Dimensional Eroders

Chapter 553: The First Spirit-Creating Experiment

On the 4th day of the racing mission, Bailang still maintained the N0.2 ranking, which made him feel that the hard work of the past few days was not in vain, and he was still in the absolute leading position.

Today, he will make a great attempt to create the first spirit of his own before any opponent!

In the past three days, he not only fulfilled the agreement with the organization, used the supernatural power "endowed" by the evil spirits to save special patients one after another, and took the opportunity to cash in a large number of "scales"; Under the protection of bodyguards, the "curse seal" is spread secretly, and the believers of invisible development are the most deadly.

On this 0 magic earth that does not support the 'Chakra System' and even has no 'extraordinary power' at all except the Garden of Eden, the effect of the 'Curse Seal' is far less powerful than imagined.

Because nature lacks the so-called "natural energy", even the most basic "curse seal (immortal) chakra" cannot be synthesized, and the curse seal mode itself is half scrapped.

Afterwards, Lang lamented that life in this world is not easy for human beings, and even the cost of using 'superpowers' is so huge, that they are charged by 'one'? ! And it cannot be owned for a long time.

He immediately turned off the basic function of Curse Seal Gu to automatically synthesize 'Chakra' through the 1:1 ratio of spirit and life energy. This basic ability is really unfair to the desperate players in the Garden of Eden!

For long-term consideration, it is correct to unlock this function for believers after the birth of one's 'spirit'.

Those who enshrine the "Church of Healing - Evil Energy Totem" will get the talent to freely synthesize chakra, and then pay to unlock dozens of ninjutsu, which can be used to refine energy and launch ninjutsu without limit.

This treatment itself far exceeds the benefits of other evil spirits. Is it not a core competitiveness or what?

Excessive generosity is not a good thing, breaking the rules, not to mention breaking Eden's tacit understanding and balance, it is inevitable to offend and provoke more evil spirits.

Although all the functions of the "curse seal" were turned off by him, after the "Gu worm" was implanted in the body, it would instinctively erode the flesh and transform the meridian into a demonized meridian. The passive effect of consuming energy in the body to strengthen the body cannot be turned off.

This alone made him famous in just a few days.

'Have you heard? An unknown travel doctor suddenly appeared near District 9, and his street physics and health care witchcraft are very powerful! '

'How powerful is it? How dirty is it? '

‘Although the treatment process was extremely cruel and painful, the patient felt refreshed afterward, feeling that his body had been hollowed out by (Gu), as if he had been reborn and strengthened. The key is free! '

‘This is impossible, how can there be such a good thing in the world? Free is the most expensive! '

"Of course there is a purpose. He uses the free health care to promote a food token called 'pocky'. It can enhance abnormal resistance and endurance. Ordinary civilians just groaned a few times after their limbs were interrupted by him on the spot and then reconnected. '

'So amazing? '

'In Eden, anything is possible. I guess this kind of loss-making publicity will not last long. I plan to go to District 9 to try my luck. Maybe I can, and I will be emptied for free. '

'Go together! go together! '

The location of Bailang's "Street Benefits, Get Hollowed Out for Free" is not fixed, but is randomly selected according to the safety status of several nearby districts after the daily work is over.

When he conducts mass health care on the streets, he usually chooses remote civilian areas. The residents here are usually civilians who have never enshrined 'spirit', and their income exceeds the average outside world, but they are the bottom of Eden.

In addition to concentrating on welfare, in the distance that Megan the Little Tail could not notice, Bailang had already released the elite Ninja Cowherd group through [Rabbit's Treasure]. These cowherds are powerful and have good IQs. One of them carried a poke ball, released the 'King Carp', hid in a hidden room, and expanded the 'Zerg Network'.

And among those lucky patients who are randomly hollowed out by Bailang one by one, there are always a small number of homeless people with weak sense of existence, low-level gangsters, and losers in life, who are usually not paid attention to, and are subconsciously excluded and ignored.

After encountering the free "big health care" and being abandoned, they walked into the coverage area of ​​the "carp network" in a daze, and then they were mentally controlled, their bodies were out of control, and finally they were directly beaten unconscious by other members of the Cowherd Group who were in charge of responding, and dragged into the van.

Due to the remote location and the lack of monitoring equipment; in addition, the Cowherd Group is proficient in the number of assassinations, and their movements are so smooth that it is difficult to be noticed. Besides, isn't kidnapping a normal thing in the Garden of Eden? Why should you care?

In this way, Bailang kept his composure, and invisibly kidnapped a sufficient number of "believers", and with the secret help of the seven people and Mao Maotu, he unknowingly sent them to his "private hospital" through the sewer system middle.

It only took him four days to gather the most basic hundred believers and start trying to create spirits. I don't know if other contractors in this city are faster than me?

Today, he routinely held a free clinic at the junction of the 9th and 11th districts, randomly selected a group of lucky viewers, and carried out a street promotion for Fugui Pill's 'pocky', boasting commercially.

And while the patient is relying on "swallowing his breath + studying hard" to divert the pain, he holds the other person's hand, babbles heartbrokenly, preaches the "glory of Jidu" of the healing church, strengthens the construction of psychological suggestions for the other person, and develops potential believers.

After finishing all this, he let the patient go, dragged his exhausted body into the special car, leaned back on the armchair with his eyes closed and thought, and communicated distractedly with his little follower, Megan: "I've been consuming superpowers for the past few days. 'Help you save people."

"Your behavior is touching."

She followed Bailang for a few days, and after she got used to the brutal but miraculously efficient 'Waaagh-style physical street health care', the girl fell in love with the sunny (brutal), hearty (bloodthirsty), tall (brutal), and dedicated (BT) Bailang. A faint admiration and recognition arose, and he was infected by his enthusiasm for saving lives and healing the wounded and his golden spirit of going to civilian areas to drill without fear of danger.

"I have already expressed my sincerity, and my own consumption is equally serious. The spirit behind me has fallen into a deep sleep and cannot support me to frequently activate medical abilities. I need a rest and pray to the 'spirit'. I hope you can understand."

"That makes sense, how long do you need?" Megan asked.

Bailang: "I'll ask for a day off tomorrow and close my business behind closed doors. Don't send people over, and don't bother me. Everything will return to normal the day after tomorrow, okay?"

At this time, the car stopped at the entrance of his private hospital, and Megan nodded: "It's not too much, I will tell my boss, Mr. Qiao, take a good rest, please contact me if you need anything."


After locking the door, Bailang, who was about to retreat and pray, came all the way to the second floor.

When he went out for free clinic, Xiao Fufu was not idle either. She led a group of "fel-colored muscle deep-diving rabbits" to tidy up the basement, and built a simple private altar, and erected the evil energy totem on it.

In addition, she also brought down batches of believers transported by the Cowherd Group, and they were guarded by the "hairy rabbits" who showed their true colors. This group of people was awed by the ferocious appearance of Lalaiye Seafood Rabbit, and the homologous 'Curse Seal Gu' in their bodies was trembling with fright, their hearts were full of despair and darkness, mixed with a subtle sense of intimacy, which made people feel even more intimidated. Nervous breakdown.

I actually caught a trace of metamorphosis'beauty' in that disgusting, terrifying, evil, sticky and slippery monster? Oh forgive me, God!

When the white waves arrived, Sarff happily ran forward, took the "elf ball" from him, and skillfully released the giant carp king fairy beast with a body length of nearly 3 meters and twice the height of her own, and hugged it in her arms Not too heavy in the middle.

Once the carp network is launched, good things will come naturally.

More than 40 believers at the scene with fear, panic, and despair on their faces froze for a moment, and their restless hearts quickly calmed down, as if they had found their soul home. They looked at the cross on the altar neatly.

After accepting the 'Curse Seal', they have undergone several rounds of carp brainwashing, and they have long been quasi-believers of the 'Healing Church'. At this moment, as soon as the carp network was launched, all members logged into the spiritual network.

There are more than 100 people involved in this soul-creation attempt, including more than 40 ordinary abducted civilians from Eden, and nearly 60 high-intelligence ninjas-pink furry rabbits.

The number of patients treated by Dr. Le Shanhao Shi Bai during the four-day free clinic has already exceeded 100. But rashly using the "carp network" mind control to gather them together and carry out sacrificial activities, the efficiency is too high and too fast, which will arouse the vigilance of the "Three Saints League", and good things often turn into bad things.

So he held back, and with the cooperation of the Cowherd Group, secretly transported 40 people in. The remaining gap is filled by the more reliable 'Mao Mao Rabbit', making up 100 points in total, meeting the basic sacrificial requirements.

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