Don't confiscate my citizenship

Chapter 228 Lan Qi is now a man of worth

A month passed quietly.

On a winter morning, the Ikerite campus was covered with a thin layer of frost, the exposed branches trembled in the biting wind, and a fresh cold fragrance emanated from the botanical garden.

Large dark clouds roamed in the sky, with only a few wisps of blue peeking out through the gaps in the clouds.

Students wrapped in thick coats, holding steaming cups of coffee or tea in their hands, hurried past, their breath forming small white smoke in the cold air.

"Xiu appears."

Hyperion walked out of the main building of the Sage's Courtyard with a slight smile on her face.

After completing the exam for the last course of this semester, the winter vacation has begun.

As soon as she walked out, she saw Thalia waiting for her on a campus bench in the distance.

Thalia rubbed her hands from time to time, and then took a deep breath of cold air to feel the unique sobriety brought by winter.

There were two boxes of packaged snack cakes placed on the wooden bench next to her. It seemed that if it weren't for waiting for Hyperion, she could not help but eat both.

Watching Talia trying to endure her fidgeting from a distance, Hyperion laughed.

She really wanted to use all the money from the Duke's family to feed Tata so that she could eat, sleep and live happily every day.

Now Hyperion is living in Talia's house, and Talia does not drive her away, and continues to teach her magic day after day.

So after the agreed two-week protection period, they still lived together tacitly, saying good mornings and good nights every day, without any changes.

But Hyperion will be leaving for the Northern Continent soon, so she will be separated from Tata for a long time.

The subject that Lan Qi had planned before was finally about to embark on the journey.

After she and Lan Qi go to Dean Loren to complete the subject registration procedures, if they fail to return on time before the start of the next semester, they can still postpone it for a while.

During the next three-and-a-half-month winter vacation, Frey's House of Knights did not have the graduation subject "Search for the Slate Holder". Frey was unable to obtain permission for additional leave outside of the winter vacation. The Sphynto House of the Knights House The chief did not allow Frey to run around and asked him to stay at the Knights Academy to practice during the holidays. Dean Sphyntos would personally guide him during the holidays, so Lanqi and Hyperion could only bid farewell to Frey for the time being.

But if he bids farewell for a few months, Frey will probably become a lot stronger based on his monster talent.

Hyperion thought as she trotted to Thalia's side.

"Tata, I'm on vacation."


Thalia stood up, took Hyperion's hand, and started walking towards the Cat Boss Restaurant on the east side of the school.

"Why, Lan Qi doesn't need to take a test?"

After taking two steps on the cold campus in winter, Talia seemed a little confused, but she still asked her doubts.

"He... deals with various campus disputes all day long, has enough credits... and also made a fortune..."

Hyperion shook her head, sighing accompanied by a thin white mist.

Lan Qi gave up all exams this semester except "General Knowledge of Magical Genealogy."

Through the high credits from the two shadow worlds of Level 4 and Level 5, plus the credits awarded for intensive handling of student union affairs, Lan Qi's credits are completely enough to offset the required courses, and there are even more.

After the Shadow World [Temple Villains Dinner], both Hyperion and Lanci were promoted to registered silver challengers of the Southern Continent Shadow World Management Association, and received a high reward of 4,500 pounds for killing the Saint of Destruction. gold.

Hyperion still didn't ask for the bounty and let Lan Qi and Frey split it equally.

"It's all mine."

Thalia said matter-of-factly.

Lan Qi still owed her a huge amount of money, and until it was paid off, Lan Qi's property belonged to her in her opinion.

"Yes, in about half a year, he will pay you more than 8,000 pounds according to the contract."

Hyperion had heard that Ranchi owed Tata a lot of money, and she also knew that before she met Tata, there was some strange past between Ranchi and Tata.

It's hard to imagine how these two people with completely opposite personalities could get along harmoniously, instead of Lanci irritating Tata and being punished by her as soon as they met.

"Lan Qi still needs to work hard."

Hyperion sighed.

Some people appear to be rich on the surface, but in fact they are big losers.

But Lan Qi is now a man with a clear worth.

Although Hyperion doesn’t know the level of her bounty in the Church of Resurrection, she knows that the bishop’s branch in the Southern Continent has disclosed the news——

The Bishop of Destruction branch offers a reward of 10,000 pounds for Lanci.

And Bishop Decay gave an offer of 16,000 pounds, and Lanci wanted to live.

The Dimensional Bishop said that if Lanci could kill the Son of Destruction and satisfy his obsessive-compulsive disorder, he would donate 20,000 pounds to the charity fund of Icerite College.

Looking at the news reports, it was just some time ago that the Bishop of Destruction found the Dimension Bishop and had a big fight. The Dimension Bishop was now beaten half to death and was running for his life in embarrassment.

"Now that you two are on vacation, the dean of the Sage Academy can finally have some leisure time."

Thalia said.

In fact, she didn't expect that there would be a slate holder living in this city and willing to serve in the school. She was far away at the closing event of the academic exchange visit held at Icerite College - the team fighting competition. I saw Loren on the referee's bench.

Even from a long distance, she could sense the terror of that man.

But why, from Hyperion's point of view, is their dean always being disturbed by Lan Qi?

Talia didn't understand. If it were her, she would have used some coercive means to correct Lan Qi.


Hyperion choked up.

The game that day was between Ikerite Academy and Aloran Royal Academy. The final score was 5-0. At that time, she saw Loren sitting on the chair and crying. At that moment, she was thinking that if there was another chance, she would definitely do it. Stop Ranchi.

Knight Commander Juliana has arrived.

Nearly half of the academic visiting team from Aloran Royal Academy failed to return.

Especially for the last five fighters, not only the physical wounds require months of treatment at Icerita, but the psychological and spiritual wounds may take a lifetime to heal.

It is just possible that due to the chain reaction caused by the arrest of Phoenix, the battle between the Bishop of Destruction and the Bishop of Dimension, the Church of Resurrection in the Kingdom of Aloran has been extremely active in recent times, and Knight Commander Juliana cannot leave the Kingdom of Aloran without permission.

But she has already said that after the issue of the Church of Resurrection in the Kingdom of Aloran is resolved, she will come to Icerite in person to find Loren and ask him to wait.

After learning the news, Senior Sister Louise Hill of the Student Union opened a bottle of champagne with great excitement that day. They would not worry about the performance of the newspaper next year.

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