Divine Desert Island Survival System

Two hundred and twenty nine, uncompromising

"No!" Zhao Yunxiang was resolute, he did not agree to the woman at all.


My old Zhao is not the kind of casual person. Han Qianluo has been greedy for my body for so long, but he failed!

You, a woman you have known for a few days, also want to possess me?


Zhao Yunxiang was still amazed at the power of women.

She is strong!

Unchained, she is stronger!

Zhao Yunxiang can also smash the wild man's head with one punch, but the premise is that he has to use tempering and harden it!

"Just once, is it okay once?" The woman asked with her lips pursed, her face was covered by her hair and she couldn't see clearly at all.


Zhao Yunxiang stood up, patted the dust off his body, "I'm going home!"


The construction of the position is continuing. The stone wall is about 5 meters high and stretches for 20 meters. On the wall are several wind knife ballistas, which are the nuclear weapons of the cold weapon war!

The wind knife is a weapon of mass destruction, and the unique waning moon shape is very lethal after rotating at a high speed.

"Hello boss!"

"Hello Lord Lord!"

When the savages saw Zhao Yunxiang's return, they greeted one after another. This group of savages in beast leather clothes were going about their daily lives.

Some of them cut down trees, some built walls, and some used wood to make ballistas.

Ever since seeing the power of the Wind Knife Ballista, all the savages looked enviously at the carpenter and blacksmith.

Unexpectedly, these two weak savages in the manufacturing industry could actually make such a powerful weapon.

Of course, what they admire most is Zhao Yunxiang, after all, it is their god who leads and trains carpenters and blacksmiths!

"Okay!" Zhao Yunxiang nodded slightly. Although his power was growing, Zhao Yunxiang couldn't be happier.

Because there is no news about Mr. Han who he cares about so far.

"Shi Zhenxiang and the others are back!"

The barbarian standing at the gate of the city shouted, and Zhao Yunxiang changed his expression immediately, and hurried towards the gate.

Shi Zhenxiang's weapon is still the big knife, which is similar to iron, but it is not the familiar iron!

Because the hardness of iron is not so high, and the manufacturing process is quite perfect.

It can be judged from this that there is an advanced civilization here, and this civilization may have used the cold weapon to the extreme!

After Shi Zhenxiang came back, she first lifted a clay pot full of water and poured water into her mouth.

These waters are all ground water, and the clear water boiled at high temperature tastes very sweet to drink.

"How?" Zhao Yunxiang asked anxiously.

"Lord..." Shi Zhenxiang put down the clay pot, wiped the water stains on his mouth with his arm, and said with a sigh, "I didn't find it. Our team stopped when we reached the big river, and there are other tribes. territory……"

Zhao Yunxiang arranged for Shi Zhenxiang to go out to find Han Qianluo, but he didn't expect to come back after a few hours of going out, and it seemed that he was blocked by someone!

Shi Zhenxiang's strength is still acceptable, and the people brought out are all scouts who are good at archery.

As a scout, it's not about your ability to hide, nor your accuracy, but about how fast you run...

Run fast, and the beast can't catch up with you, and you win.

"Okay, I got it!" Zhao Yunxiang seemed calm on the surface, but in fact he was anxious inside.

I don't know Han Qianluo's whereabouts, nor how she is doing.

Will maltose and the monkey follow him...

Now I can only pray silently that she will be safe and sound!

giant tree!


Zhao Yunxiang is lying on the hammock,

As the hammock swayed back and forth, Zhao Yunxiang drank a huge sea coconut.

Coconut de sea tastes even more delicious than coconuts, and the fruit grows huge.

However, after knocking it open, the exposed coconut shell is very embarrassing, because the shape is not good-looking.

Sure enough, ugly things are delicious, as a girl who is an actress in a certain country can see.

The food they eat is not good-looking.


There was a sound of leaves being plucked, and Zhao Yunxiang quickly became vigilant upon hearing this sound.

This is from above the canopy in the distance, and there is something peeping here.



On the wall of the camp, there are a few wild men standing. These wild men have very good eyesight. After all, they are professionally trained archers.

As soon as you hear the sound, shoot the arrow immediately!

The arrow of the bronze arrow pierced through the air and quickly flew towards the distant tree crown.

Immediately afterwards, with a muffled grunt, a black figure fell from the canopy of the tree.

The figure was limp when it fell, apparently dead.

"Nice job!" The savage holding a wooden bow gave a thumbs up to his companion.

Another seemingly cool savage smiled coldly, "All intruders who break into this place will be wiped out!"

"That's right!" The Savage nodded and said, "Especially those cloaked men who hold bows and arrows and think they are awesome!"

Zhao Yunxiang ignored all of this, he pursed his lips and smiled, finally he didn't have to worry about those guys coming to attack him.

However, these members of the ghost monkey clan are really hateful, and they have targeted me more than once.

Looks like it's time for the Jedi to strike back!

That's right!

Zhao Yunxiang really wants to wipe out those guys from the Ghost Monkey Clan now!

Not for the wrong horse package, but to find out why the so-called leader is full and has nothing to do, and always targets him.

The hammock was swaying, Zhao Yunxiang was tired from thinking recently, and fell asleep not long after.

Soon, another person appeared somewhere in the camp, this time it was not the ghost monkey clan under the cloak, but a sloppy woman.

Of course, the archers defending the city also saw it.

However, they did not attack this time, because all the savages knew that the lord's lover was a woman with bare feet who looked even more slovenly than the savages.

Since knowing the lord's aesthetic orientation, the wild people in the sanctuary no longer trimmed their nose hair, their hair deliberately covered their cheeks, and some even put special animal grease on their hair, just to make it more sloppy.

Zhao Yunxiang didn't care about these, he thought it was the normal operation of the savages.

"Hey, the leader actually likes this kind of thin-skinned knife beetle." A savage guarding the city shook his head and sighed, watching the scruffy woman walk into the camp step by step.

"This is normal. The lord is so ugly, so he will be with an ugly woman." Another savage played with a bow and arrow. He seemed to be playing with it, but he was actually preparing.

This world is full of intrigues, if this sloppy woman turns her back and wants to assassinate the lord, he will immediately draw a bow and shoot an arrow.

After all, Zhao Yunxiang is a god in the eyes of wild people!

That's right! !

He is the true God who rules over everything!

The sloppy woman came straight to Zhao Yunxiang, stood for a while and said, "I want to live here, is that okay?"

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