While talking, she handed the cards to Miss Audrey. She nodded, closed her eyes and pressed the cards to her face. The cards turned into phantoms and plunged into her body.

   This is not Jenkins's thing, and he won't want it greedily. It's just that the number of [gifts] is really the least among the three special items of ABC. Because of unlucky luck, the probability of contacting special items is much greater than that of ordinary gifters, but even so, he hasn't seen a few gifts with his own eyes.

Chapter 283 Chapter 279 The Overturned Silver Coin

   As Miss Audrey closed her eyes, she chanted strange words in ancient language, as if there was a wall separating this small space from the world.

The scent of incense became stronger and stronger. The woman sat on the sofa and slowly leaned down, her face stopped when she was about to touch the crystal ball.

   Jenkins held his breath, only feeling that the space where the two of them are at the moment does not seem to be the material world. The invisible wall blocked the space. In this strange feeling, Miss Audrey who sat aside seemed to be a different person. A weird and ethereal temperament replaced the original lazy home appearance.

"I saw."

   The woman frowned, her voice hoarse and rough, completely different from the past.

   "She is still in Nolan, I saw a river, no, not Westminster. There is too much garbage on the river, this is... the Rhone?"

   "Rhone? Are there any specific details?"

   While asking, he quickly recalled the terrain of Nolan City.

   "Yes, yes. That is a row of low houses on the east bank of the river. Not far away is the factory. The woman lives in a red wooden house near the river. The house number is 32..."

   She opened her eyes violently, and the crystal ball in front of her opened a gap.

"what's happenin?"

   Jenkins is a little nervous, if it is too dangerous, then just give up, there is no need to gamble and lose his life.

   "No, it's okay."

   Miss Audrey stretched out her right hand to cover her forehead, her complexion looked good, she didn't look like she was injured.

"It's the crystal ball. Last time I used it for divination, it was already in a damaged state. Sorry, that's all you can see, but the Rhone itself is not long. The northeast corner of Nolan directly merges into the sea. Although the house number is not clear, it shouldn't be difficult to find that location."

   "It's okay, it's okay, thank you very much!"

Jenkins knew this was enough. The Rhone itself is different from the Westmins River, which almost traverses the urban area. The distance between the former in the city itself is not long, and it has both "riverside low houses" and "adjacent factories". The location is even less.

   Although he doesn't have the ability to divination, he also knows that the results of divination are usually obscure and difficult to understand. Only a few wise fortunetellers can see the truth guided by fate through the fog. It's almost impossible to see an understandable picture directly, but Miss Audrey did it.

   "The horror is like this, the horror is like this." He exclaimed in his heart.

   "It is I want to thank you. Without you, I don't know when I can take it out."

   Miss Audrey motioned to Jenkins to sit still, got up again and left the living room. When she came back, she had an extra twine in her hand.

   "B-10-04-1212, the hunter's trap rope. This is the relic of Robinson who died in the treacherous realm. Alexia should have told you the function of this thing."

   said, handing him the rope.

   "This should be the spoils of the three of us."

   "Yes, but Alexia asked me to help in the divination once, and the part of the rope is a reward. Today we help each other, but I think the value of the gift is greater."

   Seeing this picture of her, Jenkins accepted it. It just happened that the cash on my body recently spent a lot of money, maybe I can sell it to earn some gold pounds.

  Before leaving, Miss Audrey also told Jenkins about the astronomy course that stargazing can only be done at night, so the two have to discuss the specific time.

   was standing in the hallway preparing to say goodbye, and the maid on the side took the hat and coat hanging on the hanger. Originally she was going to help Jenkins put it on, but Jenkins chuckled and refused. He was not used to this kind of thing.

   The maid nodded, and handed him Jenkins' clothes with a ruddy face.

   "Do you need help?"

   Although I don’t know what Jenkins is going to do, the fortune-teller can still guess something. Under the dim light of the gas lamp, her face showed an expression of interest, "I am not good at frontal combat, but I know where Alexia lives. She is a professional detective and mercenary."

   "No, I can solve it myself, and I also know some friends."

   Jenkins smiled, he has already planned, and after finding the position for a while, observe it first, and if there are any accomplices, he will retreat directly. If not... thinking of this, he has an idea again.

   "Why don't you do this, can you tell me a little more, will things go well tonight."

   Jenkins suggested that Miss Audrey seemed to have expected him to say this a long time ago, and she took out a deck of cards from her pocket and asked him to draw.

   also didn't think about anything, Jenkins reached out and drew the top card. After it was opened, it was a silver coin pattern, but it was neither the front nor the back, but it was erected.

   "The destiny of the flip, the meaning of this card means that everything in the future depends on what you do. It may be good, but it will not be the best, it may be bad, but at least it will not be death."

   "That's enough, good night, Miss Audrey."

   He held the cat with a cane in one hand, took off the hat he just wore with the other hand, bowed very gentlemanly, and then turned and walked into the night.

   "Good night, Mr. Williams."

   The woman also responded with a smile, and then stood at the door of her home, facing the cold night breeze at the end of autumn, looking towards Jenkins's back, some smiles appeared on her face:

   "Mr. William, good luck to you."

   Not far from Miss Audrey’s house, Jenkins put on a black robe in the shadow at the corner of the intersection. Hired a carriage and briefly described the place he was looking for with the coachman. He actually took Jenkins to the destination directly without him even needing to look for it specially.

   "The Rhone River is not long, and the place you describe is not remote."

   The coachman explained to Jenkins so slowly.

   Therefore, when he got out of the car, he gave the coachman an extra silver coin, which is 1 shilling. This is to strengthen the coachman’s impression of the current image. When someone asks, he won’t doubt Jenkins.

Knowing that he was coming here with two other women, Hathaway would think that Jenkins invited the new **** believers with magical powers, and Miss Audrey herself knew many secrets of Jenkins, and Jenkins had just said yes. Ask a friend to help.

   Foolproof, that's it.

  Nolan City is a city without street lights, and the slums at night are even darker. Standing at the intersection, the jagged and adjacent low-rise houses are like a giant creeping in the dark waiting for Jenkins.

   A smile appeared on Jenkins's face. Only in this way can he do his own thing without any worries in the dark night without revealing his identity.

Chapter 284 The Cat on the Roof

   For safety, Jenkins asked the coachman to park the carriage at the exit of the alley, then shivered around the whole street and came to the river bank.

   But to be honest, it's more like a smelly ditch than a river. Because it is adjacent to this slum, the Rhone River is also a dumping place for garbage in the nearby streets. Years of accumulation have made this river what it is now. Rubbish, feces or even corpses, no one can tell exactly what is in the water.

   By the red and blue moonlight, Jenkins hid on the side of a nearby two-story uninhabited abandoned house, leaning against the brick wall, and blinking.

  According to the rules of the house number, the houses not far away are 32A, 32B, and 32C. The low house of 32C is the red door, and a gift is hidden in it.

"is her."

  According to the color of the light spot and the direction of the angle of rotation, it can be determined that it is the maid this afternoon. Looking around, she was the only benefactor in the whole street.

   Reconfirming that the charms, pistols, and special items on his body are all ready, Jenkins patted the cat on the head and said something next to his short ears.

   Chocolate ears shook a few times, and then turned into a yellow and white color, jumped to the ground, and ran to the house quickly.

   "Is chocolate getting smarter?"

   Jenkins was puzzled, but he didn't think too much. After all, he had taken an extraordinary potion, but it was not surprising that his wisdom became stronger.

   The cat lightly walked along the root of the wall to under the eaves of the house numbered 32C. It deliberately made a loud meow~, then jumped to a tree next to it, and then jumped from the tree to the roof.


   A piece of tile was fiddled on the ground, making a crisp cracking sound.

   There was a commotion in the room, and then a woman pretending to be panicked opened the window and poked her head out. I just saw the chocolate jump from the roof, and then ran towards the street.

   "Damn wild cat!"

   The woman waved her hand viciously and shouted, then closed the window with a slam.

   The chocolate came out of the darkness again, and this time the coat turned gray. It jumped to the tree and came to the roof, so it repeated the technique and got a piece of tile.

   The agitated woman opened the window again, saw another cat, and immediately cursed loudly. Because the sky was darker, she didn't notice that the body shapes of the two cats were similar.


   Jenkins walked along the dark side of the wall of this row of houses to the door of 32C, followed the tree to the roof, and hid behind the chimney. Waved to the chocolate, it turned its head, those eyes seemed to glow in the dark, and once again ran to the roof to get a piece of tile off.

   "Damn it!"

With a loud sound, the woman in the apron opened the window with a rolling pin and threw it out at the cat.


   It gave a threatening cry, and then ran away quickly.


   The woman watched suspiciously as the cat slipped away, and she also became suspicious. To be able to come out as a killer, the necessary caution is still there. She squinted her eyes to look around from the window, especially at the doorway, but she didn't see anyone.

   The window was closed, and the door was opened for a while, and the woman put on a black greasy coat and put her right hand into the pocket of her dress.

   drew the pistol to aim at the top of his head, clicked to pull off the safety, and then squeezed the trigger with his fingers, very carefully facing his own door and stepped back. When the empty roof came into view, she let out a sigh of relief.

   "If there are people, they will not hide here deliberately, otherwise the cat just revealed its position."


   The cat's voice sounded again, and the woman pointed her muzzle to her right. At this moment, Jenkins jumped out from behind the chimney, and instantly rushed down from the roof.

   "Profane production!"

   Two green vines stretched out in the void and inserted into the woman's temple, and she collapsed to the ground with convulsions. Chocolate walked over with her tail wagging, and arched her dropped pistol to another place with her nose.

   deliberately let Chocolate jump to the roof three times, which is to use the psychological effect of "the wolf is coming" to make her subconsciously relax her vigilance on the roof and focus on other places. Although the ability of "profane production" seems to be used to make "crafts", except for Jenkins, it seems that everyone targeted can lose consciousness after a second.

   Jenkins attributed this to the particularity of his soul.

   The profanity of the woman only formed a coin that was illusory to almost transparent, perhaps not even one thousandth. The short fight here did not attract the attention of neighbors around him. Jenkins bent down and scratched the cat's chin as a reward, and then dragged the woman back to her home.

   It happened that Miss Audrey gave her a rope just now, and now it is more suitable to tie people.

   The woman was still in a coma, her body twitching unconsciously. Jenkins tied her firmly to a wooden rocking chair, tested the faint breath, first pinched her hard, and splashed a bowl of water on her face, but still did not wake up.

   "These are terrible."

   didn't use knowledge grants, just because she was afraid that she would faint and couldn't ask for confessions. Unexpectedly, blasphemy production was also such an overkill. He originally thought that he would be able to recover after his ability ended, just like when he was in the train trespass.

   Jenkins looked at this house, a typical slum house. Although there are necessary toilets, kitchens and bedrooms, the area is not very large. The walls of the home have not been painted, because they have been used for too long and the wall coverings have shown a light yellow color.

   did not turn off the gas light in the room, which would only lead to suspicion. Jenkins leaned against the wall, searching for letters and other items in the room, but found nothing except a fancy transparent glass bottle in the wall tiles behind the kitchen cupboard.

   "Is the house of the witch again?"

   Looking at the familiar pattern on the poison bottle, Jenkins frowned. This illegal organization likes to collude with the upper class to weave conspiracies, and this time targeting the Marquis of Mikhail fits their style.

   "There shouldn't be no letters, are they all burned after reading them? Or is it actually..."


The chocolate standing at the window suddenly screamed. Jenkins followed its voice and looked out the window. The True Eye was still open. Two more gifters appeared outside, one at level 4 and one at level 5. There were no special items on his body. .

   "Good cat!"

   He praised in a low voice, looked around the decoration and furniture of the room, and immediately got an idea.

Chapter 285 Chapter 281 The Shadow's Body

   He stood on the spot and looked at the dishes in the cupboard in the kitchen, and then observed the decorations in the house. He was basically sure that this woman was not living alone.

   tiptoed to the corner of the wall farthest from the door, hiding beside the simple bookshelf, holding a pistol in one hand and a cane in the other.

   The sound of footsteps is getting closer and closer, and with the sound of the two women talking, a dark shadow appears behind Jenkins, waiting quietly.

   "Three, two, one."

   The moment they opened the door, with a bang, the first half of the whole house was blown up.

   "Damn, how powerful is this! This is a dilapidated house!"

   He scolded the municipal staff in his heart, protected his head from the falling tiles, and then raised his pistol to shoot at the doorway in his impression.

   could hear screams and commotion from around the house, and the neighbors were also alarmed.

   "How come it's like this again!"

   After the tiles finally stopped falling, most of the walls of the low house collapsed. Only the beams and dozens of lucky tiles remained on the roof, and the cold wind poured back into the house.

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