Don't confiscate my citizenship

Chapter 156 Lan Qi seems to be playing with a very new sealing technique

In this way, under the sunlight, the syringe piston continued to move, and the needle in the executioner's hand seemed to turn into a blood pump. Count Palokas' world also darkened little by little. In the end, he could only Screaming hysterically.

The light beam refracted by the glass window slowly dissipated. Lan Qi gently raised his hand and took back the [Glory Virtue].

The intense light was instantly swallowed up in the endless night.

At this moment, the syringe in the executioner's hand could hardly draw blood, and Count Palokas' painful wails had also disappeared.

The church returned to the warm and bright atmosphere of a banquet.

"It seems he's getting better."

Lan Qi murmured to himself.


Hyperion didn't dare to answer this. She glanced secretly at the body of Count Palokas on the ground and quickly looked away, silently thinking about her sins.

She only hopes that Lan Qi will be a principal in the future and never enter the medical field.

Otherwise, there will be big problems if the First Affiliated Hospital of Purgatory Corridor College is opened in the future.

" blood..."

Count Palokas's skin became even paler, and his body was as shriveled as an empty grape. If it were any other creature, it would have been a dead body at this moment.

However, what is horrifying is that this mummy-like vampire is still trembling, raising its hands tremblingly, as if trying to break away and escape.

Icerite Academy.

As the white light on the giant open-air screen dissipated, the visible picture was finally restored.

I saw that the glazed windows on the high vaults no longer reflected a trace of sunlight. Instead, there was an endless night sky, dotted with bright stars, like a dark sky covered with gems.

This ancient church is like the altar at the intersection of light and darkness, mysterious and cold.

The air was filled with blood and fear, mixed with the smell of burning candles. The stone slabs on the ground had been stained bright red with blood, and the candlelight reflected on them, rolling like lava.

The mummified Count Palokas was trembling and struggling on the ground.

Several figures surrounded the count. Under the firelight, they had casual smiles on their faces. Their faces looked distorted and weird, and their shadows were stretched and swayed and danced wildly.


The entire square fell into silence, and the air was frozen for an instant.

The students sitting on the stone steps facing the giant open-air screen were all dumbfounded.

They seemed to have seen an ancient ritual in a dark myth, and the challengers standing in the light were all villains who were presiding or watching.

"Are they fighting the earl, or are they establishing the Church of Resurrection..."

At this midnight hour, even through the screen, the air in Jerra Memorial Square seemed to be filled with gusts of cold autumn wind, sending chills down one's spine.

"Don't talk nonsense!"

However, there are also people whose aura is extremely disconnected from this atmosphere.

"Principal Lan wants to show everyone the dangers and consequences of staying up late, and advise teenagers to maintain a good schedule!"

A young reporter with light blue hair held a camera and kept taking pictures of the scene on the outdoor giant screen. He explained to everyone with a smile on his face that this posture was like preparing to report Lan Qi's deeds in a special report.

"It's like a role model sent from heaven. It's really a good role model in the world. This Lan Qi has positive energy!"


The surrounding students did not dare to say a word when they heard her words.

She is both a true fan of Lan Qi and a suspected anti-fan. She may be cheating, but it cannot be ruled out that she is a fun person.

While taking pictures, the little reporter also took out a photo of Lan Qi.

Like warding off evil spirits.

It's like proving that he is not a chuanzi, but a true fan.

This makes people around her feel that her ingredients are extremely complex!

At the same time, the base church of Lichtens Castle is built.

Now we are faced with a new problem.

"Mr. Ranch, what should we do next?"

The paladin and the male guard were like two rocks, holding down Count Palokas.

Even without the sunshine, Count Palokas, who had lost all the blood in his body, had become even weaker than when they first held him down.

Lan Qi observed Count Palokas's appearance, and his expression gradually became a little worried:

"During the live broadcast tomorrow, his appearance will easily scare ordinary residents, the elderly and children who pass by Icerite College. The live broadcasts of our civilized role model team have always been suitable for all ages. Next, we have to help the count deal with it and let him watch. It looks more artistic and cultural.”

The others nodded when they heard this.

It seems that Lan Qi's condition is not that serious. He at least knows that Count Palokas like this can easily scare ordinary people.


Lan Qi led everyone back to the banquet table.

Only the paladin and the male guard were left holding Count Palokas down while the rest of the people took their seats.

"After consulting the books, I found that vampires like to seal themselves in coffins to sleep during the day. I always respect the culture of other races and nationalities, so when we give him a little more decent makeup, we also prepare a coffin for him. "

Lanci continued to preach with enthusiasm.

And he took out a drawing from his pocket and placed it on the long table to show it to everyone.

It was the handout he had prepared on his desk earlier.

Everyone stood up and focused on the drawing spread out on the long table.

I saw a series of process steps written on it with detailed explanations of pictures and texts——

【1. Washing and Purification: First clean and purify its body, usually using a blood pressure rescuer and alcohol. 】

[2. Devisceration: Cut open the left side of the body, and then remove the heart, lungs, liver, stomach and intestines. 】

[3. Pickling: After removing the internal organs, the corpse will be filled with alkaline salt that has a drying and disinfecting effect. 】

【4. Cleansing and Lubrication: The body is washed and oiled to prevent the skin from becoming too dry or brittle. 】

【5. Stuffing and Reshaping: The body is then stuffed with linen strips, grass or sand to make it look like a living person. The corpse's face may also be shaped or coated with a protective paste. 】

[ 6. Wrapping: Finally, the body will be tightly wrapped in layers of linen strips, which are usually coated with resin as an adhesive. 】

[7. Placement and painting: After completing the wrapping, the mummy will be placed in a richly decorated coffin, and images and hieroglyphs of the gods and magical incantations with sealing effects will be painted on the coffin. 】

"Let's use this set of procedures to give Count Palokas a grand burial. At least we won't have to worry about him crawling out of the soil for the next four days."

Lan Qi explained to everyone with a smile, as if he couldn't wait to start a wonderful journey of exploration of ancient Egyptian culture.

The most needed skills and knowledge in this mummification process are anatomy, medicine and art. He believes that it is also a popular science of art and culture suitable for all ages.

And in fact, Lan Qi really hopes to be able to film the mummy crawling out of the coffin. This will prove that the science fiction movies he watched in his hometown are not fake, and that mummies can really come back to life.


The church became silent.

Although all the other challengers understood Lanci's teachings and knew they would be effective.

But it was a bit too much of a shock to them.

Lan Qi, he seems to be playing a very new sealing technique.

Whether it is on the human level, the artistic level, or the limitations of cognitive understanding in this era, Lanci was too ahead of his time.

Recommend this friend’s book~

Introduction: Everyone in the world said that Su Jiming, the eldest son of the Duke, was cunning and cunning, and could play with people's hearts like no one else. Ever since he entered the world, there has been no peace in the world.

Fortunately, Zhengdao has already sent people to encircle and suppress this person. In less than three days, the world can be restored to peace.

Looking at the rumors about Miss Sword Fairy who came to assassinate him and her fate of "Sword Heart is Transparent", Su Jiming said in a deep voice:

"Become my lackey and let you live. How about that?"

——Stealed [Sword Heart Transparent] Fate Fragment*1

How could a good Jianghu become such a game?

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