DOTA’s Madness

Chapter 324 The Elite Monster Group Appears

Chapter 324 The Elite Monster Group Appears

The ultimate move of Earth-Shaking Divine Bull is just an epitome of many ultimate moves.

Due to the monster's positioning problem and its inability to dodge, the ultimate move of Shenniu has such a powerful effect. In comparison, the ultimate moves of other heroes are not so powerful, but they have also achieved good results. Soon, this round of gloomy bonefish was also killed.

After the Bonefish, the real difficulty comes.

After waiting for more than half an hour, more Naga sea monsters came up to kill them. Among them, there are very few ordinary amphibious fishman cannon fodder. In addition to absorbing the first round of damage, the rest turned into more advanced two-headed sea lizards. This monster has thick scales, excellent defense, and decent magic resistance. Its only weakness is strikes from the ground. With their addition, the Naga troops advanced to the fifty-meter limit for the first time.

At this distance, it is the dividing line for the maximum output of ordinary super-god users.

For the 17th section of the defense zone, which has a clear division of labor, although the two-headed sea lizards are durable, there are still ways to restrain them. For example, the light strike array from Fire Girl, Sand King's Nugget Pierce, or the pierce skills of other heroes are all very effective output. Moreover, a large number of mines planted by goblin engineers within fifty meters began to take effect. The explosion from the ground caused nearly double the damage to these two-headed sea lizards, and the effect was unexpectedly good.

In contrast, the few defense zones without the leadership of a large organization were much more chaotic.

Due to poor organization, some two-headed sea lizards have gradually approached the defense line and began to have direct contact with the super-god users who have strengthened the melee power system. Although they were driven back under the bombardment of many super users, this situation happened on the first day of the war. They will probably have a hard time in the next two days!

Following the charge of the two-headed sea lizard, the subsequent Naga troops finally caught up.

In addition to the usual sullen bonefish, a hydralisk-like monster begins to appear. This monster has a good long-range acid attack. The effective damage range is roughly sixty or seventy meters. The acid damage is not bad, but it can corrode the target's armor. It can be reduced by up to 10 points. With this new attack method, the threat from the Naga tribe suddenly became greater. If someone accidentally loses 10 points of armor by acid first, and then is hit by bone spurs one after another, death is not impossible.

This is the result of aura bonuses such as Assault Armor and Vampire's Sacrifice.

If there weren't so many buff effects, the damage from these sea monsters would be even more terrifying.

The emergence of sea lizards and hydralisks means that mid-level monsters of sea monsters have begun to make their full appearance. In the next few hours, more sea monsters with novel abilities gradually joined the battle sequence, causing many super users to suffer. It is said. Some defense zones have killed dozens of super users one after another because of these unavoidable abilities. Although compared to the total number, it is not even a drop in the bucket, but after all, people have to be more vigilant.

Unconsciously, the sky gradually darkened.

The Naga monsters did not stop attacking. Instead, they used the cover of night to attack even more fiercely. The Guards Corps was not unprepared. The aborigines rushed to make a large number of torches to assist the super-god users in guarding the defense line. In addition, the colorful glow of countless skills also makes the battlefield look like daylight. So you don’t have to worry about the field of view.

The first day of the battle was basically spent without any surprises - at least for the seventeenth section of the defense zone.

Although some energetic super users have been fighting for a whole day and have no intention of quitting, it is out of overall consideration. The four major organizations still arranged for extensive rotation of their subordinates. Zhao Dingguo, who has participated in the war twice, is of course also on the rest list. It happened that he was also very tired, so he stepped back gratefully and spent a sleepless night amidst the deafening shouts of death and skill explosions.

In the second half of the night, the Naga's attacks also weakened slightly, and basically no new monsters appeared.

After the wave passed, the Nagas did not attack again for almost more than an hour. This momentum made all the super users on the entire defense line relax a lot. Even the Illuminati would inevitably be a little slack in this situation. But just at dawn. The Naga tribe took advantage of the last darkness to launch the most powerful attack to date.

In this raid, they appeared elite-level monsters for the first time.

Although the ordinary monsters are still the same, the new elite monsters have greatly increased the combat effectiveness of these monsters. There are two main types of these elite monsters. One has a group acceleration aura, which allows the sea monsters to move forward faster. The other has a magic shield effect similar to the flute, which can create a water shield around the target to absorb damage. Although the damage absorbed by a single water shield is limited, this skill has a fast cooldown and extremely long duration.

A new round of monsters. After rushing a hundred meters, almost most of them were hit by this damage-absorbing water shield.

The monster suddenly accelerated and the damage was not as high as before, allowing this round of Naga monsters to quickly rush into a range of fifty meters. According to this momentum, close combat is inevitable. The melee fighters who were quickly awakened learned that they had a place to use, and they all jumped up and picked up their weapons and stood in the first row of the defense line.

The high-level commanders also stood on the front line, preparing to command nearby, and at the same time, more super users were prepared to provide support from behind.

Although a little hasty, with the cooperation of the four major organizations, the 17th Defense Zone quickly made a reasonable response. A large number of melee super-god users swarmed up and blocked these monsters, giving the mage DPS behind them enough output space and time. There is also a steady stream of super users with healing abilities. Various group attack skills came and went, making it difficult for the monsters who rushed fifty meters behind to move forward.

The raid lasted nearly thirty minutes.

Although those hateful Nagas failed to break through the defense line in the end, and did not even touch the ten-meter distance of the seventeenth section of the defense line, the intensity of the entire battle made some far-sighted commanders frown. It has not been twenty-four hours since the Naga tribe officially launched the battle, and the super users are already struggling. How should we defend ourselves in the next two days?

This heavy question is placed in front of all super users. As long as they are on the southern wilderness defense line, regardless of age, skin color and nationality in the real world, they all need to think about it.

However, no one can come up with any good ideas.

All they can do is stick to it step by step. When the Nagas come, they will fight back until they hold on for three days to complete the mission - or in other words, the defense line is breached, and then wait for the mission to fail and their reputation and attributes will be deducted.

No one wanted to see that, so under the attack of the Naga tribe, the super users all showed their special strength.

But this is not enough.

Ever since the Naga tribe dispatched elite monsters, their attacks have been pressing down on Nanhuang's defense line. Almost every time, the monsters were able to rush into the last ten meters of the defense line and fight hand-to-hand with the super user of melee power. Some rough-skinned elite monsters even broke into the defense line at one point, close enough for the mages to hit them with their staffs or fists.

Under such circumstances, even the seventeenth section of the defense line would inevitably begin to suffer casualties.

The four major organizations are okay, because they have strict organizations, and people who may be in danger have specialized treatment and monitoring. Those who were randomly assigned by the indigenous people began to encounter danger. Although people with healing skills did not mind helping them, at critical moments, they would definitely give priority to taking care of the people in their own organization. As a result, after several attacks, more than ten people were killed one after another.

Some timid people started to back off, but this number of casualties obviously did not scare the super users.

More people came up and started to join the battle!

Some relatively weak defense zones have begun to use reserve teams and dispatch more people to join the battle. Although this can be sustained, as the battle becomes more intense, there will be a shortage of manpower. Although new super god users are constantly joining in response to the recruitment order, the main groups have already arrived yesterday. The number of new arrivals is limited, and their average strength is at the Rising Sun level, making them difficult to use.

In the seventeenth section of the defense zone, someone also proposed sending super users who took turns to participate in the battle, but it was collectively rejected by the commanders.

At present, the situation is obviously not critical yet. If follow-up forces are used prematurely because of a small casualty, although the situation is temporarily settled, problems will be exposed at the most critical moment, and ultimately the success will fall short.

As for those who unfortunately died...

These days, how can anyone in the circle of super gods be immortal?

However, three or five casualties were nothing to a defense area with thousands of people. But there is no guarantee that when someone sees that their teammates have only the last bit of health left, they will make up for the last blow with ulterior motives, so that they can drop the real name key. Although people from the four major organizations would not do this, this situation has already occurred in some other defense areas: because they feel that it is hopeless to hold the defense line, some people start to use crooked ideas, and even fight for such real-name keys.

This behavior not only seriously affected the morale of the entire defense zone, but also made adjacent defense zones worried. After all, if the neighbors are breached, they will be under greater pressure and must divide their forces for this purpose. Therefore, those big organizations had to send out experts to set up inspection teams. Once a similar situation was discovered, they would directly suppress it with force regardless of trivial matters!

This made the situation slightly better, but ultimately gave the Nagas a chance.

Before I knew it, it was the afternoon of the next day.

After fighting hard for a day and a half, some super users who were low on energy began to feel a little bored and tired despite taking turns. In this case, the Naga tribe dispatched high-level monsters to join the battle. Among them is the famous Hydra on the mainland!

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