DOTA’s Madness

Chapter 347: Strike first to gain the upper hand

"Is there an ambush?"

Zhao Dingguo couldn't help being frightened and angry when he saw the man who kept attacking him and the three enemies approaching him quickly on the other side of the pass. There was obviously no one here when he went up the mountain. Could it be that these guys followed him here and were preparing to catch him off guard?

The idea flashed through his mind, but was quickly rejected by him.

If these people were really prepared, then this man with invisibility skills would definitely not be exposed so early. Instead, he would wait until the two of them had advanced a certain distance before launching an attack. In that case, his three accomplices can also accelerate faster, instead of being connected and creating gaps like now.

Thinking of the sound of fighting ahead, Zhao Dingguo vaguely thought of something.

He stepped back quickly, dodged this guy's attack, and explained: "I said, did you misunderstand something? The two of us are just here to do a mission, and we are just passing by. If you are killing Seth Special Hell Messenger, please rest assured, she and I will not interfere in the robbery, there is no need to use force."

"Just passing by?"

The man holding a single sword in his hand and chasing Zhao Dingguo to chop was stunned. Apparently, as Zhao Dingguo guessed, when he saw the two of them walking towards the pass quickly, the man thought that the two were here to snatch the elite monster.

In the main plane, this kind of thing is not uncommon.

If this was really the case, then his attack would be abrupt. But while he was still hesitating, three companions rushing to help were already approaching. What Zhao Dingguo paid special attention to was that the leader of the three people who came to help was riding an agile black elf leopard, with the moonlight still vaguely lingering around him. Even during the day, Zhao Dingguo could feel the powerful energy contained in the moonlight.

This is a master with the blood of Moon Knight!

His strength is roughly between the high level of Rising Sun and the low level of Dusk.

Because there has not yet been a formal fight, it is difficult for Zhao Dingguo to make a specific judgment based only on his breath and perception. But one thing is for sure, this guy is tough.

As we all know, Moon Knight's ultimate attack does as much damage as the Lich's, and is especially good at dealing with two to three enemies. This is a deserted wilderness, with no ordinary soldiers or monsters to help share the burden. It's okay if this guy hasn't mastered the ultimate move yet. If he already has the ultimate move, then this ultimate move will be the biggest threat to the two of them!

As for the other two guys, Zhao Dingguo glanced at them and determined that they were just ordinary Xuri, so he ignored them for the time being.

"Brother Tang, this may be a misunderstanding."

The guy who was the first to strike the invisible blow looked at Zhao Dingguo warily, then took two steps back, joined his three companions, and whispered to them at the same time.

The man named Brother Tang should be a master who rides a leopard and has the blood of the Moon Knight.

"Just passing by?" After hearing what he said, one of the mages showed a dissatisfied look and muttered: "I said you should be more accurate in the small city, don't waste everyone's time!"

Xiaocheng scratched his head, glanced at Zhao Dingguo, then immediately turned around and said to his companion sheepishly: "Sorry, sorry, I'm a little nervous."

Brother Tang's face showed no expression, he just looked at Zhao Dingguo and Yan Yuelan coldly while riding on the leopard.

Like all normal men, he was first attracted to Hiko Yue Lan. He was a little surprised and took a few more glances before he noticed Zhao Dingguo. It doesn't matter if you don't see it, I was shocked when I saw it.

The man who came over was actually a blood master, and his equipment was better than him!

This discovery surprised him. Not wanting to make enemies, he said loudly: "Friends over there, the attack on the small town just now was an accident. I apologize to you on his behalf. My teammates in the front are fighting the Cester Hell Lord and it will be over soon. Could you two please stop for a moment, we would be very grateful."

His meaning was very simple. He planned to let Zhao Dingguo and Yan Yuelan wait until they finished defeating the elite monsters before going over.

"Easy to say."

Seeing that there were many people on the other side, Zhao Dingguo was not willing to create any complications. After all, it was just a matter of waiting a few more minutes. Although the two of them were in a hurry, they were still within a short time.

"Thank you very much."

Seeing that the two of them were unwilling to take action, Brother Tang thanked him and waved to his subordinates. So, the two mages who came with him quickly turned around and turned back. With three people suddenly missing, the pressure on the team to kill Cest Hell Messenger would probably be great. They should have gone back to save the situation.

After all, not everyone *Qing Yierya* has Zhao Dingguo's strength.

As for the master named Brother Tang, he didn't follow them back, probably because he wasn't trusting the two of them. Xiaocheng, who has the stealth skill, is also on the other side of Brother Tang, forming horns with each other.

Really cautious.

Regarding the stalking behavior of the two people, Zhao Dingguo and Yan Yuelan just let it go and did not take it seriously. But soon, she noticed that Brother Tang was peeking at Zhao Dingguo intentionally or unintentionally. Afterwards, he whispered a few words to Xiao Cheng. After the two of them quietly argued about something, the small town acted as if nothing had happened, turned around and rushed towards the battlefield on the other side of the pass.

"I'll hurry them up, they're too slow!"

This is the original words of Xiaocheng.

It sounded like there was no problem, but Zhao Dingguo felt vaguely uneasy. Yan Yuelan has more experience in the main plane than Zhao Dingguo. She hesitated and reached out to hold Zhao Dingguo: "Be careful, they might fall out."

Zhao Dingguo was startled for a moment and then reacted.

Yan Yuelan’s guess was correct!

What Xiao Cheng said to Brother Tang before he left was too suspicious. If it was really just to go and see the battle, Brother Tang could have just given the order openly, why would the two of them communicate secretly in private. Could it be that Brother Tang regretted his decision and changed his mind temporarily, hoping to take advantage of the two of them to bully him less?

Zhao Dingguo glanced at his Aghanim's Scepter and felt that this possibility was really not small!

You know, Moon Knight's ultimate move can also enjoy the bonus of Aghanim's Scepter.

Kill the Sester Hellbringer first, and then gather the strength of your teammates to kill the two of you. This is a good plan!

"What should we do?"

After realizing this, Zhao Dingguo asked Yan Yuelan with his eyes. Of course he made his own decision, but the purpose of coming to the foothills of the northern valley this time was to help Yan Yuelan with his mission, and she was the protagonist of this trip. If Yan Yuelan didn't want to cause trouble, Zhao Dingguo wouldn't mind running away with her now.

Hearing Zhao Dingguo's question, Yan Yuelan's originally clear eyes flashed with a cold murderous intent. He swiped his white finger in front of his throat and said: "Quickly fight and kill that guy!"

Although it is just a guess, the actions of super users are not court decisions, and everything must be based on evidence.

Now that he decided to fight, Zhao Dingguo began to switch derivative skills quietly and secretly, while pretending to chat with Yan Yuelan. With the powerful increase of the divine staff, Zhao Dingguo quickly completed the preparations. Yan Yuelan had also been prepared a long time ago. Seeing Zhao Dingguo looking over, she nodded slightly to him.

"Then get on it!"

Zhao Dingguo hates other people's opinions on him, so he rises up neatly and violently. He started with a strong hurricane attack and directly killed Brother Tang who was more than 20 meters away.

This guy with the blood of the Moon Rider obviously relied on his extraordinary strength, companions not far away, and the ultimate move to press the bottom of the box, so he dared to face the two of them alone. At this moment, he was still immersed in his own thoughts, and he did not expect that Zhao Dingguo and Yan Yuelan would launch an attack at this time.

This is doomed for him to be tragic!

After the brief strong hurricane passed, Zhao Dingguo quickly cooled down to keep up, and then attacked while approaching. Ice bullets hit Brother Tang one after another, causing his whole body to twitch. Yan Yuelan took this opportunity to approach him, waving his weapon and knife directly at his vital points. Although the damage is basically unaffected, if important parts are continuously attacked, it will also cause certain functional impairments.

After the rapid cooling, there is an ice wall!

"What a high attack!"

Brother Tang was startled when he realized how fast his health was decreasing. He shouted angrily and tried to escape on the leopard. The two rising sun-level elite masters, under the effect of rapid cooling, their output is terrifying!

However, Zhao Dingguo's perfectly connected ice wall is not a vegetarian. Under the powerful deceleration effect, Brother Tang cannot escape at all!

Because enemy reinforcements will arrive soon, every second counts. Therefore, Zhao Dingguo and Yan Yuelan also used all their firepower to attack Brother Tang. In order to kill the most threatening master first, Yan Yuelan also brought out a good thing, a temporary enchantment scroll!

[Weapon Special Effect: Destruction]

After using *Sail Text*, it will add a destructive effect to the weapon within one minute, reducing the enemy's armor by 6 points when attacking.

This effect cannot be stacked.

After adding this special effect, Yan Yuelan's weapon suddenly had a surrounding silver ball of light. Although the six-point armor cannot be compared with the Murloc Guard's ultimate move, it is not inferior to the armor-reducing effects such as Assault Armor and Demon King's Advent. Not to mention that Brother Tang's bloodline is Moon Knight, that is. Liver A is recognized as the crispy one among many heroes. Although powerful, his blood volume is even less than that of some mages.

Due to the lack of strength attributes, the special effects of Destruction look particularly obvious on him!

Seeing his blood volume drop rapidly, Brother Tang's only resistance was gone. He now only wants to join up with his teammates. By then, with their help, they will have nothing to fear from the two of them. However, although Brother Tang wanted to escape, his movement speed could not match that of Zhao Dingguo, and he was slowed down by the effect of the poison quenching pearl, so he was really powerless.

Battles between super-god users can sometimes be very long, but sometimes they can also be very short.

When one party has the advantage of speed but is unwilling to compete head-on, the battle can drag on. But if more people hit less people, and the person being beaten cannot escape, then the battle can end quickly. Just a few seconds after the ice wall ended, Zhao Dingguo's ultimate move finished cooling down again, and this time he cut out the chaos meteorite.

Because Brother Tang wanted to run away, the chaos meteorite didn't even need to be paired with super-shock sound waves, it just hit him in the direction he was running!

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