Dimensional Eroders

Chapter 707 Dream Meme Infection, Uchiha Pure Love Paradise

After logging into the Land of Water, Bailang quickly took over the intelligence network of the 14th generation, and then got busy.

On the one hand, Kisame Kisame covered the sky with one hand and acted as his umbrella of evil forces, secretly commanding Anbu ninjas to serve him and gaining various privileges. On the other hand, Orochimaru, a tool man, is also helplessly and vigorously involved in the "screening" work, mobilizing the family to find ninjas who have the potential to breed kaleidoscopes.

Soon, a large number of wandering ninjas who were well-known, healthy, and looking for a way out in the land of water disappeared inexplicably. Some third-rate teams who came to the country of water to engage in engineering also found that the ninja leader party cultivated by themselves had been kidnapped, and then became suspicious and thought that they were being targeted for excessive vigilance. At the same time, Fugui Yuwan also abused his power, cooperating with Bailang to send out batches of elites from Wuyin, and then their whereabouts are unknown.

When Orochimaru was trying to catch people everywhere, a kind of 'ichthyosis' that had never appeared before began to spread along the coastline. It first appeared on 'fishermen', and then spread from person to person, and quickly spread towards the inland.

At first, ordinary people with the disease did not notice the abnormality. Still living in the coastal city, the contractors planning the 'Erosion Project' found something bad.

The sick person is not weak physically, but is more energetic, stronger, more sensitive, and dives longer... Only fish scales appear in hidden places such as the neck, behind the ears, and underarms. Gradually began to like the humid environment, drinking a lot of water uncontrollably every day, taking frequent baths or soaking in water, and falling in love with the bloody taste of eating raw seafood.

Then, my spirit gradually became unstable, and I occasionally went to the beach involuntarily when I lost my mind. I sat on the reef and looked at the sea in a daze, listening to the sound of the waves and muttering to myself, as if there was a mysterious call hidden in it, and I was communicating with an unknown existence.

When this phenomenon was broken by an outsider, the prayers who were deeply ill could not be awakened, insisted on praying incomprehensible to outsiders, uttered a series of strange words, and tried to lie down on the sand. The scene was creepy.

As more and more "sand-sanders" finally caught the attention of the contractors, the inference of "spreading through eating special contaminated fish" was ruled out after several days of investigation.

After an in-depth investigation, a 'trainee investigator' from Paparazzi Paradise discovered sensitively that this is a very typical and familiar textbook-style 'meme transmission incident'. Associated with a great dream called 'Lotus Pond'. It's like... a chakra variant of Innsmouth.

Contaminated fish may be the 'cause \u0026 trigger', but as 'ichthyosis' spreads, they no longer matter. Patients can be infected through 'physical contact + verbal conversation'.

As long as the listener comes into contact with patients with 'ichthyosis' and satisfies knowing a series of key words such as 'dream, lotus pond, Dagon, fairy of scales, glory evolution, Avalokitesvara...', at the same time, he can conceive any version of the The trigger condition must be met for the deep-sea secret scene of 'L'Lalaye Crystal Palace'.

There is a chance that in the midnight dream, you will be inspired by the "great existence", swim in the deep sea secret place "Lotus Pond", listen to the gospel of "Heavenly Father-Dagon", and gain the power to fight against fate and escape the end of the world.

As the faith becomes more pious, the believers will gain the 'power of the deep sea', transform their bodies little by little, complete the glorious evolution, surpass the limit of human life, and leap into a more perfect 'Avalokitesvara', joining the deep sea god kingdom 'Laliyah Crystal Palace' 'Enjoy the beauty of immortality and escape the end of the world.

Nowadays, the "Doomsday theory" has already become very popular under the fuel of the contractors, and it is very marketable. There are many churches from all walks of life, and there are also many similar scenes in the kingdom of water. The emergence of the "Lotus Pond Faith" undoubtedly appealed to the fishermen who depended on the sea to eat the sea. It was accepted as it should be and spread quickly.

In addition, the 'fish vein Gu worm' is easy to spread, and a large number of curse-printed seafood with diluted evil energy floods into the market frantically, which is very friendly to novices. Bailang has not sent eggs for many years. Now, he floods the coastal market with several tons of "evil energy seafood" every day. The price plummets, and everyone can afford it.

As long as you eat fish, you are my good friends.

Other contractors, being vicious, only train those ninjas who carry chakra.

I, Bailang, are different, forthright, a friend of the poor, give seafood, strengthen the body, join the glorious evolution together, the deep diver is awesome!

As a result, copycat versions of "Innsmouth" appeared along the coast of the country of water one after another, injecting a lot of new vitality into the "Dream Demon Realm" that Kedu reproduced in the ninja world.

One after another, the panicked and helpless low-level believers grasped at this straw, dedicated their faith to 'Dagon', contributed their own dreams as servers, and let the 'dream' of [Evil Spirit - Jidu] rapidly expand, further Spread the gospel of 'King of Inspiration - Dagon' to form a positive cycle.

In the country of water, the mountains are high and the emperor is far away. There is only a group of third-rate teams to make a living, and the pressure drops sharply, so Bailang preaches in his dream unscrupulously and does whatever he wants.

This blatant act of robbing business quickly aroused the hostility of the contractor team who started a cult in the country of water. They got entangled one after another, hired paparazzi who were good at "restraint investigation work", and began to trace backwards, and finally sighed on the sea.

The enemy is very wretched, hiding in the deep sea and shrinking his head.

They are like monkeys whose number has been cut for 500 years. When monk Bao was learning scriptures, whenever they encountered bosses who lived at the bottom of rivers and pools, they had obviously been water monkeys in the East China Sea, and then rode on the sky. The seven fairies stopped in the garden from time to time, and even shot in the palm of the Tathagata, making the sister-in-law beg the uncle to come out of the body quickly, and a batch of them died.

But now he is helpless and weak in the face of water and water, and his combat power in the water is reduced by 80%, feeling that his body has been hollowed out. Even with him, the kappa who lived in the mudslide and the admiral of the navy headquarters all became soft after eating devil fruit. Water battle collective debuff.

This group of contractors is very strong, and they have the confidence to face up to any spiritual pollution of "resisting contractors", but the suppression of the deep sea is too strong.

So they planned to change their strategy and destroy the other party's 'path of faith', only to find out that this was not the mainstream 'Ponzi preaching', there was no offline entity industry, but a more high-end and hidden 'dream online communication'.

They destroyed the stronghold of the association, assassinated the missionaries, and slaughtered the evil gods, but they just couldn't go to the deep sea. In the face of 'dream infection', it is extremely powerless.

It's not that it can't solve the 'dream pollution', but that the cost is high and the cost performance is low. Pay a small price, only purify a 'civilian', and get no benefit.

And to cut off the 'dream infection', at least purify thousands of civilians during the incubation period, the price is too high. And it was discovered too late, and the number of new cases is increasing every day, so it can't be purified.

In the end, after being attacked several times by the 'Back Pond Man Orochimaru', these contractor teams were warned, and after some thinking, they gradually gave up the trouble of finding the 'Lotus Pond'.

It's not worth it, it's too much trouble, and it's a loss. Instead of destroying the opponent, it is better to concentrate on bewitching more uninfected civilians. The kingdom of water is so big that a family can't eat it.

Bailang's operation is another round of back and forth.

The top powerhouse among the aborigines, Orochimaru, became active again and appeared in the contractor's sight. Suspected of kidnapping and capturing a large number of 'ninjas', the purpose is unknown. It is also closely related to the emerging 'Ichthyosis', and it is very likely that it will join forces with a certain park's 'Contract Team' to develop the traditional real estate project 'Lotus Pond', which has been operating in the Kingdom of Water for many years.

This information not only successfully tied Orochimaru with the lotus pond, but also attracted attention for himself on the bright side, and also showed it to Takikage in the distance.

Contractors are divided into two camps, each with an information exchange platform, and news can easily spread. The activity of Orochimaru and the attack of Takigakure are enough to explain a lot. Once again, the "aka blood witch doctor" was exonerated, and further strengthened [Inspiration King] is the setting of a professional team of senior restraints in a paradise , and dug out new information 'Lotus Pond' for everyone to imagine.

In one fell swoop, from a "Jianglong contract team" that has just logged in and has no roots in the ninja world, it has transformed into a "senior team" with a layout of 9 years.

The third-rate team that lives in the country of water will not come to provoke the trouble of this suspected 'old organization' in an instant.

On the one hand, Bailang let go of restrictions to expand believers, charged the drained [Devil God Pillar], and bound Orochimaru; Wave Four Heavenly Kings' acted as instructors.

After the first batch of "qualified candidates" arrived, he took out the "Three Gouyu Sharingan" presented by Orochimaru, and guided Xiao Fufu to complete the eyeball transplant operation as a [physics demon witch doctor].

Then, complete the "Curse seal Gu parasite" in their bodies, create demonized meridians to regulate the internal circulation, and endow them with a physique not inferior to the "Uchiha Clan Blood Successor Limit", so that the original "Sharingan" does not match at all Normal body, becoming fit, this is the most important part of awakening the 'kaleidoscope'.

It is extremely difficult for non-Uchiha to open his eyes, but after the adjustment of the 'Yang Dun-Yu Bone Meridian', it is quite different. It's like a wooden escape inserting an eye, like a scumbag meeting green tea, like glue, like paint, intimate one.

With the built-in support of Yumai, you can directly access the 'Carp Network', intervene from the outside, network with multiple people, and provide support for 'Yin Escape-Spiritual Power'.

This is not enough, the Four Heavenly Kings, as eye-opening experts, have logged in one after another, and opened their own "magic eye-kaleidoscope-roller coaster (pirate ship/big pendulum/jumping machine...) youth version" in the "Carp Network" to create similar "Monthly Reading" 'A single-player copy of Mirage.

Today's "Carp King" has been upgraded to [Evil Spirit-Inspiration King], and the network performance of the evil spirit is strong. The Four Heavenly Kings opened a "kaleidoscope-small dungeon" once, and with the support of the "evil spirit network", ten or more identical dungeons were simultaneously duplicated.

Let these conditioned 'qualified persons' enter at the same time to receive the stimulation and baptism of the 'Uchiha Eye Opening Amusement Park'. How the Four Heavenly Kings were tortured by "evil spirits" back then, and were forced to open their eyes again and again. This pain is now imposed on them.

During the period of suffering, 'Jidu', who constantly absorbs nutrients from 'Nightmare', will also superimpose [Evil Spirit Dreams] into the 'Evil Spirit Network'.

This time, it was no longer the ordinary 'kaleidoscope illusion', but an added version after the intervention of the 'nightmare evil spirit'. Isn't the secret of Uchiha's eyes opening just "Yin escape stimulation"? Is there a more yin escape than 'spiritual pollution by the power of evil spirits'?

In essence, Bailang didn't care about the quality of these 'kaleidoscopes', as long as he could open his eyes and use them to synthesize better 'human piles'.

Therefore, the power of the "Eye-Opening Paradise" is fully activated... Qualified persons are continuously tortured by five different "Single Evil Spirit Amusement Parks", accumulating infinite shadows and spiritual pollution in their hearts. Then, the half-blind Four Heavenly Kings teamed up to launch the combined pupil technique: True Amusement Park, further intensifying the torture.

When 'Ji Du' is supervising the operation of the Four Heavenly Kings Kaleidoscope, he is also trying to steal the rules that the five 'amusement park evil spirits' once left in their magic eyes, trying to move these 'rule fragments' into the dream world and create a stable environment. The 'independent scene' is used on more believers.

Ji Du discovered that using the priesthood of [Dreamland] to create 'nightmares' to torment those who have established contact with her, can harvest a large amount of 'raw materials for the power of evil spirits' other than 'faith'.

So when the pupil power of the four heavenly kings was exhausted, they turned into one-eyed dragons one after another, and completely blinded their right eye. Starting from the "Kaiyan Amusement Park", referring to Bailang's memory, she tried to build a second "scene" to help more and more "qualified persons" warm up to open their eyes.

After rounds of attempts, Bailang had to admit that the awakening of the Uchiha clan was not something that could be achieved simply by "extreme torture and extreme hatred".

For paranoid and extreme negative emotions, the probability of eye opening is 30%, and the probability of breaking through the kaleidoscope is even lower. In contrast, when the feeling of "love" climbs to the extreme and then destroys the eye-opening probability, it will soar to 50+%.

This theory is also valid for the many "qualified persons" who have been transported here. Therefore, after hundreds of rounds of 'nightmare tests', Ji Du, under the guidance of Bailang, designed a set of quite mature 'forgiveness and eye-opening small scenes', including all kinds of love-to-hear and dark scenes, such as extreme tauren, husband and wife. The current crime... is just the beginning.

After this wave of operations, the ordinary ninjas who were not very strong at first all had their hearts broken one by one, sublimated in pure love (crazy), very similar to Obito's inability to accept reality and mental breakdown to escape reality Awakening Kaleidoscope, awakened one after another Your own 'forgiving color kaleidoscope'.

In general, the pupil technique is full of strange things, mainly based on the "self-hypnosis, self-evasion, self-fantasy, fantasy girlfriend..." which is still pure love, and the other part is turned into the darkening system, which is quite rich. There is no need to describe too much in 404.

Perhaps because of the 'evil spirit network + mental pollution + dream interference' and 'quick', these 'kaleidoscopes' are generally of the 'illusion system', and the quality is generally not high, but it is more than enough to synthesize 'human piles'.

According to his investigation, so far in the ninja world, there has not been a luxury project that uses a "kaleidoscope" to lay the foundation. Of course, similar possibilities are not ruled out. Because even he can forgive and open eyes in batches, and other teams with strong backgrounds can do the same.

But one thing is certain, my 'Lotus Pond' may not be as large as 'Long Yin', but in terms of foundation laying, it can definitely catch up with a large number of projects of the same level, which is a good starting point!

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