Dimensional Eroders

Chapter 574 Official Trial Experience Flagship Store, Pseudo Second Generation Privileged Smuggling

After some bargaining, Bailang agreed to join the 'Mutual Aid Alliance' initiated by the paparazzi.

There are five people in the team, and they refer to each other by the name of the object. Including a certain second-generation [Dharma Destroyer] (the target of being licked) that destroys the space, an expert in the supernatural paradise [Tiger Ghost] (technical investment), the ultimate tool man of the Mechanic God [Coupler] (worker), Paparazzi Paradise [ Creepy Braves] (initiator), and his salted fish [gyroscope] (pure advantage).

This task is really special, as a special resource world dedicated to providing benefits to outstanding tool people (relationship households). There is no need for everyone to waste energy on intrigue.

It is reasonable to think hard to reap benefits, and to find ways to bring goods in violation of regulations is the right way.

After all, this is a core resource that is scarce even at Tier 3, and can be used at Tier 4, 5, and 6 without being eliminated. To use the terminology of the cultivation world to describe it, is it enough to practice the "immortal method" or "growth magic weapon"?

What Bailang finally signed was not a formal treatment contract, but a lower-class 'temporary labor contract'. It is not fair to be in a disadvantaged position, but correspondingly, the price he pays and the duties he performs are also greatly reduced.

The content of the agreement is roughly as follows:

Bailang dissociates from the "small team", and as a partner (tool man), only maintains a minimum level of cooperation. He will donate the believer resources belonging to [Gyroscope] (at least 400 people), and the team will be fully responsible for the management.

At the same time, they gain great autonomy and can choose or reject tasks issued by the 'team'. Contributions can be accumulated upon completion. Or leave the team and do some 'private affairs' without violating the collective interests.

In terms of rewards, Lang will enjoy the minimum standard [Gyroscope] recharge enhancement package. For example, for the "nest building" required by the second ring, the team provides the minimum standard resources to assist him in completing it. After the third ring, the team still promises to help him meet the minimum requirements for the main task based on his strength.

After this wave of operations, [Gyroscope] is basically scheduled to be the last one, but it will never be eliminated due to mission failure. As for winning the only place for evil spirits through the 'racing mode', I was thinking of Peach at all.

Under the premise that the main line is guaranteed, if Bailang still wants to bring goods through the magic bar? Then the resources for cultivating 'private evil spirits' must be paid by oneself, or complete more part-time trials for the team, and the professional team will handle it by themselves through the contribution amount.

Amu took out a piece of parchment that was jointly certified by many parks, drew up the basic terms, signed with Bailang one after another, and the contract was established.

He put away the sheepskin roll and continued to sell: "Mr. Qiao chose the minimum cooperation and basically contracted the [gyroscope] to our cultivation. He must want to use the remaining time to concentrate on cultivating exclusive evil spirits, right? But I still have a sentence here. What I want to say in my heart is that the rewards and efficiency of working for a team far exceed that of working alone. If you fight alone, assuming that the result of going all out for a month is 10. Then put this energy into the team career, and the return will be at least 20+ start."

A sub-bank manages a credit card with an annualized interest rate of 20,000%. Not only was Bailang unmoved, he even wanted to say something back to him: "Xiansen, do you know about Luoli Jiansen's swimming card?" '

Lang smiled friendly: "Thank you for your concern, I will consider it."

[Gyroscope] It belongs to someone else, and if it is abandoned, it will be useless, so he has nothing to fear. Exclusive evil spirits are different. According to the other party, the evil spirits' design schemes, operating procedures, priesthood teachings, etc. are not fooling around out of thin air, but involve personal power system matching, future development direction and other privacy.

All in all, he really made a mistake in the aspect of 'Wu Shen-Acrobatic Pill', he really failed!

But that kind of waste, no matter how carefully designed it is, is still a waste. Maybe there is no spirit of garbage, but Fuguiwan must be a garbage. If it can verify the efficacy of [Noble Phantasm], it is considered a success.

As for the 'private evil spirit', which is equivalent to injecting souls into the foundation column and occupation column, how could he allow outsiders to intervene? What's more, who hasn't ordered a little secret?

Lang had a very pleasant exchange with the paparazzi this time and obtained a lot of information. I have a deeper understanding of "Eden Bringing Goods". Since the method of "bringing goods to the magic bar" is feasible, why can't there be other smuggling channels?

He suddenly had a lot of bold ideas, and he wanted to try them in private, but it was not humane.

The purpose of decisively signing the contract is to half-outsource the [Gyroscope], to ensure that the main line will not fail, to buy more time and energy for myself, and to do my own thing. As for cultivating private evil spirits with team strength? He never thought about it.

Seeing this, Amu sighed helplessly: "Okay, if you change your mind, please call me. If the team encounters difficulties, or there are tasks released, I will push them to you every day, and I will help you if you have the energy. In addition, if you encounter difficulties in 'cultivating evil spirits', you can hire experts from Ghost Paradise for consultation, and the internal price of the team is absolutely fair."


Bailang nodded seriously, with a sincere attitude. He gave five-star praise to paparazzi's service quality, which is really considerate and thoughtful.

"By the way, now that I have joined the team, what about the remaining two contractors? Will they pose a threat to the team and disrupt our plan?"

"You are worrying too much. I have contacted the other two people. Although they have no intention of cooperation, they have agreed not to interfere with each other and coexist peacefully. The other related account is [Evil Spirit Ji] from the Witch Paradise. The last person is with you Same, [Leiman Tong] from the cemetery. Mr. Qiao doesn’t have to worry about conflicts, everyone’s purpose is actually the same.”

"I can rest assured that."

With the paparazzi's explanation and guarantee, and after he made up his mind to dominate the bottom of the list, Lang's concerns about other contractors were minimized. Originally a mission full of unknowns, suddenly it was more than half easy, only need to consider the threat from Eden.

It's kind of like 'As long as I'm crap enough, _____. ’ joy!

Waving goodbye, Amu left satisfied. Bailang sat back in his chair again, with a bewildered smile on his face, calmly summarizing and analyzing the information he had just obtained.

According to Amu, Eden is actually more like a large-scale "flagship store for trial and experience of evil spirits", with four major pollution sources connected behind it as an "energy system". In place, various types of 'evil spirits' are generated out of thin air for the contractors to use.

In Paradise, the orthodox "godliness route" is very troublesome to walk, and a matching "belief system" is needed to develop believers and establish religions like a "evil energy totem", step by step, and invest a lot of manpower, material resources, and energy.

In the end, according to the different choices in the process of cultivating the 'God', such as: the attributes of the materials incorporated into it, the number and quality of believers to be developed, the church's teachings, the religious development model... etc., to gather the godhead, determine whether it is an evil god or a righteous god?

The process is long, complex and costly.

Eden is different. Contractors can skip all the links, customize authority, priesthood, and concepts according to their own needs within 24 hours, and easily generate a "semi-finished evil spirit" with one click, and have god-level "rules" Power', to experience the taste of the semi-finished 'God' in advance.

Moreover, the "evil spirits" do not rely heavily on the "belief system", but are highly compatible with the four major pollution sources, and have various negative advanced forms.

If the normal 'belief in gods' doesn't work, then take the opposite 'evil god route'. Good and evil gods and demons can't get through, so they abandon their beliefs, connect to pollution sources, and completely follow the routes of ancient evils, subspace demons... etc. The road is really wide and wild.

Once the 'evil spirit' is not to your liking, destroy and reshape; find and rob wild 'evil spirits' that match their own attributes or have rare abilities.

The evil spirits in Eden belonged to 'semi-finished products' from the beginning of their birth. In this land, the rule power of some "gods" can be displayed, and the threat level is suppressed, which can be used as a reference for contractors to compare.

The process of cultivating evil spirits is a simple and enjoyable 'beginner's tutorial'. In the experience store, after experiencing the functions of "evil spirits" one after another at close range, can you judge whether it is suitable for you? In the end, choose the one you like the most and buy it home.

Once they leave the world of Eden and the special rules of this land, the evil spirits can no longer express unlimited potential and changes, but lock the core data and degenerate to a certain extent.

After merging with itself, it will transform into an orthodox training method, and according to the resources and materials invested by the contractor, it will gradually restore and surpass the state of the "Eden period", and develop towards a higher level.

Regarding this "evil spirit bringing goods", the difficulty is that the "offering" is a "special-gray (ordinary) item" unique to this planet. All the equipment and common daily necessities carried by the contractor do not have the possibility of creating spirits.

Therefore, evil spirits can only be obtained from within Eden. Strong contractors are fully capable of oppressing the common people of Eden, collecting a variety of offerings in just a few months, choosing unique ones from them, and even designing and customizing them for themselves.

However, no matter how many you have owned, you can't take them away without a paradise license, and they are only in the trial stage. Using personal items as offerings to create spirits and entrain this path is also prohibited. Even if the "evil spirit" is completely occupied during the mission, there is no such thing as exchange and extraction after returning to the paradise.

The only correct way to take away the "evil spirit" from Eden is to complete the main story line, get the first place, and get the only chance. This is also a means for Paradise to stimulate the subjective initiative of tool people.

As for the off-the-wall method, the expensive 'bringing goods with the magic bar'.

For the second generation with a background, there is also a relaxed and happy "official cheating mode".

Of course, there is no end to the road of people bringing goods! Although the paparazzi said that the contractor's equipment does not have the possibility of 'creating spirits', the [treasure] that the second-tier contractor cannot touch is different.

[Noble Phantasm] The lowest level is something that only comes into contact with at the third level. The specification just exceeds the acceptance limit of the "World of Eden", and is at the same level as the high-level people behind the scenes who released the main task.

Those who can touch and master the [Bao Phantasm] at the second level or below are all second generation (Feng Ying, Xiaoxing). Coincidentally, the official cheating method is also the privilege of the second generation.

This had to make Bailang wonder, the feasibility of the 'Treasure Phantasm Smuggling Law'?

"With a mortal body, I will become the second generation of counterfeit and shoddy goods, and complete the privilege of bringing goods! In short, whether it succeeds or not, I will try." Bailang said in a low voice.

"Death!" Xiao Fufu cheered him on.

Bai Lang, who heard "Yes Yes Yes", showed a happy smile, hugged Fu Fu, held her high, and kissed her. It really is my sweet little padded jacket.

The 'Pseudo-Second-Generation Privileged Delivery Plan' may fail, but the 'Evil Energy Totem' will definitely not lose!

The "Goddess of Jidu" sleeping in the totem pole is essentially of the same origin as the "evil spirit". After the last "Spirit Creation Patch Upgrade", it has theoretically possessed the characteristics of the "Eden Evil Spirit" (pollution source affinity).

And for this round of missions, he still has a chance to make treasures. After forging the 'totem' into a 'treasure piece', and then using its legendary characteristics that will inevitably replace the 'offering' to create spirits, the success rate of awakening the 'Jidu Lord God' is as high as 90+%!

Even if the Paradise strictly controls the 'evil spirits' and automatically checks and kills all smuggling evil spirits when they return, and wipes out the 'spirits' entrusted in the treasure, it will definitely not be the turn of 'Ji Du'.

Because when I descended, there was a spirit in the totem. The various enhancements in this round of missions are just upgrades to the 'Jidu' patch, not the 'Smuggling of Evil Spirits', why do you deny it?

In addition to "bringing goods to the magic bar" and "smuggling of fake second-generation treasures", he also thought of the suitcase he accidentally picked up after being involved in the death race yesterday.

The countdown to the first day is coming to an end, and the items stored in it can trigger a 'branch task', and the final reward is likely to be an 'evil spirit quota', this is the third way!

Lang suddenly felt: There is a lot to do in the vast Eden.

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