Doomsday’s Rabbit Essence

Chapter 108: ·?(two)

I lost interest after a few glances, but Jing Huai's body is still beautiful.

However, wouldn't he look better in those poses? Huazhi couldn't help but look back at the painting hanging at the very beginning.

They walked to the roof together.

The roof of the building was also decorated, and I don’t know where they got a lot of flowers and plants. At this moment, the large platform on the roof is also very beautifully decorated, and there is a cradle for people to sit on. .

Flower Branch was very interested in this cradle, and happily ran over and sat on it. The cradle can seat two people at a time, and the woman naturally sits beside her.


Huazhi listened to her, looked at her carefully, and patted her on the shoulder.

"Your physical fitness is not good, it's impossible like me. But as long as you exercise hard, you will definitely be strong in another twenty years."

The woman's expression was slightly cracked.

She quickly adjusted her expression again and continued to look at the flower branch.

Huazhi looked at her and found that there was a red light in her eyes, and the red light was still coming towards her. Huazhi regained her energy instantly, and she quickly looked into her eyes more intently.

The woman felt that there was a drama, and her heart was overjoyed, and then Huazhi heard the other party's voice become even deeper, she said: "Actually, I came to you because I have a question to ask you, Can you tell me?"

"Huh?" Huazhi looked at her suspiciously.

"When did you get together with Jing Huai?"

Huazhi learned the speed of her speech and said slowly, "It's been a long, long time."

The woman continued to look at her, and the red light in her eyes became stronger: "Do you know that there is a little white rabbit beside him?"

Flower Branch nodded, "I know."

"Then do you know that that little white rabbit can treat—"

"Ah—" A scream suddenly erupted from downstairs, and a local sound of jingle rang in an instant. Their conversation was interrupted instantly.

Huazhi frowned slightly, "It seems that something happened."

The woman continued to look at the flower branches, the red light in her eyes was even stronger than before, "Let's leave them alone, let's continue-"

But before she could finish speaking, she saw the flower branches jump off the roof! !

She hurried to the railing, and saw that the flower branch had fallen to the ground lightly.

"Grass—" The woman burst out with a foul language that was completely different from her appearance.

When Huazhi rushed downstairs, she realized what happened. A power user lost control and began to become zombies on the spot.

She frowned slightly and immediately realized the problem.

The man was haunted by black energy, but he was subdued by the power user.

"Hurry, hurry up and shout!"

“How did he suddenly turn into a zombie?”

"I don't know, there are no zombies here, and he is not injured."

"Isn't it that someone in your base can treat zombies with abilities, hurry up and find someone."

The speed of the zombie transformation of the ability user is extremely fast, Huazhi can see it at a glance, the black gas on his body is the same as the black gas that made the stone snake zombie last time!

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