DOTA’s Madness

Chapter 667: Request for help from the Soul-Suppressing Stone

Seeing Zhao Dingguo's figure disappear instantly, several bone dragons that swooped down were shocked.

However, since they had already used 12% of their strength when attacking, even if these bone dragons tried to brake midway, it was too late. What's more, Zhao Dingguo almost launched the teleportation at the right moment, leaving no time for the bone dragon to react.

As you can imagine, the three bone dragons hit the ground headfirst.

Such a behemoth swooped down from the sky nearly a hundred meters high at full speed, and the impact it brought was unimaginable. Although protected by a magic circle, the hero's tomb at Zhao Dingguo's original location was still torn apart by the impact. The other two bone dragons tried their best to flap their wings to stabilize their bodies, but the two of them were even more tragic. They collided directly ten meters above the ground.

There was a sudden uproar in the cemetery where the deceased died.

At this time, Zhao Dingguo had already left here through teleportation. After appearing at the preset coordinates, Zhao Dingguo also erased the marks here, and then left quietly.

Deeply hidden in merit and fame... At the moment when the Burning Legion is facing a great enemy, surely the Doomed Legion doesn't have that much free time to send heroes to investigate and go all the way to find trouble for him?

Zhao Dingguo is undoubtedly satisfied with the success of his trip. But the relics of the quasi-saint in hand were still a step away from being finished, which made Zhao Dingguo feel a little itchy. Although the completion was just around the corner and there was no need to be so demanding, Zhao Dingguo still wished he could complete this work immediately.

This wish was soon fulfilled.

It turned out that this massive attack launched by the Burning Legion was not just targeting the Disaster Legion. In fact, in the real world, the Burning Legion also launched a round of invasion frenzy in response. Just when Zhao Dingguo sneaked into the Cemetery of the Disaster Legion, in the real world, the Burning Legion had opened more than ten portals in one go and launched a massive attack.

Among them, there is a transmission channel located within the sphere of influence of the Soul-Suppressing Stone Organization.

Since the location where the teleportation channel was first opened was a bit far away from the headquarters of the Soul-Suppressing Stone, when they discovered the anomaly and immediately dispatched, the matching corresponding teleportation array had already been established. By the time hundreds of official members of the Soul Stone arrived, thousands of monsters from the Burning Legion had already arrived.

Moreover, the strength of these monsters is also a level higher than the monsters in the past.

Although the Soul-Suppressing Stone is also a first-rate super-god organization, both in terms of high-end force and average strength, it is much worse than the Illuminati. It can only be said to be similar to the original Yaoshui organization. Facing the formed defense line, the Soul-Suppressing Stone organization used all their vigor and energy, and even urgently called in several nearby second-rate organizations that were friendly and vassal to help, but they could only manage to stabilize the situation.

Seeing that the teleportation array was still transporting monsters here continuously, the soul stone had to seek help from the Illuminati.

The agreement between the offensive and defensive alliance was not signed in vain. After receiving the call for help, the first batch of more than a hundred experts from the Illuminati rushed over immediately. By the time Zhao Dingguo returned to the real world, the second group of reinforcements prepared by the Illuminati was also ready to go.

"I am coming too!"

After learning the details of the matter, Zhao Dingguo, who was worried about having nowhere to find the super monster of the Burning Legion, immediately stood up and said righteously: "It is my duty to help allies, how can I be spared such a thing?"

It happened that Zhao Dingguo's teammates had also left the main plane, so he set off with his team of Lan elves and the three humble guests who were determined to come to help.

The eight dusk or quasi-dusk full-blood masters are quite convincing.

Although the chairman responsible for organizing reinforcements didn't know why Zhao Dingguo was so active, he would naturally not object. Firstly, Zhao Dingguo is a director, and he must respect his decision; secondly, it is easier for them to explain themselves in front of the soul stone. You see, when our allies are in trouble, our Illuminati directors rush to reinforce us, and there are eight Dusk in the area. Why don't you keep this kind of affection firmly in your heart?

The three humble guests who followed to help were not qualified to know why Zhao Dingguo took the initiative to go there, but Yan Yuelan in the Lan Jingling team knew best.

All for the relics of the saint!

Lao Li, Li Feng and Shen Caiwei also quickly saw the almost completed quasi-saint relic, and couldn't help being surprised and happy. Fortunately, Zhao Dingguo's trip actually gave birth to a saint relic. The rise of their team is just around the corner. What surprised him was naturally Zhao Dingguo's speed. If the relics were really so easy to get, wouldn't they be making a fortune?

"In other words, by absorbing the energy of the corpses of two top Burning Legion monsters at most, the saint's relic will be formed?"

After listening to Zhao Dingguo's brief introduction, Lao Li curiously looked at the mottled sword in his hand, feeling more or less in disbelief.

Zhao Dingguo smiled and said with certainty: "It depends on this trip! With the intensity of the Burning Legion's investment in the real world this time, it is estimated that top-level monsters are likely to appear. If there are people of the same level as Elder Void Walker, or If it's stronger, maybe it alone will be enough to complete the transformation of this quasi-saint relic!"

"There will definitely be one!"

Speaking of this magical costume, the most excited person is undoubtedly Yan Yuelan.

Her current strength is pretty good among late-stage bloodlines at the same level. After all, before the equipment and bloodline levels are mentioned, it is difficult for heroes in the later stage to have too strong combat power. As far as Yan Yuelan's current equipment is concerned, there are Yasha, Blade Armor, Phase, Vitality Ball, and thousands of other small items. Including the scrolls that have been obtained and the ultimate orb that is being worked on, it seems that the phantom ax is fast.

However, this equipment always seems to be a little high and low.

Although he is definitely not weak, he is not strong enough to save the world. At the very least, when Yan Yuelan and Zhao Dingguo practiced against each other, they would lose every time they played.

However, if another piece of glory is added to this equipment, everything will be different!

Yan Yuelan's combat power and evaluation will instantly take a leap, directly entering the ranks of masters.

Think about it, there is radiance, there is clone, there is blade armor, it can resist, hit and lead. Moreover, with the addition of the ball of vitality, it can also be seen as working toward the dragon's heart. Such a rare ghost ghost bloodline immediately gives the impression that it is already very powerful and completely trustworthy.

Therefore, Yan Yuelan is also the one who cares most and works hardest in this industry.

Because there was no airport near the battle area on the other side of the Soul-Suppressing Stone, and after the first group of experts arrived, the situation was no longer so urgent, so Zhao Dingguo and the others did not use a helicopter, but took a special plane to arrive at a civilian airport 70 kilometers away. . The Soul-Suppressing Stone reception members who had been waiting here for a long time came to greet them immediately, and the parked motorcade also set off immediately.

On a normal day, if a large number of Illuminati masters came to visit, a high-level core member of Twilight would have to be sent to handle the reception. But things were urgent today. The masters were fighting fiercely with the monsters of the Burning Legion. In the end, only two members of the Asahi rank were sent over. So when the two met, they apologized one after another.

None of the experts present paid particular attention to this section, but instead asked about the situation ahead.

The second batch of masters supported by the Illuminati were accompanied by two directors. The other director was relatively taciturn and didn't talk much, so Zhao Dingguo became the team leader without hesitation. The two guys in charge of the reception were also mainly introduced to Zhao Dingguo.

"At the beginning, the situation was really unfavorable." One of them quickly said.

Since the teleportation array is constantly operating, the siege of the soul-suppressing stone has no obvious effect. On the contrary, during the transition between offense and defense, several waves of monsters took advantage of the chaos and rushed out, allowing them to wreak havoc everywhere. Although the location where the portal appeared was not in the central area of ​​the city, there were still many residents nearby. In order to eliminate these small groups of monsters, the soul stone had to be divided into parts and the members of the branch were urgently mobilized. The situation was quite chaotic for a time.

However, as all members of the Soul-Suppressing Stone were assembled and mobilized, the three major organizations that heard the news also sent two Twilight powerhouses to help. In addition, more than a hundred masters from the Illuminati arrived, and the situation began to stabilize. .

Now, the frontal battle with the Burning Legion has begun to counterattack and tighten the encirclement.

Once Zhao Dingguo and his second batch of seventy or eighty masters join, the process will be greatly accelerated.

"Sounds pretty good~"

Zhao Dingguo temporarily relaxed and waited patiently for the convoy to arrive.

Between five and six hundred Asahi, more than a hundred Dusk masters, and four Dusk masters, this scale of battle can be considered a war in the real world. Several miles away, the masters of the Illuminati saw the dazzling colorful energy glow in the distance, as well as the shocking explosion and the sound of fighting.

Although Zhao Dingguo had participated in battles of this level several times, and had experienced larger scale legion wars in the main plane, Zhao Dingguo's attention was quickly attracted after getting out of the car. However, the focus of his attention was not on those terrifying demon guards and hellfires, nor on the hundreds of super users who defeated the monsters of the Burning Legion, but on the twenty-meter-wide gap at the center of the battlefield. !

The arc-shaped circle on the front was roughly more than two hundred meters long, but the one in the middle of the neutral position guarded one-tenth of the distance as soon as he entered.

And, the key is to deal with it easily!

Any monster that dares to rush through the area where the person is standing will die. Even those Doomsday Guards, which are very difficult for ordinary Twilight masters, are just a side dish in front of him, not even a side dish. The classic splitting arrow and the purple heritage weapon in his hand that exudes brilliant light all give him extraordinary group attack capabilities. Butterflies, clones and double holy swords make him a nightmare for any monster.

He is the master of clues~ As soon as the unique double holy swords came out, Zhao Dingguo immediately recognized his identity. At this moment, this super-powerful man is indeed worthy of his reputation. The combat power of the Great Naga, the holy sword in the six-god costume, is indeed unparalleled.

Has this strong man on the super master list really advanced to Eternal Night?

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