Dimensional Eroders

Chapter 666 Senior, don't fool me, I'm so scared

After Bailang subdued the attacker, he did not choose to kill him directly. After learning the third-order identity of the other party, he intends to try to ask for some information to deepen his understanding of the 'Doomsday Crash Mode'.

At this time, Ophelia also picked up the broken 'water pipe' and 'pipe wrench', walked to Bailang with a disappointed face, and a little nervous.

She lowered her head in discouragement, unwilling to explain: "Brother Lang, I have let you down. In fact, my real strength is not that bad, but the enemy's teleportation is too fast and sudden, and I was caught off guard before I was defeated. I still have hole cards that are useless, give me another chance, okay?"

Ophelia thought that she did not perform well in this battle, and was worried that Bailang would not be satisfied with her performance, and that she would be cumbersome and useless. So I tried to explain.

Hearing these words, Bailang was surprised that she still had a stronger hole card yet to use?

Sister, don't you have a B number in your heart? Don't you know that you are already frighteningly strong? It's really lovely to show such a weak, deceitful, resigned and cowardly look, and those big eyes that are about to cry.

She looks so cute that she can cry with one punch, and she really wants to bully her.

Bailang put his hands on the elf's shoulders, feeling that this was not enough, so he cupped her face, Q and flicked it to feel great, and then squeezed her hard, turning her into a 'toot mouth'.

Ophelia's eyes widened in surprise. From the time they met on this vacation until now, Bailang has been passively defending against her 'offensive'. This was the first time he took the initiative to make such an intimate action at such a close distance, and instantly evaporated most of the elf girl's nervous mood.

At this time, Bailang and the other party looked at each other affectionately, and sincerely encouraged: "What are you thinking? Look up and look at me. Be confident, come on, and have a smile!"

As he spoke, Lang pinched Ophelia's small cheeks again, and pulled them to the sides, making a 'stunned smile'. The elf girl didn't resist at all, which made Lang find the pleasure of ravaging Fufu at home.

"Listen to me, you are very strong, and I don't think you are inferior at all. Believe me, you are definitely the most talented contractor I have ever seen in the second level. I am very satisfied with your performance this time!"

As an old witch doctor who is proficient in 'Waaagh psychology', he is already very familiar with how to deal with his patients. Especially getting along these few days, let him gradually regain the feeling of getting along with Ophelia when he was on vacation for the first time.

Domineering, more domineering!

Take the initiative, be more active!

Don't give her a chance to resist at all, don't need to consider the patient's feelings too much, just keep attacking, let her accommodate herself, satisfy herself, and become her own shape is enough!

Only in this way can patients feel safe and fulfilled. After all, this is how he treated the elf girl's autism at the beginning. Now that we meet again, let's start the second round of consolidation therapy to make her healthier and more confident!


Hearing Bailang's encouragement, the elf girl instantly opened her eyes wide, releasing light, and asked overjoyed.

"Of course." Bailang let go of his hand and stroked her cheek lightly, "Come on, keep working hard."

The elf girl suddenly felt infinite motivation in her heart, and nodded vigorously: "Yes!"

This scene happened to fall into the eyes of the hostile contractor who had just recovered a little sanity, but whose body was still hung by the thorns and whip corpses in his body. That uncomfortable atmosphere added 100,000 tons of critical damage to his spirit, and he said with difficulty: "Scumbag!"

"Huh?" As the owner of the lotus pond, Bai Lang, who was born with water attribute chakra and controls the [Deep Sea] priesthood Inspiration King, is another man who has signed a contract with the sea. What scumbag? I'm clearly the King of the Sea who is about to surpass Tokaima!

"Are you awake? Then let's have a good talk. Ophelia, you rest first, I have something to ask him."

Bailang stabilized the elf girl, and after grasping her heart little by little through the 'waaagh psychology', he walked up to the captive and continued to try to learn and apply the 'waaagh psychology'. He spoke directly: "I won't talk nonsense, if you still want to live, just cooperate with me honestly, tell everything you know, and don't hide it by chance."


The other party gave a cold snort in disdain, drooped his head, and struggled to breathe.

"Why, you don't believe it?" The other party didn't answer, and Bailang didn't care, and said to himself, "Is it because you look down on me, a second-tier contractor? Or, are you sure that you can still survive after being killed by me? "

"As far as I know, 'Death Paradise' provides a kind of 'death insurance' service to all contractors of the alliance. As long as the level reaches a certain standard, they are eligible to pay the price and open this service. Even in the mission world due to There is also a 90% chance of accidental death and fall. Before the soul is completely annihilated, it will be directly anchored by the "Paradise of Death" and sent back first, and then the "cloning technique" prepared in advance will be activated to complete a round of "perfect resurrection". Is Ning the Tier 3 Undead Boss holding such a trump card? That's why he disdains the threat of a small fish like me."

Hearing Bailang's last question, the contractor twitched. Of course he is not a bigwig who can afford this kind of 'death insurance'. In his team, only the captain has this kind of treatment.

At this moment, being mentioned by Bailang, a little unwillingness was born in his heart. Although he also has some means, they are far from perfect as the "Resurrection Coin" officially provided by the Paradise Alliance.

Once he is killed, there is a small probability that he will really die, and his account will be completely deleted. And there is a high probability that although the 'horcrux' can survive, it will cause irreparable damage to one's own soul, and even damage the root cause.

Can not die, no one wants to die.

Under the double blessing of 'position + evil spirit', Bailang's perception became extremely sharp, and he saw that the opponent was wavering under his flamboyant tactics, so he took advantage of the victory and chased after him:

"I also know that you don't trust me, but it doesn't matter, Paradise is always trustworthy. Why don't you make a contract, you promise to know everything about my problems; and I promise not to kill you by any means, And after explaining the information I need, I will let you live."

The man looked up with difficulty, with blood dripping from the corner of his eyes, and asked, "Are you going to let me go?"

"Yes. But it's not this world, but to let you return to the paradise and exit this world safely. You third-order bosses should have props that give up the main task and exit the paradise directly? If you don't even have such a thing, then I I have to doubt whether your strength and status can meet my needs for inside information about the ninja world."

"No, I can do it."

Bailang clapped his hands and said happily: "Great, we have initially reached a consensus. I also want to add a clause to the contract. After you leave the ninja world and return to the paradise, you must use the power of the paradise to forget everything that happened today. Leak my information."

Bailang is more cautious, he is worried that after this product returns, he will betray everything that happened today. The forces behind him can bring the latest information and arrange another group of people to enter the ninja world to take revenge on themselves. So using Paradise as a notary agency, erasing the memory of the other party, and allowing him to return without knowing anything, has ensured his own safety to the greatest extent, and the other party has no loss.

"I am not too much about this. If there is a loser, it is not you, but your team. Think about it another way. After you quit the game, the team still wins the game. Doesn't it look like you are rubbish And you won’t get any benefits. Instead of this, it’s better to sit and watch the team lose, which can not only highlight your own importance, they can’t do anything without you, but also prevent your competitors from taking advantage of your absence. The opportunity for this mission will become significantly stronger, surpassing you from then on."

"Tch!" The other party snorted coldly again, expressing his position and attitude.

But Bailang was very happy, the other party clearly agreed to sign the contract, and even pretended to be brave and set up a memorial archway. I just like your unaffected true temperament. So strike while the iron is hot and continue to analyze the pros and cons:

"You only use one piece of information, and what you get in exchange is your own 'life'. What you lose is just one of countless opportunities to become stronger. What you win is a complete foundation, without any loss, growth Save all your potential and make a comeback in minutes. My friend, compared to me, you are making a lot of money. What I lost was a Tier 3 key, what a blood loss!" Bai Lang patted the other party's shoulder and said heartbroken.

Although the other party knew that Lang was talking nonsense, he had to numb himself. So I thought about it obediently, hey! This is really the case, and I feel much more comfortable mentally.

That's right, compared with being killed and losing a lot of foundation, even if you survived by chance, your status in the team will be reduced to the second and third tiers. Now this way, I am making a lot of money!

"Release your control, I want to get items from the storage space."

"Senior, don't bluff me, I'm very timid, so don't be deceitful!"

Bailang raised his right hand, grabbed the opponent by the throat, and looked at the opponent coldly. The 'killing wave' in his body boiled again, wrapped around his arms and the opponent's neck, ready to go at any time.

But he pretended to say "I'm so scared" and made the other party's mentality almost explode.

Not only that, Ophelia, who was listening to the study all the time, also stared nervously at the other party, the shadow under her feet surged uneasy, and quickly entangled and controlled the other party's shadow, putting on a shackle.

The contractor was full of resentment, but had no choice but to obediently act according to Bailang's request. He quickly took out a dilapidated and ancient sheepskin scroll, and began to draw up an amnesia treaty according to Bailang's request.

Soon, the contract link was completed, and after Bailang received a reminder from the paradise, he lifted the first threat, but still maintained his 'position'. And took out the bloodthirsty screwdriver, under the desperate gaze of the other party who was terrified, "You don't follow the rules", pierced the heart with a screwdriver, and then activated the "blood therapy".

An 'evil life force' spread out from his heart, bringing him new vitality and entering a state of excitement. He clearly judged that this is not a treatment, but more like a catalytic method to overdraw his vitality, squeezing the intact cells and tissues in his body, releasing his vitality, and allowing him to gain false "strength", but at the cost of overdrawing a longer-term life healthy.

"Evil energy!"

Finally, he found a familiar power from the injected blood in his body, and then showed dissatisfaction.

Injecting a small amount of evil energy, although it will not destroy his fundamental system, is equivalent to a kind of 'pollution' to him. If this evil energy comes from the strong man behind the 'totem statue', then it is no longer an ordinary 'pollution', but a sign, a hidden danger, and a time bomb that explodes at any time.

Almost all high-level contractors are aware of the vicious fraud incident in a certain Azeroth where "a large number of orc migrant workers were fooled into dogs by the contractor of the Burning Construction Corps".

When the rank gap is close or higher, the party that applies the 'blood of evil energy' can control the victim through the 'evil energy', and carry out erosion and enslavement.

Once he violates the agreement and plays tricks, the 'blood of evil energy' injected into the heart will erupt, reverse control, compete for the right to manage the body, and even erode the soul and become a puppet slave.

Thinking of the 'spiritual pollution and howling shock' that Bailang released many times, the contractor didn't think he had a chance of winning.

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