Dimensional Eroders

Chapter 508 The Magic Eye's Wheel Eye

In the underground base of Orochimaru.

When Bailang, in the name of research, took the newborn little carp to the sea to complete the evolution of the new form, Uncle Snake, who had no fish to play with, naturally locked his evil eyes on Xiao Fufu.

Although Bai Lang said that he was kidnapped by the half-coercion and half-seduction technique, he threatened to participate in the research and development of the 'New Ninja Sword' together. But in the heart of the arrogant Orochimaru, he was actually secretly happy. He also gained a lot of first-hand information, new ideas, new ideas, and new technologies.

Gradually, as his understanding of the research on "immortal eyes and immortal body" became more and more in-depth, he developed new ambitions.

After learning about the ability of the "Brain God-King Carp" Zerg network, he has the ambition of "all great power belongs to himself".

However, Bailang secretly locked the behavior of Brain God Gu binding the initial talent, so that he could not directly enter the blood succession information of "immortal body and immortal eyes" into the sub-gu, and mass-produce the "human flesh medicine" through parasitic means, and then counterattack. Absorb into fusion.

But Orochimaru is indomitable and never gives up, getting up wherever he falls. Before he defected to Konoha, he was in charge of the "Ninja Genetic Engineering" for a long time and gained insight into cloning technology.

If it is not possible to endow the parasite with two types of blood inheritance through the 'Zi Gu', then why not change the way of thinking? As long as they mass-produce their own clones, and divide them into two groups at the embryonic stage to enter two genuine blood successors. After maturity, it is enough to re-implant ordinary child Gu as the flesh and blood terminal of the 'Zerg Network', and accelerate their growth speed.

In the end, he can still use the "carp network" to absorb a large number of two genuine blood successors of the "immortal mode clone", and through the fusion of flesh and blood, he can attribute thousands of yin and yang escape chakras to himself, completing the key link of the ascension of flesh and blood.

Moreover, compared to ordinary hosts with messy genes, their own clones are more pure, and the degree of rejection during fusion will be smaller, and the absorption effect will be more perfect.

With this series of coquettish ideas, Orochimaru can't wait to use biotechnology to secretly cultivate and ripen a batch of clones, but it still takes time.

Even, he has conceived a set of safer and more casual soul transfer theory around the spiritual link characteristics of the 'Zerg Network', and replaced the body in the way of 'falling and seizing the house' to complete the 'infinite vest new entity substitution technique', which is absolutely An epoch-making great forbidden technique!

'The deity can't hide it, I am Schrödinger's Orochimaru, more cool than the six-door Payne next door. ’ When this theory was initially perfected, Orochimaru thought it was time to meddle in the power of ‘Blood Succession Boundary’. If you are not proficient in the two blood successors, how can you develop the 'immortal eyes' and 'immortal body' to complete the ascension?

The current him has not yet developed the 'Reincarnation of the Undead', so naturally he cannot occupy the Blood Successor by seizing the body. Then there are no samples in the bone vein, so I can't experience it for myself.

Therefore, he took the 'white eye' with the potential to evolve into the 'immortal eye' as his goal.

The blood of the physical body cannot be transferred, but the eyes can be transplanted, and then occupy Hinata Ketsutsu, and try to experience the mystery a little bit.

Therefore, he turned his attention to Xiao Fufu.

Although the eyeball is small, it is an extremely sophisticated organ. The optic nerve belongs to the central nervous system. On the original earth of Bailang, the severed optic nerve cannot be reconnected. The blood vessels on the optic nerve are thinner than a hair, and human technology cannot be connected and repaired.

Therefore, eyeball transplantation cannot be realized in his hometown on the earth. As for the principle of the plug-and-play 'kaleidoscope' of the Uchiha family? Probably the almighty Chakra!

Orochimaru is not able to perform eye replacement surgery for himself at this stage, but Xiao Fufu, who is innocent, cute, silly and highly skilled, can. Her first foundation is [neurosurgery], and the accuracy of the surgery is too exaggerated.

Now following Orochimaru's frequent human experiments, as the chief surgeon and nurse, she has raised her solidification ability to Lv4, breaking through a new limit again. With the help of the tail, the optic nerve and capillaries can be repaired, and it is entirely possible to perfectly transplant Orochimaru.

On the one hand, Orochimaru is still worried about Sarff's business ability. Although the little nurse is strong, there is still a chance of mistakes, and she is not specialized in the field of eyeball surgery; secondly, he also cherishes the 'white eyes' that he has collected so hard, and he is unwilling to show them easily, and he is even more afraid of leaking blood.

So I decided to take out the treasured "Uchiha experimental product" and let Sharf practice repeatedly until the mistakes were minimized, and then help me operate.

Because of the different world lines, after the Hyuga genocide, white eyes became a rare resource in the non-renewable SSR ninja world; on the contrary, Uchiha, the village chief for generations, reproduced wildly in Konoha Village, and the sharing eyes have been flooded to the point of depreciation. In addition, it was already very difficult to awaken the Sangouyu, and the kaleidoscope was nowhere to be seen, and the evaluation began to decline.

Before Orochimaru defected, he collected a large number of Uchiha seals and used them as daily mice.

The two are both Hitomitsu blood successors, and the two have a lot of similarities. White eyes are rare and should not be wasted, so let's use Sharingan to do some basic hands-on experiments to sum up experience and verify some theories.

So Orochimaru thawed the Uchihas one by one and sent them to Sharf's test bench to make toys, honing and improving her proficiency in eyeball replacement surgery.

Silly Fufu, who is a man-made monster, is not a human being, and her intelligence is a bit biased. She is a genius in some fields, but overall she is still stupid and lacks common sense. In addition, there is no concept of good and evil, she dissects and sutures whatever Bailang gives her, and has no psychological burden on Uchiha, and improving her ability level is the focus of her attention.

In this way, when Bailang ran to the beach, using Gu to parasitize marine life, and cultivated the third ninja sword body; after Orochimaru paid attention to Self for a short time, he became obsessed with the improvement and upgrade of the new round of "flesh and blood ascension plan".

And Xiao Fufu, who has received a lot of surgical tasks, is unattended and has a very high self-management ability, spends the whole day under the shadowless lamp repeatedly picking and installing eyes for the Uchihas to improve their proficiency in the professional field; Placed on the patient's chest, he and Xiaowei are chasing the drama with one mind and two tasks.

After all, there are more than 600 episodes... Xiao Fufu, who doesn't like fast forward, has to race against time to finish watching before the comeback.

Although Orochimaru is proud, it only provides seven Uchiha mice. Xiao Fufu is also diligent and thrifty. She removes and reinstalls the Uchihas repeatedly, cherishing them with great care. About a pair of writing sharing eyes can be transplanted four to five times. It is completely worn out and cannot be reinstalled.

That is to say, the seven sets provided by Orochimaru can provide about 56-70 opportunities for eyeball enucleation and re-sewing. (two eyes, need x2)

It is precisely because of Xiaofufu's superb high-precision surgical ability that these Yigouyu Uchihas who have been tortured repeatedly fell into the darkest moment of life's most fearful, desperate, and helpless, and broke out in their hearts one after another. Unimaginable negative abilities, under the extremely negative mental impact and shadow in the heart, have broken through the two hooks one after another.

However, human organs have limits. The optic nerve and microvessels are connected and cut again, and cut and connected again. Even if she has unparalleled surgery, there will still be wear and tear. Just like a rope that is constantly shortened and knotted, and the knots are cut and knotted, there will be a day when it will not be enough.

And the length and elasticity of nerves and blood vessels are even more limited! Several of them had undergone four extreme transplants, and the remaining optic nerves and blood vessels were quickly worn out to the point where there was no Uchiha, and there was a tendency to break through the Sangouyu, but it was too late.

Of course, the silly Fufu who has no feelings for it doesn't care about this. She simply believes that if she wants to continue the experiment frugally, she must break through the limit of the material, improve the durability, and transplant it indefinitely.

In order to save these Uchihas who have been spoiled, Shafu suddenly had an idea! Thinking of my new ability [Magic Seal Lv1: Gourmet]

This foundation column absorbed all the potential in her body, and awakened three small talents: [1 First Embrace, 2 Engraving/Division, 3 Nutrient Regulation]

Through the first embrace, she can inject her own magic circuit into the target's body, endow the opponent with the magical physique of the descendant of blood, generate magic power, and join the magic side.

As for the engraving/branch, you can use the Philosopher's Stone as a carrier to implant the whiteboard "magic engraving-sub-plant" into the descendants, and solidify the opponent's magic, fantasy blood, and ritual fragments into mysterious engravings (or organs).

Finally, silly fufu makes use of her balanced talent of a nutrition lawyer to fully coordinate the nutrition in the offspring (ingredients), concentrate the nutrition and magic power to the designated organs/imprints through the magic circuit (ripening), concentrate the essence and soul, and obtain The most perfect ingredients (picked).

Let's ignore the last step. In order to break the limit of the number of operations, Xiao Fufu decided to increase the durability of Sharingan and make it a more wear-resistant material for her to continue to gain medical experience. The improvement of her professional ability by eye replacement surgery is even higher than the installation of shock eggs in the heart, or the installation of shock bombs through craniotomy. (This achievement earned her the title of 'Expert in Bomb Loading'; and the secret technique of cutting chickens also earned her the title of 'Expert in Destroying Eggs'.)

So she took the first Uchiha that was on the verge of being scrapped as an experiment, and used the "small arrow" to inject her 6 magic circuits, concentrating on the eyes respectively, and gradually "magicized" the two Ergouyu writing sharing eyes, and constructed them in the retina. Magic seal.

Then, the double pupils that gradually turned into magic eyes continued to transform chakra into magic power, and began to burn the ability of 'Sharingan' into the 'engraving', transforming into 'magic eyes'.

And behind this is the participation of Paradise, which is equivalent to forcibly turning the Xueji boundary into magic, and blatantly poaching the corners of the ninja world. Although this kind of behavior is her unique ability, it violates the restraint of the ninja world, which naturally leads to Bailang being warned and deducted points.

And the ignorant little Fufu also got her first pair of 'magic eyes'.

[Magic eye: Sharingan, quality: blue, two jade hooks. Activate organs (eyes)/magic engraving/ingredients. On the magic side, it cannot be self-transplanted, cannot be taken out of this world, and can only be used (or eaten) for this mission. Transplanters must have magic circuits and magic power, otherwise they will be rejected and gradually broken down. Cooking requires corresponding recipes...]

After obtaining the pair of magic eyes, she immediately put them back on the crazy Uchiha, and then began to transform the second Uchiha who was on the verge of being scrapped, saving precious surgical materials and continuing to improve her proficiency.

In this way, before Bailang returned crazily, the silly fufu injected the magic circuit while chasing the drama, made five pairs of magic eyes, and could do another 200 transplant operations without any worries! Looking forward to the admiration and praise of Bailang when he comes back, 'beautiful + look forward to.jpg'

And the magic circuit in her body has also consumed more than half, and the little tail is exhausted, unable to support the continuation of the "first embrace + branch".

The good news is that the two Uchihas not only managed to go crazy under the repeated cultivation of Silly Fufu, but also successfully saw the truth of the universe before the San value returned to zero. Fufu made magic eyes.

Make up, I updated 6600 words today, I am so sleepy.

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