Doomsday: Unlimited Upgrade Mobile City

Chapter 251 Let the Zerg go to the scourge! (3 more)\r

Just as he was sending off the old Comrade Ivanov, several people came to ask to see him.

[Security system: Guan Hu sent a message. 】


After picking up the phone and taking a look, Wang Cheng had a cold sweat on his forehead.

Zerg again.

There are Zerg in the north, Zerg in the south, now it's good! There are Zerg in the west too.

Guan Hu sent a message that Zerg was also found in the Western Regions.

The Zerg's march is getting faster and faster!

It's only been a few days? There are already traces of Zerg activity in three directions.

"Take out the remaining 13 monarch-class ships and arm the five major families to resist the Zerg from the west.

[Security system: What about the south? Hand over to the mysterious turtle city and those small cities for the new humans to fight? 】

There are snow city-states in the north.

The west is handed over to the five families.

The Zerg in the south, do they want to let the New Humanity's Xuangui City and the free cities like Nanfu City and Heilong City stand in the way?

Their combat effectiveness is a bit worrying.

At this time, but 17 saw Wang Cheng showing a strange smile.

"I have a way.""

[Security system: what way? We can only fight it ourselves? 】

"No, I don't want to waste missiles. The materials for the missiles have to be dug in the three northeastern provinces."

【Security System: What to do then?】

Wang Cheng looked at the hospital in the distance: "Daughter of the President of the Lone Star Federation, is she awake?"

【Security System: Wake up. 】

"It's up to her! Also, it's up to the pirates."

Looking at the fascinated smile on Wang Cheng's face, the security system was confused.

Relying on this woman? Still relying on pirates?

What's the use of pirates? Aren't they all cannon fodder?

And thousands of miles away on the continent of America.

Lone Star Commonwealth Liberty City, Columbia.

The Lone Star Federation President slammed the table and shouted angrily.

"21 empty mother cities, all of them were killed by the enemy! General Mike, what do you have to explain? You still have the face to run back alone?

Mike explained with a stern face: "The enemy's strength is not much stronger than ours, as long as we send the main fleet, we will be able to win.

The President squinted at Mike: "If we beat the Salvation Army, what's the benefit?

The Anglo-Saxon race, they live in a pirate commercial civilization, pay attention to one interest in everything.

The point is that the winner takes all, and the strong eat the weak.

From the beginning of Viking pirates to the age of great voyages, from ancient times to the present, these Westerners have deeply embedded this predatory commercial pirate gene in their bones.

What are the benefits of winning the Salvation Army, these are the top concerns of the lords of the Federal Parliament.

Mike explained: "The Salvation Army's technology is extremely powerful, but through research, they found that not all cities have missiles. If we send all our troops, it is very possible to take down many of their cities in one fell swoop!

"At the same time, I learned from a snow city-state that an organization called the Techno-Cult originally ruled the Far East. Now, it has been replaced by the Salvation Army. They have just fought a civil war!"

At this moment, a man in a khaki military uniform stepped forward.

The cap has a red five-pointed star and a hammer.

It is completely different from the white five-pointed star of the Lone Star Federation.

"Introduction, this is a senior officer from the Snow City-State, Novsky."

Novsky bowed slightly to the members of parliament: "Ladies and gentlemen, the Far East has just gone through a civil war, and almost all their warships have been destroyed!

The council immediately boiled over, and there was a lot of discussion.

The president patted the table lightly to signal silence.

"Mr. Novsky, go on!"

Novsky took out the map he carried with him: "This is the snow city-state, which will resist the Zerg in the north. We only need to collude with the snow city-state, let the snow city-state retreat to the four Eastern Ying Islands, and cooperate with your Lone Star Federation, You can sit back and watch the Zerg and the Salvation Army kill each other.

The blond officer pointed to the south of the map again: "The Lone Star Federation will land on the southeast coast and join forces with the Zerg to attack the Salvation Army! They will become your spoils! Hundreds of thousands of star cores are what you have in your pockets. !

Hundreds of thousands!!!

Everyone was moved.

If all the mobile cities on the land of Yan Nation were looted, none of them would be left.

That huge star core can bring them great enjoyment.

At that time, they can create a large number of cities, squander energy, and eat potatoes without losing one.

Everyone present showed a greedy expression.

According to the officer from the snow city-state, the Salvation Army is now strong outside the country and working hard.

The only ones with real fighting power are Donglong City, and the other cities are fat sheep to be slaughtered.

This group of people from the Lone Star Federation has begun to imagine a better life in the future.

Now the Salvation Army is facing various crises, as long as they give Wang Cheng the last blow, Wang Cheng, the Salvation Army alliance, will be gone!

The president was satisfied with 773's nodding: "Plan the organization as soon as possible, and I have to save my daughter!"

At this moment, a soldier outside rushed in in a panic: "The enemy! The enemy is coming!


"The enemy came through the portal and came!

Hearing this, everyone in the council looked at Mike and Novsky.

"General Mike, this is what you call the weak Salvation Army, and the enemy is attacking!"

At this time, Novsky raised his hand to signal everyone to calm down, and he looked at the teleportation door in the distance outside the window.

Then he burst into laughter: "Don't panic, everyone, it's not the Salvation Army who came to die, it's a group of pirates who can only blow themselves up.

Just saw the portal coming, just a group of Dongying pirates' self-destruction city.

They sent heavy troops to guard it, and it didn't get in the way at all!

There were just a few pirates, and after everyone understood it, they didn't take it seriously.

But what they don't know is.

On the southernmost South Sea island, Wang Cheng is building a second portal.

In Southeast Asia, which is across the sea from the South China Sea, there are constantly worms flying in.

Wang Cheng raised the corners of his mouth: "Let the Zerg in the south pass through this portal and harm the Americans!"

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