Doomsday Extinction

Chapter 48: :thought


When Xia Jian, who had been obsessed for a while, finally regained his soul, he suddenly realized that something was wrong...

"what happened?"

It turned out that he clicked several times on the Taoist priest's primary skill "Healing Technique", but the information given by the system was "Insufficient conditions, unable to learn".

"Can't learn?!"

"Damn it, am I already level 10?"

That's right. In the game, this "Healing Technique" is a primary skill that a Taoist priest can learn when he is level 7. Now that he is already level 10, why can't he learn it?

Xia Jian suddenly panicked...

He pondered to himself: It's not easy to have hope, this **** horse's 'assistant cultivation system', but don't let yourself lose the chain at this critical time.

After thinking about it for a while, he still didn't give up, and clicked on the skill "Mental Power Warfare" that can be learned at the ninth level...

But the result was the same, the system still popped up a message saying 'Insufficient conditions, unable to learn. ' prompt.

Now Xia Jian is really a bit blind...

This is mindless, ghosts know what conditions are required to learn the skills of these Taoist priests.


A flash of light flashed in his mind, and at a critical moment, Xia Jian finally thought of that primary intelligence—isn't this guy a ready-made 'daughter'!

No nonsense right now, I immediately closed my eyes and started consulting...

"How can I learn skills?"

"Occupation, level..., meet the requirements, automatically activate the skills..."

Well, the answer is yes, but this answer still means that there is no result. Xia Jian thought about it and changed the way...

"Why can't I learn "Healing"?"

"Insufficient conditions, unable to learn..."

Uh, this...

Saying it means not saying it, Xia Jian scratched his head and continued...

"What are the conditions for learning the Healing Technique?"

"Occupation, rank..."

After turning around for a while, he returned to the starting point...

Don't give up, Xia Jian goes on...



Half an hour later, Xia Jian, who was still racking his brains and trying to find out the truth from the system, has completely lost his mind...

He understood, this 'primary intelligence' really deserves the word 'primary', it's just a rigid and boundless scumbag, going around and around just like two sentences repeated over and over again, at the end , The real answer didn't ask, but he was dizzy.

"What's the matter, I don't care..."

Xia Jian's heart sank, and then he began to ponder over those general-level blood crystals...

These small stones are good things. Don't look at each one, they are just so tiny, they look inconspicuous, but if one day, everyone knows the magical effect of these small things, by that time, everyone will really break it. Strange things that you can imagine in your head.

It's just that if you don't reveal the magic of this thing...

Just relying on the surviving strengtheners to figure it out, who knew that in the Year of the Monkey, everyone can figure out how this thing can be used to break the bottleneck?

At that time, maybe those who know it first will still cherish it!

This time dragged on...

Then, do you want to make good use of this?

This is a huge opportunity...

Thinking about it in his head, Xia Jian was carrying the bag of blood crystals and slowly unraveling the rope tied to the mouth of the cloth bag, thinking about pouring out a few to enjoy it...


Xia Jian's half-lifted hand suddenly froze...

Something is wrong, why did this bag become so light all of a sudden?

You have to know that when you just put it in, and you hold it in your hand, the amount is heavy...

Is it...

Who ripped off the package?

Xia Jian felt nervous, and hurriedly dumped the contents of the bag on his palm...


Looking at the objects poured out of the bag, Xia Jian was dumbfounded on the spot...

Where did you see the blood-red blood crystals, and what was poured out of the bag was actually just a bag of white powder.

Where did the blood crystal go?

After carefully recalling it back and forth, Xia Jian felt that it was impossible for anyone to be ripped off.

How many people have you only met in the past few days? What's more, when I was downstairs, I just stuffed a few blood crystals into it.

So these white powders are blood crystals?

But in a blink of an eye, with more than a dozen ordinary blood crystals, plus the five huge general-level blood crystals, all the harvests in the past few days have all turned into white powder?

Thanks to Xia Jian's quick thinking, just as this question swirled in his mind, he almost immediately thought of the previous system prompt to absorb energy.

I went to the system to confirm, that's true...

It turned out that the main reason why he was able to start his second career was the energy provided by these five general-level blood crystals.

Xia Jian didn't know whether to be happy or depressed for a while...

In fact, to put it bluntly, it is a question of whether to develop the team first or to strengthen the individual strength first...

This time, he was able to get these five general-level blood obviously by luck.

Since there is no source, the problem arises...

You must know that he has already planned it. With these five general-level blood crystals, he will probably have five more evolutionary younger brothers in the future. The number of people is strong, and it is better to have a few people to help. It is better than fighting alone. .

When I really develop my power, I will have as many general-level blood crystals as I want.

But now these five general-level blood crystals have all been absorbed by myself...

Also started a second career...

If he can really be like in the game, then he will still feel a little rushed, take it slow, it will only take a week to reach level 10, and if you fight a bit, it might be possible to get to level 17 or 8 in a month, and wait until that time. After learning the skills of "Healing", "Soul Fire Talisman", "Summoning Skeleton" and other skills in the early days of the Taoist priests, there are also those who can save lives, and there are also those who play rogues.

However, this second occupation is a half-baked person, unable to learn even the most basic "healing system".

As he is now, how many more do he need to get by himself?

forget it! He is not a daring big man. Anyway, he has made up his mind to rely on this "Basic Swordsmanship". If he is really alone, next time he encounters those general-level blood clan, he must hide as far as possible. ——No matter how ambitious you are, you have to save your life before you can realize it, right?


Thinking of this, Xia Jian couldn't help shaking his head...

Since there is no hope for the rest for the time being, let's think about "Basic Swordsmanship" first! See how you can quickly get to the first level of Basic Swordsmanship.



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