DOTA’s Madness

Chapter 662 Target Hero Cemetery

There's a reason why this invasion is different.

If someone counted all the places where teleportation arrays appeared before, they would find that none of the dozens of places were within a thousand kilometers of the two legions' base camps. At this moment, the Burning Legion suddenly established a teleportation array located a hundred miles away from the Frozen Throne of the Scourge Legion. Does this mean that they are preparing to gather their strength and do something cruel?

This conjecture is still very possible.

With the endless magic protection of the Frozen Throne, the Burning Legion would probably not be able to open the teleportation array any closer, so it could only be a hundred miles away. In this case, maybe they are tired of being everywhere, and are ready to gather a wave of strength to launch a surprise beheading?

Zhao Dingguo unconsciously stroked his wine glass and considered whether he should ask his mentor Jia Ruo.

As one of the few super masters who can enjoy themselves in both legions, Jiaruo's information channels must be wider than his own, and he may even know more than the top brass of the Guards Corps. If you ask him, you will definitely get more information. Because Zhao Dingguo's intuition told him that there were huge interests hidden behind this news that could be mined.

After pondering for a moment, he came back to his senses.

When Zhao Dingguo looked up, he saw Shen Caiwei looking at him with interesting eyes across from him, which made him feel a little embarrassed. No matter what, if the two of them are distracted when they are face to face, it is always a bit disrespectful to others.

"What are you thinking about?"

Shen Caiwei took a sip of silver wine and blinked: "Or are you used to being distracted in front of women?"

"What are you talking about...I was thinking about the attack on the Frozen Throne." Zhao Dingguo did not hide anything from Shen Caiwei, and said straightforwardly: "I feel that there is something to be gained from this."


Shen Caiwei was a little curious now. She leaned towards him, sat up straight and asked, "This didn't happen to our guards. What benefits can we get? Do you still want to go to the natural disaster?" ?”

"I have to ask my mentor about the specific matter. It's hard to say for the time being." Zhao Dingguo apologized to Shen Caiwei, then stood up and said, "But I have to go to the natural disaster!"

Shen Caiwei nodded to express understanding and said, "Then go and get busy. Remember to be careful."

After bidding farewell to Shen Caiwei, Zhao Dingguo quickly arrived at the upper three floors of the World Tree. Recently, it seems that the ice lady has finally reached the stage of giving birth, so my mentor has started running to the Crystal Sanctuary every day again, almost no longer staying there. After Zhao Dingguo missed a chance at the Blood Elf Manor, he decisively turned left and headed straight for the Crystal Sanctuary.

The result was naturally unexpected.

Although Jia Ruo was busy accompanying the goddess, he was not at all vague about what happened on the main plane. When I saw Zhao Dingguo asking for an audience, I immediately understood his purpose and quickly met him in the study.

"Are you here about the Frozen Throne and the Burning Legion?" Garuo asked straight to the point.

Zhao Dingguo nodded, but before he could say anything, a parchment flew lightly into his hand, and Jia Ruo's voice sounded at the same time: "This means that if you were anyone else, I wouldn't see everything you want to know." Up there, I'm going to see Ruilai. If you have nothing to do these days, don't ask me. Just see you later!"

The blood elf prince's lung capacity was extraordinary. He stunned Zhao Dingguo with a very difficult sentence without any pause, and then disappeared in a whoosh.

Zhao Dingguo blinked, unable to realize what happened...

Okay, even though [Qihang S Cabin] has a dark look on its face, I still got the information I wanted. But just as Zhao Dingguo walked out of the Crystal Sanctuary with the parchment, he came face to face with a crisp little ice girl wearing an ice blue slit mage robe, but beside her there was a familiar-looking creature jumping up and down.

What a strange thing to say!

He obviously looked like Li Feng, but why did Zhao Dingguo suddenly see a wagging tail, and seemed to have erect, furry ears that were trembling...

Morality! What about integrity?

Sure enough, for the sake of the pretty and lovely little ice girl, is it okay to eat up everything about integrity?

Looking at his mentor and then at Li Feng, the depressed Zhao Dingguo couldn't help but sigh. When the winners in life are happily picking up girls, why do they have to worry about the Scourge Legion thousands of miles away?

He selectively forgot that he was drinking with a beautiful teammate of the same level in a pub not long ago...

After a rare complaint, Zhao Dingguo's mood quickly improved again. Because, in the parchment that Jiaruo gave him, the whole story was clearly recorded. Moreover, judging from the time recorded at the end, the last news on this parchment was actually half an hour ago!

This is not the real world, there are real-time telegrams and faxes!

Although it is unclear why the news came so quickly, from the above point of view, the development of the situation is undoubtedly developing in the direction that Zhao Dingguo wants to see most. Five hours ago, when a super user saw the portal of the Burning Legion a hundred kilometers away from the Frozen Throne, the plot experts at the Throne Base Camp immediately dispatched an army.

However, the Burning Legion made a big investment this time.

Different from previous invasions, this time the Burning Legion opened three portals one after another. Moreover, the first monsters to emerge from the space channel were six powerful elite monsters with twilight-level templates. Although their strength is not as good as the elder Void Walkers that Zhao Dingguo and the others have killed in the real world, don’t forget, these are six in a row!

Although the powerful men of the Scourge Legion reacted quickly, relying on these six powerful elite monsters, the Burning Legion successfully established the corresponding supporting teleportation array. Subsequently, these three large teleportation arrays began to operate at full power, continuously transporting large numbers of Burning Legion monsters.

Compared with previous invasions, both the operation efficiency and the strength of the monsters transported this time are far more than ten times!

Like normal invasions, they usually involve Cerberus, Balrogs, ordinary Ariel Warlocks, etc. It would be nice to have a few Doom Guards. But this time, a large number of hellfires, demon guards, and high-level Ariel demons surged in, and it was even confirmed that a Dread Lord personally led the team.

Under the influence of the large-scale blood-sucking halo provided by the Dread Lord, the combat effectiveness of this Burning Legion's vanguard army is beyond imagination.

The first batch of more than 10,000 natural disaster ghoul soldiers who rushed over after hearing the news, as well as hundreds of super users, were like a drop of water falling into a raging fire, evaporated in an instant, leaving not even a trace. The second large force that arrived next included three plot masters, 100,000 ghoul soldiers, and thousands of super users. They could only set up a line of defense to temporarily contain their attack!

By the time the news came, the Scourge Legion had successively mobilized fifteen or six top plot experts, and had mobilized hundreds of thousands of troops to firmly surround the Burning Legion.

Unfortunately, the situation is not optimistic!

The operation of three large teleportation arrays at full power is indeed terrifying. Moreover, those powerful demon guards and other boss-level monsters were mixed in with the ordinary Burning Legion soldiers, which made the Scourge Legion's counterattack extremely difficult. The blood-sucking aura almost all over the map, as well as the evil aura that accelerates blood regeneration, also make them not afraid of wars of attrition.

If that's the case, it doesn't seem to have much to do with Zhao Dingguo.

The problem is, he saw this message in the last paragraph of the parchment: If the Scourge Legion is willing to pay a certain price, they can forcefully demolish the three portals in the second round. The reason they didn't do that was to stall for time to muster more power. Subsequently, the top management of the Natural Disaster prepared to change the trend of passively waiting for the invasion during this period. They planned to use the three teleportation arrays that the Burning Legion had established to counterattack to the outer domain and catch the Burning Legion by surprise!

This determination and courage prove that the old guys of the Calamity Presbyterian Church are not as decrepit as they appear.

However, such a plan gave Zhao Dingguo an excellent opportunity to take advantage of it, and it was even ten times more perfect than he had thought before. In order to make the most of this opportunity, Natural Disaster decided to assemble as many mid-to-high-end forces as possible. At that time, during the short-term counterattack, except for the throne and a few key centers, sufficient defensive force will be left, and the defense in other places will be greatly reduced.

Among them, including the Heroes Cemetery!

You will probably know what this place is for as soon as you hear it. It is where the Scourge has buried the bones of heroes for thousands of years. Although many heroes who had a good background would not choose to be buried here at all, over such a long time, a large number of hero skeletons have been accumulated here.

The Scourge Legion has always guarded this place closely.

However, to put it bluntly, the spiritual symbol is greater than the actual meaning.

It's just a pile of dead hero bones, and there won't be any artifacts buried with it. Who has time to go in and cause trouble? It is conceivable that once the Scourge Legion ambitiously prepares to counterattack, the plot heroes who take turns stationed here will inevitably be temporarily recruited away. Because no outsider has sneaked into such a gloomy place as the Heroes Cemetery for more than ten years. Moreover, the heroes stationed here must be eager to take the initiative and apply to fight?

Who would ignore their illustrious military exploits and stare at a pile of gray graves?

Without the guards of plot experts, and with the recruitment of troops for large-scale use of teleportation arrays, the throne's suppression of nearby areas will also be reduced. This is Zhao Dingguo's opportunity to sneak into the Heroes Cemetery. Other super users don't know what the purpose of the burial ground is, but Zhao Dingguo knows it. With the method Karl taught him, the cemetery with a large number of hero corpses represented handfuls of saints' relics in his eyes!

This is a lot of winning points, and it even exceeds the meaning of the winning points themselves.

As the most valuable accessory in the entire super god platform, Saint Relics cannot be purchased no matter how many victory points you have.

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