DOTA’s Madness

Chapter 303 The Plague on Aktura Island

"Aktura Island" is...unsafe? "

No matter how you look at it, it is the hinterland of a natural disaster, and it is also the hometown of the troll war generals who serve the Guards Corps. How can it be unsafe? With some doubts, Zhao Dingguo suddenly recalled what Tuo Xicheng said. Plague, Naga tribe...could the situation there be more serious than what he said?

"Not safe!"

Jia Ruo repeated it in a positive tone and said to him: "Although the specific situation is not clear yet, one thing is certain, the Scourge Legion is targeting it."

"Is it targeted by natural disasters?"

Zhao Dingguo was a little strange and asked: "Didn't you say that we will launch a legion war for a while? Even if the Scourge Legion has an idea at this time, it should be the ruins of the cinema. Aktura Island is in the hinterland of our Guards. They Even if we attack it with surprise troops, it will still be an enclave that cannot be defended strategically. Moreover, I heard that the Naga tribe appeared there, could it be the Nagas?"

"You are quite well informed."

The supplicant nodded and smiled at him and said: "As you know, the Naga tribe appeared on the Aktura island chain. The plague that occurred there was also released by the Naga monster. However, the Naga tribe first appeared there. The Plague Box comes from the Scourge Legion and was personally authorized by the Council of Elders. Fortunately you asked me, the other heroes in the Guard may not know the inside story."

"Plague Box?"

Zhao Dingguo looked at his mentor and couldn't help but be surprised by his vast magical powers. When it comes to the Presbyterian Church, this kind of thing should be kept secret even in natural disasters. How did my mentor know about it?

Jiaruo smiled and said meaningfully: "Don't forget, I originally served for the Scourge Legion.

No wonder!

Zhao Dingguo had forgotten this. His mentor was also the absolute core of the Scourge Legion back then, and it was rumored that he had the opportunity to enter the Council of Elders in advance, which was the highest center of the Scourge Legion. With his status, it is natural for him to know some secrets about natural disasters. I am afraid that he still has some secret information channels about natural disasters.

He thought he had guessed the truth of the matter, and he was also a little curious as to what conditions the Guards Corps offered to bribe his mentor.

To his expectation, the supplicant denied this speculation and immediately told the truth: "Although I am a blood elf, I have been working for the natural disasters from the beginning, and I have never thought of coming to the Guards before. But I am a blood elf. Later... even though I switched to the Guards, I swore in public that I would never reveal any secrets about the Scourge Legion to the Guards, nor would I use the power I had cultivated. This was also the condition for the Scourge Legion to let me leave!"

A hero's promise is worth more than dry gold.

I swear in front of all the heroes that this weight is definitely enough. But in this case, it means that Jia Ruo did not get this news from his previous relationship, which is really strange.

"No need to be surprised."

The supplicant saw Zhao Dingguo's doubts and answered: "I guessed it based on the plague on Aktura Island."

"Can this be seen?"

"Of course!" the supplicant said in a matter-of-fact tone: "Plague, a thing or ability that has many monsters, is not exclusive to natural disasters. The two legions have been at odds with each other for so many years, do you think that the guards will be against natural disasters? Isn’t there a way to deal with the plague? In that case, I’m afraid the Guards Corps would have been wiped out countless times by natural disasters!”

"In that case, why is the plague on Aktura Island so severe?"

"Plagues are also divided into types and levels. The plague code name ghost that appeared on Aktura Island is particularly dangerous and is one of the top secrets of the Scourge Legion. Because it is too overbearing, even if the natural disasters use it, they must be careful and must use it. The Plague Box is a special container. If you want to use it, you must obtain special authorization from the Elders Council. It was through the symptoms of this plague and the Plague Box that I determined its type."

"so smart!"

Zhao Dingguo was a little stunned. Even the Scourge Legion, a great expert in playing plague, was afraid. This kind of thing was really terrifying.

"It was discovered in time!" The supplicant said with a somewhat thankful tone, obviously also a little afraid of the plague: "The natural geographical advantages of the island effectively delayed the spread of the plague, and the local warriors discovered it early. This is how we can avoid causing a catastrophe. Otherwise, it will not be some islands that have fallen, but the entire island chain. By then, all the troll tribes on the island chain will have turned into undead and zombies, just like Carlo Wenqi!"

Zhao Dingguo was startled and asked: "Carlo Vinci? The lost swan song?"

When I was searching for the sacred trees of the ancient country for the prophet, the map in the prophet's study had Carlo Vinci marked on it. Zhao Dingguo checked it afterwards and specifically found some information about Carlo Vinci, so he remembered it very clearly.

"Huh? You know?"

This time it was Jiaruo's turn to be surprised: "Six hundred and eighty years ago, the ghost that shocked the continent was used for the first time and destroyed the entire Carlo Vinci. In just two days, the military town of the Guards Corps was destroyed. It completely turned into a paradise for the undead. Ten days later, the Guards permanently sunk the city and sealed it into the original underground lake, never to see the light of day again."

"Is the destruction of Carlo Vinci also related to the plague codenamed Ghost?"

Jia Ruo slightly chinned his head and said: "The Guards only know that the natural disaster has developed a brand new plague, but they still don't know what it is called. So, don't spread the name Ghost randomly, so as not to attract people. Trouble. But then again, it’s hard for you to remember clearly something that happened so long ago.”

Zhao Dingguo said a little embarrassedly: "I also saw it from the prophet."

Hearing him mention the prophet, Jia Ruo was obviously a little surprised. After pondering for a while, he asked: "When did you get the information about Carlo Vinci from the prophet?"

Jia Ruo asked very seriously, which made Zhao Dingguo take it seriously. He thought for a while and then said seriously: "That was not long after I met my mentor for the first time. At that time, I needed a map deep in Leize in the Southern Wilderness. I heard that the Prophet Your Excellency has been there before, so I wanted to borrow it from him. The Prophet agreed at that time, but the condition was that I help him find the sacred trees of the ancient country. In his study, I saw the map highlighted on the wall, and that location was Carlo Vinci City. It was also at that time that I discovered the maelstrom created by the Naga tribe deep in Leize."

"It turns out that was that time..."

Jia Ruo calculated in his mind and seemed to have thought of something. He couldn't help but be surprised: "It was not long before the prophet disappeared, and there was also an ancient sacred tree, could it be?"

The prophet is missing?

Zhao Dingguo also heard about this matter. Wasn't it a long time ago?

This kind of thing seems to be very common in the main plane, and heroes often disappear for several months. Some of them suddenly have the inspiration to find a place to practice, some of them go on adventures or are trapped somewhere, or they just have some special hobbies. Therefore, when he learned that the prophet was missing, Zhao Dingguo didn't think too much at all. I'm afraid other senior officials of the Guards Corps didn't pay much attention either. After all, they hadn't heard of any actions taken by the Scourge Corps.

"He really disappeared. He has never appeared since." Garuo paused and said solemnly: "A month and a half ago, the breath of life he left in the world dissipated. Prophet Thrall used the World Tree to The power of the prophet confirmed the death of the prophet, but no more speculations can be made."

"The prophet is dead?" Zhao Dingguo was shocked.

In non-legion battles, it is not a trivial matter to die of a plot powerhouse with contemporary bloodline heritage. Moreover, how could he not know about such a big thing?

The Illuminati's power in the main plane is not small, but there is no news at all!

"Because we don't know how he died, and there is no news from the Scourge Legion, the Council of Elders of the Guards is still blocking the news of the prophet's death. I only learned about it by chance. You don't know how normal that is. But that’s it.”

"I see."

Zhao Dingguo nodded, but began to think about whether this news was useful. If it is passed back and handed over to the Illuminati for operation, will there be any benefits?

At this time, the supplicant reviewed the speculation from beginning to end and said: "Based on what you said, I suspect that the death of the prophet is related to Carlo Vinci. The Scourge Legion used ghosts to attack Carlo Vinci at all costs. It is said that He planned to plot something there. But he failed to find it in the end, and instead turned it into a place of death. The prophet probably found a way to re-enter Carlo Vinci, so he sneaked there, but in the end he failed to come out alive."


Zhao Dingguo felt that it made sense, but finally asked: "What does this have to do with Aktura Island?"

"Of course it does matter!" Jia Ruo rolled his eyes at him and said: "The first time the Scourge used ghosts, it brought about an earth-shattering war. Today, six hundred and eighty years later, the Scourge Legion used the same method Attacked Aktura Island again. However, the person who released the Plague Box changed from the leader of the fallen knights to the Naga tribe, but the method was exactly the same. Over the years, the ghosts have only been used a few times. Don’t you think there is any connection between this?”

Zhao Dingguo was shocked and said: "What does the mentor mean? Aktura Island is likely to trigger a war?"

"This is not necessarily true, because in that battle, the two legions used more than 140 heroes. After the war, both sides suffered losses, but the Scourge Legion failed to find what they wanted in the end. Since then, they If you do this kind of thing again, you will be much more cautious. And unlike the second-line important town of Carlo Vinci, Aktura is in the hinterland of the Konoe, and they can't hide it from the Konoe if they want to mobilize heroes on a large scale!"

At this point, Jiaruo said a few more words: "But no matter what, wherever the plague code-named Ghost appears, it means that the Scourge Legion attaches great importance to it.

Even if they don't send heroes there directly, there are certainly forces keeping an eye on it. So, I said it would be dangerous there, do you understand this time?

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