So, after finishing the call with Li Xing, Yoshimura Kozen ran to his daughter's room immediately, and found Takatsuki Izumi who had just settled down. After seeing that his father found him so quickly, Takatsuki Izumi was also a little surprised. After all, according to what my father said, if I really want to meet that unknown strong man, it will definitely not be that simple. However, his father found him so quickly, does this mean that the strong man has decided not to see him? After thinking of this, Takatsuki Izumi started to panic inexplicably.

"Aite, prepare well, the adult has decided to see you tomorrow." However, to Takatsuki Izumi's surprise, after his father walked into his room, he told himself something that he had always said The result I hope to get is that I will not make this trip in vain, that unknown strong man decided to meet me! After hearing Yoshimura Kozen's words, Takatsuki Izumi took a deep breath and relaxed instantly.

"If that's the case, then tell me the address of that lord, and I'll go there by myself tomorrow." After calming down the excitement in his heart, Takatsuki Izumi looked at his father and said. At this time when it was confirmed that the other party would meet him, Takatsuki Izumi was no longer prepared to let the other party accompany him to meet the strong man as he had said to his father before. Now, Takatsuki Izumi is going to go there alone, lest his father will calculate other things when the time comes. However, what Takatsuki Izumi didn't expect was that Li Xing let her go there alone, and also asked Estes to pick her up.

"Aite, you don't have to look at me like that. That adult is indeed going to let you go there alone. I will not go with you to meet that adult." Seeing his daughter looking up and down Afterwards, Fangcun Gongshan directly told Li Xing's arrangement, and made it clear to his daughter that he would not go there. Such a result obviously surprised Takatsuki Izumi, who was ready to fight his father's wits and courage, and even kept his mouth shut about the words he had prepared. For a moment, Takatsuki Izumi didn't know what to say.

"Since this is the case, you should tell me the location of that person, shouldn't you? Otherwise, how are you going to let me get there?" After a while, Takatsuki Izumi calmed down and looked at the Fangcun Gongshan said. Since his father won't follow him, it seems that there is more room for him to operate. Therefore, Takatsuki Izumi, who had already made up his mind to poach his father's corner, needed to know where the unknown strong man was.

"About this, Aite, you don't have to worry at all. That adult has already decided to let his subordinates come to pick you up. You just need to prepare well tomorrow morning." Hearing himself After his daughter asked him where Li Xing was, Fangmura Kozen told Takatsuki Izumi what Li Xing had decided before, and he also specifically asked his daughter to prepare "well".

It's just that Takatsuki Izumi didn't seem to understand the meaning in Fangcun Gongshan's words, or in other words, Takatsuki Izumi never thought that his father would have such an idea. Therefore, Takatsuki Izumi, who didn't understand the meaning of Kozen Fangcun's words, continued to speak to Kozen Fangcun and said, "Prepare well? What is there to prepare for? Isn't it just to meet the other party? If the other party really looks like If you speak so loudly, then there is no need to talk nonsense.

In other words, for such an existence, whether I am prepared or not, it makes no difference. However, if the other party is not what you said, or if the information you told me is watery, then what else should I prepare? There is no need to prepare at all. So, I don't need to prepare anything at all! "

Standing opposite Takatsuki Izumi,

Fangcun Gongshan is really going to be pissed off by his own daughter now. Tell me, you are usually so smart, how come you don't understand what I mean at this time? Where did that clever daughter go? Can she come back? For a while, Fangcun Gongshan's heart was very complicated.

It's just that Takatsuki Izumi didn't notice Yoshimura Kozen's inner activities at all, so Takatsuki Izumi, who didn't know how much "hit" his previous words had brought to his father, spoke again A: "Ah! By the way, you just said that someone will come to pick me up tomorrow morning? Who is that person? Do I recognize him?"

"Although you may not have met the person who will come to pick you up tomorrow morning, you must have heard of him." After hearing Takatsuki Izumi's words, Yoshimura Kozen calmed down and looked at his The daughter continued.

"I haven't seen it, but I've heard of it? You...are you talking about the 'Ice Queen'?" After hearing Yoshimura's words, Takatsuki Izumi showed a thoughtful expression. After careful consideration, Izumi Takatsuki suddenly discovered that among the people his father mentioned, the only one who could be related to that unknown strong man was the one called "Ice Queen", right? Therefore, Takatsuki Izumi asked his father dubiously, hoping that he would not get a positive answer from his father.

However, this time, Takatsuki Izumi is destined to be disappointed. After hearing his daughter's speculation, Yoshimura Kozen directly confirmed the news: "That's right, the one who will pick you up tomorrow morning is the 'Ice Queen' as you call it. So I said, you Let’s prepare well tomorrow, um, prepare well in various senses.”

"No way? It's really her? Someone like her would come to do something similar to running errands? Isn't it too impossible?" After hearing my father say again that I should prepare myself However, Izumi Takatsuki did not raise any objections this time. In other words, at this time, Takatsuki Izumi no longer knew how to refute.

"Didn't I tell you that the 'Ice Queen' you are talking about is nothing more than a subordinate in the eyes of that one. So, Aite, my daughter, you must prepare well After a while, go see that adult again." After hearing what his daughter said, Yoshimura Kozen said again, and this time, he deliberately added the accent on the word "prepared", hoping that his daughter would able to understand their own meaning.

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(End of this chapter) (Tianjin Novels)

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