Dimensional Eroders

Chapter 632 Little Genius Virtual Reality Super Bulletproof Smart Learning Helmet Supreme Question S

Chapter 632 Little Genius Virtual Reality Super Bulletproof Smart Learning Helmet - Supreme Title Sea Emperor Edition!

——(subtitle) Seeing this name, do you already have an ominous premonition and start to mourn for Shafufu?

After choosing the fixed title, Bailang completed the final settlement of this mission, but was in no hurry to return to Somogo.

On the eve of his return, he hadn't experienced a battle, and he was in excellent condition at the moment, so he took the opportunity to sort out the harvest of this mission.

There is no box opening, no embers, and no decent equipment, but in the 'amusement park', he got a lot of random prizes by recharging Bunny.

They are all props certified by the park, the quantity is extremely considerable, and the types are varied and all-inclusive. There are high and low quality. When Bailang poured out all the debris, a small hill was formed on the ground, which attracted Fufu's attention.

Afterwards, the father and daughter squatted on the ground to pick and choose, sorting out these items.

It's packed full of mind-boggling prizes. For example, the light balloon that can automatically recover, the iron jumping frog with clockwork technology, and the gong monkey with a spooky expression...

Excluding nearly 2/3 of the interference options, the rest of the props are very good. There is no shortage of candies with precious attributes such as soul defense and soul repair. In addition, there are all kinds of buffs that restore red and replenish blue, and most of them are related to his family's 'deep sea magic rabbit'.

Such as spicy rabbit jerky, octopus legs, crab claws, delicious sea octopus...

Don't look at only 1/3 of the rewards are valuable. The number of prizes he got from the 'amusement park' is extremely large (the dead rabbits are even larger), and 1/3 is not a small amount. You can earn thousands of embers just by selling them in the market.

Bailang sorted out the garbage and prepared to exchange it for embers. For the rest of the food, let the gluttonous Fu choose it by herself first, and then keep some of it as mission supplies.

Divide the rest into several copies, and send them to friends as souvenirs. For example, Jidu's best friend group, Fu Luoli Feng Ying.

After sorting out this windfall, Bailang turned his attention back to the heritage resources inherited by the "healing gods" from the smuggling of evil spirits.

Although all the smuggling evil spirits (except the dancing god and inspiration) have been obliterated. The clergy, rules, and offerings were destroyed to varying degrees, but there are also many relics left.

He estimated that almost the worst evil spirits left at least one 'clergy fragment'; and the most complete one was naturally the most powerful and oldest 'pocky girl' among the scum of the healing gods!

Pocky's 'offering' was destroyed, and her 'clergy' collapsed, but her 'corpse' was preserved intact. It is the only complete empty shell of evil spirits.

Her 'core' was completely obliterated, leaving only an empty shell model of an evil spirit with a 'broken JK uniform'.

His eyes were dull and lifeless, and his clothes were badly torn, the kind that needed to be coded. It looks like a silicone doll that drifts with the tide, but now it is secretly picked up by the "thorn lady" and hidden in Bailang's [thorn fence], washed and used as a pillow doll to sleep with her arms around.

An empty shell without a soul and without a core sounds like a 'clergy fragment'.

It's not wrong to measure it in terms of value alone.

However, the value of things must also consider the current situation. In the extremely hungry desert, is a priceless diamond watch precious, or a bottle of mineral water useful?

Leaving the unique spirit-creating environment of the 'Garden of Eden', no matter how many 'jobs' and complete 'offerings' Bailang has, he still cannot piece together and create an 'evil spirit prototype'.

These 'clergy' can be absorbed by existing evil spirits, adding a branch of ability, but it will also share and reduce the potential. Lang's evil spirits are all meticulously crafted and tailor-made, so there is no need to superimpose them.

In addition, after Jidu became stronger, he could use his 'job' to create new 'evil spirit seeds' for incubation, but that would be a long time later.

Today, there is another most effective way to use these 'clergy fragments', which is to sell them.

But with 'pocky's ghost shell', everything is different.

This empty shell is an effective carrier of evil spirits, and can be regarded as a car with only the chassis and shell left. Bailang can completely rely on the power of the "healing god system" to infuse her with "clergy fragments", and then choose one of the existing "offerings" to bind her.

In the end, use the [Devil God Pillar] as a 'key' to reactivate her. Develop an ultimate second-hand suture monster evil spirit that inherits the skin of the "sick jk girl".

"Worth a try!"

Thinking of this, Bailang, who hadn't had much professional training during a mission, suddenly felt itchy.

[Lord of Secret Treasure] The highest achievement of this profession is to create [Noble Phantasm]. But the true meaning of "master of secret treasures" is a person who possesses countless secret treasures.

Where did the secret treasure come from? Of course I made it myself. Although his profession is complete and lacks upgrade potential, he can manufacture all kinds of equipment to make up for and increase his own heritage.

Sacrificing equipment, synthesizing equipment, magically modifying equipment, manufacturing equipment, and then manipulating and controlling these equipments are his main duties. If I don't make equipment, am I still a person?

Bai Lang scooped up the daughter beside him, held it up high, and asked, "Fufu, dad gave you a birthday present, are you going to shout?"

Xiao Fufu's eyes lit up, she nodded quickly: "Hey!"

Bailang said again: "You like driving 'Little Sheep' very much, right? But 'there are thousands of roads, absolutely the first one!' When driving a battery car, the most important thing is to wear a helmet. Dad gave you this unique piece in the world. The best helmet, after wearing it, you will be the hottest and most beautiful cub in the whole park, do you want to roar?"

Silly Fufu's eyes lit up when she heard this, and her brain made up a picture of the scenery at high speed, then she nodded vigorously and shouted loudly: "Ho Ho!"

"Then it's a deal!" Bailang took back the silly Fufu who was holding it high, kissed her forehead, then put it aside, and began to choose the type she liked from the many 'clergy fragments'.

The evil spirit Freud, has died, and the remaining priesthood [talisman (incomplete)]... offering [broken counterfeit banknotes]

This is one of the best kept besides pocky.

Evil Spirit Red Warrior-Changed, dead, residual priesthood 【Sword】

The evil spirit rat king, has died, and the priesthood [sewer], [rat] remains

Evil spirits, death, residual priesthood [overspeed], [dinner knife]

Remaining priesthood【Poverty】...【Frog】...【Lighter】...【Newspaper】...【Ore】...

These 'priesthoods' may seem tasteless, but they are extremely precious 'materials' of faith. Being able to create 'gods' or enhance the background of the gods is also a rare raw material for making 'arms of faith'.

As long as he is listed on the trading platform, someone will probably buy it, right?

Incomplete offerings: old helmet...pocket watch...broken green onion...

Soon, Bailang selected the old helmet with an orange flame pattern from the 'grey items (offerings)' he held.

Then, he connected to the mall in the paradise, and began to search for the equipment he wanted, as the raw materials for the synthesis and creation of [Lord of Secret Treasure].

The search keyword is 'helmet'. After the contractor's level is raised to Lv14, his authority is higher and he has access to more products. The 'Mechanic God-Online Store', which was not open to him originally, also joined in.

Soon, a series of helmets from different worlds and different systems were refreshed. There are original goods from the mission world, some modified or manufactured by the contractors themselves, and standard equipment mass-produced by large forces.

Bailang eliminates those funny ones, those with rubbish performance, and those with ugly appearance... and uses the 'blue' quality as the threshold to filter out 90% of the products in an instant.

Then, from the perspective of appearance, he chose a pure black background color for Fufu, with cat ear helmets with a futuristic mechanical feel.

It is not a traditional pure round shape, but rather resembles the technological version of Batman's helmet from "Arkham Knight". It is made of metal with sharp edges and corners, and there are a lot of stitching traces full of mechanical sense. The mask is made of integrated black glass material, which reflects a cold luster as a whole. There are also a pair of metal triangular ears on the top of the head, which look like cat ears. Cool and stylish, full of sense of the future.

Bai Lang looked at the equipment description. It was produced by a faction on the mechanical side. It has night vision, infrared, weak artificial intelligence, anti-virus, bullet-proof, anti-collision, anti-electromagnetic interference... and other functions, blue quality.

If there are multiple helmets of the same style, it also has the function of teaming, sharing screens, short-distance calls, exchanging data, etc. The price wasn't too much, Bailang was satisfied for the time being, so he ordered three pieces, one of which was kept for himself.

Then, with a flash of inspiration, he changed the search keywords. As the most pinnacle work for your daughter, how can it be so boring? Of course, let the children fall in love with it and gain happiness from it.

So, he quickly screened out a bunch of 'virtual reality' gaming helmets. Pick the best configuration and order one, the price is also not expensive, because it is not even considered equipment, but a gray entertainment item.

This kind of "game helmet" is often unusable in the mission world with a non-technical background, and the price/performance ratio is actually not high.

Since he can get happiness out of it, as an excellent head of an ancient oriental 404 country, Bailang has inherited from his DNA the long-standing virtues of his ancestors who tortured his younger generations to look forward to their female success. '!

Yes, how can the gifts that Huaxia parents give their children not have learning functions? This is true love!

So Bailang opened the search engine again and retrieved the most expensive 'Little Genius-Super Children's Intelligent Learning Machine', which cost 222 embers. This is just a white quality learning machine without any combat power, how dare you buy it at this price? Must be a genius!

When it comes to the future of their children, no matter how wise and wise parents are, they will often become extremely stupid. So he bought it without hesitation!

Not only did he buy it, but he also logged on to the official website of 'Little Genius' and spent another 88 embers to order the strongest 'Supreme Emperor Edition-Tihai Database' sold separately. learning materials. As long as 88, return you a supreme little genius!

Why does Xiao Fufu often have tears in her eyes? Because Dad loves you so much!

After doing all this, Bailang specially logged into Feng Ying's "Internal Leak Picking Group" for him, skillfully contacted the members who sold him "Zhenjin Resources" at the beginning, and soon bought a small amount of 10g of Zhenjin raw ore.

Using the power of [Lord of Secret Treasures], Bailang sacrificed the first powerful 'mechanical helmet' equipment and obtained a 'blueprint'.

Immediately, he loaded the blueprint, instantly turned into a helmet expert, and used the equipment synthesis function, using another 'helmet' as the carrier, and added: virtual reality game helmet, little genius-learning machine, sea emperor database, 10g vibrating gold...and the most important 'grey item - offering helmet'.

Not only that, he also snatched the inflatable shell of 'pocky' from the hands of the thorn girl, and then integrated three carefully selected priesthoods into it, namely [speeding, DJ, poverty]

After all this is over, he activates the power of his profession. With the blueprint as the core, the "offering, equipment, evil spirit shell, priesthood" are integrated, synthesized and compressed to create a cool and handsome shape:

Little Genius Virtual Reality Super Bulletproof Intelligent Learning Helmet - Supreme Title Sea Emperor Edition! ! ! (Super System Manager - Evil Spirit Plus Edition)

In one fell swoop, the original "gray quality" garbage "offering" with no practical value has been upgraded to the level of a "dark blue quality" smart learning helmet for super-genius children.

After wearing it, the originally fragile scientific and technological attributes of the 'little genius' have completely changed beyond recognition due to the double interference of the 'offering' and the 'evil spirit', completely surpassing the 'technological level'. It has become a black technology equipment powered by faith and not restricted by technology rules.

After logging into the virtual reality of 'Little Genius', the evil spirit is affected by Jidu's dual priesthood of 'dream + data', and turns the 'virtual reality' into his own 'devil prototype', allowing Sharf to swim freely in the endless sea of ​​questions , to the end of the universe!

After all, it is a sea of ​​questions database worth 88 embers! The sea of ​​questions with white quality and no attributes is no longer endless, Bailang will report every day and smash their online shop!

In order to prevent Fufu from going berserk due to being too moved, and trying to destroy this "offer + equipment", Bailang specially incorporated 10g of vibrating gold to greatly enhance the defense of the helmet.

Not only will she not have to worry about her head being smashed when racing in the future, even if Fufu wants to use her strongest spear (small arrow) to destroy this offering, it will be impossible!

For Bailang's chess move, he takes one step and sees three moves.

Not only did the ordinary offerings of gray quality soar into valuable equipment, but it was also extremely strong, and it gave Fufu the key to drive the 'Ghost Sheep'.

The new evil spirit 'pocky-kai' born from this also has more complex attributes. [Overspeed] The priesthood makes the 'helmet' and the 'little sheep' fit perfectly.

And the "virtual reality" technology of the "offering object" has also brought new elements to the "healing god system". It can be used as a reference for Kedu who has the priesthood of [Dream, Dataization].

At the same time, Fufu's "Little Genius Virtual Reality" can also be integrated and linked with "Carp Network and Scarlet Dreamland", bringing the "learning function" to a larger number of "Bunny Groups, the Four Heavenly Kings of the Fallen Demon" and future batches. Believers who join the church, let's indulge in learning together, promote positive energy, and strive to be a little genius!

Finally, this "helmet-offering" reflects his sincere feelings of Bailang's fatherly love.

What could be better than creating a unique "Little Genius Virtual Reality Super Bulletproof Smart Learning Helmet - Supreme Title Sea Emperor Edition" for your daughter! ’ Something more romantic?

In particular, this 'Little Genius' comes with a 'Smart Evil Spirit Steward' to assist and supervise Fufu's studies, which is something that the original 'Little Genius' factory cannot do no matter what.

Evil spirits!

For my own daughter, I, Bailang, did not hesitate to use the 'helmet' as an offering to create an exclusive god to assist her. Why worry about my daughter's failure? ! !

This is the personal treatment!

Compared with the 'helmet equipment' that overwhelms the main features, synthetic monsters and evil spirits are less conspicuous.

Bailang silently picked up the 'Little Genius Helmet' to read the data, and was amazed!

[Faith Armed - Little Genius (Helmet)]

[Quality: dark blue (equipment/offering) - light green (evil spirit - can be improved)]

【Evil spirit: ___ (unnamed)】

【Position: Speeding, DJ, Poverty】

[Fast and Furious: Wear a helmet, drive a vehicle, and if you have divine help, you can passively obtain Riding Master and Evil Spirit Body Protection. It can explode at the base speed...]

[Madden DJ:? ? ? 】

[Curse of Poverty: The wearer is always poor and poor, and passively absorbs the 'poor luck' of those close to him, and increases the wealth of others in disguise. 】

[Little genius: The newborn evil spirit has inherited the attribute of the former Pocky's top student, and has awakened the ability to exchange 'luck of wealth' for 'study ability'. Any believer, as long as he abandons his wealth luck, he can get the blessing of "Little Genius" and his academic ability will increase dramatically. 】

[Remarks: Sacrifice yourself to benefit your father, Zashiki Doji in the new era. 】

Bailang chooses these three priesthoods, among which [Speed ​​Speed] matches the job of the helmet and matches with the 'Little Sheep', which is a must.

Secondly, he chose [DJ]. Bailang considered Fufu's love for music, and secondly, his own [Lei Yin Bar] exclusive evil spirit [Great Wailing Chiguotian] had an absolute lethal advantage in this aspect, and Fufu's evil spirit took the opportunity to steal traffic. , definitely not to be missed.

The last [poverty] is easy to understand. Although it is Fufu who is poor, she has given Dad a weakened version of the 'Golden Rule'. This is her own daughter, not an outsider. Dad, you give a birthday present, shouldn't you show your filial piety in return for Dad?

As for the [Little Genius] ability of awakening evil spirits, it is probably Pocky's residual learning instinct. After all, the former Pocky had the ability to exchange memory for academic ability, and now he is reborn as a 'little genius', and his nature has not changed.

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