Don't confiscate my citizenship

Chapter 588 Changes in Hyperion’s Dream

Meanwhile on the other side.


Hyperion made a confused sound.

She seemed to have had a very long dream.

She dreamed that she was brought into a seventh-level shadow world by Lan Qi. She became a demon princess and was protected by a ninth-level demon while being locked up in the Demon King's Palace. She finally saw Lan Qi, and it seemed that something had happened again. Something happened that suddenly woke her up.

When she woke up, she found herself in the royal capital of Icerita.

Today should be a good day, you can tell just by looking out the window.

The scenery of Ikerita is still so antique. Under the clear sky, you can see a blue and bright color outside the glass window. In the spring, the sunshine makes her skin feel warm.

She herself was standing under the majestic dome of the Cathedral of Icerite.

Statues and murals of gods seem to descend from the sky, silently gazing down below.

There is a holy atmosphere in the air inside the church. Each of the ancient-style decorations is a witness of time. They complement each other with the pure white and light gold flowers along the walls and arches, and together they weave a dreamlike long scene. Gallery scroll.

At this moment, she was wearing a dress of a style she would never wear normally, and she was holding a bouquet of flowers in her hands.

This thin skirt is made of the purest white as its main tone. The fabric is light and gorgeous, and it is covered with fine lace and pearl decorations. The skirt spreads out gently, slowly floating on the carpet like light clouds.

Looking at the frescoed glass at the entrance of the church, she saw in the faint reflection that her hair was braided into a dignified bun and inserted into the most treasured hair accessories of the Duke of Aransal's family.

"Can't you get sleepy at this time?"

A familiar voice came.

Hyperion looked at him blankly and saw a man wearing a particularly formal dress, with an attitude that made people feel no sense of distance.


Hyperion held Duke Milaya's arm and stared at his figure.

He is incredibly handsome with black hair and black eyes.

It seemed like he had just walked into this church with him.

Wait, isn't Duke Milaya missing? And didn't her best friend Lan Qi make an appointment with her to help her get her father back?

Hyperion shook her head in confusion, unable to remember which day she had this dream.

Sometimes the impression of a dream is so deep that people can't tell whether it is a memory of a real experience or a trace left in a dream one night.

When Huberian was stunned, she looked towards the front row of the church unconsciously.

She saw a silver-haired woman.

The woman was also wearing formal attire today. After meeting her eyes, she smiled and raised her hand.

Huberly's eyes were a little sore at this moment.

Sure enough, it was a dream.

The mother in reality did not abandon her at all.


Ifatia, who was sitting on a bench in the church, waved to Hyperion, as if cheering her on for the important events in her life.

Thalia sat next to Epatia, eating a small cake without any distractions, and raised her head and waved to her.

Hyperion didn't know why Epatia reacted like this at the moment, and she didn't know why she saw her father and mother at home every day, but it seemed like she hadn't seen them for many years.

She suddenly didn't dare to talk to them anymore, fearing that she wouldn't be able to distinguish between dreams and reality, and it would suddenly turn into a nightmare, causing her to lose this intense yet stable happiness again.

Not only that, the church was filled with Icerite friends she had known since childhood. They all looked at her with sincere, cordial and friendly looks, and seemed to have no grudge against her.

It was so beautiful that she almost forgot about everything.

The bouquet in her hand trembled. It was obviously very light, but she couldn't hold it firmly, as if she didn't dare to accept the happiness.

However, right now.

Hyperion seems to have finally realized an essential problem——

Why is she in the Church of Icerita today?

She turned around suddenly and looked toward the end of the church.

On that side.

The cross in the center and the various light and shadow images of gods on the towering walls, and the colorful glass windows refract the sunlight into countless mottled light spots, which lightly sprinkle on the white-gold petals.

A figure stood under the cross, with her all-too-familiar gentle smile on her lips.

The white-gold flowers became more vivid and sparkling under the breeze, exuding an elegant and charming fragrance, and he was standing at the end of those flowers.

Hyperion felt like she had lost all ability to think at this moment.

Yesterday, I was thinking over and over in my mind about the wedding vows I had prepared for today, fearing that at the critical moment I would forget what I was thinking, or lose my usual dignified princess demeanor.

As a result, when I held my father's arm and walked into the church with him, I was so nervous that I almost forgot where I was, what I wanted to say, and what day it was today.

Hyperion tried to breathe to calm the fluctuations in her heart, but to no avail, her body seemed to be out of control.

Only by gazing at the radiant figure not far away could she truly settle down.

Hyperion's inner tension began to ease.

She took a deep breath and prepared for the most important moment.

Follow Duke Milaya and walk forward until you stop in front of Lan Qi.

"I wish you happiness in your future life. God has guided you together, and your unique destiny will never be separated."

Milaya carefully handed her daughter's hand to Lan Qi, full of deep trust, and blessed her with his majestic and gentle voice.

Hyperion's hands were trembling slightly. In the solemnity of the Icerite Cathedral, her and Lanci's fingertips touched, as if conveying a silent oath.

She looked at Lan Qi, wondering if this was a fantasy imagined in her mind or if it was really him.

In the soft melody of the harp, the two people's eyes met, and time seemed to stand still at this moment.

The sunshine in the church fell on them, and the golden wings seemed like the blessing of the goddess of fate.

Lan Qi leaned forward slightly, and Hyperion felt that he was getting closer and closer, and she could feel his heartbeat.

When she closed her eyes, preparing for the vow kiss, her heartbeat was about to beat uncontrollably.

She woke up suddenly from the bed.


On this night bathed in the moonlight of midsummer July, in a spacious and luxuriously furnished room on the highest floor of the seaside villa mansion, Hyperion stood up and could see the starry sky and the bay outside the window.

Although it was dark, the bedroom looked peaceful and cozy due to the moonlight and a warm table lamp.

A small sound broke the silence - the sound of the pages of a book sitting next to the tall wooden table being gently turned.

Hyperion stared blankly at the figure sitting on a chair not far away in the room.

He was wearing a gray suit, as deep as the night sky, showing his composure and elegance.

In this faint light, his figure appears more upright, and his eyes are deep and contain the wisdom and vicissitudes of the years.

It was indeed a dream. How could Lan Qi put on a white tuxedo to marry her? He would always wear dark suits, like a principal.

Hyperion thought with relief, exhaling the breath that was held in her chest.

Upon discovering that Hyperion was awake, Lan Qi quickly looked at her.

"What's wrong?"

Lan Qi looked at her and asked softly with the same gentleness and concern as usual.


Hyperion recalled the remaining memories from her dream, and suddenly felt the blood rush to her cheeks, her eyes widened and she waved her hands.

Although I haven't seen Lan Qi for a long time, now that I finally meet him again and am alone here, I should have a lot to say.

But recalling what happened in the palace this morning, the response she shouted, and her dream just now, she felt that she didn't know how to communicate with Lan Qi.

It was obvious that the two of them could talk easily and naturally every day, but now it felt like I couldn't be alone with him.

"You, you didn't see my dream just now, did you?"

Hyperion adjusted her mentality for a while, calmed down her rapid breathing and heaving chest, and finally looked at him again and asked tentatively.

"I have brought you out of the falling barrier of Gentleness for a long time, but seeing that you don't seem to be resting very well these days, I didn't wake you up."

Lan Qi put down the spine of the book he was holding with one hand, walked to the chair next to Hyperion's bed, sat down, and said to her.

He had already dealt with the accident that happened this morning with Mr. Falling. After everything came to an end, he took Hyperion back to the mansion across the bay, and Mr. Falling personally helped him deliver the princess, and Ask him to take good care of the princess.

If it is not an emergency, Lan Qi will not interfere with other people's dreams.

Last time on the fourth floor of the prison, if she hadn't woken up Hyperion, she would have been stuck in a dream until her soul melted. This time, Kaliela has stopped losing magic, and it is no longer harmful to Hyperion.

He simply let Hyperion have a good sleep and guarded her in the room.

"By the way, what did you dream about?"

Lan Qi asked curiously.

It stands to reason that Hyperion's dream this time should be the same as the last time.

But judging from her reaction just now, it seemed like there was something she didn't want him to see.


Hyperion looked at Lan Qi's face up close, and her eyes couldn't help but focus on his lips. Her cheeks suddenly turned red again, and she picked up the quilt to cover her face, hiding from Lan Qi like an ostrich.

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