is actually bigger than Jenkins' living room.

   "It’s very comfortable to live there. Although it’s a bit far from the old antique shop, at least at night, I can pray with the priests and participate in mass."

   He rejected the proposal to move back temporarily, worried that he would bring troublesome things here.

   After having dinner in the church, chatting with Bishop Parode, and passing some time in the secret trail library, he returned to his room and was ready to rest.

   He sat on the bed with his cat in his arms, and spread a history book about seventeen-year texts on his crossed legs. When the time of the pocket watch was displayed as eight o'clock in the evening, he activated the spiritual magnet.

   is still in front of the burning fireplace, Miss Miller put her elbow on the seat handle, holding her face to watch Jenkins change from transparent to illusory, and from illusory to solid.

"good evening."

"good evening."

   It is rare to see the moon outside the window, and there is no snow tonight. This is a rare weather in Ruen in winter.

  Miss Stuart and Julia have not arrived yet, they can only find a chance to leave the palace after nine o'clock. As the princess of the kingdom, she could only find excuses to move out of the palace that was bright all night after she was eighteen, and this year Dolores was only sixteen.


  Miss Miller chuckled at Jenkins, "So, did anything interesting happen this week?"

Chapter 540 Chapter 531 The Secret of the Elf Note

   In front of the fireplace, the woman pushed a teacup towards the man, and the man sighed for a long time, as if to spit out all his fatigue:

   "Interesting things this week..."

   He shifted his body's center of gravity back and leaned against the back of his chair: "These two days will be ‘fun’ enough."

   When Dolores and Julia opened the door and walked in, the conversation between Jenkins and Miss Miller continued. Therefore, the first sentence they heard was;

   "So, now you suspect that the people you met on the night when you returned to Nolan also participated in the birth of the evil **** son?"

   "Yes, after all, there is a great relationship between the birth of the **** son and the ability of **** surrender, and neither of these two things can find any follow-up clues."

  Dolores thought that she was finally crazy for a few seconds, and she didn't realize she was standing at the door holding the door until she was pushed slightly by Julia.

   "Good evening, Miss Stuart. Good evening, Miss Minnwick."

   "Good evening... Keep talking, don't care about me."

In the next few minutes, Dolores was first horrified to discover that the evil **** child mentioned by Jenkins had actually occurred in a major accident in Nolan City, and then discovered that the incident had happened far away. The man is less than a hundred feet away.

   When the man talked about this, he didn't show any panic. It was like a robber complained to his friend in the neighborhood where he lived. Although Miss Miller who was discussing with him frowned, she didn't seem surprised.

   Dolores felt that she and the two in front of her lived in two completely different worlds. She had never thought that things related to great gods would happen to her side, would be so real.

"...So now I can't go home. The church has to divination and channelize the whole block to determine when this event will start. But I don't think they will gain anything, after all, the street ......"

   His last sentence was vague, but Miss Miller did not pursue it either.

"If things are really the same as what you said, then I think the situation is not very serious. The sons of gods left behind in the material world can only be regarded as higher creatures in their initial state, and they are far from reaching the heights of gods. In addition, it now has a human body and was born early. As long as the Diocese of Nolan prepares carefully, the probability of an accident is not high."

   "I think the same is true. Now Nolan is preparing for a curfew. I hope that this matter will not be delayed until next year."

   Jenkins sighed heavily, worried about the misfortune that happened to him. Now that the blood-sucking matter has not been completely resolved, the Heretic God's Son is born again, and he really hopes that the two parties can fight together, and finally all die.

   "Miss Stuart, I noticed that you haven't been involved in our conversation. How is it, did you encounter any interesting things this week?"

   Dolores opened her mouth, and then shook her head. She was going to talk to the two of them about the dance party last night, but compared to the topic just now, this is really a trivial matter.

  Before meeting a mathematician in Nolan, Dolores had always believed that few people would have such a dangerous and wonderful life.

   As the princess of the kingdom with the largest land area in the human world, she not only has to deal with the intrigues in the life of the nobility, but also in-depth exploration of the mysterious and charming extraordinary world, and deal with all kinds of dangerous characters.

   But compared with the experience of this exotic gentleman, these are not worth mentioning. She couldn't imagine what life would be like with accidents happening almost every day, nor could she imagine how powerful Mr. Williams could be to live until now.

   B-04-5-2218 promised last week, the treasure mirror of the Secret Breaker, was smoothly taken out of the royal family's treasury. It was a vanity mirror with a gold-cast handle. A circle of oval-shaped gems were inlaid around the mirror surface. The gems and gems were connected by twisted silver wires, like a thin snake entrenched on the mirror frame.

   "Do we need to avoid it?"

   Seeing Jenkins take out a rolled up note, Miss Miller asked very intimately.

   "No, actually I don't know what it is, it was given to me by a very weird friend."

   While he was talking, he took the note away, smoothed it with his hand and placed it on his knee, then took the mirror from Miss Stuart, looked at his face first, and then pointed it at the paper on his knee.

   Chocolate was originally lying in front of the fireplace. At this time, he sprang up swiftly. After a few steps, he jumped onto Jenkins's seat handle, then jumped to the back of the chair again, and stuck his head on Jenkins' shoulders.

   "This is not for food, and are you literate?"

   Compared with the cat who doesn't hide her curiosity, Miss Stuart is much more reserved. She turned her head in the opposite direction like Miss Miller, but Julia could tell from her expression that she really wanted to be like that cat, holding Mr. William's shoulder to look at the note. what.

   Jenkins is looking down at the mirror at this time. When the mirror is aligned with the note, he can feel the handle of the mirror heat slightly. After a few seconds, the temperature returned to normal again, and soft light was emitted from the mirror, projected on the surface of the note, and three lines of slender text slowly appeared.

   Although these characters are universal texts, at first glance they know that the writer is very uncomfortable with writing such letters. His mother tongue should be another thin and sharp rune.

   "It's great. It's a general text. If it's a lost wizard text, it's too bad."

   It seems that Mr. Salimanda had learned the writing of this era from human friends during his stay in that strange world. This greatly facilitates Jenkins. After all, even the most modern elves are in a state of complete loss. In other words, the bestowers of this era cannot even interpret the most basic runes.

Most of the words on the    note are not complete sentences, but some materials:

   [Water of Life 1 and ears (about 142ml), the concentration is above 30%;

  Elf wood powder 0.5 grains (about 32.4mg), the tree is more than 100 years old;

   Three unicorn hairs, 28 years old (inclusive);

   a tinder mint plant, the whole plant is crushed into powder;

   1.1 grains of unmelted ice (about 71.28mg);

   1.8 inch (4.57cm) wood heart 3 roots, any tree species over 1,000 years;]

   Below the materials is a simple mixing and production process. The final product is a kind of medicine, but the specific name and function are not specified.

Chapter 541 Chapter 532 The Great Prince and the Three Queens

   The preparation method of the potion gifted by the elves is not complicated, and it is not even as difficult as the [Witch's Kiss] made by Jenkins, but the materials are not easy to find.

  The water of life in it, Mr. Hood has acquired it for a long time. This is the holy water produced only by the Church of All Things and Nature, and it has a certain healing effect.

   But Jenkins is a gifter of the Orthodox Church, and the Diocese of Nolan should have stored some.

   Elf wood and tinder mint are easy to find. Jenkins has seen it more than once in the black market in Nolan City, but they are very expensive. The former is only produced in the southern tip of the mainland, in the unmanned rainforest under the jurisdiction of the Kingdom of Chessland, and the latter is an endemic plant near the active volcano off the coast.

   These two materials are not difficult to find, but Jenkins loves his wallet.

As for the unicorn’s hair, Jenkins just doesn’t know if his horse is old enough; Mu Xin is the core part of the trunk of the ancient tree. Jenkins has never seen one for more than a thousand years, and he thinks that even if it is If you see it, you may not be able to afford it.

   As for the final unmelting ice, it is the material that can only be produced under the ice cap of the extreme north, and it is almost necessary for all high-intensity frost rituals. This kind of ice is very rare, at least it has never been peddled in Nolan City.

   "But this is the city of Ruen, and the Kingdom of Hampawo is the largest producer of this material."

   Thinking of this, he coughed sharply and signaled that Miss Miller and Miss Steward could now turn around.

   "Does this mirror work?"

   Miss Stuart blinked her eyes and asked curiously.

   At the age of sixteen, she is still at the most innocent age. That curious face is more lovable than well-dressed ladies.

   "It works, thank you very much."

   said, he handed the mirror back to Julia, and Julia took it back into her small bag.

   "I thought it would be something private, but I didn't expect that my friend gave me a potion formula. It's a pity that he didn't explain the effect of this potion, but I plan to prepare it and give it a try."

   Seeing that the cat on the shoulder was still looking at it, he stretched out the note to it. It stretched its head slightly and sniffed it, then moved it aside with its paws, and then went back to the softest piece of carpet in front of the fireplace and lay down again.

   "Mr. William, do you know how to prepare potions?"

   It was Julia who asked the question this time. She seldom participated in the conversation between the three.

   As for Miss Miller, she did not appear surprised, after all, she was looking for the sales channel of Witch's Kiss for Jenkins.

   "Yes, but not proficient."

   Jenkins nodded and agreed with what he said, "If it is a simple potion formula with detailed production steps, I think it should be no problem to make it. Why, does Miss Minnwick need me to help configure the potion? I'm very willing to help."

   "No, no, I'm just surprised, after all, pharmacists are a rarer profession than healers."

   Julia shook her head slightly, but looked at her princess again.

   Jenkins then commissioned Miss Stuart to help him buy some unmelting ice. The Three Queens immediately stated that she had reserved some of it herself, which could be sold to Jenkins at a low price.

   She originally wanted to send it directly, but was unanimously opposed by Jenkins and Julia.

   "I think the price of these materials far exceeds the value of our friendship. I don't want to break our friendship because of these materials."

When    said these words, he suddenly realized that another woman had said something similar to himself not long ago.

  Miss Miller laughed and said nothing. She had always known that Jenkins and she were essentially the same kind of people.

   Jenkins has no cash in the city of Roon, but the plants brought out of the treacherous land last time are still with Miss Miller. He and Miss Stuart adopted the method of bartering. Jenkins traded all the plants including the pot of frozen flowers, and Miss Stuart will provide him with unmelting ice next week. , Elven wood, tinder mint three materials.

   This means that half of the material of the unknown potion is enough, which does not seem difficult.

   For the rest of the evening, Miss Miller will temporarily serve as Julia’s rune class teacher, while Miss Stuart will continue the etiquette course for Jenkins.

   She kept inquiring about Jenkins's life without a trace, and used an excuse to make a more reasonable study plan based on his daily life. Jenkins thought she was right. After all, he might never have the opportunity to use some etiquette habits.

   In his spare time, Jenkins also asked about the auction scam that Miss Stuart encountered a few weeks ago. She vaguely stated that she has new clues and is now continuing to investigate. But while the three queens left the room to change into a suitable dress, Julia said to Jenkins and Miss Miller worriedly:

"That should have something to do with the prince Salot Stuart. Yes, it is the one Miss Miller saw when she went to the palace last week. But Your Highness does not want to worry you. She forbids me to disclose this. Thing."

   The firewood crackled in the fireplace, drawing the shadows of the three people far away. This was something Jenkins didn't expect at all. He thought it was just an accident.

   But instinctively told Jenkins that Miss Miller is likely to use this thing to do something. Therefore, after the princess master and servant got up to say goodbye, he spared a large circle and pointed out very tactfully:

   "I hope that you can protect our friends a little while getting closer. This is not difficult for you."

   "Of course, Jenkins, I hope you don't think I am a woman of bad character."

   There was a bit of annoyance in the words.

   Jenkins shook his head apologetically, and did not continue the topic.

   According to Miss Miller’s current investigation, in fact, the current situation facing the Kingdom of Hampawo is not much better than that of the Kingdom of Fedictri.

   Although there are many descendants of the royal family in this country, in the eyes of Miss Miller, most of them are like the king of subjugation. She thought that Miss Dolores Stewart's talent was the best among her many brothers and sisters, but it was a pity that the three queens didn't have any interest in that crown.

   "So, you can now be sure that the person who scammed the auction last time was the Mr. Salot Stuart?"

"Yes, the evidence is sufficient. Although the prince acted cautiously, it is a pity that he did not choose the talent of his followers. In my opinion, he is far inferior to his sister in terms of character, talent, or other aspects. I will always pay attention to this matter, and I can guarantee that our friends will not encounter any accidents."

Section 542 Chapter 533 Legal Acquisition of Used Books

   The temperature at night in Ruen City can easily freeze to death a robust adult in single clothes, but the temperature in the room is a bit too high.

   Jenkins is wearing a white shirt with a woolen vest Mary knit for him, while Miss Miller is wearing a white double-sleeved shirt with a ruffled collar with intricate lace on the sides of the buttons.

   Jenkins hoped that Miss Stuart’s eldest brother, the man who was born with the golden key in his hand, would not make things happen impulsively. He can be sure that Salot Stuart's men will never have a gift that can stop Miss Miller.

   Miss Miller has learned more. For example, before the gathering of four people last Tuesday, Dolores also encountered an assassination. The incident was also planned by one of her brothers, but who hasn't been found yet.

   "Is the Stuart family so keen on infighting? I think they should be able to easily see that Miss Stuart has no intention of fighting for the crown."

   He is very puzzled about this. According to Jenkins, the current goal of those people should be other competitors.

   "They are scared."

  Miss Miller shrugged and waved her hand in the air. The transparent heads of dozens of young people appeared between them like bubbles.

   This should be her new ability. I didn't find this ability when I borrowed power on the 31st.

   "Look, there are about 13 people who are eligible for inheritance and may compete for the crown. If you do a numerical analysis according to your own power, talent, intention, background, etc...."

   A small number appeared under the heads of these people, and under the numbers are dense explanations, explaining the truth of the numbers.

"I prefer to give [personal ability] a higher weight, and the value of [luck] is difficult to quantify, so it is counted as an added value at the end. In this way, Dolores Stuart’s competitiveness , It can actually be ranked in the top three."

   Jenkins tilted her head to look at the content in the air, and she concluded that it made sense.

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