Doomsday Master

Chapter 369 Hell on Earth

Chapter 369 Hell on Earth

After experiencing the arrival of the second-level alien race, the streets in the central area looked extremely bleak, and almost ordinary high-rise buildings closed down. In just one day, nearly one-fifth of the nearly one million people in the central area died at the hands of alien races.

Among them, a large part of them are ordinary people living in the central area, or strengtheners. They do not have great strength. In the mouths of aliens.

However, the central area is powerful, and several major forces resisted bravely. In particular, the military, which claims to be the strongest in the central area, started a counterattack against the aliens with the help of evolutionists and various powerful weapons. It took nearly a week. , and finally killed a large number of alien creatures, or drove them out of the central area.

For the first time, other forces in the central area saw the power of evolutionary and firearms. These firearms were terrifying weapons before the end of the world. With the advent of the end of the world, almost most of the weapons became unusable.

However, the military relied on various researchers, and various pre-apocalyptic scientists, to use crystals that can provide energy when the electrons are shielded, to create a method that can control the previous big killers.

And, through the powerful energies provided by the crystals, research after research was done, all in secret.

How many powerful secrets are in the hands of the military, five people know, and what can be known in the military does not exceed the number of five fingers, or even less.

It was even rumored that the military still controls several nuclear bombs in the nuclear bomb silos, but no one knows whether this is really the case, but the news gave the survivors in the central area a lot of confidence.

The confidence to survive in the last days, however, only the military knows the real situation.


Central District, West Street.

The two figures walked towards the periphery of the central area, one in front and one behind. Judging from the direction they were going, it seemed that they were going out of the central area.

"Hey, Ba Dao, how long has it been? Why are you still obsessed with it? Can you take a good rest? I've been running around with you for a while, and I didn't find any ghosts in the end."

Yan Yan trotted behind Ba Dao, his face full of helplessness, since Ba Dao Zhi was robbed by the man in black, he had been in a panic, and ran out to find someone every now and then, but he never found him. found.

After many inquiries in the central area, I finally found out the man's name, Lin Yi. Since then, Ba Dao has kept the name of Lin Yi on his lips, repeating it countless times every day, and sometimes even shouting it a few times in his sleep.

Yan Yan really doesn't know how Ba Dao can be so patient, he can not eat or drink in order to find someone, as if the other party is his family.

What made Yan Yan angry the most was that every time this guy went out, he had to drag him along.

"How do you know you can't find it if you don't look for it?" Ba Dao rushed forward, stopped suddenly, and said: "Also, this is not about me alone. The Mouse King belongs to the two of us, so why should we lure him away?" Rats, he ran to pick up bargains, and in this case, I have to find Ba Dao back."

"I saw him before and wanted to fight him, so I just took this opportunity." After Ba Dao finished speaking, he walked forward again, running even faster.

Yan Yan followed closely behind Ba Dao, shouting again and again: "Damn it, Ba Dao, can you..."

Yan Yan was cursing, but before she could finish her words, she suddenly stopped and her face changed slightly.

"Ba Dao, you..."

Ba Dao also suddenly stopped at this time, as if he had noticed some unusual aura emanating from the air, staring intently at the distance, said: "Yan Yan, you also noticed it?"

Yan Yan frowned, the aura coming from the front gave him a bad feeling, it seemed that something dangerous was coming from a distance, and the speed was getting faster and faster, the terrifying aura was as oppressive as his chest A large stone was placed.

It is not easy to give him this feeling.

He looked into the distance with a sullen face, and said, "Ba Dao, I think this breath is too unusual, it's more violent than when the rat wave broke out, and it's even more eerie."

Ba Dao's face was very ugly, he was about to say something when his whole body trembled suddenly: "Yan Yan, get out of the way!"

Ba Dao's face was full of anxiety, and the hand holding the spear trembled slightly. In front of him, a pale figure suddenly appeared in his sight.

He was about the same height as him, but the terrifying aura emanating from his body made him feel like he was just a small boat in the vast ocean. A little big wave can kill him.

Ba Dao looked at the pale figure in front of him, retreated slowly, and said in a deep voice: "It's a monster we haven't seen before, escape, this is beyond our ability to deal with, we must gather all the strength in the central area. "

Yan Yan swallowed hard, made the same movement as Ba Dao, and retreated back, this monster is too scary.

Even if they just saw its back, the endless pressure made them almost unable to resist.

The humanoid dangerous species seemed to have not discovered them yet, and frantically slaughtered the survivors they encountered. Their figures were as fast as lightning, and in the blink of an eye, the people in an area were completely slaughtered.

"very scary!"

"help me!"

"Run away!"

This is already very close to the core area of ​​the central area, and the number of survivors living here is the largest, as many as hundreds of thousands.

Just as the two retreated a distance of more than ten meters towards the back, blood flowed into a river in an area in front of them. Countless corpses fell to the ground, and blood flowed from their bodies, and then gathered in a low direction.

This blood color was so dazzling in the eyes of Yan Yan and Ba Dao that their hearts sank to the bottom at once.

Their eyes were full of fear. From the outbreak of the last days to the present, they had never encountered such a terrifying monster. The terrifying speed and perfect body strength almost made them angry with a strong sense of powerlessness.

The humanoid dangerous species seemed to have discovered them, but it didn't seem to notice them, but it didn't take any action, it just slaughtered there, and was completely unwilling to let any survivors go.

This gave Yan Yan and Ba Dao enough time to retreat. At this moment, even the belligerent Ba Dao didn't need Yan Yan's reminder, and almost retreated towards the core area without turning back. The terrifying monster has not yet reached the core area. Before, they had to be notified.

If no preparations are made, nearly a million people in the central area will be slaughtered by this terrible monster.

"Save me, save me..." An evolutionary of the Pearl team, he is very powerful, and what he got was a yellow evolutionary seed. His legs had been torn off by the sharp nails of the dangerous humanoid species, and there were scars all over his body.

Looking at Yan Yan and Ba Dao who were going away, he couldn't help stretching out his hand to ask for help, but he was crushed on the head by a dead body suddenly thrown by a dangerous humanoid species. Under that terrifying force, The body was shattered, and his head was severely injured. It didn't take long for him to tilt his head, and he lost his breath.

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