Dimensional Eroders

Chapter 545 No.2 Tailing

After the newborn wandering spirit was born, Bailang felt uncomfortable and didn't want to stay here any longer.

At this moment, in his perception, the five underground floors were filled with a faint deadly element. The disappearing 'spirit' posed a real threat to his life.

It's as if the average person were confronted with a deadly poisonous spider that had escaped from a pet box. Even if you have enough strength to punch it, the thought of being in the same room is uncomfortable, and you are very reluctant to directly conflict with it. It can be killed, but it is not necessary, I choose to leave.

The next best thing is, when you realize that there is a flying 'cockroach' wandering like a ghost in this closed room, can you still laugh out loud holding a snack? This is the case with Bailang.

The 'wandering spirit' had similar senses to Bailang. In her territory, a guy who could pose a serious threat to her safety suddenly appeared, so she was particularly hostile to Bailang.

If Bai Lang made a sudden attack, no matter what means he used to damage and destroy the 'offering', the newborn spirit would also suffer severe injuries, fall into a deep sleep or collapse and dissipate directly.

In the end, Bailang chose to leave. At the same time, his 'countdown to the protection period for cute newcomers' is about to return to zero, and it is time to put some thoughts in his mind into action.

So she once again stored Sarff in the pocky building of Fuguimaru, chose to go alone, and went straight to the subway station. Buying a ticket to the 13th district, ignoring the gangsters who were eyeing you along the way, came to the monastery with ease, and then searched among the many "release tasks".

After Bailang left, Fugui Tanaka was also subconsciously influenced by [Must Die], binding his 'identity card' with his 'offering'. On behalf of the group forces behind him, try to communicate with this newborn 'wandering spirit'.

Trying to investigate and find out what kind of ability this new creature possesses? this point is very important.

The ‘spirit’ had a high status in Eden, above human beings. But the position of 'wandering spirit' in the food chain of evil spirits is not strong.

For example, the area where this building is located belongs to the rule of a powerful 'lower spirit'. After the new 'spirit' is born, it will be the opponent's food reserve.

However, Fuguiwan had already negotiated with the high-level officials of this faction. If this pocky's ability is valuable and worth cultivating, he would join the other party's system and obtain protection. If this 'pocky evil spirit' is rebellious, or if the ability is worthless, Fuguiwan has the right to choose to give up.

Before building a nest, You Ling is like a starlet who has just debuted, and still needs to rely on the resources mastered by the manager of 'Fugui Pill'.

Silly fufu is not interested in 'evil spirits', she doesn't have the burden of eighth-wife blood, theoretically she can contract an 'evil spirit' to be her family. But the owner didn't like it, so she became 'disgusted', so Pidiandian ran back to her bedroom and continued to watch soap operas.

When the time came to 11 o'clock, in the monastery of hell, Bailang, who was immersed in searching and comparing various tasks, suddenly received a new notice from the paradise:

[One ring task, racing mode, officially launched. Please wake up the evil spirits in the 'gyroscope' within ten days. Current ranking: 2]

? ? ! .jpg

Bailang was surprised and shocked by this. After entering Eden, he did nothing, and even ranked second at this level? How many parallel importers are there for the contractors participating this time to set him off?

But after thinking about it, I realized that this idea was wrong. After the arrival, the pre-task was given a full seven-day time limit. If other contractors are released to any corner of the earth at the same time as myself...

So impulsive people will rush there immediately after learning about the 'Garden of Eden', gaining an advantage in time; while thoughtful people like myself will not act rashly, but stay outside of Eden in advance Take control of one side to increase the hole cards, and take the route of doves occupying magpies' nests.

It only took one day for me to outwit the 'Fugui Pill' and secretly grasp the resources of Pocky. And laid the groundwork within three days, and arrived in Eden calmly. This speed should be far inferior to other second-order contractors.

Bailang never underestimates himself, even though he is a poor, weak and helpless ordinary person. But he is well aware of his shortcomings, so he works harder than any contractor, and firmly believes that hard work can make up for one's weakness.

With the blessing of the [Lord of Secret Treasures], he already possessed the strength of a second-tier veteran for this second-tier rookie difficulty task. It is not an accident to get the excellent results of No2, it is earned by myself step by step! Yes, I am such an excellent ordinary person.

"Wo proud!"

Paradise only gave the ranking of [No2], and did not display the first and subsequent information, not even the name of the 'offer'. He is not sure what kind of 'offering' other people have? Not sure how many people will participate this time?

Judging from the 'offering' he came into contact with, there were at least five contractors, but it was not ruled out that someone moved faster than him. He suspects that [No1] is the holder of the sixth 'offering', and he entered the Garden of Eden by himself first, and the layout should have started by this time.

Thinking of this, Bailang also felt a sense of urgency, so he seized the time to search for the 'employment task' he wanted.

Unlike any other contractor, Bailang's bloodline destined him not to be bound to the 'spirit'. Without an 'operator' above his head, and without a 'spirit' as a terminal, he would not be able to truly adapt and use the city's power system.

Thinking of the newborn pocky wandering spirit polluting 0.5% of its own soul with just a single 'stare', Lang felt a little nervous. The mission world this time is too unfriendly to me, and I must light up the 'Evil Energy Totem' as soon as possible.

What should I do next?

Before going to bed last night, he thought of those lively Niges and the experience of treating them. I have some ideas in my mind. At this moment, after investigating a large number of employment and recruitment tasks, Bailang also determined that the city has a great demand for medical personnel.

Fighting breaks out in this city all the time, accidents happen and injuries are a regular occurrence. For the 'players' who participated in the hunt, it was easy to treat injuries.

But for a large number of civilians, they can only enjoy the lowest treatment in clinics and private hospitals. Then his otherworldly healing skills will have a lot to do.

Bailang decided to take the low-end civilian route, promote oriental medical culture, and accumulate followers in a low-key manner. Once she became violent, she cultivated the goddess of Jidu who slept late in the "evil energy totem".

Through investigation, Eden possesses several evil spirits in the 'medical field'. Among them, the strongest 'doctor' is the median, who is good at various hell transformation operations. The specific process is indescribable, and the patient's outcome is cruel and strange.

The charges for 'hell surgery' are high and are settled in units of 'blessings'. After all patients are cured, they generally gain powerful super strength. Some limbs or organs are permanently distorted and fused with some 'tokens'.

This kind of transformation, like Nego's "bullet genetic inheritance", will be permanently and passively preserved, turning ordinary people into real "superheroes", severely destroying the upper limit of ordinary believers' abilities, and is welcomed by all body transformation madmen.

But normal people will still choose to refuse.

After all, not everyone can afford to have their lower body cut off and permanently joined together with a wheelchair, completely losing the right to mate. Or after one eye is gouged out, a red valve is installed to permanently enhance the shooting accuracy. (Self-aiming hang?)

Although this kind of "hell surgical transformation" is powerful, this kind of permanent superpower cannot bring out the Garden of Eden. If these people return to Earth, they will become truly 'disabled', and even die directly due to excessive transformation.

In addition to the biggest 'doctor', there are also several 'lower spirits' in Eden, who also provide expensive treatment services, and doing this business is really profitable.

There is no problem with Bailang's plan to integrate into the Garden of Eden as a 'doctor'. But ordinary doctors want to go a step further and treat the damage caused by the 'evil spirit power', so they have to worship the pier.

The medical technology of mortals, in Eden, can only heal the injuries of mortals, and it is difficult to take effect on the damage caused by the power of evil spirits. Moreover, after worshiping the mountain, the doctors under different "evil spirits" competed fiercely and cruelly.

There is no family doctor, just a general doctor. If you have a master, you will inevitably encounter malicious competition and assassination from your peers.

Bailang is confident that his medical skills are extraordinary. As a "lonely ghost", he infiltrates the circle of hunters, and earns scales and blessings through free "blood therapy", without deepening the "hunting mark", which is simply perfect !

This is where his opportunity to rise in Eden lies.

Finally, he selected three entrusted tasks. After repeated comparisons, he selected the target, then took a taxi and left, entered the subway station and went straight to the 9th district.

After exiting the subway exit, District 9 is in a yellow danger state. But Bailang, who is not protected by evil spirits, is like a little white rabbit joining the hunt at this moment, feeling the ubiquitous malice.

The 'hunting mark' on his head is releasing 'come and fuck me! 'signal of.

Different 'marks' have different targets, such as 'black natural enemies, Jewish killers, Hispanics must die', etc... Bailang's 'marks' are not deep, but they are the worst kind. Open to all parties, hunted at will.

In the game, he is a low-level slime monster, harmless to humans and animals, and anyone can level A+ crit. After being killed, experience will definitely increase, there will be no red name, and there is a chance of exploding equipment.

Another way to say that the degree of marking is low is that it is weak and can be pinched by anyone. On the contrary, although the guy with a red name and a black name has rich experience, not many people are willing to provoke him.

After leaving the station entrance in District 9, Bailang felt a faint 'peeping' around him, but many people chose to give up.

He didn't pay much attention to it. He took out his mobile phone and looked at the map. After confirming the direction, he speeded up and rushed towards the address. There were few pedestrians on the street, and the roar of the engine sounded in the distance, and then disappeared.

After turning a few turns, Bailang left the main road, and the narrow roads like laneways gradually increased, and the roads were no longer straight, but crooked. At the same time, he was sure that there was an extra follower behind him. Unlike those malicious peeping eyes and giving up, this guy has been chasing him for a while.

Thinking about irrelevant things in his mind, Bailang staggered and walked into a more remote path.

Not far behind him, a somewhat fat black man poked his head out from a hidden corner. He was short of breath, panting heavily, took out a counterfeit $20 bill from his pocket, held it tightly in his palm, and fixed his eyes on Bailang's back.

I'm preparing for the second one, and there are immortal cultivators waiting for me.

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