Doomsday Bosses Win the Entertainment Industry

Chapter 786: Role assignment and presentation

Su Su exhaled very slowly:

"It's okay, I want to challenge myself to see!"

She knew that it was a bit willful to make such a request in the final round, but choosing not to go to the red group did not mean that she was going to be rotten. People have to move forward to a higher level. Su Su remembered the comments and suggestions of the judges and teachers.

"Okay, what about you, Lin Rou?" Qin Jue asked.

"I'm fine, I like the setting with singing as the climax of the plot." Lin Rou smiled and accepted the arrangement.

Su Su is about the same physical strength as her. She can take the initiative to invite Ying to be a character that tests her endurance. She admires Su Su's bravery.

Moreover, she was originally studying musicals, so she is more proficient in the emotional drama of songs, and with experience to support her, she must be able to complete her performance tasks better.

"Okay. To repeat: Lin Rou plays the elder sister, Su Su plays the younger sister, Xu Shuangshuang plays the male official partner, and I will play the scumbag." Qin Jue said.

"Pfft, hahaha, the squad leader should be nicer to himself. It's okay to say male villains." Su Su said happily.

"It's okay, it's true, a scumbag is a scumbag." Qin Jue looked calm.

Everyone laughed. Although they all knew about Qin Jue's character, an actor, as the team leader, could give up the highlights and the main roles to the girls and play a less decent role himself. too little. The more people Gu Wensong and the others came into contact with, the more they couldn't help but sigh at Qin Jue's character.

Qiao Yuansu asked quietly, "Are you going to decide how to present your works next?"

Qin Jue's tone immediately became light: "Yes, Teacher Qiao."

Qiao Yuansu sighed with vicissitudes: "Speak quickly, I want to take advantage of your speaking time to think about whether it's too late to quit the group chat."

Qin Jue: "It's too late."

Qiao Yuansu: "..."

Ah, the familiar feeling of powerlessness.

He brushed his hair back, and when he realized that it didn't smell right, he quickly brushed the back of his hair forward.

"Okay, let's talk." Qiao Yuansu said solemnly.

Qin Jue stopped laughing and said sternly: "As for the presentation of the work, I have thought about three feasible solutions, which may be implemented in parallel, and we will see what everyone thinks when we are finished."

"The first type is full filming, focusing on green screen scenes, and Qin Yi Technology is responsible for special effects in the later stage."

Qin Jue said step by step, "The advantage is that it can be shown in theaters to increase the box office; the disadvantage is that we do not have an advantage in shooting, and will compress the value of the two selling points of music and special effects."

"The second, half-shooting, half-show, like The Furnace.

"I originally preferred this choice, but when I was scrutinizing it this afternoon, I realized a very serious problem, which is audience retention.

"The theater and the studio for recording "Entertainment" are two different concepts. At that time, "The Furnace" was not intended for the public as soon as it came out, and the audience under the stage also knew that this was one of the works, and there were other exciting contents behind, so They will not leave easily.

"But the theater is different. Real people are playing with the lights dimmed, and then they are playing videos. The first question to consider is: where does our screen come from? If the screen is not big, there is no meaning to watch the scene. The screen is enough, but It will affect the effect of the overall stage, and the two cannot be combined at all.

"In this case, there is a high chance that a portion of the audience will lose patience and leave the venue while the video is being played."

Qin Jue spoke one by one according to the key words on the notebook, "The other thing to consider is that with the assistance of Qin Yi Technology, the audience's expectations for our works may be far higher than the average. This kind of' The half-and-half way is easy to give people the feeling of being lazy in terms of look and feel, and it does more harm than good.”

"Um..." Everyone pondered.

"So the second I thought of a new form, which is to give full play to the special effects of Qin Yi Technology when the live actors are not there to make the 'playing video' more interesting."

Qin Jue continued, "But there is a lot of suspicion in this matter. If I were an audience, I would think that I could put it out like this, so why not let the real person appear directly? - The only advantage of this method is that it can save money. Whether the physical strength of the actors and the pressure of rehearsals is more pros than cons or more detriments is up for debate."

Gu Wensong frowned: "Indeed."

"The third type is the musical that has been on the alert just now. The advantage is that live performances will increase favorability, and have a sense of presence and participation, which can enhance strengths and avoid weaknesses, and reduce the risk of being crushed by the red group in filming. The disadvantage is that the box office is affected by Damage - I have planned to use peripherals to make up for this part - as well as the actor's physical problem."

"Let's talk more about the idea of ​​a musical, the squad leader, I want to know how to realize the parkour element." Xu Shuangshuang said.

Qin Jue nodded: "I say one word and you will understand, 'strong sense of interaction'."

Xu Shuangshuang suddenly realized something, and his heart skipped a beat.

"Qin Yi Technology's special effects have become like this. It's a pity if you don't have fun."

Qin Jue said with a smile, "I want all the audience to get an exclusive experience that is 'only available at the scene'. This is completely different from sitting in the auditorium of the theater and watching the big screen. It must be more attractive to buy tickets to enter the venue. ."

"Look at the documents. For example, in this high-light one-man show where my sister left alone, I want to cooperate with Qin Ke's special effects and directly let my sister go into the audience step by step, so that everyone is not 'watching', but 'traversing' into this way. A world where the whole story is entered as a spectator rather than a god.

"The same goes for parkour. I checked the architecture of all the theaters in ISCA, and there are a lot of interesting designs in there."

Qin Jue sent more data maps to the discussion group, "For example, in this semi-open-air theater, I want to set up two beams similar to viaducts at the top, and pull out Weiya in a sliding way, so that with Qin Yi Technology The special effects can really create a scene where the male officer is supporting his sister to escape danger."

"Think about that dragon."

Qin Jue's voice became lower and lighter, as if the devil whispered in his ear, "Think about it, our stage can also have sound and light special effects like that of a living creature. If you are an audience, you don't want to experience it yourself. What about a special effects stage play at the forefront of technology?"


Everyone reacted honestly, some took a breath, and some swallowed.

"Come You're here again."

Only Qiao Yuansu laughed dryly, "Instigation, right? Refuse to give speeches and hypnotize."

"Mr. Qiao, I heard your accelerated heartbeat through the network cable."

Qin Jue started to talk nonsense casually, laughing while talking, "You must have realized what kind of work you have to undertake, or... will you share it with everyone now?"

In front of the screen, Qiao Yuansu covered his chest.

As Qin Jue said, he was really heartbroken.

Qiao Yuansu sighed:

"Since you said that you want the actors to go deep into the auditorium, and you also mentioned that you need to cooperate with special effects, then in order to avoid wearing out, it is impossible to only rely on Qin Ke's special effects, but to use various methods to mix real props and scenery into it..."


Qin Jue nodded vigorously.

A joke is a joke, she knew that Qiao Yuansu had always listened to it.

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