DOTA’s Madness

Chapter 658: Someone beat me to it

If the attack power can be controlled well, and combined with the poison damage from magic balls, passives, ultimate moves, etc., Sanguike can also bring a steady stream of healing effects to Zhao Dingguo.

Shen Caiwei's blood boost, coupled with the master's reversal of the twenty-layer thunder mark and the attacks of the three bad guys, are Zhao Dingguo's strongest support in challenging Segerhart!

I remember that the last time Zhao Dingguo walked alone, he was quite conspicuous among the crowds in the Thunder Mountain Range. This time, he led a team of four to make a comeback, which seemed very ordinary. The other super users who passed by just looked at it and then withdrew their attention. Because it was too many adventures for a few people like them to go to the Thunder Element Secret Realm as a group.

Of course, because Shen Caiwei has never been here before, she naturally does not have the authority to enter the thunder element secret realm. Zhao Dingguo and Sanjianke had to help and let Shen Caiwei complete the preliminary tasks first.

The task Shen Caiwei received was also to collect materials. With two local snakes, Poisonous Dragon and Venomous Poison, the five of them completed it much faster. In just half a day, they successfully completed the task and obtained Shen Caiwei's entry pass.

What happens next is much simpler.

Under the guidance of Poison, the five of them bypassed most of the monsters and took the fastest route to the core of the Thunder Element Secret Realm, the territory of Thunder Lord Seghart.

However, the two corpses of Thunder Destroyers on the periphery, which had obviously fallen not long ago, let them know that someone had already taken the lead.

Of course, Thunder Lord was not that easy to kill. He was sure that the opponent had just passed by not long ago, so Zhao Dingguo was not in a hurry and slowly led the team over. When they climbed all the way to the platform area near the top of the mountain, they first heard the resounding roar of lightning, and then saw a full team of five people fighting with it.

At this time, the five people also noticed the arrival of Zhao Dingguo and the others, and couldn't help but feel a little nervous.

Although the battle had not been going on for long, the pressure on the five people was not small, so they had no time to be distracted and could only pray that Zhao Dingguo and the others would not cause trouble. However, there are not many such good people on the main plane, and the five of them dare not place their own safety entirely on the kindness of others. So, when the Thunder Marks were superimposed to a certain extent, the captain of this team retreated and trotted up to Zhao Dingguo.


The man greeted him familiarly, and then said: "I am the vice-president of the Chain Armor Organization and the captain of this team. According to the convention of the main plane, first come first served, this Seghart should It's ours, aren't you..."

It means that he wants to drive Zhao Dingguo away.

Of course, his tone was very tactful, after all, they were the passive party.

Zhao Dingguo has heard of the chainmail organization, which is an ordinary second-rate organization active near the southern border. More than 60% of the organization is our own people, and more than 30% are experts from Myanmar and Thailand. It is said that they have a good relationship with the tk organization, but they have always been at odds with the Illuminati where Zhao Dingguo belongs.

Zhao Dingguo had no intention of causing trouble, because he had already seen that it was impossible for these five people to kill Seghart.

In this case, Zhao Dingguo doesn't mind selling favors. He just announced his identity as a director of the Illuminati, and then stepped back a certain distance. The meaning was obvious: "You, the chainmail organization, can fight, but we will not interfere. But if you can't fight, then we will take over!"

I have to say that the Illuminati brand is still very effective.

After confirming Zhao Dingguo's identity as a director of the Illuminati, the Twilight Team probably understood that this was the case. Although I was a little dissatisfied with Zhao Dingguo's insistence on leaving, I felt that he was looking down on them. But the Illuminati is powerful, and since they made a promise not to interfere, they can only choose to believe it. The only thing the five people can do is to vent their dissatisfaction on Thunder Lord Seghart, hoping to defeat this guy as soon as possible.

"What do you think?"

Shen Caiwei glanced at it for a few times, then looked at Zhao Dingguo.

Judging from indicators such as bloodline level and divine status points, Shen Caiwei has gradually approached the high level of dusk. With her precise vision and the information she got from Zhao Dingguo, she could naturally tell that these five people were no match for Seghart. However, because she cared more and more about Zhao Dingguo, she found something to talk to.

"There's nothing to say. The team in chainmail can at most knock out 40% of Seghart's health. I doubt they can even force Seghart to use his ultimate move!"

Zhao Dingguo withdrew his eyes from the five people, and then gave the reason for his judgment: "The reason why they think they can kill Seghart is simply to rely on the alchemist who has the ability to challenge, vanguard and attack, and then return There is Almighty Knight to increase health. In addition, Death Prophet is also an output point when it is activated. However, there is Alchemy which is all-powerful to increase blood. When activating the ultimate move, it may be able to resist Seghart, but others cannot."

In the final analysis, the effect of Thunder Mark is too abnormal.

As long as you get close, the number will increase, which puts Almighty and Death Prophet at great risk. At the beginning, relying on a full state and a strong energy may be enough to sustain you. But as long as Seghart makes some trouble, this Twilight Team will be in trouble!

Zhao Dingguo had seen the elusive afterimage of Seghart.

Even if the Death Prophet is turned on, if you want to attack Seghart, you must get close to a certain distance. And this distance is definitely within the range of Seghart's flash. It can easily throw off the alchemy on the front and cause trouble to the Death Prophet. Maybe once or twice is nothing, but as Seghart's blood volume decreases and becomes more and more violent, the pressure on the five people will increase, and then they will collapse due to a certain mistake.

The intelligence collected by Zhao Dingguo has already proved that in order to kill Seghart, either one person must be extremely powerful and able to challenge this guy alone; or everyone participating in the battle must have a luxurious set of magic resistance equipment. The Twilight Team in front of them is obviously not that. Alchemy can perfectly block it with the help of Almighty, but it needs the help of the other three to deal with it. This is the source of their tragedy!

Although Poison and the others do not have as accurate a vision as Zhao Dingguo, the three of them know the reputation of Lord Thunder, so for this reason alone they are not optimistic about the team organized by Chainmail.

They have nothing to do but wait patiently for the other team to make mistakes under pressure.

Perhaps because they were still uneasy about Zhao Dingguo, the five of them would occasionally pay attention to Zhao Dingguo during the battle. It was precisely for this reason that their collapse came earlier than Zhao Dingguo expected. When the Death Prophet opened up for the second time and Seghart's health was reduced by almost one-third, its sudden flash completely disrupted the balance.

At this time, the alchemist responsible for resisting Seghart had already accumulated 20 layers of Thunder Mark.

It can be seen that he must have some powerful damage-reducing abilities or props, so although he is superimposed 20 times, the damage he receives is only two to three hundred points each time. Except for not having the attributes of an expert, he is no weaker than Zhao Dingguo. However, this skill coincides with his ultimate CD, so the pressure is great.

Almighty Knight's energy is also mainly focused on him.

This oversight caused the accident to occur at this moment.

Seghart suddenly touched the afterimage, and in the blink of an eye, he appeared in front of the Death Prophet in the back row with high output. The next step was a routine attack, with Thunder Slash, followed by a five-hit lightning strike!

The successive attacks, as well as the feedback from the thunder mark on Death Prophet's body, which had exceeded 10 layers, caused his blood volume to drop sharply.

It wouldn't matter if it was just like this. The Death Prophet himself was also strengthened in a meaty outfit. Even if he failed to dodge the five lightning strikes, he only lost half of his health. As long as you respond promptly, there is no life threat. But just when the Death Prophet was about to turn around and distance himself, Seghart, who had unleashed five lightning strikes, suddenly gathered his hands, drew a simple cross on his chest, and released a scene of light!

This is a very inconspicuous skill based on its name.

Compared with its title of Lord of Thunder, Jingguang is simply plain and unremarkable, and it’s hard to tell what it does. However, this seemingly light skill condensed a bowl-thick purple lightning energy on Seghart's chest. At the midpoint of the cross, the concentrated energy surged forward and shot out. Everything that stands in front of it will be destroyed by the terrifying electric energy!

Death Prophet's blood volume was instantly reduced by 600 points!

Compared with the thousands of attacks from some powerful elite monsters, this 600 points does not seem to be that strong. However, what if these 600 points of damage are holy damage?

A thousand points of damage may seem very high, but after the ultra-high defense damage reduction of dusk level or even twilight level experts, the actual damage caused may not be half. Just like that, the actual damage of four to five hundred is terrifying. However, this instant laser with a linear range directly brings 600 points of instant holy damage!

Even if Zhao Dingguo was replaced, his proud magic resistance and electric damage reduction would be just a joke in front of Jing Guang. The only thing that would take effect is 14 points of real damage reduction. But this ability is useful for dealing with multiple damage, but it's really not worth mentioning in front of Jingguang's 600 damage.

Moreover, the scenery that resembles the electric-charged laser cannon in science fiction novels is also authentic lightning magic, and it also triggers the thunder mark.

The Death Prophet, who originally still had a lot of health, was instantly disabled.

The crisis came suddenly, and the five people were immediately in chaos. Almighty Knight had to immediately activate the weapon and give Death Prophet magic immunity. Alchemy also ran over quickly, trying to hold Seghart back again. Although they finally saved the Death Prophet, the chaos of team collapse has already appeared.

Next, every time Seghart's afterimage is activated, it will bring huge chaos to the five people.

In this case, even Poison and Poison Dragon could see that they were in trouble. Especially the extremely powerful light that can sweep across the scene eighty meters away, even the most powerful alchemists will be frightened when they see it. When another mage in the back row lost his position due to the huge pressure and was pushed by Lei Guangzhan to the side of the afterimage, causing an explosion, the vice-president of the chainmail organization was still rational and gritted his teeth and gave the order to give up.

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