DOTA’s Madness

Chapter 269: Double Kill in the Real World

After realizing that they had been set up, the only thing the two men could do was to quickly kill the target in front of them.

Although they have never had the experience of fighting against a bloodline master, in a two-on-one battle, their opponent is someone who has just entered the Rising Sun level, so they must not be too strong. It was with such luck in mind that the melee opponent took the lead in showing his true strength!

His body swayed and he suddenly accelerated towards Zhao Dingguo.

When the distance between the two people was almost sixteen or seventeen meters, the figure of the melee-type man suddenly touched the ground, shuttled over at an unimaginable super speed, and appeared in front of him in an instant, with a huge floating power. stamp. Although Zhao Dingguo was highly concentrated, without knowing his opponent's skills in advance, he was unable to respond and was stunned on the spot!

This is Sand King's signature skill - ground piercing!

Although Zhao Dingguo could not move his body, he could still recognize the skills used by his opponent at a glance.

Seeing that the skill hit, the man felt a little proud, and then he hammered continuously with a pair of iron fists!

For super-god users, attack power only depends on the equipment and power level. As for what weapon to use, it's all a matter of form, as long as it's easy to attack. And this melee-type man obviously prefers to hit his enemies with his fists. With the addition of prosthetic legs, war drums and an Ogre Axe, his attack power is quite impressive!

Once you are stunned, you will naturally have no way to avoid it.

Fortunately, the stun caused by digging and piercing does not last long. But just when Zhao Dingguo was about to open the distance again, the other man from the legal system had already stepped forward quickly, followed closely, and released the light strike array!

A large ball of flames emerged out of thin air, rising from Zhao Dingguo's feet and knocking him unconscious again.

Show off the magician’s light attack array!

Zhao Dingguo could see clearly that each opponent had a stun skill. The skill of Light Strike Array has a delay after being released and requires prediction, so it is easy to make mistakes. But with the cooperation of Digging and Punching, and following up with the light attack array, you can ensure that both stun skills are hit, thereby maximizing the damage!

This is also a commonly used routine on the Chaoshen platform, also known as the Shawang Show Doggy Male and Female Combination!

When this collaboration first appeared, I was confused for a while, and it felt like there was no solution. Therefore, due to the disgust and depression of the super users, they gave it the title of dog-male and female combination. Zhao Dingguo didn't expect that the two cannon fodder characters he met in the real world could actually cooperate like this. Although neither of them has blood, after each learned the two key stun skills, they actually inherited the core of this tactic.

After this set of combos, Zhao Dingguo's blood volume dropped drastically, but he was not afraid, but instead he was more interested in competing for supremacy!

Only when his opponent is strong can he truly test his current strength!

After the two stuns ended, Zhao Dingguo started phase movement, cut out three balls of thunder element, and regained the distance. At the same time, the lava elves he recruited also activated their armor-breaking skills and cooperated with Zhao Dingguo to continuously attack the mage-type enemy.

After all, in most cases, mages are more fragile and easier to kill.

With the armor reduction effect of the Lava Elf, Zhao Dingguo's output has been significantly improved.

Moreover, as the elemental summons cooled down, Zhao Dingguo quickly used his second skill - Chaos Meteor!

Nappa currently only has level one fire and thunder elements, but the damage that the Chaos Meteorite can inflict is still considerable. It can be said that this is Zhao Dingguo's biggest outbreak at this stage. But the reason why he didn't use it immediately was because he was waiting for the ultimate move to cool down again. In that case, Zhao Dingguo can quickly switch skills after releasing the Chaos Meteor to complete a combo!

The two enemies certainly knew the skills of the Invoker and some common combos, but in the end they did not fully master this hero. Therefore, as for the lack of movement after Zhao Dingguo released the lava elves, they just assumed that Zhao Dingguo had just acquired the bloodline and had not yet been able to control it. Three points of carelessness and seven points of urgency. After their skills cooled down, the two launched another attack.

Still digging and piercing the ground!

Because the skill has already been used once, in order to ensure another hit, the mage also released an AOE magic - the Crystal Nova from the Ice Girl!

Although it is only one level, the damage is pretty good. Of course, the more important thing is the double slowdown effect that lasts for 3.5 seconds!

Because of the huge scope, Zhao Dingguo also did not avoid it. Now, the two of them were convinced that their skills could hit again. But just when the man in close combat repeated his old tricks and instantly launched Digging and Pierce in front of him, Zhao Dingguo was already on guard and took action with the Astral Confinement!

Of course the one he sealed was himself!

Although the Sand King's burrowing and piercing ability is not much, it will take some time to move from a staggering height to travel a certain distance and activate dizziness. Zhao Dingguo started to seal the moment he had the premonition to cast the spell, and perfectly avoided this skill!

How could the mage who planned to follow behind have expected that Zhao Dingguo had the side skill of astral confinement? Without thinking, he used inertia to directly knock down the light and throw it at the place where his companion was digging and piercing the ground!

Two key control skills, both failed.

This beautiful move made several Illuminati masters who had already rushed over secretly nod. Although they think they can do it, they are experienced dusk level masters, and Zhao Dingguo is just a new member of the Rising Sun. Compare the two and decide the difference!

"I wiped it!"

Seeing the skill fail and the dark green seal in place, the man in close combat suddenly cursed. Moreover, he vaguely realized that in the next period of vacuum on his side, the man ambushed by them might make a thunderous counterattack!

His intuition is quite accurate!

After coming out of the astral confinement, Zhao Dingguo threw out an ice bomb, relying on the effect of the poison quenching beads to slightly slow down the enemy, and then distanced himself again. Just as his opponent was quickly chasing after him, Zhao Dingguo sneered, turned around and released the Chaos Meteorite!

The moment the skill was released, the elemental ball on Zhao Dingguo's body changed rapidly.

In the first two days after obtaining the bloodline, it might take Zhao Dingguo several seconds to condense a new elemental ball. But now, he can switch between elemental balls almost easily, and the new skills derived from them can also be done in an instant. At the moment when the enemy was about to rush up and the meteorite was about to roll down, he cut out the super-shock sound wave!

One of Invoker's most classic combos!

With the ultimate move of Elemental Fusion, the three elemental energies of ice, thunder, and fire are perfectly fused together to form this magical, colorful super-shock sound wave ray. After taking action, the super-shock sound wave was like a large wind blade, hitting the enemy head-on!

At the same time, a chaotic meteorite with a diameter of nearly two meters and exuding blazing heat fell from the sky, rumbling and crushing the man in close combat.

As it rolled all the way, the raging flames fell all over the ground, leaving scorched black marks!

Because the flames dispelled the darkness, Zhao Dingguo could even clearly see the fear on the face of the melee man. After a moment of shock, although he turned around and tried to escape, he was hit by a super-shock sound wave that came first. He briefly lost control of his body, and his whole body was pushed backwards by an invisible hand!


A shrill scream.

The cooperation of the super-shock sound waves in the Chaos Meteor pushed the melee-type man backwards and crushed him for a distance of more than three meters. If the levels of ice, thunder, and fire were not too low, otherwise, this time, he might be pushed ten meters or even longer, and then killed in an instant! Even so, after eating such a set of combos, his blood volume still dropped like a waterfall!

Dual system specialization, primary mastery of fire system, and gill damage reduction of electrostatic field, the bonus to damage is not negligible.

All the damage they had done to Zhao Dingguo before was beaten back by him!

The two of them did not have any damage reduction equipment, but Zhao Dingguo was different. He has a characteristic skill that can reduce real damage by 8 points, a wandering mage cloak, and additional damage reduction brought by three skills of perfect bloodline. And coincidentally, the fire method's light strike array was within the damage reduction range. Although it's not much, when the three are fused together, plus the magic resistance of the hero's physique, the final damage reduction effect is terrifying!

More importantly, their confidence was severely damaged!

As Zhao Dingguo counterattacked and vaguely overwhelmed the two men, the twilight-level masters of the Illuminati no longer concealed their figures and appeared openly around. They surrounded the place to prevent the two from escaping, and pointed at them from time to time while watching. The appearance of several twilight masters made these two cannon fodder realize that they were completely carried away this time!

You must have found someone you can't afford to mess with!

However, although the two of them had lost the desire to fight, Zhao Dingguo still showed no mercy, and his men's attacks intensified. Under pressure, these two people also risked their lives. Since the few dusk level masters around seemed to have no intention of intervening, they simply gritted their teeth and started fighting!

If you can find a way to save the situation, then show your kindness and make a draw, and then give some compensation, maybe you can save your life?

The two of them could only comfort themselves in their hearts.

Unfortunately, this idea completely turned into a fantasy after their third round of cooperation failed again!

This time, it was still the melee type who took the lead. However, he swayed and made a fake move to launch a burrowing piercing, trying to deceive Zhao Dingguo's astral imprisonment. Zhao Dingguo was indeed fooled, but he reacted immediately and ended the confinement time ahead of schedule!

In battles on the Super God Platform, skills are set and cannot be changed. But in the main plane and the real world, you can send and receive skills at will, and it all depends on your own judgment.

Zhao Dingguo found out that he had been fooled, so he made a decisive decision and appeared directly, and then cut out the Assault Hurricane!

The melee-type man was stunned when he saw Zhao Dingguo appearing in advance, but he immediately launched Digging and Pierce.

This time, the skills are really here!

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