into test subject A, and artificially trigger the evolution of the bloodline."

If it is simply to inject the blood of the 'Carp King' into the Fallen Demon, there will inevitably be a rejection reaction, followed by death. Just like injecting the blood of pigs, cows and horses into the human body, how could it be successful? Not to mention cattle and horses, even if they are both humans, as long as their blood types do not match, accidents will still happen.

But Dr. Bai is different. He is a professional blood therapy expert, who can distort the concept of medicine and integrate the "blood of the carp king" into the body of the fallen demon, transforming its bloodline and obtaining dragon veins!

This plan began to grow from the first day he got the 'Flashing Carp King'. Every time you make the 'Poison Quenching Salted Fish King', the first step is to let the blood out.

Blood and internal organs are useless to 'salted fish', the first step is to get rid of them. And Yuan Xin and Feng Ying also agreed that the carp king has a thin 'dragon's blood', and it just so happens that Bailang is a 'blood medical expert' who is extremely sensitive to all kinds of blood.

There is a big limitation in the activation of 'blood therapy', which must use 'own' blood, and this 'self' also includes private property, such as his Fugui Pill. And the 'blood' donated by the Healing Church for free is also included in his property. The blood of the carp king is also listed here.

Since it is your own 'dragon blood', why waste it? As an "Old Witch Doctor of Blood Therapy", he collected and kept them habitually.

Since it is 'dragon's blood', can it be made into a 'bloodline injection'? During the last mission, he succeeded once, helping a contractor obtain the 'werewolf bloodline'.

Now that he has the conditions, skills, and ideas, after a long time of preparation, Bailang decided to attack his "Sinking Devil Believers"! Do this experiment.

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