Don't confiscate my citizenship

Chapter 659 Fortunately, Lan Qi didn’t study journalism.

Lan Qi felt an invisible hand gently caressing his neck. What happened next probably depended on his next performance.

After Lan Qi was full of confession, the feeling on his neck gradually disappeared.

"If you dare to think about me like this again, be prepared to be my bench."

Thalia withdrew her magic power, and her cold thoughts echoed in Lan Qi's mind.

Even when she is not summoned, she can still use spiritual magic to restrain Lanqi.

This guy has really gone too far lately.

Sooner or later, I have to teach him a lesson he will never forget!

"How determined are you to capture me?"

Lan Qi didn't understand. Every time Talia was angry, she would knock him down without saying a word, and it was too late to reason with her.

She didn't give anyone a chance to speak at all.

"In the demon world, this represents our status. In this life, our status will be as I demonstrate to you every time. If you don't accept it, you will have the ability to push me to the ground one day."

Thalia laughed confidently, as if she was laughing at Lan Qi's weakness.

The two of them said several words to each other in their hearts for a moment.

Without the need for verbal bickering, communication of ideas is much more convenient to a certain extent.

Since they came to the Posen Kingdom together, long-term transportation, and maintaining Thalia's summoning state all the time have been too much for Lanqi.

The city is too big. It is located in the south of the Poisen Kingdom, across the Selina River. Huadu and its surrounding suburbs constitute the Grand Parrieux region. With a population of about 12 million, it is one of the largest cities in the southern continent. .

After Lanqi and Thalia arrived in the Grand Parrieu area by car, they had to transfer to an airship to truly enter the center of Huadu Parrieu.

After a brief daze, Lan Qi came back to his senses and looked at Lissantsi, who looked puzzled across from him.

Because he just stopped mid-sentence.

"Anyway, I have seen magic cuisine before that can increase a lot of magic and power for 24 hours. I thought it was too powerful at the time. I heard that magic cuisine is very popular in the capital of Paris, and many other cities cannot even compare. Chef in Huadu.”

Lanci continued.

According to the book that Professor Borao had previously asked him to read, the history of Huadu Parrie contains many levels of changes, from its establishment during the ancient Southern Continent War to its prosperity thousands of years ago and the fusion of demons a hundred years ago. The storms of the centuries, as well as the rapid prosperity of modern times, each period has left a unique mark on the streets, buildings and parks of Huadu Parrieux, shaping the city's unique cultural heritage.

Parrieu is divided into the north bank and the south bank by the Selina River. The north bank is traditionally regarded as the center of academic and art, and is also where Poson's Magic World is located, while the south bank is more commercial, with the Huadu Palace and the Senate located. in the south.

Huadu is divided into twenty administrative districts, each with its own unique characteristics and atmosphere. For example, the Marais District is famous for its ancient buildings and active church activities, while the Mingxuan District is famous for its museums, artist studios and Known for its avant-garde atmosphere, tourists who have just arrived in Parrieu may find it difficult to understand this giant city for half a year.

So when she first arrived and was not familiar with Huadu Parrieu, Thalia spent most of the time in the state of magic cards staying in his soul space, so that Lanqi could maintain sufficient mana to deal with any situation.

The melodious tinkling sound of the harp in the hall still lingered in the ears of Lan Qi and Lisanci.

"I can't make that kind of thing at all. I'm a complete novice. I can only occasionally rely on luck to make dishes with added attributes."

Lisanthy waved her hands and said.

A magic chef that can stably produce dishes with many attributes, if placed in a card maker, it would probably be gold level.

"You're not weak, are you?"

Lan Qi observed her in confusion.

Compared to ordinary citizens of no rank and first level, Lissance can be said to be much stronger.

In his opinion, Lissance's magic power was already comparable to that of many second-year students at Icerite Academy.

"After several years of study, although I can be called a fourth-level blue mage, I don't know how to fight at all."

She shook her head.

The Blue Mage has a variety of spells. Compared with attack magic, she is better at subtle life magic, auxiliary magic, etc., so her employment intention is also to become a magic chef.

"Then you are still very powerful. The value of food with added attributes is completely different. Card makers must be at the silver level. If you go to the restaurant with the highest star rating in Huadu, of course you can only serve as an apprentice. But if you go to a slightly lower-end restaurant, it’s the pastry chef they’re vying for.”

Lanci probably analyzed it from the aspects of employment and salary.

At this moment, Lisanthy was a little suspicious of whether this young man was engaged in the education consulting industry.

"...That's ridiculous. I'm not as powerful as a silver-level card maker."

Lissance said with her eyes lowered.

In fact, it was not that easy for her to find a job.

"By the way, what should I call it?"


"My name is Lan Qi."

The two chatted for a long time and found that they still didn't know the name, so they briefly introduced the name.

Maybe it’s because they are similar in age, and it’s rare to meet people of the same age to chat with on the road, so we have become like friends when we communicate.

"However, if you know the magic craftsmen so well, are you interested in taking the platinum-level card maker exam when you come to Huadu Parrieu this time?"

Lissancy didn't think the other party looked like he was on a business trip, nor did he look like he was here for an exam.

His condition is indeed that of traveling.

Unlike several other local events that are held every year, the platinum-level card maker exam in the eastern region of the Southern Continent is only held once every two to three years.

"Very interested."

Ranch admitted.

"That's right, so am I. When I was a kid, I met Lord Milaya once when I came to Huadu Parieux."

Lissance said with nostalgia.

"Migaia from the Kingdom of Hutton?"

Lan Qi asked curiously.

"Yes, don't you know? Master Mi Gaiya is a very famous person in the flower capital Parieu. His paintings are still collected in the Platinum Flower Palace. He often comes before the official affairs of the Southern Continent Card Makers Association. Come to Posen Kingdom, and he will be the invigilator for every platinum level card maker exam."

Lissantee seemed to have found a like-minded person, her tone rose half a point when she preached,

"But... I won't be able to see him this year. Even so, I bought a spectator ticket. Maybe it has become a habit."

Lissancy lowered her head, clasped her hands gently and said.


It can be seen that she likes Duke Milaya very much.

Lan Qi was not surprised, because Duke Milaya could indeed be called a perfect man, and many people even thought that he could only be described with the word "artwork".

After all, Hyperion always felt that other boys were ordinary, probably because she had been around Duke Milaya since she was a child.

"It's okay. Duke Milaya will be back during the next platinum level card maker exam."

Lan Qi comforted.

Lissance nodded with her eyes lowered, knowing that Lan Qi was speaking comfortingly.

The more she thought about it, the sadder she felt.

"Since Lord Milaya disappeared, some hateful and unscrupulous media have started to hype him up without any limit, and there are even ridiculous claims that he is the Bishop of the Night. How is this possible? The Bishop of the Night is obviously a woman. The gender is wrong!"

Lissantee's tone gradually became agitated, and it was obvious that she had been holding grudges against those who spread rumors for a long time.

It is said that the Bishop of the Night is gorgeous, sensible and charming. He can charm many girls with just one look back. He is an extremely mysterious and dangerous beauty.

Their schedules just coincidentally coincided with each other. How could we tell that Duke Milaya was the Bishop of the Night?

"Indeed, instead of making such rumors, it would be better to just make a rumor that the Night Bishop is the fiancée of the high priest. Anyway, the purpose of these media is to smear the Kingdom of Hutton. This way, they can be smeared both at once."

Lan Qi also said angrily.


Lissanthy choked.

Fortunately you are not in the news media.

Otherwise, Duke Milaya would probably not dare to return to the Kingdom of Hutton even if he could.

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