Dimensional Eroders

Chapter 747 The highlight moment, a battle to ascend to the gods

Before Bailang figured out the cause and effect, he returned to the lotus pond to save the scene. Orochimaru has been authorized by Sharf, and the resources and energy of the Holy Land are fully tilted to him alone, gaining unprecedented power.

This battle became the brightest moment in Orochimaru's life.

Under the comprehensive suppression of the "Samsara Eye + Six Clone", he directly sacrificed his strongest hole card, stopped being a human being, and launched the "Baqi Storming Carp Technique" to reveal his true form.

With the nourishment and irrigation of the entire psychic holy land, Orochimaru does not have the worry of lack of energy. His body continued to break through the limits of his race value, and finally evolved perfectly, turning into a mountain-like body, covered with pure white fish scales, with eight heads and eight tails, the "Baqi Tyrannosaurus Carp Dragon".

Each dragon head is highly similar to the 'Gyarados-Evil Real Version', and its appearance is far beyond the indescribable Bailang's 'King of Carps'. The horns of the head are tall, and the cheeks are all sharp exoskeleton outlines.

The eight pairs of eyes are all perfect reincarnation eyes comparable to reincarnation eyes. There is one more pair than the Six Paths Legion opposite with 'the deity + 6 clones = 7 pairs of reincarnation eyes'.

With only the power of the pupils, this Orochimaru wins this round.

The contractor only has one pair of true 'Reincarnation Eyes' and six pairs of projections, while Orochimaru secretly cultivated eight pairs of 'True-Reincarnation Eyes' for himself by taking advantage of the power of the 'Lotus Pond'. Under the collision of pupil skills, his 'Snake's-Earth Explosion Star' completely exploded on the opposite side's 'A Bag of Rice Carries How Many Floors'.

Although the contractor has only one pair of 'eyes of reincarnation', the six clones come from different worlds, each possessing a perfect ratio of supernatural powers, which are released in the superimposed foundation bar, interlocking and increasing each other, forming a lore that cannot be cracked by a simple ninjutsu system.

Eight giants that were neither dragons nor snakes swayed crazily, the Baqi stormy carp roared, the ground in front of him cracked, and one after another Rashomon carved with prajna grimaces rose from the ground.

5-1 re-Rashomon!

Since Bai Lang permanently sacrificed a Rashomon, Orochimaru's strongest defensive ninjutsu 'Fivefold Gate' was forced to become '5-1 Heavy'. door. Because it has been permanently deleted from the ninja system program.

After blocking the enemy's lore, Orochimaru's eight snake heads continuously condensed and compressed Chakra, sprayed the Chakra Tail Beast Laser Cannon, and cleared the field with indiscriminate AOE shots on the full screen, leading the way. And put the eight snake tails together, revealing the accompanying artifact "Amazona Cloud Sword" that has been sacrificed for many years.

When he was developing the "white-scaled serpent's real body", his original 'grass shaving sword' was swallowed early, smelted into the tailbone bit by bit, imitating and restoring the mythical story in all directions, and transforming his real body in reverse.

Now his "Baqi Storm Carp Real Body", each head inherits a blood inheritance limit, eight heads cover the changes of Yin and Yang in the five elements, and there are eight times reincarnated eyes, and the "Brain God Carp King" inherits the carp network + yang Escape fish bone veins.

At this moment, relying on powerful enemies outside to cross the catastrophe, and using the Holy Land to attack the bottleneck inside, he is desperately fighting off one after another six clones.

However, not only did he not feel weak, but under the full supply of the 'Lotus Pond', he felt snake blood boiling all over his body, and the blood shackles gradually loosened. Finally, after the "Tian Congyun" at the tail swept and destroyed a werewolf clone, he finally grasped a trace of rhythm, and integrated the whole body of Blood Successor Boundary Limit, Yin Escape Pupil Technique, and Yang Escape into one, and touched the "Blood Successor Snare".

At this moment, Orochimaru was promoted to God in a battle, with the charm of Kaguya Hime, I felt that the whole world had changed, and the relationship between myself and the 'Lotus Pond' became closer and deeper, and it seemed that I could win the battle from the 'big carp' More authority.

Officially entering the highlight moment of life, Orochimaru manipulates the gravitational repulsion with Tenseikan, and continuously tears the opponent's "Shenluo Tianzheng, Earth Explosive Star" head-on, so that the authority dog ​​on the opposite side can feel the fear brought by what is called an eight-fold enhanced authority dog.

Then, a shot of 'Together Kill Ash Bones - Tian Congyun' pierced through a section of space with lightning speed, and directly slashed the opponent's body. The wound almost tore the opponent in two, and the flesh and blood cells in the ruptured area were wiped out, and they continued to spread, and the 'wood cells' in the body were completely inactivated.

The reincarnation eye contractor was terrified and stopped immediately. He and his "temporary teammate" seem to be inseparable and lack trust, and they are suddenly hit hard. Instead of fighting hard, they turn from offense to defense, using all their strength to suppress the "wound spread", while watching vigilantly in the dark.

After the highlight of Orochimaru's life forced a strong enemy back, the deadlock was immediately reversed. The contractor who used the Zanpakuto had already completed the swastika, and after returning the elf girl's runaway [Evil Ghost Haunted] back to the cooldown state twice in a row, he immediately turned his back on it.

Behind him appeared an "eight-armed giant statue of a god" made of spiritual particles. Each of its arms held a short blade with a unique ability. Just by swiping it in the air, it could hit the soul, and a special effect erupted, like a curse. , with substantial damage.

Among the intelligence collected by the other party, 'Orochimaru's fatal weakness = soul' has long been recognized as a compulsory knowledge point by the heavens and myriad worlds. Even if the snakes in some worlds didn't go the old way, and purposely made up for this shortcoming, the effect of his efforts in the soul field was far inferior to that of normal people.

Therefore, if Orochimaru is not killed in the first round, then after the swastika solution, only an additional round of "soul make-up knife" is needed to make the opponent unable to kneel.

This hunting routine has been verified in many ninja circles, and it is a time-tested snake-killing secret technique. After seeing Orochimaru, who was so arrogant to the point of no bounds, released the 'magic version-Yakita Orochi' again.

The samurai was determined in his heart, and the snake's routine was indeed inseparable, and the weakness was that he didn't run away. Therefore, with great self-confidence, he gave up the elves and killed the big snake.

But this version of Orochimaru is a bit different. His soul is not much different from himself in other parallel worlds, but the difference is that he uses the "carp network" to make up for the loopholes.

After being parasitized by Gu, countless clones of "Brother Orochi" connected to his main server. With the blood of the same origin, they not only completed the integration breakthrough of "Tianshengyan", but also created a local area server with many "blank souls" "Orochi Brother Network" is a low-profile version of [King of Inspiration], a hero in the past generations of Orochimaru.

Living in the lotus pond at this moment, countless white snake families of Longdidong resonated with his "mother body" for the second time, propping up the "snake clan network" that only belonged to Orochimaru, and used it to fight against the "spiritual eight-armed giant".

After a round of confrontation, both sides are involved in the spiritual world at the same time, and start a new round of confrontation.

At the same time, the warrior's physical body didn't stop, but continued to fight with the elf girl's third round of rampage [Haunted by Evil Ghosts] with a knife.

The high light of "Baqi Zhenshen" made Orochimaru break through to a new level. Coupled with the "holy land authority" given by Fufu, he became half the master in an instant. 'Blocked in the 'spiritual world' created by himself, and constantly devouring the source of the lotus pond, expanding his own spiritual world.

In this battle, instead of making a quick decision, he deliberately lowered the intensity of the battle and began to deal with his opponent. Burning the funds of the lotus pond, quietly consolidate and strengthen the "spiritual network" for himself, and try to communicate with the enemy.

At this time, Orochimaru was at the pinnacle of his life, severely damaged the record of a "God's Eye (Reincarnation Eye)" who was eliminated, crushed the second enemy in the spiritual world, mastered the "Blood Succession Network" to trace the origin of Otsutsuki's blood, and with the help of the Holy Land, let' Yamata Masami' Dacheng... One achievement after another made him have to float up.

Now he is at the peak of his state, he needs strength, authority and authority, and he resonates with the planet's will when he is alone. He secretly negotiated with this dying planet and got an offer; at the same time, he took half of the Holy Land. Great power, unprecedented expansion of ambition.

Thoughts that had long been extinguished, revived again.

The battle between him and the second contractor became more and more perfunctory. After the quick communication in the spiritual world, Orochimaru resolutely jumped back, stopped the fight, and no longer fought against foreign enemies.

His stop, needless to say, the intruder immediately comprehended, and reached a new tacit agreement silently.

The samurai's "卍解" quickly regained his freedom, and immediately turned his gun and went straight at the elves and Tim. The speed of light turned the enemy into a friend, and began to create conditions for Orochimaru to delay time, and also for himself, accelerating the destruction of the Holy Land from the inside.

Originally, Orochimaru didn't jump like this, but just wanted to make enough money to complete the breakthrough of the "Yaqi True Body", and then shattered the void and entered the paradise.

But the opportunity at this moment is really rare, Bailang has not appeared for a long time, and his power has reached an unprecedented level at the same time as he breaks through, and foreign enemies invade to share the pressure and create conditions for him, he really cannot miss such a good opportunity, his conscience will not allow it!

So he could only reluctantly betray, split the holy land, and run away with the goods.

A little bit, he is not greedy, just cut a little bit and leave. By the way, open the gates for intruders and provide yourself with cover.

This approach is really reasonable. Bai Lang, who had just taken over the 'Lotus Pond' from a distance, agreed with it after witnessing all the changes.

Severely injuring an enemy, greatly weakening the threat of the intruder, and demonstrating his strength; then jumping back and letting himself fill the position, the balance immediately tilted, and the intruder had to rely on him as a young man; the power in his hands was unprecedentedly strong, and multiple pollutions from both inside and outside penetrated at the same time , Bailang's sense of existence is unprecedentedly low.

However, for Orochimaru's rebound, Bailang had already prepared for it and made multiple plans, all of which were expected.

At this time, Dashewan was not benevolent, Bailang was overjoyed, and finally gave him the chance to get mad. Immediately kicked out 'Zhao Cai Jin Bao Fu', replaced it by himself, and launched Plan B.

The [King of Inspiration], who was struggling to defend the foundation of the holy land and fight against the invasion of the external pollution source [Abyss], immediately resorted to the means of killing each other after receiving the signal. After Orochimaru's high light, it's finally its turn to reach the "Peak of Yusheng"!

[King of Inspiration] actively chooses to fall, chooses his evil spirit promotion route as [Void], communicates with a new source of pollution through the Holy Land, uses the 'Lotus Pond' as a sacrifice, and sacrifices himself through the long-existing space crack, Falling, opening the door of the leading party, polluting the ninja world.

Just like Kedu introduced [Nightmare] into the 'Dream Dimension', Inspiration King opened the firewall from the inside, centered on Orochimaru, poured the torrent of pollution from [Void], and embarked on the indescribable [Void Evil] route.

The world has collapsed, and all sources of pollution have been attracted, wandering outside. While proactively probing, invading, and infiltrating, while seeking opportunities, they bewitched the leading party to respond.

[King of Inspiration] Calling [Void] mother is not difficult at all, it is just as it should be.

Orochimaru at the highlight moment had just enjoyed dominating the audience, juggling the pros and cons in the applause, and was about to break through again to reach a higher peak when the word "danger" flashed above his head, and then the "Holy Land" broke, Sprayed in the face by the surging energy of the pollution source.

Indescribable changes occurred in the body, and the originally ferocious and mighty eight-headed and eight-tailed 'Baqi Gyarados' quickly distorted and degenerated under the pollution of unknown energy. The scales exude a rotten aura immediately, they are no longer neat and clean, but instead appear cancerous flesh and blood distortions. Tentacle-like appendages emerge from the gaps in the scales, and they open their ugly and disgusting mouths, letting out joyful screams .

An indescribable sense of fear spread in his heart. There was a problem with his perception, and he lost the control and feeling of his skin. The "powerful feeling" was extremely strange, and a primitive, chaotic, and profound "new will" was bred in his body. impact on his rationality.

Damn it! This is not the power I want.

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