On his way here, he made up a very clever story. In the story, an apprentice in an antique shop on a business trip to Shire accidentally strayed into a stray realm.

   While relying on wisdom and force to escape, lucky Jenkins found a gift, and that gift was directed at the great [God of Music].

   Mortal Jenkins didn't dare to neglect, so he wanted to return this [gift] to the believer of the god.

"This is it!"

   Talking, Jenkins opened his palm and called out the music box directly in his dream. The contact in the dream depends on the soul, and the C-type [gifts] are directly stored in the soul, so it can be taken out so easily.

   "Does it recognize you?"

   Hathaway asked in a whisper, she doesn't care about the [gift] now, even if it is really precious. The scenes and characters in front of her reminded her again of the night a week ago...

   "No, I am not the master of the gift, I am just a porter of the gift."

   said, he held the music box and handed it to Hathaway. The girl felt it for a while and successfully absorbed it into her own spirit.

   "Very good."

   Jenkins is very satisfied with this result. Since the **** of music only requires the music box to be given to his followers, it is the same for everyone. Now that he has fulfilled this requirement perfectly, as long as he saves the world, he will be able to fully understand that divine thing.

   "Well, save the world? What does he mean? Skeleton sword?"

   Jenkins fell into deep thought and turned to leave, but Hathaway grabbed his arm.

   "Are you leaving now?"

   The girl looked into his eyes as if she was looking at a fool.

"Yes, my business is over...Oh, you have to be more careful in Nolan recently. Have you heard about A-12-1-0044 [Dead Soul's Skeleton Sword]? "

  The writer is still dumb.


   "I have to stay away from the cemetery recently, and don't forget to remind Brian to beware of the plague...Although I can treat the plague, we don't want to show strength in front of Brian."

   He tirelessly reminded him of the Skeleton Sword, and even suggested that the two girls stay away from Nolan in the near future and come back after the matter is over.

   While Jenkins was talking, Hathaway had been listening silently. When the man finished speaking and wanted to leave, he suddenly realized that the dream was blocked by the owner of the dream. Although you can leave with brute force, it will hurt the true owner of the dream.

   This kind of blockade is so ingenious that Jenkins couldn't find a way to leave easily.

   "Remember the dream demon we caught, Jenkins? I learned a lot from it. Are you surprised?"

   Hathaway raised her right hand and gently stroked the side of her cheek. The moonlight outside the window is now showing the brightness that cannot exist in the real world, the dark bedroom is gradually changing, and the big bed on one side of the room moved to the two of them in an instant.

   She didn't speak, but the clothes on her body had turned into shining dots of light, flying into the air. These light spots are gradually evenly distributed to all corners of the room, adding a little romantic atmosphere to the bedroom.

   Facing the seductive moonlight is something even more seductive.

   "Although you are not willing to tell me what happened on the last night on the train, I guessed it."

   She red //////// Looking at Jenkins with her body, Jenkins swallowed and took a step back subconsciously.

   "Even in a dream, don't you have the guts?"

   The woman tilted her head and said.

"No, I can not......"

   Jenkins is not a saint, and it is impossible to always refuse the temptation of those bad women.

   "But, this is just a dream~"

   The woman stepped forward and hugged Jenkins. Jenkins trembled as if she was sick, but did not resist.

   The moonlight in the dreamland is still so beautiful, quietly reflecting this more beautiful night and those beautiful people.

  PS: Now the question is, through the soul ** in the dream, is Jenkins considered to be on the adult ladder?

Chapter 871 One Week

   The time of dreams has always been different from real time. Jenkins himself is not sure how long he stayed in that pink dream, but he thinks about it.

   That is really a very powerful dream, very powerful, Jenkins has indeed grown a lot. Both have the ability to manipulate dreams to a certain extent, so they can do some extraordinary things.

When    said goodbye to the red-haired girl, they reluctantly hugged for a while, and then Hathaway agreed to let Jenkins leave.

   Regarding the relationship between the two, Jenkins would like to make it clear that the matter is very complicated because it is related to the third person. But this time, Hathaway didn't give Jenkins a chance. She covered Jenkins' mouth and motioned for him to talk when they met.

   "Such a thing, I want to meet and talk about it to make it clear."

   Jenkins really didn’t understand what the women were thinking. But since he took advantage, it was natural not to say anything.

   When he returned to the alley next to the house of Earl Hesha, the cat was still lying on Jenkins' lap with all his heart. Moonlight shone from the sky and shone half of Jenkins's body. The other half of his body was hidden by the shadow of the low wall, and of course the chocolate was also in that half.

   Finger moved slightly and then opened his eyes, looking around slightly confused. There was a small moan/groan in his mouth. He kept this position for too long and his body was a little stiff.

   Seeing that the man came back, the cat meowed softly, but immediately held up his nose in confusion, as if smelling a strange smell.

   Jenkins immediately felt guilty, but then remembered that everything was done after the soul was separated from the body, and the body could not react or produce smell at all. So he patted the cat's head, stood up from the wall, and observed the light spots representing Hathaway through the wall and the building.

   He couldn't explain why he didn't leave forcefully just now. Because of love? Because of what happened last week? Because of the instinctive desire of young people... he didn't know, but he knew that the red-haired girl not far away had really entered his life.

   Although it was just a dream, Jenkins, who was conservative in both generations, still believed that he was responsible for this matter. Communicating in the state of the soul is a very indescribable feeling. The foreign visitors from another world, of course, are not pure white papers who don't know anything, but the experience of this evening is still a bit exciting for him.


   Chocolate is still looking for the source of the strange smell. It looks at Jenkins with inquiring eyes, trying to find the answer on his face. The man just used the soul state to act, so the cat could not observe what he did through the long river of time. It may take some time to find the answer, but the equally powerful chocolate has already faintly felt that some changes have taken place in Jenkins.


   The cat felt that it was getting more and more difficult to understand Jenkins, which made the chocolate a bit lonely.

   This kind of loneliness lasted until the next morning. Jenkins, who got up very early, looked very energetic, which made old Jack wonder if he accidentally added the wrong herbs when he had supper in the evening.

   Maybe it’s because such a stimulus was a bit extraordinary for Jenkins. The next week, Mr. Writer’s life in the Shire was really calm.

   In his rare free time, he devoted his time to configuring potions and reading books. When I went to see Miss Stuart and Alexia on Tuesday, the girls were unable to meet Jenkins, which made him think he was finally able to live a happy and stress-free life.

   It was a perfect week. After Jenkins came to this world, he had never had such a leisure time. After leaving Nolan, the days suddenly became interesting and joyful. It seems that the rumor that Nolan City is the stage of fate at the end of this era is completely correct.

He occasionally projected Nolan to check the situation, but the commonly used maps such as the cemetery, the old antique shop, the church and the Evergreen Forest were not open to him in this state, so the number of visits to Nolan gradually decreased. Come down.

   Even Hathaway was resisting his dream, which made returning to Nolan to visit, completely becoming a meaningless thing.

   After seven pleasant days, it came to the last week of the month. Jenkins on Monday continued the state of last week, and there is also nothing important. When I went to church in the morning, I inquired about Scru Pompeii by the way. Because of the discovery a week ago, the city of Shire has now implemented a full curfew because of him. The Orthodox Church is considering how to complete disinfection after laboriously blocking and killing all the living and dead in that street.

   In the house of Pompeii's parents, the church seized a large amount of illegal human experiment data. These materials can effectively help the church understand what terrible methods their opponents have.

   Towards the early morning of the night before, the church found a very hidden iron door behind a box in the underground warehouse of a spice store on that street. Later, an underground database covering half a street was discovered.

   The criminal's personal belongings, test equipment and a lot of rare materials are stored here. Jenkins even heard news over the weekend that at least three items have been identified as numbered items.

  According to Jenkins' understanding, this is the base camp of the terrible sword bearer. He went to a strange city, of course, it is impossible to carry all his belongings, which is very different from Jenkins's habits. So, he has nothing now, and the church has all his property.

   "He must hate Shire's Orthodox Church now."

   Jenkins whispered when he left the church. But Chocolate believes that the man with the sword should hate Jenkins even more.

  He has done a great job in Shire, the temporary administrator of Shire Diocese who is responsible for handling this matter, haha ​​smiled and patted Jenkins on the shoulder. It was a middle-aged man who was slightly younger than Captain Bincy. He told Jenkins that the Diocese of Shire had not encountered such a thing for many years.

   Since that street needs to be investigated more closely, it is not yet certain how big this "big gold mine" Jenkins encountered is. But just the things found so far are enough for the church to reward Jenkins with a medal that weighs more than the weight of chocolate, although he doesn't need that thing.

   refused the invitation to have lunch in the church, Jenkins got on the carriage and took his cat directly to the outskirts. A week has diluted a lot of things, and after fading out of the sight of the church, Jenkins can finally test his harvest in the cemetery.

  PS: Explain the things in the previous chapter. Everyone knows that the recent crackdown. Although the book guest is not involved, both Qi and Jin have suffered heavy losses. This kind of chapter is very dangerous, so it's better to keep it simple. Please forgive me.

   Another: This is a transitional chapter, and there is one more chapter at noon. I hope you will vote more. The recent drop in subscriptions really scared me.

Chapter 872 Chapter 855 Growth of Trees

   Last week, Jenkins and the cat went to a cemetery in the suburbs many times. He noticed that during the journey, there was a large unattended forest.

   There may be some kind of fruit trees planted there, because winter comes, the trees do not have any greenery. Jenkins got out of the car near that area with the cat, and then walked deep into it for dozens of minutes, and stopped until it was confirmed that no one could notice them.

   This time I went out to test the effect of the newly evolved ability [Life Origin]. The emergence of this ability is extremely strange. In the cemetery, Jenkins did not test it immediately because he was worried that the old grave guard would wake up at any time. Today, I chose the time and place specifically to figure out what happened to me.

   [Contact Healing] and [Unknown Way Forward] are Jenkins's original original abilities, and both have helped him a lot. He has always been suspicious that his fate comes from the special nature of the stranger, and his life comes from the body of the aborigines. This idea was confirmed many times later, because Jenkins's soul itself has a lot to do with fate. He even took the initiative to comprehend the power of fate, but he never showed a connection with life.

   A long time ago, when he learned that there were elves in this world, he suspected whether the ancestors of the Williamite family were elves. For this reason, he has made many investigations, but there are always no results. But as he grew stronger, he also noticed the unusualness of this body. Not to mention that he had never been sick since he had the status of Williams, and even the original owner's memory is rarely sick. impression.

   You know, in such an era, this situation is almost unimaginable. The extremely poor medical service system, coupled with the heavily polluted air, makes chronic and sudden diseases unavoidable.

   "So Robert, did they hide something from me?"

   Jenkins was still muttering to himself when he pushed aside the branches. The cat on the shoulder was a little surprised. It thought Jenkins was really a fool.

   The afternoon sun was projected from the sky, and the shadows of dead branches fell on the ground, forming colorful traces. The black boots collapsed on the dead leaves and mud that rotted and fermented under the snow layer after a winter, making the owner of the boots feel like vomiting.

   In the middle of the fruit forest, there is a small open space, which may be used by the owner of the forest to store wood in the fall. The sun was right there, and Jenkins stopped.

   bent down and picked up a dead branch stuck in the mud, held it in his hand like a sword and swung it left and right twice, and then thrust it into the ground forcefully.

   He stepped back as he patted the soil on his hands, and then watched the dead branch quickly come back to life. After three breaths, a small tree full of branches and leaves grew at a speed visible to the naked eye.

   In the winter sunset, the small green tree stands alone in the middle of the clearing of the dry forest, which is really strange. It shivered in the cold wind. Although it was not adapted to growing in this season, its supernatural ability gave it stronger endurance.

   Giving plant life is something Jenkins could do before. But in the [Healing Breath] stage, the plants that he can resuscitate handily are still limited to a bunch of flowers or a piece of grass. Growing a fruit tree like this is not impossible, but it is more troublesome.

   Jenkins and his cat looked at the few greens in the winter, and then he walked to the small tree and pressed his palm on it. Close your eyes and concentrate your feelings on the palm of your hand, where the rough lines and slightly cold touch of the trunk are completely imprinted in your heart.

   But this is not what Jenkins wanted. He put his consciousness deeper into the small tree in front of him, and gradually felt a warm air flowing in the trunk. It has no source. It runs through the trunk, branches and leaves and even roots buried in the soil like blood circulation, and gradually strengthens as it absorbs sunlight, nutrients and moisture from the outside world.

   Jenkins is now closing his eyes, but he feels that the color of the airflow is green. He injected his spirit slowly and steadily into it, then opened his eyes and raised his head together with his cat to watch the small tree grow taller, and the top of the small branch bloomed with very small flowers, and then a small green. The fruit also appeared there, and gradually plumped up. After listening to the pocket watch for 156 seconds, the fruit became bigger and bigger, and fell from the branches with the evening wind in winter and was caught by the man under the tree. 【Note】.

   The heavy green apple was held in Jenkins' hand, with a light smile on his face. This is the ability of life origin to be stronger than the healing breath. For plants, it is speeding up flowering and fruiting, and for animals, it is slow limb regeneration.

   Although he no longer has a healing label in the ability name, Jenkins now has a stronger healing ability. He smiled happily, breaking the apple in half, giving half to himself and half to chocolate.

   Although it is ripened by ability and not nurtured by nature, this apple is still very delicious. Jenkins thought that when he was old, he might be able to take chocolates to the countryside to buy an orchard for retirement. The old cat at that time would be very happy.

   "Chocolate, you must live until I get old."

   While feeding the cat with an apple, he softly ordered. The cat rolled Jenkins's eyes suspiciously, and didn't understand what he was talking about.

   A cat who has lived for a long time, but I have never heard that a **** will get old. Since Jenkins first absorbed divinity, unless he deliberately changed his image, he would always be what he is now.

   Thinking of this, Chocolate feels a little happy. Because those mortal women will eventually get old, but the cat and the writer are eternal.

   Jenkins also noticed the cat's happy mood, which can be seen from its face. After meeting Hathaway in a dream a week ago, the cat has not been very happy, and Jenkins has been wondering what happened to it for a long time.

   I suddenly remembered that wonderful night and that wonderful woman a week ago, and naturally I would also think of what happened in my dream. Jenkins still didn't understand what the woman was thinking, what she wanted to do, how to deal with the relationship with the third person, but this did not prevent his face from flushing immediately.

   swallowed, Jenkins didn't want his good memories to interfere with his current actions.

   "Speaking of which, I should give Hathaway a gift next time I meet... I don't know if she prefers gems or diamonds. I heard that young girls now also like gold and silver bracelets..."

  PS: Apple trees can pollinate themselves. I know it takes time and other conditions, but since it’s a novel, don’t be so serious. This is the ability of Jenkins to promote the evolution of the creature itself, and it is an ideal supernatural force.

Chapter 873 Chapter 856 Dagger and Bloodline


   Seeing Jenkins standing still thinking about it, Chocolate immediately reminded the man that now he should do something serious.

   In addition to things related to experimental ability, Jenkins will also try the newly acquired wooden toy dagger. It doesn't even have an edge, and it won't hurt the skin even if it slides **** the palm.

   The magic of this weapon is that it is left by the gods and told by the gods that it can "save the world", and it directly promotes the evolution of Jenkins's soul origin ability.

   When I think of the origin of life, I naturally think of life, then I think of the undead, and then the skeleton sword. It is very possible that the **** of music wanted to entrust Jenkins to defeat the sword, but Jenkins did not understand at all, why she had to entrust this matter.

   "Because I am a good god, I regard it as my own job to maintain world peace, and even give a drop of divine nature to it?"

   He guessed, and then forcefully inserted the dagger in his hand into the ground under his feet. It was just like the action just now, but nothing happened and the wood did not grow.

   "Sure enough, it's not that simple. What kind of material is this? Is it the world tree?"

   He didn't believe this conclusion himself.

   He muttered to himself, and used his own power to insert the wooden dagger deeply into the nearby fruit tree without leaves, but there was still no response.

   Ruthlessly, Jenkins used the knife he carried with him to cut open his palm, put a part of the toy dagger into the fresh flesh and injected the spirit, but there was still no effect.

   "Do you want to find a dead soul to try the effect? ​​But father, never taught me the ritual to revive the dead."

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