Dimensional Traveller

Chapter 741 The Destined Future

After all, Shokuhou Misaki will be the manager of this world in the future. If Misaka Mikoto has been dishonest and wants to cause some trouble for her and give her a headache, it will be really troublesome. But now, as long as Misaka Mikoto is "socially dead", Shokuhou Misaki really doesn't need to worry too much about such a thing happening.

After all, at that time, no matter what Misaka Mikoto wanted to do, she was already "socially dead", so she really couldn't do anything. At the very least, at that time, no one would choose to believe what Misaka Mikoto said and what she did.

And it just so happened that this kind of thing was exactly what Shokuhou Misaki wanted to see. No matter how you put it, for Misaka Mikoto, who originally had a very good level 5 reputation in Academy City, Shokuhou Misaki felt that it was impossible to say that she had no worries at all. .

Although it will still be difficult for Misaka Mikoto to make big moves in the future, this does not mean that Misaka Mikoto has become a person who wants to make small moves. There is no one I can handle anymore. No matter what, her level 5 status can still play some role.

At the very least, if you want to fool some "brainless fans" like Shirai Kuroko, it won't be a problem. Although Misaka Mikoto did not do those things in the past, this does not mean that Misaka Mikoto will not do those things after this. No matter how you put it, Misaka Mikoto will still undergo some changes after suffering a big loss in the hands of Shokuhou Misaki.

Especially after Shirai Kuroko, an elementary school girl who has always thought about herself, was captured by Shokuhou Misaki and thrown into prison, Misaka Mikoto's temperament really might do something. Coming. If that happens, Misaka Mikoto really can't say that she will find a group of "brainless fans" of her own, gather together, and create some trouble for Shokuhou Misaki.

Therefore, in order to avoid such troubles, Shokuhou Misaki felt that it was actually necessary for her to nip those troubles in the bud when they were still in the bud. Anyway, judging from her current means, it's not like she can't do those things, so why would she need to leave so many hidden dangers for herself? Such a thing is really not what a smart person would choose to do.

In particular, Shokuhou Caoqi is a smart person among smart people. Naturally, he will never leave such a troublesome hidden danger to himself. Therefore, although speaking of it, he has plotted against Misaka Mikoto until now, and then even plotted against Misaka Mikoto until she died. It does seem that she feels sorry for Misaka Mikoto.

However, there are actually reasons for this. At the very least, according to Misaka Mikoto herself, no matter what she says, she must bear part of the responsibility. After all, don't forget that if Misaka Mikoto's performance did not disappoint Li Xing, then she would naturally not be abandoned. Under such circumstances, Misaka Mikoto would naturally not need Go face the things that follow.

In fact, everything she is experiencing now can be regarded as her nirvana before her true transformation. However, Misaka Mikoto really missed the opportunity time and time again. It was not until the moment she was confirmed to have given up that Shokuhou Misaki could be said to have really started to plot against her.

After all, don't forget that Shokuhou Misaki has a bottom line. For those who are truly one of their own, Shokuhou Misaki will not choose to plot against the other party. Even those who seem to have been brainwashed by Shokuhou Misaki to be loyal to Shokuhou Misaki,

In fact, it was only after Shokuhou Misaki asked for something from the other party that he checked the other party's thinking.

Even after that, Shokuhou Misaki consciously carried everything of those people on his back. From Shokuhou Misaki's point of view, those who choose to show their thoughts in front of her are all worthy of her careful care. For someone who trusts her so much, if she causes any harm to the other person, it would really be her dereliction of duty.

So, don't look at Shokuhou Misaki as a villain who manipulates other people's thoughts at will, but Shokuhou Misaki is very kind in his heart. In fact, even if Shokuhou Misaki is classified among those with noble character, there will be no problem at all.

Don't forget, if he didn't want to treat his subordinates sincerely, how could the former Shokuhou Misaki be controlled by his subordinates to the point where even the desserts he consumes every day have very precise rules? What about the degree of quantification? You know, Shokuhou Misaki really likes desserts. Even at those times, Shokuhou Misaki would fight wits and courage with his subordinates in order to eat more desserts.

It can be said that if Shokuhou Misaki and her subordinates were not actually thinking about each other and truly treating each other as one of their own, none of these things would have happened. After all, if Shokuhou Misaki really doesn't regard Junko Hokaze and the others as people she cares about, then she can definitely use her ability to manipulate the memories of Junko Hokaze and the others. To achieve your goals.

As for Junko Hokaze and the others, if they weren't really thinking about Shokuhou Misaki and were not controlled by Shokuhou Misaki's ability, how could they possibly pray for Shokuhou Misaki? For the sake of her body, and against Shokuhou Misaki's thoughts, why should she limit Shokuhou Misaki's sugar intake every day? You know, Shokuhou Misaki was really prone to problems with her body due to excessive intake of sugar.

It can be said that in Misaka Mikoto's view, Shokuhou Misaki has always used his ability to dominate the people under him. In fact, it has never existed. Coincidentally, this idea of ​​​​Misaka Mikoto was actually instilled in Misaka Mikoto by Kuroko Shirai. In fact, it can be said that this view is also Shirai Kuroko’s view.

It can be said that at the beginning, if Shirai Kuroko didn't want to show her thoughts in front of Shokuhou Misaki, she would not have chosen to betray her. But if it looks like this, it can be said that Shirai Kuroko has never trusted Shokuhou Noki from the moment he joined Shokuhou Noki. After all, at that time, there were many seniors around Shirai Kuroko.

As long as she pays a little more attention, she can naturally see that her seniors were not brainwashed by Shokuhou Misaki and then controlled by Shokuhou Misaki. However, in Shirai Kuroko's eyes at the time, she didn't notice all of this at all. After all, from the very beginning, Shirai Kuroko had already determined that Shokuhou Misaki was the kind of person who would use his abilities to directly brainwash people and then control them.

As for more things, Shirai Kuroko doesn't understand, and, she actually doesn't intend to understand. It can be said that from the very beginning, Shirai Kuroko's decision to join Shokuhou Misaki was just to use Shokuhou Misaki as a springboard for himself. Naturally, there is no need to say more about what happened next. When Shokuhou Misaki was about to absorb Shirai Kuroko into his inner circle, Shirai Kuroko chose to betray.

Moreover, after betraying Shokuhou Misaki, Shirai Kuroko directly instigated a conflict between Shokuhou Misaki and Misaka Mikoto. It can be said that Shirai Kuroko is really a person with a "rebellion behind his head". It can be said that just because of this reason, neither Shokuhou Caoqi nor Yubi Danki would choose to let Shirai Kuroko go.

Especially in a situation like this where they have caught Shirai Kuroko's "little pigtail" that they can't quibble with no matter what. As for Misaka Mikoto, she will naturally have a direct conflict with Shokuhou Misaki because of her elementary school girl. It can be said that the moment Misaka Mikoto was given up, her future, as well as the future of those around her, was actually doomed.

Anyway, after Misaka Mikoto was abandoned, Shokuhou Misaki really didn't have any scruples at all when dealing with Misaka Mikoto. Under such circumstances, it was really difficult for Misaka Mikoto to "escape" from the hands of Shokuhou Misaki, a person with an extraordinary understanding of human nature.

Of course, at this time, Misaka Mikoto and Shirai Kuroko still don't know what kind of future they will face in the near future. Now, Misaka Mikoto has just settled down with Shirai Kuroko, and is planning to temporarily leave Shirai Kuroko's place of residence, and then use her own abilities to clear away her and Shirai Kuroko's whereabouts tonight.

Otherwise, if the meeting between the two of them is discovered tomorrow by the disciplinary committee and the security force, it will really become a very troublesome matter. Misaka Mikoto, no matter how bad she is at this kind of thing, is very clear that if she and her elementary school girl want to do it again if they are targeted by the disciplinary committee and the security force. If it's any big move, it would be really difficult.

And under the current situation, she and her elementary school girl really wanted to make some big moves. Otherwise, her elementary school girl would really have no chance to clear herself of those crimes. In that case, her elementary school girl may have to live like this, walking in the darkness, hiding from place to place, until her elementary school girl is arrested.

That's right. No matter what happens, Misaka Mikoto will not think that Shirai Kuroko can hide so safely all the time. Therefore, if this problem is not solved from the root cause, her elementary school girl will eventually One day, he will be arrested. As for her side, it was actually more urgent.

After all, for her, for every day she delays, there will be a good result in which "Miss Misaka" loses her life. Faced with such huge pressure, Misaka Mikoto really cannot treat it as nothing happened. Therefore, in order for her and her elementary school girl to be able to move freely, necessary things like clearing traces should be done quickly.

Regarding this point, Shirai Kuroko, who was still a little exhausted at this time and could only lie on the bed, naturally knew it very well. Therefore, when Misaka Mikoto was about to leave, although Shirai Kuroko was indeed a little reluctant to leave, she had no intention of retaining her older sister. After all, Shirai Kuroko also knows very well that after her elder sister leaves her place of residence, she really has a lot of things to be busy with.

It would be really unjustifiable if he were to waste the time of his elder sister because of her. After all, her elder sister, in a sense, was also trying to help her clear up some troublesome things.

Anyway, if it weren't for the fact that she directly instigated Uiharu Shiori to help her invade the library this time without even saying hello to her one-sister-in-law, maybe things really happened. It won't be so troublesome. Shirai Kuroko himself knew very well that as a disciplinary committee member, he actually did something like invading the library, and even more so after invading the library, he fled out of fear of crime.

Such a thing would definitely be regarded as a huge shame by the Disciplinary Committee. And this naturally leads to the fact that when chasing her, the disciplinary committee will definitely work very hard, and it is not an exaggeration to say that they are crazy.

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