DOTA’s Madness

Chapter 36: Two factions

PS: I'm ashamed. I originally planned to make three more changes today, but I lay down on the bed and actually fell asleep ... A few chapters moved to the weekend, and Odin four broke out this weekend.

恢复 After recovering from the joy of getting the MVP, Zhao Dingguo noticed his position in the field.

Maybe he did well, and because of his easy victory, his niche points increased by 64 points in a regular season. With total points, it also reached 748 points!

This speed is faster than Zhao Dingguo had expected before.

If the next regular season is still so smooth, he can cross the threshold of eighty points in two games at most, and get the Dawning Tavern nameplate. Compared to Lao Li's more than ten games to reach the Shuguang Tavern level, Zhao Dingguo's possible four games record is undoubtedly brilliant. However, such a fast speed may not be a good thing!

After the initial rejoicing, Zhao Dingguo realized this.

Before Lao Li was awarded the Dawning Tavern-level nameplate, he already had four basic equipments and the Shieldless ability. Although he did grow very slowly, each step was very solid, and it was a thick accumulation. In contrast, Zhao Dingguo still has nothing. Hastily stepped over that step, maybe it would have the opposite effect on his growth!

I still need to properly control the speed.

Thinking like this, Zhao Dingguo shut down the Super God platform and got up and stretched.

Anyway, victory is a good thing in the end, and you ca n’t lose the game on purpose because you want to control the speed of progress?

Zhao Dingguo was not the kind of person who feared challenges, so he was relieved.

At this point, the phone's ringtone sounded again.

Zhao Dingguo thought that it was Lao Li who was annoyed and dialed back, so he quickly picked up the phone. Unexpectedly, this time it was his uncle in the neighboring county.

From childhood to old age, the uncle's family has been very kind to him and very caring. Therefore, he had an excellent relationship with the uncle who seemed harsh but very kind. Especially after the uncle ’s son came to K City where he was attending high school, the two walked a lot more frequently.

喂 "Hey, set your country."

Uncle Wu's words sounded a little low, which made Zhao Dingguo slightly worried, shouldn't something happen to the uncle's house?

"Rest assured, my aunt and I are fine, just a close relative came to the city to do business, and said goodbye to death. And the police said that because the explosion happened nearby, even the body could not be found. 唉, The person who was still alive the day before was dead in a blink of an eye, it was really emotional! "Probably because of the age, the uncle sounded a bit embarrassed, but Zhao Dingguo was relieved.

Since it wasn't the uncle's accident, he didn't care so much.

"The world is impermanent ..." Uncle was still muttering something, apparently stimulated by the sudden death of a relative.

When he was about to hang up, Uncle suddenly remembered the business, and said, "Yes, patronize and talk about this, and ask you to help me. I and your aunt are going to help with the uncle's affairs, these two days can not be busy There is no way to read the little book. If you are free, take me to see it, just give me some snacks. "

Wu Xiaoshu is his uncle's son. He is a sophomore in K City No. 1 Middle School this year.

大 Because Uncle got married late, he was even in his thirties when he had a small book, so he always loved him and would come to visit him from the neighboring county every one or two weeks. Suddenly something can't come these days, I have to ask him.

"Yes, I remember!" Zhao Dingguo promised on the spot.

Zhao Dingguo lives not far from K City No. 1 Middle School, half an hour is enough by bus, which is a trivial matter for him.

After receiving the phone call from Uncle's house, Zhao Dingguo remembered what Li was looking for, so he called back.

"What's the result of the regular season?"

Because it ’s easier to win, Zhao Dingguo ’s tone is also brisk: “Won! This is still a full lineup random mode, the lineups that come across are relatively poor, and we are restrained. Moreover, the elf on their side seems to be of poor level A little bit, I never found my own position, there was no sense of existence. With these two points, we hit the high ground opposite! "

Lao Li smiled and said, "That's good, congratulations! The first game in October won, and it was a good start."

Zhao Dingguo talked to him a few words, and then he mentioned what Lao Li was going to tell him in the regular season: "The phone just now ..."

"Oh!" Lao Li probably forgot about it. When Zhao Dingguo mentioned it, he said, "In fact, it has nothing to do with you. It is the people of the Austrian Party and the Holy Sword Society who are going to fight."

The Olympic Party? Holy sword club?

Wu Shengjian Zhao Dingguo certainly knows that it is the most powerful and unreliable equipment in DOTA. There is no one!

Some heroes can rely on the Holy Sword to make a comeback in a dozen or five days in the Jedi situation. Of course, once the situation gets out of control and you hang up yourself, the holy sword will fall out. This is also the only equipment in DOTA that will fall after death. If it is unfortunately picked up by the other party, it will be a tragedy!

But what is the Holy Sword Society?

Lao Li's next words quickly solved his doubts: "The Austrian Party and the Holy Sword Society are alliance organizations formed by the Super God users themselves. The former's scope of activity is mainly in Hubei Province, and the latter's strength in Anhui Province is stronger. some."

"Does the SuperGod have his own place and organization?" Zhao Dingguo asked curiously.

Lao Li smiled and said, "Of course, there are not only, but also a lot. Super God users are also humans after all, and they also need to build relationships. In China, as far as I know, there are no less than 100 private Super God organizations. These are Organizations vary in size, and the number of Super God users joining them varies. The Austrian Party and Holy Sword will only be considered to be of medium power, and the two parties will not add up to more than 100 people. "

那么 "So, what do the two factions have to do with me?"

Lao Li seemed to be looking at what was on the phone. After a while, he said, "Oh, I found it! It is said that the boss who founded the Austrian Party somehow killed one of the holy sword clubs who owned the twilight tavern in reality. Master of the nameplate. It seems that there are only three dusk levels in the entire Holy Sword Society, and the remaining Super God user nameplate levels are mostly the dawn of dawn or lower. How can the Holy Sword Society follow Austria when one of the three giants is dead? The people of the Party are willing to give up? In addition, later negotiations did not succeed, then only war can begin! "

定 Zhao Dingguo understood something: "Where should they go to war?"

Lao Li nodded and said, "Your city K is located on the transportation hub that connects Gan and Xiang provinces. It is a buffer zone for the two parties. Since the day before yesterday, people from both parties have begun to station one after another, ready to fight. .Don't you feel that there were a lot of accidents and fires in K City these two days? "

"This one……"

定 Zhao Dingguo has been busy promoting the knowledge of DOTA recently, and really hasn't paid much attention to the reality.

"It didn't matter that I didn't pay attention." Lao Li didn't care, and said, "You should focus on improving your level now ~ ~ After you reach a certain level of strength, pay attention to others. In fact, they It doesn't matter to you that the two teams fight against each other. Super users are wary of being discovered by ordinary people. You are a super user, even if you accidentally meet them, it doesn't matter. Now the two forces are ready to fire, and they will not easily provoke them. Others. I just want to wake you up. It's okay to go out as little as possible in the past two days. "

"Okay, I wrote it down!" Zhao Dingguo nodded, and after listening to Lao Li's words, he knew that K City had become a place of right and wrong.

After explaining these things, Lao Li's tone remained unchanged, but it sounded a little tougher and more proud. "If it doesn't work, you tell them that you are a member of the Illuminati, and then call me, they should I dare not touch you! "


Zhao Dingguo heard this important news from the words of Lao Li,

Before that, he felt that although Li was a nameplate user of Shuguang Tavern, he knew too much. It now appears that there is a looming force behind Lao Li. And listening to his tone, the strength of the Illuminati should not be weak, at least better than any Olympic party and Holy Sword Society!

However, if there is such a force behind Lao Li, then it should not be a problem to deal with a sunburst tavern guy? Could it be said that there are some restrictions in it, so that Lao Li cannot use the power behind him.

Or, is your opponent's background extraordinary?

After Ding hung up, Zhao Dingguo pondered for a while. From this conversation today, he vaguely felt that he was gradually coming into contact with a new and familiar new world. Although it looks exactly the same, but tearing off that familiar coat, he saw the tip of the potential iceberg of the super user power!

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