Divine Desert Island Survival System

four hundred and forty four

The drizzle was continuous and the sky was gray. Zhao Yunxiang finally dried his drenched clothes by relying on his body temperature in the second half of the night. He was half asleep and half awake until morning.

The scorching sun that I don't want to see every day has not appeared today.

"Gudong, Gudong..." Zhao Yunxiang poured fresh water, and he drank up a mineral water bottle. The plastic bottle shrank and made a "clicking" sound.

He is not short of water now, last night he had nothing to do and filled dozens of bottles of rainwater with the bottles in the shelter.

Watering is easy during heavy rains by holding the bottle up against the palm leaf wall of the shelter.

"I have the most urgent thing, but lost the most important fire!" Zhao Yunxiang's condition is very bad, his body is weak and sore, his nose is stuffy, and he speaks in a low voice. His body temperature is very high, his eyes are red, Yellow eyeballs all over the corners of the eyes.

On a desert island without modern medicine, once you get sick, the price may be life!

The living standards of modern people have improved, and the average age is about 70 years old. If this age was placed in the Qing Dynasty, it would definitely be an old birthday star.

Human beings have always been fighting against the cruel nature, using science and medicine to successfully win. It can easily kill the fever and cold of the ancients. It's just a minor illness, just take some medicine.

However, there are no antibiotics or anti-inflammatory drugs here, and everything needs Zhao Yunxiang's own immunity to resist.

"My body has always been healthy...Unfortunately, this time I cannot escape the torment of the serious illness!" Zhao Yunxiang could only breathe through his mouth, his nose was completely blocked, and his throat and palate were a little sore, which was a sign of a respiratory infection.

Moreover, he had a fever, his temples were throbbing, and his head was groggy. Although he didn't have a thermometer, he knew in his heart that his body temperature should be above 40 degrees.

"Hehe..." Zhao Yunxiang looked at the chaos outside the shelter. His fire had already been annihilated by the torrent of rain. The torrent of rain last night wet the dry wood, and some of the wood was completely covered by the mud in the torrent.

The rain last night was very heavy, and it lasted for about a whole night. The palm leaves on the shelter were washed away a lot. This hut that can shelter from the wind and rain has begun to leak, and the gusts of sea breeze cannot be isolated, and it is unscrupulous. Zhao Yunxiang was blowing shiveringly.

"It's so cold..."

Zhao Yunxiang struggled to get up, he was too sick, he was weak, top-heavy, and his steps were weak.

Holding the coconut tree and looking at the vast sea...

The sea water is no longer blue and clear, but relatively turbid. The sea and the gray sky are basically the same color, and it is impossible to tell where is the sea and where is the sky.


On the beach, several torrents and small rivers are flowing slowly. These are small rivers washed out by rainwater. The river water is turbid and is slowly flowing into the sea.

"Should I dig a well and store some fresh water?" Zhao Yunxiang thought for a while and smiled bitterly, "I don't know how many days I can live, so why bother?"

what else can I do?

Waiting to die?

Perhaps, doing nothing and quietly waiting for death is the easiest...

"Hehe... Awesome nature!" Zhao Yunxiang leaned on the coconut tree and blew his nose hard.

It's all thanks to moody nature that he got to this point, the ship sank because of a super storm, the flames were extinguished and his illness was caused by a downpour!

In front of nature, human beings are insignificant. Although human beings compete with nature with the power of technology and medicine against the sky, in front of nature, these so-called technology and medicine against the sky are vulnerable.

Some natural disasters are at the curse level, such as large tsunamis and earthquakes...

Although Zhao Yunxiang is a human being, the most intelligent creature on earth so far, but without the protection of civilization, ordinary human beings are not as good as a mouse that can dig holes!

Time passed slowly, Zhao Yunxiang kept his eyes closed, he was thinking, and his mind was competing.

Two consciousnesses emerged in my mind, and these two consciousnesses were talking.

One contends that he dies,

"Don't hold on anymore, you have been abandoned by the world, the fire is gone, and you are still sick, the germ infection will continue to deepen, the next step, the germs will move to your windpipe, and eventually to your lungs, there are no antibiotics here, no Any medicine, do you think you can survive the germs successfully?"

Yes, Zhao Yunxiang only has water now, and the most important fire has been lost. He has no confidence in being able to light a fire again, and the torture of germs alone can easily kill him.

No matter how you look at it now, you are sure to die!

Another voice sounded in my mind again, "Don't give up, you are the best, life is so hard, try to use your wit to make fire, as long as you succeed in making fire, looking for some herbs, using herbs to boil water, you can also Bactericidal, trust your resistance!"

Zhao Yunxiang's resistance is not bad. After all, this guy has not had an injection for more than 10 years. Generally, if there is any inflammation, just drink some medicine.

Human illnesses are mostly caused by germs and bacterial infections. In addition to infection and disease from the mouth, environmental changes are also a major factor.

Last night's heavy rain and strong wind brought the temperature to drop significantly. The whole body was wetted by the rain, and the body was full of stagnant water. In this extremely harsh environment, Zhao Yunxiang's core body temperature dropped significantly.

After the human body temperature drops, the immunity will also weaken. The bacteria and germs that already exist in the surroundings and in the human body reduce the internal defense system of the human body to compete with them, thus causing the bacteria and germs to break through the anti-counterfeiting system.

This can easily lead to respiratory tract infection. For example, Zhao Yunxiang belongs to tonsil inflammation infection. This symptom is only the initial inflammation. If it is not treated in time or the immune system defeats it, the next inflammation will move down the mouth and reach the voice.

This is followed by the trachea, and then the lungs, resulting in inflammation of the lungs, commonly known as pneumonia.

Once the bacteria inflammation reaches the lungs, Zhao Yunxiang can be said to be exhausted.

Smooth it out, what is most needed now is food and medicinal materials!

After exploring the woods yesterday, Zhao Yunxiang clearly remembered that some plants in the woods could cure his illnesses, mainly for colds, fevers, and respiratory infections!

That is the most common foxtail and ghost needle grass in the countryside. Setaria is the ancestor of millet and is easy to identify. Zhao Yunxiang often uses foxtail to make bunnies.

However, ghost needle grass is a disgusting plant. It is a parasitic type. The seeds of ghost needle grass are like needles, with some thorns on the top. Walking by ghost needle grass with clothes on, you will find It is densely packed with spikes.

This is a way for ghost needle grass to spread to the next generation!

"Look for herbs first, and then find a way to make fire." Zhao Yunxiang is not the kind of person who gives up easily. If he wants to live, even if he is in a desperate situation, he has to struggle!

No one can defeat me! !

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