DOTA’s Madness

Chapter 470: Black's first win

"The jumping knife fell, can you blame me?"

Legion's temper was a little anxious, and he couldn't bear it anymore and started to defend himself decisively: "The jumping knife must be useful, and he successfully eliminated the mystery instantly. Who would have thought that he still had money to buy a living? Moreover, seeing someone resurrected, Why don't you disperse quickly and just let him be three big?"

"That's easy to say. At that time, I jumped over the second tower and was beaten. I was entangled and there was no place to leave!"

"In short, your character is too bad!"

Thinking that the good jumping knife was gone, several people became more and more annoyed as they talked, but they finally remembered that there was a close enemy. Coupled with Bai Hu's persuasion, several people finally fell silent and began to spend money individually.

However, although it seems that there is no longer a dispute on the surface, in fact, the estrangement within the natural disaster has emerged. If the unfavorable situation in the following chapter of Chapter 470, Kaihei's First Victory, can be reversed, then this barrier may disappear until the battle is won. But if they fail again and again, then this gap will gradually break out and cause real internal strife.

Although there has been very little internal strife in Xu Ri's high-level battles, it does not mean that there is none.

In fact, even in dusk-level battles, there are still cases of breakups due to dissatisfaction with each other. After all, it's just a regular season game. As long as you don't mess up too badly, you can still get hundreds of victory points.

In the silence of the Scourge, the Guards found an opportunity to steal the last two towers of the Scourge. Subsequently, the five of them gathered and began to comprehensively suppress and block the natural disaster. Although Mystery's ultimate move is still almost cooled down, under the current circumstances, Natural Disaster does not dare to give up its high ground advantage. He took the initiative to rush down and fight Zhao Dingguo and the others.

Just as they expected, until all the guards' ultimate moves cooled down and they began to officially attack the middle high ground, the five heroes of the natural disaster only stayed on the high ground and did not dare to go out easily.

In previous team battles, the Mystery side of Guards basically used their ultimate move as a back-up move. However, with the jumping knife. The mystery is much calmer, and it also gives Zhao Dingguo and the others one more plan to choose from. Chapter 470: Black's first victory. It's a pity that this jumping knife was "gifted" by Natural Disaster himself, so they must be prepared for it. so. When Zhao Dingguo and others were preparing to go to the high ground, the natural disaster party's positions were scattered and their determination to defend the high ground was also tenacious.

Rely on the transformation of small mysteries. Zhao Dingguo and the others tried to consume the werewolf's spirit wolf for one round, but were resolutely beaten back by the natural disaster party.

Since no suitable opportunity was found, the mystery was not forced to expand.

Since there was no indication from the controller, the other four people could only retreat temporarily.

At this time, the second generation Roshan refresh is very close. Yan Yuelan thought for a while and suggested that they go to fight Roshan.

With the Mystery and Werewolves around, they could beat Roshan very quickly. Moreover, in order to prevent Baihu and the others from launching a large-scale sneak attack, Zhao Dingguo also had real eyes on him. In addition, the line of troops is beneficial to the guards. Natural disasters may not dare to come out to stop them. What's more, even if the heroes of the natural disaster really dare to come and catch them, that would be great. In a field battle, it is much easier than attacking the opponent's high ground.

After placing a sentry guard above Roshan Canyon, the five guards began to attack Roshan with confidence.

Out of caution, Mystery asked his converted helpers to help fight Roshan. He himself was hiding diagonally below the Roshan Canyon. In this way, even if a natural disaster really dares to come, he can still jump in the best position calmly.

"The Guards are hunting Roshan!"

When Zhao Dingguo and the other five retreated, the hero of the natural disaster had already thought of this possibility.

The phantom spearman immediately asked the five people to assemble, and then rushed over under the cover of the white tiger's ultimate move to see if he could also grab the second immortal shield. It would be best to kill the guards again. only. The fishman guard of the natural disaster hesitated for a moment, then decided to give up. He felt that the werewolf's shield had been robbed last time, and the guards would definitely be more vigilant this time. Besides, what if the other party didn't fight, but instead ambush near Roshan Canyon?

In that case, they will die if they go there again!

Taking advantage of the brief disagreement caused by the natural disaster, Zhao Dingguo and the others were quickly attacking Roshan.

With the help of two elf wolves and a large group of split little mysteries, Roshan's blood volume dropped rapidly. Moreover, after the werewolf dropped the bone crusher, he got a medal of courage to make up for it. This small piece of equipment has the additional effect of reducing armor by 6 points, which accelerates Roshan's death. By the time the white tiger tentatively rushed down to the high ground and fired a sight-opening Lunar Arrow into the canyon, Zhao Dingguo and the others had already completed the kill.

This immortal shield was obtained by Zhao Dingguo.

Both Mystery and Sand King rely on their ultimate moves. After using their ultimate move, even one extra life is of little significance. In comparison, although the werewolf should have taken it, after the bone-crushing hammer fell, he felt that the output was not high, so he gave up on his own initiative. As for Lao Li, judging from the fact that he is always killed, this immortal shield should be given to him. But the principle of the three of them was to let Zhao Dingguo increase his divine points as high as possible, so the shield was ultimately given to Zhao Dingguo!

Considering that this is an item drop mode, and Zhao Dingguo is a high-explosion mage, this distribution is right to a certain extent. After all, skills are much more reliable than equipment in this mode.

After obtaining the Immortal Shield, the five guards gathered under the Calamity Tower again.

With the monetary reward for killing Roshan, Yan Yuelan's Sand King finally took out her jumping knife. As a result, the two major team fighting heroes on the Guards side all have jumping knives, and their strength has undergone a qualitative change.

With the flying courier bringing the jumping knife and the newly arrived tree soldiers, Zhao Dingguo and the others began to press forward heavily.

With the advantages of double jumping knives, coupled with level and equipment, there is really nothing to say about this highland battle. In particular, the heroes of the natural disaster focused their attention on Enigma's jumping knife, and did not notice that Sand King's jumping knife was obtained after beating Roshan. As a result, Yan Yuelan succeeded in jumping first, which directly affected three people. Immediately afterwards, Mystery made a big jump from behind, and in conjunction with Zhao Dingguo's high burst, he directly defeated Natural Disaster and wiped out the four-man team!

During the whole process, Zhao Dingguo's Immortal Shield was not even used.

Seeing that the battle situation was unfavorable, the Scourge Legion once again pulled the Flying Courier over, relying on the fact that they were in their own territory. Although the bird was discovered immediately after it sneaked over, they still picked up the two most expensive pieces of equipment they dropped before dying, which reduced their losses to a certain extent.

As for the remaining two pieces, they are not worth a wristband together!

Although it felt a bit pity, but based on the idea that something is better than nothing, the Konoe's flying courier packed up these two items and transported them back to the spring.

After quickly conquering the high ground in the middle, Zhao Dingguo and the others took the opportunity to move to the upper road and began to demolish them when they saw that all the heroes on the natural disaster side had not yet been resurrected. Although the Scourge Legion members rushed over quickly, they counterattacked while the Guards heroes had no big moves, leaving both the Werewolf and the Mystery behind. But they were resurrected a little too late after all. Not only were the highland towers on the road breached, but the melee barracks were also destroyed by Yan Yuelan's Sand King, and they then relied on digging, piercing, and jumping to the limit to escape!

At this moment, the Guards almost had two groups of soldiers in hand, and their advantage was so great that it was unshakable.

If it were an ordinary regular season, the heroes of the natural disaster side might just give up. But this is the item drop mode. For them, as long as they haven't sent out super soldiers yet, they still have a chance. After all, when they killed the werewolf, they revealed the werewolf's medal of courage. The mystery that Bai Hu chased and killed did not drop the jumping knife, but it also exploded a pendant.

If Zhao Dingguo and the others spend a few times and send two pieces of equipment one by one, maybe the natural disaster will really have a chance.

However, the Guards Corps did not give them this opportunity. In the following time, Zhao Dingguo, Lao Li and Yan Yuelan did not rush forward, but stayed together steadily. After the mystery's ultimate move was ready, the five people gathered again and took down the third high ground in one wave.

With the emergence of super soldiers, the Scourge has lost any possibility of a comeback.

The heroes on the Scourge side finally stopped resisting and allowed the super soldiers to rush all the way to the Frozen Throne and destroy Scourge's hometown!

Zhao Dingguo successfully won the first battle of the black game and his points increased by 20 points, which made him quite satisfied with the cooperation of the three of them. It's a pity that this mode is an item drop, and the heroes are randomly assigned and not representative. In the next two normal regular seasons, with the help of two official teammates, Zhao Dingguo won successively, and his points reached more than 1,800 points in one fell swoop!

Zhao Dingguo is still close to 200 short of the 2000 threshold for the dusk level.

Under normal circumstances, this score difference may take half a year to close, and even many high-end Asuri users may need nearly a year. But with the help of two teammates, Zhao Dingguo is confident that he will raise his points to the required level before the end of December.

In the next month, Zhao Dingguo still played black games with Lao Li and Yan Yuelan. In the main plane, he continued to run between the Mage Fortress and the underground lake of Carlo Vinci City, and occasionally provided help. Lao Li and Yan Yuelan do a bloodline mission. As time goes by, Yan Yuelan's bloodline mission has gradually come to an end. If everything goes well, we can definitely take the final step before the end of the year!

I just don’t know what level of bloodline she can obtain.

Personally, Zhao Dingguo still has great confidence in her. Therefore, after spending a week helping to solve the problem, Zhao Dingguo returned his attention to himself. With the opportunity to enter the main plane in the new week, it was the twelfth time that Zhao Dingguo killed Grit. After his unwilling death, this powerful secret realm boss finally dropped the ultimate ball again!

Seeing the mysterious red sphere containing powerful magic power, Zhao Dingguo's almost numb heart finally started beating with excitement. As agreed with the decision-makers in the meeting in advance, this ultimate ball belonged to him.

Strength +10 points, agility +10 points, intelligence +10 points.

Note: A mysterious sphere containing the essence of life is an essential accessory for synthesizing many magical costumes. rq

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