DOTA’s Madness

Chapter 710 Duel with the Air Overlord

The cold air didn't freeze to the target, so it naturally dissipated quickly.

When he came out of the astral confinement two seconds later, the Skatha Blue Dragon's ice freeze had been released, and Zhao Dingguo successfully evaded this skill without any injuries.

In fact, it is quite easy to avoid this skill. After all, Jing has a second of charging period in advance. If he has skills such as phase movement, astral confinement, and flickering, combined with the wind staff, push staff, jumping knife, etc., or directly uses magic avoidance, it is very possible to successfully avoid it. It's open.

Seeing that his skills were empty, the blue dragon became even more angry.

The surging frost magic contained in its body spread rapidly, causing the Skatha Blue Dragon to violate gravity and hang strangely in mid-air. The blue dragon, no longer needing to circle and flap its wings, flapped its wings, and almost condensed white energy emerged from them. Then, this powerful elite monster entered the aerial turret mode and began to bombard Zhao Dingguo at high speed!

Compared with the relatively slow attack speed before, at this moment, the blue dragon Skatha's mouth opened and closed rapidly, and his breath was almost continuous. Moreover, the white energy in its breath adds a certain percentage of damage to its attacks.

After receiving several blows in succession, Zhao Dingguo's health suddenly dropped wildly!

Zhao Dingguo did not dare to be careless and used the Frost Barrier skill. As soon as the powerful elemental shield effect came out, it absorbed 30% of the damage, which immediately slowed down the decline of his blood volume. Especially this time, the Frost Barrier unexpectedly triggered the superposition of Eulogy of Earth, giving Zhao Dingguo now a double layer of protection from Eulogy of Earth.

It adds an additional 10 points of armor and absorbs 20 points of single damage, which is still very impressive.

Such two layers of double protection, combined with Zhao Dingguo's blood-sucking attacks and self-recovery, brought his health to a rough balance, neither decreasing nor increasing. However, in the end, the turret mode of Blue Dragon Skatha did not last long. After six seconds, the magic power that supported it in the air disappeared. This guy had to flap his wings and hover again, and the original ultra-fast attack frequency returned to normal.

The effect of Zhao Dingguo's barrier has not disappeared, and his blood volume has begun to slowly increase as a result.

Due to the accelerated cooling of elemental ignition, Zhao Dingguo's rapid cooling skill recovered quickly. After adding this guy again, Zhao Dingguo began to work hard to suppress it. Since the flying altitude was already quite low, the blue dragon Skatha, who was frequently dizzy, dropped a little in altitude every time he was dizzy. When the five seconds of rapid cooling were about to end, it managed to flap its wings and was forced to fall to the ground.

Just waiting for this moment!

Seeing this guy crashing to the ground, the airflow from his huge body and wings kicking up a lot of snowflakes, Zhao Dingguo snorted coldly and activated the Veil of Dispute.

As soon as the conflict state appeared, this guy's magic resistance was immediately reduced by 25%.

Even with the anti-xing skin, the state of strife will definitely be weakened. However, it is still not completely immune to this large-scale equipment special effect. Next, with the rapid cooling of his ultimate move, Zhao Dingguo first released the enhanced electromagnetic vortex, and six seconds later gave the blue dragon aging, and successively launched super-shock sound waves + chaotic meteorites! !

In fact, it doesn't matter whether it has super-shock sound waves or not. Its huge size allows Zhao Dingguo's Chaos Meteorite to damage it almost all the way.

With the excellence of the Golden Badge, the Grandmaster Flame System, and the damage bonus of aging, the Chaos Meteorite that was crushed almost all the way caused Blue Dragon Skatha to suffer a big loss. Although the moment the meteorite appeared, it had already sensed danger and wanted to fly high again. However, the super-seismic sound wave took effect and the short-term push made it lose the best opportunity. Needless to say, the hot meteorite rolled past, bringing the high temperature that the blue dragon hates most!

Even though he was a Twilight-level elite monster, the blue dragon couldn't help but scream in pain under Zhao Dingguo's strongest attack.

Of course, the hot meteorite melted some of the ice crystals on its wings and completely angered this terrifying monster. It once again made a power-charging action, but this time it was not frozen by the ice. Instead, after accumulating power for a second, it suddenly raised its faucet head and began to inhale deeply.

Under the effect of the frost magic, an ice storm suddenly set off within hundreds of meters nearby!

Countless pieces of ice gathered towards the blue dragon Skatha at super high speeds under the action of suction. When it hits Zhao Dingguo, it will cause dozens of points of damage from time to time - of course, these dozens of points of damage are only theoretical values. When it comes to actual effect, it has all turned into increasing blood.

However, that powerful attraction will not change.

As far as a mage is concerned, Zhao Dingguo's power attribute is considered to be extremely high, even comparable to many twilight level power attribute masters. However, under this powerful attraction, he could not control his body shape and was pulled towards the center little by little.

Although it is not clear what will happen after being dragged over, it is conceivable that the end will not be good.

Zhao Dingguo saw that it was difficult to stabilize his body, so he used the push stick and pushed himself a certain distance. Finding that Blue Dragon hadn't given up yet, Zhao Dingguo decided to seal himself again.

Dumb dragon, is there no way to go now?

Zhao Dingguo didn't believe that its powerful pulling effect could be maintained forever!

Sure enough, when the two-second star confinement effect disappeared, the traction of the blue dragon Skatha also reached the limit. It gradually stopped attracting, and then used a more ferocious posture to compress and spit out the broken ice and air sucked in by the previous ice storm, creating a roar-like effect.

Zhao Dingguo could see clearly that the lava elf he had recruited before was immediately killed in the first wave of roaring damage after being pulled over!

Moreover, the roar seems to have a chance of being stun.

Such a powerful skill really made Zhao Dingguo feel a little frightened. If he hadn't had the push stick and level 2 astral restraint, he might have really suffered a big loss. Look at the formation just now. If a crispy mage was sucked in, he would be stunned and roared, plus the blue dragon's slap at the end, and he would be instantly killed in one round.

2000 blood is not enough!

I guess, after opening the Frost Barrier, I am qualified to resist such output?

Even if he could, Zhao Dingguo had no stupid idea to go there and experience it in person. Therefore, in the next battle, he became more and more wary of the Skatha Blue Dragon.

This monster is really powerful!

If it weren't for Zhao Dingguo's inherited equipment and his strength reaching the stage of mastery, it would have been absolutely impossible to defeat him. Even now, Zhao Dingguo looked at the Skatha Blue Dragon, which still had 60% of its HP, and felt a little unsure.

He knew that this powerful monster must have a killer move!

Due to the frost barrier, the three-second deep invisibility of Ghost Walk can be delayed, and the rapid cooling control also gives him a chance to recover. Although Zhao Dingguo's blood volume is slowly declining, he can still persist for 1 day. On the contrary, the blue dragon Skatha, whose blood volume was constantly declining, became more and more impatient. When the health value dropped below the 40% mark, this terrifying monster finally couldn't bear it any longer and used his ultimate move to suppress the situation.

Extremely cold cursed realm!

At this moment, all the ice magic power in Blue Dragon Skatha's body was released, and it quickly spread to the distance with it as the center, eventually forming an extremely cold curse field with a radius of sixty meters. Enemies within the silver halo will have their movement speed and attack speed reduced by 20%, and will receive 300 points of freezing damage every 3 seconds. Every minute, someone is randomly cursed by Scatha!

The double speed is reduced by 20%, which is a very powerful effect, but not fatal. Taking 300 points of damage every 3 seconds is nothing to Zhao Dingguo, who has used eternal frost potion and has level 5 ice element damage reduction. What's truly fatal is Skatha's curse.

Cursed enemies will be frozen in place by the ice, unable to attack, move, or use any skills or props. Moreover, the effect of this skill ignores magic immunity, lasts for five seconds, and is almost as powerful as a final move.

If that's all it is, it's not really a trump card. The key is that friendly forces around the target will be forced to attack the frozen guy due to the effect of the curse.

This is the most terrible thing!

To give a very likely example, a fully staffed team of five masters is besieging the Skatha Blue Dragon with all its strength. Suddenly one of the mages was cursed and stood there unable to move. At this moment, the four surrounding friendly troops instantly transformed into enemies and forced themselves to attack the mage. Combined with the attack of Blue Dragon Skatha, don't be too easy to kill instantly. Since the other four players are forced to continue attacking him, they cannot move or dodge. If Skatha uses a big move just right, this is the rhythm of team destruction!

The best way to deal with this skill is for the other players to immediately exit the extreme cold curse field before one minute is up, leaving only one player to resist. After the five seconds of curse time, other people quickly went in for rescue.

However, this method has extremely high requirements on timing, and the players left to resist the output must be durable enough. Otherwise, even if the others are fine, the guy who was frozen for five seconds will be killed directly because he cannot withstand the attack of the blue dragon Skatha!

After seeing this skill for the first time, Zhao Dingguo quickly thought of the hero Ice Flying Dragon.

The extreme cold curse used by the Skatha Blue Dragon is very similar to the ultimate move of the Ice Wyvern. Fortunately, Zhao Dingguo only had one person, and he was strong enough to resist. Moreover, while being controlled for five seconds, Skatha's powerful single-target damage skill - Extreme Cold Shards, will also be blocked by the spell negation of Lincoln's Sphere.

But despite this, after resisting this round of damage, Zhao Dingguo's blood volume still dropped by nearly 60%.

After all, it is too easy for Jing to stand still and lose blood just by being beaten!

Finally, Zhao Dingguo reacted very quickly, quickly cooling down and cutting out to interrupt its attack, then took the opportunity to cut out four ice balls, and used healing ointment on himself. Through this series of actions, he was able to temporarily bring back his blood volume.

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