Dimensional Traveller

Chapter 199 The Arriving Estes

In the past, if he felt dissatisfied, Estes would definitely torture him. And after being included under Li Xing's command, Esdeth hadn't tried his own torture methods for a long time, which made Esdesh even more upset. At this time, Estes wanted to find a place to practice his torture skills more and more.

"It's been a long time, Estes. However, even after such a long time, you still look like this. When can you change your temper?" After what Sides said to himself, Li Xing shook his head and said to Estes. Li Xing really had no choice but to deal with Esdeth's temper. When will this tyrannical temper be changed? Although what Li Xing needs now is the tyrannical Estes.

"Boss, don't you have a saying called 'The country is easy to change, and the nature is hard to change'? If this is the case, do you still think I will change?" After hearing Li Xing's words, Esther embraced Li Xing with both hands. chest, head held high, looked at Li Xing and said. Staying in her own home for so long, unable to go anywhere, is it too painful for a tyrannical queen like Esthers, isn't it? Now that he was finally summoned, how could Estes not seize this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity and complain to Li Xing, so that he can come out for a stroll in the future? Of course, it would be even better if there was a battle with the strong.

"It's true to say that, but ah, Esdes, are you really going to go on like this? If that's the case, no one would dare to marry you." After hearing Esdes' rebuttal , Li Xing shook his head and continued. As far as Esdece's tyrannical temperament is concerned, it is really not something ordinary people can bear.

"I don't care about it. If you want to marry me, you must be better than me! Besides, boss, isn't there still you here? If it doesn't work, I can still come to you." Hearing Li Xing After speaking, Estes stretched out his hand, brushed his hair, then stuck out his tongue, licked his lips, and said to Li Xing.

"If that's the only point, let's forget it, I can't stand your temper." After seeing Esdes in front of him making a charming look, after saying these words to himself, Li Xing Quickly waved his hands and retorted. As far as Estes' temper is concerned, he really can't bear it.

"Cut!" After hearing Li Xing's hasty expression of his attitude, Esdeth cut a bit unhappily. Even though he was not as skilled as others, he was still very upset to be rejected face to face. All of a sudden, Estes wanted to find someone to practice the technique of torture.

And at this time, Kaneki Ken, who was shocked by the sudden appearance of Esdesh and whose thoughts were fragmented, also reacted, especially after seeing the sudden appearance of the blue-haired beauty in front of him and the playboy who seemed to have a close relationship , Kaneki Ken became more and more angry, well, it turns out that you didn't just hook up with the black-haired beauty over there, look at this, you really are a hopelessly philandering guy! ! In this case, Miss Angel will not be able to stay by your side any longer. Only I, Ken Kaneki, can bring happiness to Miss Angel! ! ! !

Therefore, Jin Muyan, who didn't know how to cherish life, took another step forward, stretched out his hand, pointed at Li Xing and shouted: "You playboy, hurry up and stay away from that lady!! You can't give her happiness !!!" At this moment, Jin Muyan felt that he must be very handsome. As a hero who saved Miss Angel from the fire and water, Jin Muyan felt that his behavior at this time would definitely win the favor of Miss Angel.

However, what Kaneki-ken didn't notice is, is his behavior really what the angel lady on the opposite side who he wants to "save" really wants? In other words, Kaneki Ken didn't think about this issue at all,

In Kaneki Ken's thinking, he is the hero who saves the coaxed beauty from the philandering scumbag. As for whether the rescued beauty really needs him? What does that matter? Anyway, I am that righteous existence, and my behavior will definitely be accepted by the angel lady opposite.

"Hmph! You came here before we even talked about you. Do you really want to die early? Then I will help you!" After hearing Jin Muyan's words, Li Xing really had the last bit of patience. It was all wiped out, and I was planning to deal with Kaneki Ken, but it was just because Estes just came here, and I haven't had time to pay attention to this matter. In the end, you just found it by yourself? Then don't blame me for being rude.

"Esdes, I know I didn't look for you like this. You are very upset. I will leave that guy over there to you. Don't let me see him again." After speaking to Jin Muyan, Li Xing turned his head, looked at Estes and said. By this time, Li Xing was not ready to give Kaneki Ken any chance at all, and now that Esdesh was also very dissatisfied, it was just a matter of time for Kaneki Ken to use the waste to ease Esdesh's tyrannical mood. It can be regarded as the only thing Kaneki Ken can do at this time.

"Oh? Really? I didn't expect you to say such things to me, boss. This is really great, and I like it very much." After hearing Li Xing's words, Esthers was a little surprised , because Estes knew that his boss actually disliked his tyrannical temperament. However, it is really shocking that my own boss, who has always disliked tyranny, would say such a thing to himself. Is this still your own boss? If he hadn't seen Tokisaki Kurumi next to Li Xing, Esdesh would have really suspected that the person standing in front of him at this time might not be a fake boss.

Esdesh is just a bit violent, which doesn't mean that Esdesh has a problem with his comprehension. At this time, Esdesh can naturally hear it. His boss hopes that he can use the cruelest means. Let's get rid of the guy with the aura of Aqua on the opposite side. It seems that my boss has really lost the most basic patience with that guy. Otherwise, there would be no such words at all. However, I don't resist such a thing. After all, I haven't practiced it myself for so long. What if my torture technique regresses?

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