DOTA’s Madness

Chapter 247: Become famous in one battle

So many people!

Zhao Dingguo felt this way when he took the first step into the reception hall. There were less than two hundred people sitting under the stage, but looking at them, the dusk level masters were really scary. Even though Zhao Dingguo had been prepared before coming in, his heart still couldn't help but jump violently at this moment.

It would be difficult for anyone else to remain calm under the gaze of so many experts.

In comparison, Zhao Dingguo did pretty well. Although he was a little excited in his heart, his face always had a calm and calm expression, and his steps were not disturbed at all. The three elemental balls rotated rhythmically in a fixed trajectory, surrounding him, proving to the audience that he was a master of blood!

"Is it him?"

"It looks pretty good, a bit like a master."

"Is this guy really just Dawn level?"

Amid the heated discussions among many experts in the audience, Zhao Dingguo walked to the stage at an average speed of three minutes faster than normal walking and sat down on the lower right side of the Illuminati president. In terms of strength, Zhao Dingguo is certainly not qualified to sit in this position. However, the protagonist of today's event is him. Only by going beyond this can we highlight his identity and the importance of the Illuminati.

"Zhao Dingguo, a perfect supplicant bloodline. He has already experienced a death team battle. Just now, the team battle just ended. He got all the extra ratings, mvp, super god and rampage below dusk!"

The president's further introduction once again shocked many experts who came.

There is no doubt about the advantages of bloodline masters compared to super-god users without bloodline. Powerful attributes, the initial level comes with it as soon as you enter. But having these conditions does not mean that you will definitely win!

In the Rising Sun hierarchy, each major organization has several people who have obtained bloodline. Although their death teamfight rate is extremely high, it is not 100%, let alone directly winning three additional ratings. If we say that we played several games beforehand and the best result will speak for itself, then that’s fine. But this time, they obviously called people first and then started the team battle, which means they have full confidence!

Is such a newcomer really that strong?

With questions, everyone waited patiently for further propaganda from the Illuminati. After the official explanation and Zhao Dingguo’s self-introduction came to an end, it was finally time for free questions. As soon as the chairman nodded in approval, experts from various major organizations stood up and raised their own questions to the high-profile Zhao Dingguo.

"Zhao Dingguo, what are your divine points? When did you first get in touch with the Illuminati?"

"I have a question! Brother Xiao Zhao, can you explain the specific process of completing the final test of the bloodline mission? I am very curious about how a Dawn-level super user does it!"

"I remember that the income limit of the Illuminati headquarters is Rising Sun level, and you are still Dawn. Does this mean that the Illuminati has made an exception for you? Is this unfair to other members? Or, up to now, you haven't Officially join the Illuminati?”

"May I ask how much reward the higher-ups gave you after you chose the Illuminati?"

"Can you explain the death team battle you just completed? How many points and what kind of lineup did it take for you to achieve a perfect record for the first time as a blood master?"

All of a sudden, all kinds of questions were thrown at him, which made Zhao Dingguo feel dizzy.

He didn't even know which answer to answer first.

Of course, the senior leaders of the Illuminati thought of this situation and appointed seniors early to help fold the files. At the chairman's signal, someone naturally stood up to maintain order on the field and designated the order of speeches one by one. After a while, the chaotic reception hall became quiet again.

Zhao Dingguo was also able to calmly answer those tricky and even ulterior questions.

"The Illuminati is a large-scale super-god organization with strict rules and regulations. Naturally, it will not make exceptions arbitrarily. As you said, I am indeed not an official member of the Illuminati. However, I have deep feelings for the Illuminati and the Illuminati has always been very kind to me. Take care of it. Therefore, I have a formal written agreement with the headquarters. After entering the Rising Sun, I will automatically become a member of the headquarters."

"Are you talking about time? My God Points are only about ten points away from the Rising Sun Level. If nothing unexpected happens, if I win the next regular season game, I can directly advance to the Rising Sun Level!"

"Illuminati benefits? Sorry, this is a secret from the headquarters and there is no comment!"

“What I can tell you is that the Illuminati is a very kind and humane organization.

There is a very generous welfare system for subordinate members, whether at the headquarters or branches. Personally, I am very satisfied. "

"Specific attributes and skills? Sorry, no comment."

"No comment!"

Although he was a little nervous to answer these questions at first, Zhao Dingguo soon got into the mood.

Because he had discussed it with people at the headquarters before and knew how to answer some sharp questions, Zhao Dingguo responded very appropriately. Zhao Dingguo also dismissed some questions that were deliberately set up as traps that might cause disputes on the grounds that the guild was confidential and had no comment. Although some opponents who are interested in intelligence will be able to find out sooner or later, it is still good to waste their resources even if it is delayed for a few more days, and this is also an attitude!

Obviously, the senior leaders of the Illuminati are very satisfied with Zhao Dingguo's performance.

The president and chairman of the board all smiled and sat quietly watching Zhao Dingguo's performance.

The entire free question time is set to half an hour, which is long enough for a newcomer. But despite this, when the senior who helped with the lining said that the time was over, the husband still had a lot of questions that he didn't have time to answer. Fortunately, this is the territory of the Illuminati after all, and there is a Twilight-level god who is personally in charge. Although many experts in the audience asked many deliberately difficult questions, they still controlled their behavior after all.

They still didn't have the nerve to say things like "abandon the Illuminati and come to our organization" to their faces.

However, in the next few days, contact behind the scenes will definitely be inevitable.

Although they also knew that since the Illuminati dared to push Zhao Dingguo out, it was probably through negotiation and was almost impossible to pry. But they are still willing to give it a try, even if there is no emergency, they can also add trouble to the top management of the Illuminati. And if this newcomer is really short-sighted and greedy, maybe something unexpected will happen!

The veteran organization Bei has suffered such a frustrating loss before!

That was more than a year ago. The new recruit who was clearly destined was suddenly poached by another quasi-first-class organization. At that time, the Beijing organization was so embarrassed that for more than a month, members were too embarrassed to go out. But poaching people is a matter of mutual consent, and the tk organization cannot use this as an excuse to start a war casually, so it really suffered a dumb loss!

At present, Zhao Dingguo, a newcomer, has broken the world record set by the great god, and is already the record holder for the fastest acquisition of bloodline in the world's super-god martial arts circle. The Illuminati will get such a genius, and if it is well cultivated, it may be a big threat to other organizations. The Illuminati's allies are just that. Some organizations with which we don't usually have good relations will inevitably try to sneak in some obstacles.

The matter of poaching people is undoubtedly the best means of testing.

Of course, the senior leaders of the Illuminati are also well aware of the thoughts of some high-level organizations in the audience. Although they always had smiles on their faces, they didn't want to curse those guys in their hearts. Of course, everyone seems to be amiable on the surface, but they must have their own tricks behind the scenes. The soldiers will block it, the water will cover it, and the soil will cover it. Just use it as soon as you see it!

Moreover, the president of the Illuminati also has confidence in Zhao Dingguo.

Based on his many years of experience in looking at people, he felt that Zhao Dingguo did not look like the kind of cold-blooded person. As long as the Illuminati maintains a correct attitude and maintains a close relationship, this evil newcomer will probably not leave easily.

"It's almost time, President!"

At this moment, the chairman next to him came over and whispered a reminder. The president of the Illuminati then remembered that there was still one more step to take, so he sat up straight and announced the last item.

Put a one-noon sign on Zhao Dingguo.

If the Illuminati dares to introduce its own newcomers, it naturally has the means and is not afraid of the enemy's secret strangulation. The most direct method is of course the protection of some high-level or even twilight-level experts. After he spoke, two top masters of ghost blood, one of prophet blood, and one of elf guard blood left their respective marks on Zhao Dingguo!

Once he encounters danger in the real world, Zhao Dingguo can trigger the mark with just a thought!

At that time, naturally several masters would either activate their weapons or teleport directly to kill the enemies who dared to attack on the spot. People from major organizations have similar protective measures for their core members. The Illuminati took this step in public to show their firm attitude to those present.

Anyone who dares to attack Zhao Dingguo will be regarded as a malicious provocation to the Illuminati, and there will be only one end!


Of course Zhao Dingguo is happy to see this.

After you have several layers of insurance on your body, unless your opponent really breaks out and wants to fight an all-out all-out war with the Illuminati, you basically don't have to worry too much about your safety.

Of course, at the beginning, Zhao Dingguo also thought about whether these signs would have a surveillance effect. But after thinking about it, he felt relieved, because other organizations were waiting with wide eyes to find fault. With the wisdom of the Illuminati's senior leaders, they would not take the initiative to leave such a clue to others.

If you really want to spy on him, he has plenty of means and will never do something so obvious.

After completing such a procedure, the Illuminati's operation is considered over. However, the official publicity has come to an end for the time being, but the impact and shock brought by Zhao Dingguo, a master of the Dawn-level bloodline, has just begun to ferment. Especially when the news about the nine people from both sides who participated in the team battle came out, this incident caused a huge sensation!

Zhao Dingguo, who only came into contact with the Super God Platform last year, has surprisingly become famous in one battle!

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